

单词 尺有所短,寸有所长

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供应的方头方管尺寸超过额长度, 在安 有 载 分 接开 关时必须短至所需要的尺寸。
The square tube is delivered
[...] oversized and needs to be cut down to the required length at the time of transformer installation.
应确所有附件的尺寸和 额定压力都满足系统要求。
Make certain all accessories are sized and pressure rated [...]
to meet your system requirements.
尺寸更短的标签长度会导致在每 次打印作业前都会自动送出两张甚至更多张空白标签。
Shorter label lengths cause two or more blank [...]
labels to be automatically fed at the beginning of each print job.
供应的方头绝缘尺寸超过额定长度 ,在变压器上安装 时必须短至额定尺寸(见附录,图 897975)。
The square-ended insulation shaft is delivered oversized and needs to be cut down to the desired length at the time of mounting to the transformer (see appendix, drawing 897975).
所有照片符合附录 A,规格中所列出尺寸、重 量和类型规格。
all photos meet the specifications for size, weight and type as outlined in Appendix [...]
A, Specifications.
有一位委员认为,专家小组每届会议的时 长短 应 当 有所 不 同 ;也可以考虑是否不召 开专家小组会议的问题。
One member
[...] considered that the length of meetings of the [...]
Group of Experts at each session should be variable; the possibility
of not convening the Group could also be considered.
所有尺寸的套 管都可以加工成客户要求 长 度。
All dimensions can be delivered in adapted lengths.
跟相尺寸的短纖線比較空氣纏紡 有 更 佳拉力,如用作底線或鈒骨 但可增加接縫耐用度,在節省成本方面更是一個最佳選擇。
Air entangled threads
[...] are much stronger the comparable size spun polyester threads and are [...]
ideal for loopers and overedge seams to
help reduce the thread cost while producing a more durable seam.
八.39 关于一个相关事项,咨询委员会在审议秘 长 所 提本款拟议预算时获悉, 为进一步限制非员额支出,秘书长还正在修订与差旅费有关的相关行政指示,以 规定今所有参加 人力资源管理厅出资的培训相关活动的工作人员无论旅程短都须乘坐经济舱。
VIII.39 On a related matter, during its
[...] consideration of the Secretary-General’s proposals under this section, the Advisory Committee was informed that, in order to further limit non-post expenditure, the Secretary-General was also in the process of revising the relevant administrative instruction pertaining to travel to provide that, in future, all staff participating in training-related activities funded by the Office of Human Resources Management would be required to travel in economy class, irrespective of the duration of the journey.
基于尺寸:根据将会提交给扫描应用程序的影 尺寸 , 将 影像视为空 白 (即应所有其他设置后)。
Based on Size: images will be considered blank
[...] based on the size of the image that would be given to the scanning application (i.e., after all other settings [...]
have been applied).
没有持续的就业和收入长,所有可 计 量的千年发展目标方面的进展都将被 证明短暂的
Without sustained employment and income growth, all measured Millennium Development Goal progress will prove to be short lived.
如果联合国通过其秘长和他 的代表做出的提 议不能得到适当考虑,本组织及其机构——特别是安 全理事会将在手寸铁的 平民的眼中丧 所有 的公信力,因为他们呼吁我们承担起责任在武装冲突中保 护他们。
If the proposals presented by the United Nations
[...] through its Secretary-General and his representatives are not given due consideration, the Organization and its main bodies, the Security Council in particular, will lose all credibility in the eyes of unarmed civilians, [...]
who call on us to assume
our responsibility for protecting them in armed conflict.
9094 系列继电器有坚固的触头和尺寸 , 因 此适合于要求高板密度 长 使 用 寿命的 ATE 及其它高可靠性测试与测量应用。
The robust
[...] contacts and small size of the 9094 series make these relays ideal for ATE and other high-reliability test and measurement applications where high board density and long life are [...]
key requirements.
轴承的尺寸通常比壳体尺寸短,从 而可确保 长 的 使 用寿命。
A bearing size normally found in much longer bodies ensures a [...]
long life.
所 有 文 件 僅 作 參 考 用 途所 有 尺 寸 、 量 度 及 面 積 均 為 約 數 。
All documents have been used for
[...] reference only and all dimensions, measurements and [...]
areas are approximate.
不建议在壁厚超出所附表格中对每 尺寸所 显 示 的范围之外的 卡套管上使用世伟洛克卡套管接头。
Swagelok tube fittings are not recommended for tube wall thicknesses outside the ranges shown in
[...] the accompanying tables for each size.
