单词 | 尼尔森 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 尼尔森 —Nielsen or Nelson (name)See also:尼—Buddhist nun • (often used in phonetic spellings) 森 n—forest n
在海地航空营(Camp Aviation)的FONDEFH诊所,玛琳.尼尔森(Marl ene Nelson)和她的女儿艾丽卡(Erica)领取碘盐。 unicef.org | At the FONDEFH clinic in Camp Aviation, Haiti, Marlene [...] Nelson and her daughter, Erica, receive iodized salt. unicef.org |
最后,请允许我感谢我的两个副手芬恩·雷斯 克 尼尔森 和 持 田茂以及联合国驻东帝汶的所有工作人 员。 daccess-ods.un.org | In conclusion, let me thank my two deputies, Finn Reske-Nielsen and Shigeru Mochida, and all of the United Nations personnel in Timor-Leste. daccess-ods.un.org |
34. Rivonia 审判程序启动(1962 年)50 周年,与种族隔离做斗争的尼尔 森·曼德拉在此次审判中被判入狱。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (34) 50th anniversary of the Rivonia process, which led to Nelson Mandela’s imprisonment in his fight against apartheid (1962) (South Africa) unesdoc.unesco.org |
尼尔森青年 旅舍是一家位于“阳光之都 ” 尼尔森 市 中心的环境舒适、深受欢迎的5星级旅舍,附近有当地深受欢迎的咖啡厅和餐厅。 cn.yha.co.nz | YHA Nelson is a comfortable and popular 5-star hostel in the heart of sunny Nelson city and [...] close to iconic cafes and restaurants. yha.co.nz |
尼尔森是新 西兰艺术和手工艺之都,著名 的 尼尔森 市 场 就位于旅舍的隔壁。 cn.yha.co.nz | Nelson is the arts and crafts capital of New Zealand and the renowned Nelson market is [...] located next-door to the hostel. yha.co.nz |
在我结束发言前,我要感谢秘书长特别代表芬 恩·雷斯克-尼尔森和川 上隆久以及联东综合团所有 工作人员和联合国国家工作队,他们坚定不移地支持 了东帝汶的努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Before I conclude, let me thank the Deputy Special Representatives of the Secretary-General, Finn Reske-Nielsen and Takahisa Kawakami, as well as all the staff of UNMIT and the United Nations country team who have been so steadfast in their support of efforts to assist Timor-Leste. daccess-ods.un.org |
在“阳光之都”尼尔森的海滩上尽情感受阳光的普照,特别是一条名为纳努伊(Tahunanui)的细长条沙滩。 cn.yha.co.nz | Soak up the famous Nelson sunshine on its many great beaches, especially the long strip of sand that is Tahunanui. yha.co.nz |
黄金湾位于南岛北部尼尔森(Ne lson)以西1小时车程的地方,是新西兰人希望占为独有的最挚爱的旅游圣地之一。 cn.yha.co.nz | Golden Bay, under two hours' drive west of Nelson at the north of the South Island, is one of those magical New Zealand places that Kiwis would probably prefer to keep secret. yha.co.nz |
协助她工作的是负责治理支助、发展和人道主义协调的秘书 长副特别代表芬恩·雷斯克-尼尔森和 负 责安全部门支助和法治的秘书长副特别 代表持田茂。 daccess-ods.un.org | She was assisted by Finn Reske-Nielsen, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Governance Support, Development and Humanitarian Coordination, and by Shigeru Mochida, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Security Sector Support and Rule of Law. daccess-ods.un.org |
我所占用的安理会时间已经超过五分钟。因此, 最后请允许我感谢国际安全部队及其派遣国澳大利 亚和新西兰,感谢联合国国家工作队全体成员,感谢 [...] 联合国大家庭包括世界银行和国际货币基金组织,特 别是感谢两位副特别代表:芬恩·雷斯 克 - 尼尔森先 生和川上隆久先生。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since I have already taken more than five minutes of the Council’s time, allow me to conclude by thanking the international security forces and their contributors, Australia and New Zealand; all the members of the United Nations country team and, indeed, of the wider United Nations family, including the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund; and, in particular, the two Deputy Special Representatives, Mr. Finn Reske-Nielsen and Mr. [...] Takahisa Kawakami, who are really my right [...] and left hands and who are pillars of great [...]strength in my efforts to assist the [...]Timorese leaders and their people. daccess-ods.un.org |
尼尔森地区 拥有许多一流的精品酒庄,何不游览一下该地区,品尝一下让你唇齿留香的葡萄酒? cn.yha.co.nz | The Nelson region has some [...] of the countries great boutique wineries, why not explore the region while taking in a spot of wine tasting yha.co.nz |
