

单词 尽头

尽头 ()




continue to further successes
not rest on one's laurels
lit. hundred foot pole, progress still further (idiom); fig. much accomplished, still some work do

See also:


end n
the greatest extent n
the limit (of sth) n


the utmost adj
(when used before a noun of location) furthest or extreme adj


finish v
use up v
give priority to v

External sources (not reviewed)

科尼利厄斯出现与Grundel战斗在深渊的边缘,直到两人情投意合,而拇指姑娘到达隧 尽头 的 ,害怕她的追求与山体滑坡的珠宝。
Cornelius appears and fights Grundel until the two fall over the edge of the chasm, while Thumbelina reaches the end of the tunnel and scares her pursuers off with a landslide of jewelery.
。 是什么使有线网络的无限量数据计划走尽 头?
What would cause the end of all-you-can-eat data plans for wireline?
2012 年 5 月 17 日晚 21 时 30 分,一个武装恐怖团伙在阿勒颇市中心 Nile 街尽头的 Dali 环形转盘处引爆了爆炸装置。
At 2130 hours on the night of 17 May 2012, an armed terrorist group detonated an explosive device at the Dali roundabout at the end of Nile Street in Aleppo city centre.
为维持其非法占领而采取的高压政策造 成了双重灾难,因为它既对当地人的生命和生计造
[...] 成了直接影响,也对更广泛的和平进程产生了消极 影响,而和平进程则是漫长的冲突和暴力隧 尽头 的唯一曙光。
High-handed policies to maintain illegal occupation were doubly disastrous owing to their direct effect on lives and livelihoods on the ground and to
their negative impact on the broader peace process, the only light at the end
[...] of a long tunnel of conflict and violence.
实际上,这些 国家通过的《阿拉木图行动纲领》中期审查宣言, 为数百万的人们重新点燃了希望,这些人梦想着将 产品运到海尽头,并 予以安全存放;希望其货物 能够不受限制地进行流通;能够全面利用其具有竞 争优势的部门;能够从全面参与全球贸易所带来的 机会中受益;最后他们希望参与全球化进程和享受 全球化所带来的全部好处,并以此脱离他们国家的 地理境遇给他们带来的贫困。
Indeed, by adopting the Declaration on the midterm review of the Almaty Programme of Action, they had given renewed hope to the millions of people who dreamed of being able to transport their products as far as the sea and store them securely; to circulate their goods without restrictions; to exploit fully those sectors where they had a competitive advantage; to benefit from the opportunities offered by their full participation in global trade; and, lastly, to participate in, and enjoy all the benefits of, globalization, thereby escaping from the poverty imposed on them by the geographical situation of their country.
合上逆变器 W1 的直流侧熔断器,顺时针旋转位于逆变器下部的电位器,直 尽头 转 不 动为止。
Switch on the DC fuse of the inverter W1 and turn the potentiometer on the bottom side of the inverter clockwise until the end stop for standby detection.
优翔为中国顶级客户提供的健康产品都是尊贵顶级,独一无二,无法复制,包括前往为总统服务的瑞士静港中心医院恢复青春;前往日本圣授会接受早期防癌综合检查和无创心脑血管综合检查;前往遗世独立在世 尽头 的 避世静修之所释放压力;前往欧洲私密独享的医疗SPA收获身、心、灵的健康;......这一切都根据个性独特的需求,由资深专家设计,并提供24小时私人管家服务,让您以普通人难以知晓视角或深度去享受非凡的旅行体验,感悟生命之美,生活之美,世界之美。
All L'AVION’s medical travel products made to its exclusive customers are top level, unique and unduplicated, including the anti-aging tour to Switzerland Biotonus Clinique where medical service has been made for presidents; early stage comprehensive Cancer prevention examination and comprehensive cerebral examination
tour to Seijukai Japan; Relaxing tour to the
[...] places on the edge of the earth to [...]
release pressure; Medical Spa tour to European
private site to make body and spirit healthy… All these products are designed according to special needs, by expert designers with the help of 24 hour private butler service, allowing you to enjoy extraordinary travel experience, learn the beauty of life, of livelihood and of the world.
这种精心设计的3个卧室、3浴室别墅坐落在一个马 尽头 独 特的位置,拥有一个健身房、桑拿浴和按摩浴缸。