虽然采 取纪律措施的权力仍归主管管理事务副秘 长所有 , 预 期使调查和纪律程序的要 素更接近案发地将有助于短处理案件所需的时间。
While the authority to impose disciplinary
measures would remain with the
[...] Under-Secretary-General for Management, it is expected that placing critical elements of the investigations and disciplinary process closer to the locations where the cases occur would help to shorten the time required [...]
to handle them.
世卫组织的代表指出,乳过氧化物酶体系的效力限 短 时 间内 , 所 以 , 在国际贸 易中,因为运输时长的原 因,要限制其对一些产品的使用。
The Representative of WHO pointed out that the
effectiveness of the
[...] LPS was limited to short periods and therefore its applicability to products in international trade was limited because of longer duration of transport.
有的LED陣列解決方案中,LED陣列金屬印刷電路板或陶瓷陣列基底往往需要在節省成本的小燈座基 尺寸 和 提 供 所 需 的 光學性能之間作出折衷妥協的挑戰,同時需要提供整合式電氣、機械和光學特性,以便在燈具系統中使用。
Existing LED arrays represent a challenging compromise between the LED array metal printed circuit boards or ceramic substrates being small enough to minimize costs and deliver the optical performance required while also providing electrical, mechanical and optical attach features to make them easier to use in a lighting system.
鉴于国际水文计划现任秘书/水科学处 长短 期 内将要离任,主席团认为,(i)该 职位应继续为 D2 级,并提出了几个理由,其中包括:它是自然科学部门内最大的 处,事实上也是联合国最大的处,负责一项非常庞大的计划,同时还兼管由一名 D1 级人员领导的世界水资源评估计划,与 20 个第 2 类水资源中心关系密切,并同教科文 组织国际基础结构、水利和环境工程学院水教育研 所 ( UN ESCO-IHE)、教科文组 织水资源教席及其他几个重要的行动进行大量合作;(ii)主席团应能够参与新的处长/国 际水文计划秘书的遴选工作。
Given the likelihood that the current Secretary of IHP/Director of the Division of Water Sciences would leave the post in the short-term, the Bureau was of the view that (i) the post should be maintained at a D2 level, citing several reasons, including the fact that it was the largest division within the Natural Sciences Sector with a very ample programme, in fact the largest in the UN, including WWAP headed by a D1, close to 20 water-related category 2 centres, significant cooperation [...]
with UNESCO-IHE, the UNESCO chairs
in water resources, as well as several other major initiatives; and (ii) that the Bureau should be able to take part in the selection of the new Director/Secretary of IHP.
中焦距镜头是焦距与成像尺寸相近的镜头;焦距小于成像尺寸的称 短 距 镜 头,短焦距镜头又称广角镜头,该镜头的焦距通常是28mm以下的镜头,短焦距镜头主要用于环境照明条件差,监视范围要求宽的场合,焦距大于成 尺寸 的 称 为 长 焦 距 镜头,长焦距镜头又称望远镜头,这类镜头的焦距一般在150mm以上,主要用于监视较远处的景物。
Focal length lens is similar to the size
of the focal length
[...] imaging lens; called short-range lens focal length is less than the imaging size, short focal length lens, also known as a wide-angle lens, the focal length of the lens is usually less than 28mm of lens, short focal length lens is mainly used for ambient lighting conditions are poor, the wide requirements of the monitoring range of the occasion, the focal length is greater than the image size is called the long [...]
focal length lens,
the focal length lens, also known as the telescope head of such a focal length of the lens is generally 150mm or more, and is mainly used for monitoring more distant scenery.
如由於該項改 動,按照該經修訂圖則,本物業或其任何部分的量 尺寸有 別於 第 18 條所列出 的本物業的量度尺寸,則售價須按本物業受影響部 分的量度尺寸的變動,按比例作出調整。但如本物業或其任何部 分的量度尺寸的增減,超過第 18 條所列出的本物業的量度尺寸的 5%,則買方可撤銷本合約,而在該情況下,買方根據本合約支付所有款 項,連同該等款項的利息,須退還買方,利息由個別支 付日期起計,直至退款日期為止,按香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司 不時指明的最優惠利率加年利率 2%計算。
If, as a result of such alteration, the measurements of the Property or any part of the Property according to such amended plans differs from the measurements of the Property as set out in clause 18, then the purchase price shall be adjusted in proportion to the variation of the measurements of the parts of the Property affected Provided That if the increase or reduction in the measurements of the Property, or any part of the Property, exceeds 5% of the measurements of the Property as set out in clause 18, then the Purchaser is at liberty to rescind this Agreement, in which event all moneys paid by the Purchaser under this Agreement shall be returned to the Purchaser with interest on those moneys at the rate of 2% per annum above the prime rate specified by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited from time to time from the date or dates of payment to the date of repayment.