莫图依卡背包客青年旅舍位于莫图依卡, 从 尼尔森 ( Ne lson)出发仅需50分钟驾驶时间,从皮克顿(Picton)仅需3小时,从西港(Westport)出发也只需要3小时多一点的时间。 cn.yha.co.nz | YHA Motueka the Laughing Kiwi backpacker hostel in Motueka is only a 50 minute drive from Nelson, 3 hours from Picton or just over 3 hours from Westport. yha.co.nz |
其他主要演讲者还包括人人网营销战略和媒体策划总经理李普庆;百事中国数字运营总监兼副董事Patrick Xiao;乐购中国品牌传播总监Karen [...] Low;LEE中国国家数字运营经理欧阳建兰 ; 尼尔森 大 中 华区高级副总裁Dale Preston等等。 labbrand.com | Other key speakers include Donna Li, GM of Strategic Marketing & Media Planning at Renren Inc; Patrick Xiao, Head of Digital, Associate Director at PepsiCo China; Karen [...] Low, Head of Brand Communications at Tesco [...] China; Angela Au-Yeung, National Digital [...]Manager – China at LEE; Dale Preston, [...]Senior Vice President – Greater China of Nielsen and more. labbrand.com |
李昕全面负责尼尔森在中 国的互联网业务,包括互联网研究的市场营销,产品调查以及为我们的客户开发相关研发项目。 tfmchina.com | Steven is in charge of the overall Online business for Nielsen in china, which includes online sales marketing, product research and research & development for our online clients. tfmchina.com |
根据2011年6月尼尔森的调 研报告显示虹桥机场1号航站楼国际区主要定位在高收入旅客群!报告显示58%的国际旅客主要就业于一些世界知名企业,77%的受访者收入为每月15000元或者更高,这是上海人口平均每月收入的两倍。 samdecaux.com | The study showed that 58% of international travelers worked for a company in the category of ‘famous enterprises’. 77% of respondents reported earning 15,000 RMB/month or higher, which is almost double that of the monthly income of the average Shanghai population. samdecaux.com |
根据2011年6月尼尔森公司 对上海机场进行的调研结果显示,数码媒体第一次在创意理念上迎击其它形式的媒体,并起到了提升企业形象和市场地位的效果。 samdecaux.com | According to the Nielsen survey conducted in Shanghai airports in June 2011, digital media came 1st against all other media formats in a creative media category, in terms of uplifting a brand’s corporate image and premium status. samdecaux.com |
莫图依卡青年旅舍坐落在尼尔森和黄 金湾(Golden Bay)之间的中心位置,是前往探索亚伯塔斯曼公园和该地区其他风景胜地的理想住宿选择。 cn.yha.co.nz | Centrally [...] located between Nelson and Golden Bay, [...]an ideal accommodation base to explore the Abel Tasman National Park and [...]experience all that this area has to offer. yha.co.nz |
马旗戟,20年的市场研究人,混迹过零点、新生代 、 尼尔森 、 互联网实验室,涉足于市场研究、社会调查、互联网营销、媒体评估和广告测量。 tfmchina.com | Sail Ma, 20 year experience in market research industry, Career through Horizon, Sinomonitor, AC-Neilson, China Labs by participating in market research, social research, internet marketing, media evaluation and advertisement measuring. tfmchina.com |
尼尔森调查 了不同类型消费者对于汽车贷款和租车服务的考虑度,接受和拒绝的原因,以及对于贷款渠道、首付比例和增值服务的期望。 nielsenestore.com | Nielsen researched different kinds of consumers’ attitudes toward auto loans and rental service, as well as the reasons they choose these options. nielsenestore.com |
尼尔森总部 位于美国纽约,并在伊利诺伊州的商堡(Schaumburg)、比利时的瓦韦尔(Wavre)、中国香港、澳大利亚的悉尼、阿根廷的布宜诺斯艾利斯以及塞浦路斯的尼科西亚建立了区域业务中心。 cn.nielsen.com | Headquartered in New York, our major regional business centers are located in Schaumburg, Illinois; Wavre, Belgium; Hong Kong; Sydney, Australia; Buenos Aires, Argentina; and Nicosia, Cyprus. cn.en.nielsen.com |
这一视频资料在 [...] 2011 年由一个独立电影制作人梅勒 妮·尼尔森制作 完成,其中汇编了基金以前的受益者的证词。 daccess-ods.un.org | The video was produced in 2011 by an independent filmmaker, [...] Mélanie Nielsen, who compiled testimonies [...]of former beneficiaries of the Fund. daccess-ods.un.org |
基于研究过程中的观测记录,以及专家的经验,Nielsen等(2000)获得了创建更好的电子商务用户体验的207条可用性设计指导规则(后来被称为 “ 尼尔森 ” 法 则)。 uigarden.net | Based on observations during the study, as well as the experts’ experience, Nielsen et al (2000) derived a set of 207 design guidelines (hereafter referred to as the Nielsen guidelines) for creating a good e-commerce user experience. uigarden.net |