This well designed 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom villa is located within an
[...] exclusive, gated cul-de-sac, boasting a gym, [...]
sauna and jaccuzzi on site.
从奥克兰(Auckland)和陶朗加(Tauranga)北边, 在高速公路的“City Centre”出口驶出, 当你靠近市区时将看到环岛的一个大旗杆,在环岛转右时靠左侧车道行驶, 旅舍就在转出环岛后左侧的第一条街上,沿这条无尾街行驶 尽头 即 可 看见旅舍。
From Auckland and the north of Tauranga, take the “city centre” exit from the expressway, as you get nearer the city you will see a large flagpole on the roundabout, stay in the left-hand lane when turning right at the roundabout, we are the first street on the immediate left, the hostel is at the end of the cul-de-sac.
在隧尽头的的 市政厅Fairytown,但它是封闭的。
At the end of the tunnel is the City Hall of Fairytown, but it is closed.
业务费用所需资源 增加,主要是由于设施和基础设施项下开展的设备更新方案,因为该特派团开展
[...] 业务活动已经八年,相当大一部分装备已经到了生命周 尽头 , 不 值得修理;维 修、改建和翻新和新建经费增加,因为特派团设施大多破旧不堪,必须翻修;维 [...]
The increase in resource requirements with respect to operational costs is due primarily to the Mission’s equipment replacement programme under facilities and infrastructure, since the Mission is in its eighth
year of operations and a high proportion
[...] of equipment has exhausted its life cycle [...]
and become uneconomical to repair; increased
provision for maintenance, alteration and renovation and construction services, since most of the Mission’s facilities are in a dilapidated condition and refurbishment is required; and increased provision for the maintenance of main and secondary supply routes.
然而,该国普通百姓每天仍翘首期盼着冗长黑暗隧 尽头 的 光 明。
Yet the sufferings of the ordinary people of the country continue every day, waiting for light at the end of a long and dark tunnel.
2012 年 5 月 22 日 22
[...] 时,一武装恐怖团体在 Aleppo 市 Nile 街尽头安放了一 个爆炸装置。
At 2200 hours on 22 May 2012, an armed terrorist group planted an explosive device at the end
[...] of Nile Street in the city of Aleppo.
硅功率MOSFET在电源转换领域的 发展已经走尽头了吗
Is it the End of the Road for Silicon in Power Conversion?
目前的项目(两条管道,外加或不加一条服务/安全隧道)设法通过两阶段的 实施办法节省投资费用,设计一个作业系统,以应付 17 公里路程沿途 30%的斜坡尽头的终端,高速铁路车辆,采用露天的铁路设备和一个安全停车区。
The current project (dual-tube with or without a service/safety tunnel) is seeking to reduce investment costs through implementation in two phases, an operating system designed to handle gradients of 30 per cent over 17 kilometres, dead-end terminals, rolling stock requiring a rapid pace, use of open railway equipment and a secure stopping area.
当你走在到这个步道尽头,你 不但会和冰山有非常近的接触。
You will reach glacier at the end of the journey.
亨灵顿充满了奇特的事物,就看一下长长的紫杉树大 尽头 的 棕榈树好了,他们就位于一幢巴洛克堡垒两旁;而那建筑散发出的也是莫里诗宫廷的格调而不是爱尔兰堡垒的气息。
Huntington is packed full of peculiarities. Just look the palm trees that appear at the end of a long yew tree avenue, flanking a baroque statue, which give off an ambience of a Moorish palace rather than an Irish fortress.
传说中,入侵的游牧民企图征服古老的瑞士民族,当他们看到引导日内瓦湖和比尔湖中的火光,认为他们到了地球 尽头 , 就 要骑入天空,因此便返回了。
One legend told of both Lake Geneva and Lake Biel relates how hordes of invading barbarians intent on conquering the ancient Swiss tribes turned back when they
saw the lights reflected in
[...] the lake waters, thinking they had come to the edge of the earth [...]
and were about to ride off into the sky.
中国确实是一个商机处处的世界经济强国,所取得的增长是卓越、显著和让人赞叹的!中国市场的契机无限,中国的发展潜能 尽头。
Being a veritable source of business opportunities, its growth has been defined "stellar", "remarkable", "mesmerising", and so forth.