買賣合約所述明的住宅物業的量度尺寸,可能與實際物業的量尺寸有所差異 。我們已在《條例草案》附表 5 第 23 條建議,在有關銷售 未落成物業的買賣合約內加入強制性條文,規定倘有關物業的量度尺寸 因為改動了建築圖則而出現程度超過 5%的差異,買方可撤銷買賣合約。
As regards the possible difference in measurement of residential properties as set out in the ASP and the actual property, we have proposed under clause 23 of Schedule 5 to the Bill a mandatory provision to be included in the ASP for the sale of uncompleted property that, if there is a difference in measurement exceeding 5% as a result of an alteration of building plans, the purchaser is at liberty to rescind the ASP.
生物和物理过程 具有各种特殊的变异尺度,它们在时、空和生态复杂性等多个方面是一个相互关联的统 一体(Gardner 等,2001),即空间尺度大的往往时间尺 长 , 生 物多样性也丰富;而空间 尺 度 小 的 往 往 时尺 度 也 短 , 生 物 多 样 性 也有 限 ( 例 如 Odum,1971;Diamond 和 May,1976;Steele,1985;Dickey,1991; Costanza 等,1993)。
Le meilleur moyen d'y parvenir est de mettre en place un mécanisme qui permette aux programmes nationaux et aux alliances régionales pour le GOOS de jouer un rôle significatif dans plusieurs directions : (i) coordonner le développement d’un réseau mondial d’observation, de gestion des données et d’analyse ; (ii) mettre en place des normes et protocoles internationaux de mesure, d'échange et de gestion des données, et d’analyse ; (iii) faciliter le transfert de technologie et des connaissances ; (iv) établir des priorités pour le renforcement des capacités.
当前的多步骤程序存在着三个重大瓶颈,其 中 每一个都涉及确保对实情进 行仔细分析和尊重工作人员的适当程序权利:(a) 调查进程长短和参 与调查的 实体数目、以及实情调查和非专业的调查人员进行的其他调查的质量;(b) 让被 控行为失当的工作人员作出评所需 的 时间;(c) 从调查实体获得其他资料花费 的时间。
There are three critical bottlenecks in the current multistep process, each of which is related to ensuring that the factual analysis is robust and respects the dueprocess
rights of staff
[...] members: (a) the length of the investigation process and the number of entities involved in investigations, as well as the quality of fact-finding and other inquiries conducted by non-professional investigators; (b) the time required to obtain comments from staff members charged with misconduct; and (c) the time taken to obtain additional information from [...]
the investigating entity.
就每个国家和地区提供下列内容:波兰语中国家/领土 短 名 称 (主格 所有 格、 方位格);波兰语中国家/领土的官方全称;波兰语中官方语言的名称;官方 [...]
语言中国家/领土的短名称;官方语言中国家/领土的官方全称;波兰语中从国家/ 领土名称派生出的形容词(主格、单数、男性);波兰语中国家/领土居民的名称(男
性和女性单数及男性复数);波兰语中使用的国家/领土首都的名称;官方语言中 国家/领土首都的名称。
For each country and territory the
[...] following are given: the short name of the country/ territory [...]
(nominative, genitive, locative)
in Polish; the official full name of the country/territory in Polish; the name of the official language (languages) in Polish; the short name of the country/territory in the official language (or in official languages); the official full name of the country/territory in the official language (or in official languages); the adjective from the name of the country/territory in Polish (nominative, singular, male gender); the name of inhabitants of the country/territory in Polish (male and female gender singular, and male gender plural); the name of the country’s/territory’s capital used in the Polish language; the name of the country’s/territory’s capital in the official language (or in official languages).
内存模块展示方面,凭借矽統在电脑芯片设计的纯熟经验,将提供涵盖高中低阶各产品区隔的内存模块产品,包括支持台式及笔记本型电脑不同需求的DDR2-800、DDR2-667、DDR2-533、DDR-400及DDR-333规格,以因应不同速度 长短尺寸 及 内存容量之选择,无论产品的兼容性、可靠度及质量,皆能展现出产品的最佳的性能与竞争优势。
Providing supports to different
[...] requirements of speed, size, and memory capacity [...]
for desktop and notebook PC come out DDR2-800,
DDR2-667, DDR2-533, DDR-400, and DDR-333.




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