尼尔森(Ni elsen)公司消费者洞察与创新全球执行总监Hanis Harun将主持讨论会。 tipschina.gov.cn | Hanis Harun, Global Executive Director of Consumer Insights and Innovation at Nielsen, will [...] moderate the panel. tipschina.gov.cn |
中兴通讯聘请国际知名咨询调研公司 尼尔森 公 司 持续为公司进行客观的第三方客户满意度测评调研,关注客 户的满意情况及变化表现等,为公司的品牌、产品、服务等各方面提供重要的改进依据。 zte.com.cn | ZTE Corporation appoints the world-famous research company, Nielsen, to perform objective third-party surveys of customer satisfaction, and pays close attention to levels of customer satisfaction, so as to provide the basis for the improvement of the brands, products and services of the company. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
这期专刊介绍了大量挪威艺术家和艺术风格,并且刊登了数位艺术家的专访文章,包括:挪威著名漫画家及专刊封面设计者克里斯托 弗 · 尼尔森 ( Ch ristopher Nilsen)、其作品《外出盗马》(Out stealing [...] horses)中文版刚刚出版的挪威作家培尔·佩特松(Per [...] Petterson)、挪威歌唱家玛丽·博伊娜(Mari Boine)、挪威著名画家奥德·纳德卢姆(Odd Nerdrum)和流行艺术家普什瓦格纳(Pushwagner)。 norway.org.cn | The magazine introduces a broad selection of Norwegian artists and art forms and just a few of the [...] people interviewed in the [...] magazine are: Christopher Nilsen, a famous cartoonist, who also made [...]the cover art of the magazine, [...]author Per Petterson, who just had his book “Out stealing horses” translated into Chinese, Norwegian singer Mari Boine, the famous painter Odd Nerdrum and the pop artist Pushwagner. norway.cn |
在此之前,她曾是尼尔森中国零售研究部服务团队的领导者,拥有为跨国公司和本地巨头提供咨询服务的丰富经验。 nielsenestore.com | Before taking up the global assignment, Daisy was the leader of client service team of Retail Measurement Services in China, and gained rich experiences consulting both multinational companies and local giants. nielsenestore.com |
朱海翔是大中华区Msci CSE的领导者,管理尼尔森已有的和新的银团跟踪服务的方法,创新,设计,产品开发和质量,主要市场为零售测量。 cn.nielsen.com | Horatio Zhu is GC Msci CSE leader, managing the methodology, innovation, design, product development and quality of Nielsen existing and new syndicated tracking services, primarily on retail measurement (RMS). cn.en.nielsen.com |
80年代以来值得关注的人物包括:挪威后现代主义的代表比昂·兰斯佛(Bjørn Ransve ,1944年出生);探索形象表达方式的谢尔·图利赛特(Kjell Torriset ,1950年出生)、伊达·洛伦岑(Ida Lorentzen ,1951年出生)和乌尔夫·尼尔森(Ul f Nilsen ,1950年出生);表现超现实主义内涵和文学性绘画的谢尔·埃里克·基里·奥尔森(Kjell Erik Killi Olsen ,1952年出生)、哈康·古尔瓦格(Håkon Gulvåg ,1959年出生)、比约格·霍雷纳(Bjørg Holene ,1947年出生)和特雷萨·诺特维德(Therese Nortvedt ,1953年出生);将童年记忆与抽象绘画相交织的雷昂纳德·理查德(1945年出生);和表现主义的代表比昂·卡尔森(Bjørn Carlsen ,1945年出生)。 norway.org.cn | Noteworthy figures from the 1980s include Bjørn Ransve (b1944), who represented Norwegian post-modernism; Kjell Torriset (b1950), Ida Lorentzen (b1951) and Ulf Nilsen (b1950), who were all exploring figurative expression; Kjell Erik Killi Olsen (b1952), Håkon Gulvåg (b1959), Bjørg Holene (b1947) and Therese Nortvedt (b1953), whose featured literary paintings revealed surrealistic undertones; Leonard Richard (b1945), whose work was rooted in childhood memories woven together in abstract painting; and Bjørn Carlsen (b1945), who represented expressionism. norway.cn |
在第 12 次会议上,以下小组成员回答了问题并作了评论:保 罗 · 尼科 尔森先生、安德烈 亚·卡门女士 、 戴 维 ·纳巴罗先生、 让·齐 格 勒 先生和 奥 利维 尔·德舒特先生。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the 12th meeting, the following panellists answered questions and made comments: Mr. Paul Nicholson, Ms. Andrea Carmen, Mr. David Nabarro, Mr. Jean Ziegler and Mr. Olivier De Schutter. daccess-ods.un.org |
贝尼特斯·韦尔森先生(古巴)(以西班牙语发 言):古巴全力支持并将投票赞成埃及代表介绍的决 议草案(A/65/L.18 和 A/65/L.19)。 daccess-ods.un.org | (Cuba) ( spoke in Spanish): Cuba fully supports and will vote in favour of the draft resolutions (A/65/L.18 and A/65/L.19) introduced by the representative of Egypt. daccess-ods.un.org |