这就恰好像人们对一段曼妙诗篇、经文的注解,永远没 尽头 , 不 断有新的内容加入。
Precisely like, for example, the endless interpretive possibilities in a good piece of poetry or a biblical text.
宽敞的1楼的公寓,小型小区的在Geroskipou镇的一个马 尽头。
Spacious 1 bedroom ground floor apartment within a small complex in a
[...] quite cul-de-sac location in [...]
the up and coming area of Geroskipou.
第一,他们认识到,他们在模拟道路上很快就要走 尽头 , 因 为全世界都在向更高质量的数字跑道迁移.第二,频谱资源越来越稀少,要在相同带宽内传输更多内容,只有通过数字化和压缩新旧内容,打包后进行广播。
First, they perceived that their life span on the analog concourse had to be quite short, as the world migrates to the higher quality digital runway.
项目位于65公里长专用铁路尽头, 该 铁路专门用于服务矿山。
The operations are strategically located on a 65 km long dedicated rail spur, which was built specifically to service the mining operation.
按照直到街道尽头(3. 8公里) - 交通的交界Matzleinsdorfer广场 - 保持右侧,打开后,290在Gudrunstraße权利,Rainers Hotel酒店是在左边。
Take the exit Zentrum / Altmannsdorf - follow the street till the exit Zentrum/Gürtel - you drive now on the Trierster Str. follow till [...]
the end of the street
(3,8 km) - traffic junction Matzleinsdorfer Platz - keep on the right side and turn right in the Gudrunstraße after 290, the Rainers Hotel is on the left side.
这样的错误是试图衡量一个目标阻力位于导体,当在现实中,它是目标性,加上正在测量导体电阻t he s u m 尽头 的 后 果。
Such errors are a consequence of attempting to measure a target resistance located at the far end of a conductor, when in reality, it is thesum of the target resistance plus the conductor resistance that is being measured.
7号国道(SH7)/雷夫顿(Reefton), 汉默(Hanmer)方向:在通往6号国道和冰川方向的7号国 尽头 转 左 (即绕过镇中心)。
SH7/Reefton, Hanmer: turn left at the end of SH7 towards SH6 and the Glaciers (ie.: bypass the town centre).
虽然大多数的基督教神学家讨论死亡,永生,世界 尽头 , 最后判断,正义的回报,以及该死的惩罚,他们往往限制了自己在这个世界和未来个人的发展前景。
Although most Christian theologians discuss death, immortality, the end of the world, the last judgment, the rewards of the just, and the punishment of the damned, they often limit themselves to the prospects for the individual in this world and the next.
在过去,寻求经济发展过程中,中国在某些领域以牺牲资源(主要是煤和石油)和求发展的道路和环境已走 尽头 , 目 前我国二氧化碳的温室气体的排放已经排在世界第二位之前和之后的2025年中国的二氧化碳排放量可能超过美国,居世界之冠。
In the past the process of pursuing economic development, China in some areas at the expense of resources (mainly coal and oil) and the path of seeking development and the environment has come to an end, at present, China's carbon dioxide emissions of greenhouse gases has been ranked second in the world before and after 2025 China's carbon dioxide emissions is likely to surpass the United States, ranking first in the world.
因此,它是在伊萨亚斯,26,19,和丹尼尔,十二,二死人复活,是介绍;和预言,关于犹太人和外邦人的判断,对装修的“主的日子”的描述许多地球,在这一天,同时在有限的意义和对当代事件的基督教时代就职适用,迎来更为恰当的理解世界 尽头 等 现 象。
It is thus the resurrection of the dead in Isaias, xxvi, 19, and Daniel, xii, 2, is introduced; and many of the descriptions foretelling "the day of the Lord", the judgment on Jews and Gentiles, the renovation of the earth and other phenomena that usher in that day while applicable in a limited sense to contemporary events and to the inauguration of the Christian Era, are much more appropriately understood of the end of the world.
斯瓦尔巴特全球种子库位于一条 120 米 长砂岩地尽头的永久冻土带中,其安 全性已得到普遍认可。
The internationally supported gene bank – the Svalbard Global Seed Vault – is considered secure, being situated at the end of a 120-meter-long tunnel in sandstone rock and under permafrost conditions.




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