

单词 就是说



that is say
in other words

See also:


just like
in the same way as
(emphasizes that sth. is precisely or exactly as stated)

External sources (not reviewed)

国际组织是由‘特殊性原则’制 约的,就是说,它 们是由凭借权力予以建立的国家投资的,其限制是这些国家委托它促进 [...]
International organizations are governed by the ‘principle of
[...] speciality’, that is to say, they are invested [...]
by the States which create them with powers,
the limits of which are a function of the common interests whose promotion those States entrust to them.
如果必要,法院会在审判此事之时,会确保适用或适用必要的临时法律保 护(也就是说,如 果必要,禁止令可以立即适用)。
If necessary, the court may secure an application or apply necessary provisional legal protection while adjudicating the matter (i.e. if necessary, a restraining order may be applied immediately).
国家以后会从 有义务支付抚养费的父母一方那里收回这笔钱, 就是说 抚 养 费索赔款将转 给国家。
The state later reclaims the money from the parent who was obliged to pay the maintenance, i.e. the maintenance claim will transfer to the state.
下面提到有关人力资源的分配的三项政策说明,其基本原则是,教科文组织需要把其 相对有限的资源集中用于与本组织的主要优先事项有关的计划, 就是说 用 于 可以给会员国 带来最高利益的活动。
The principle underlying the three policy statements provided below and relating to the allocation of staff resources is that UNESCO needs to focus its relatively scarce resources on the Organization’s principal priority-related programmes, that is, on the activities that bring the highest value to Member States.
这种行为从绑架之时开始,一直延续 到犯罪尚未完成的整个时期, 就是说 直 到 国家承认拘留或者公布关于个 人命运或下落的信息为止。
The act begins at the time of the abduction and extends for the whole
period of time that the crime is not
[...] complete, that is to say until the State acknowledges [...]
the detention or releases information
pertaining to the fate or whereabouts of the individual.
除此之外,利用执行局决定 149 EX/6.5 第 12 段提出的办法,相关会员国应和秘书处一 道探索签署一项“顶债”协定的可能性。 就是说 , 凡 与 C/5 相关的教科文组织活动和项目 都可以在这些国家里从自己的预算中拿出本地货币来实施,使用这种方法可加速在 35 届全 体大会前减少“旧债”的总额。
In addition, the Member States concerned, together with the Secretariat, should
explore the possibility
[...] of entering into “swap” agreements using the modality in 149 EX/Decision 6.5, paragraph 12, whereby UNESCO activities or projects in conformity with the C/5 document would be implemented [...]
in their country
using local currency from their own budgets thus accelerating the reduction of the entirety of the “old” debt before the 35th session of the General Conference.
咨询委员会在其报告(A/53/7/Add.6)第 29 段中建议,两法庭法官的养恤金
[...] 福利以适用于国际法院法官的养恤金福利为基础,按比例调整,以反映任期年数 上的区别,就是说,国 际法院法官任期九年,而两法庭的法官为四年。
In paragraph 29 of its report (A/53/7/Add.6), the Advisory Committee recommended that the pension benefits for the judges of the two Tribunals be based on those applicable to the members of Court, prorated to account for the
difference in length in the terms of
[...] appointment, that is to say, nine years for the [...]
members of the Court versus four years
for the judges of both Tribunals.
[...] 生产线生产相同数量的泡沫塑料,将会根据环境温度和其他因素浮动,就 是说这种机器的控制技术不稳定”。
This indicates that when using this line to produce the same volume of foams will fluctuate in
line with environmental temperature and other
[...] factors, that is to say the control technique [...]
of this machine is not stable”.
确保遵循本规范的供应商实现之间可互操作, 就是说 , 在 一个供应商的实现上的 Web 服务必须能够与在另一个供应商实现上执行的 Web 服务进行交互。
Ensure that vendor implementations of this specification inter-operate, i.e. a Web service client on one vendor's implementation must be able to interact with Web services executing on another vendors implementation.
(d) 利用现有机构的权威;就是说,在 起草结论时,附属机构参考适应 委员会的报告,这些结论然后可列入缔约方会议的决定之中。
(d) Making use of the authority of existing bodies; that is, the subsidiary bodies would draw from reports of the Adaptation Committee in drafting their conclusions, which could then be included in decisions by the COP.
该模板引擎能够可以实现表现与逻辑相分离, 就是说 你 可 以从PHP脚本中抽出所有HTML内容。
The template engine to achieve performance and logic can be separated from the PHP script that you can out of all the HTML content .
金属的最后需求量反过来又取决于产 品的最后需求量,并受下列两个因素的影响:(a) 提高材料效率,就是说,减 少生产一个产品单位所需金属的数量;(b )在生产过程中采用代替材料,以其他 成分代替金属。
Final demand for metals in turn is determined by the final demand for products, and affected by two factors: (a) increased material efficiency, i.e., reducing the quantity of metals needed to produce one unit of product; and (b) material substitutions in the production process, where metals are replaced by other components.
无论如何,查询人员必须了解究竟哪 一个查询逻辑为官方逻辑,就是说 , 对 于电子登记处而言,究竟应当选择哪 一个按钮或在哪一栏填入正确的身份识别特征登记系统才能自动适用查询逻 辑。
In any case, a searcher must know which search logic is official, that is, in the case of an electronic registry, which button to select or in which field to enter the correct identifier and then the registry system will apply the search logic automatically.
然 而,我们必须确保本着我确信今天激励我们的辩论的 精神,作出这一调整,就是说,首 先要对变革持开 放态度,同时不放弃某些已证明有用的基本原则;其 [...]
次,我们要坚持有效的多边主义做法,按照《宪章》 的文字和精神,使所有人均衡地参与实现和平的工
作;以及最后,我们要致力于加强和保护这个维持和 平的宝贵工具。
However, we must see that that adaptation is done in the spirit
that, I am sure, is inspiring our debate
[...] today, that is to say, first, by being open [...]
to change but without renouncing certain
fundamental principles that have demonstrated their usefulness; secondly, by committing ourselves to the practice of effective multilateralism, which, in keeping with the letter and spirit of the Charter, involves the balanced participation of all in working for peace; and finally, by committing ourselves to strengthening and protecting this valuable instrument of peacekeeping.
因此,行使Scotism还积极健康的影响和神学一个哲学上的发展,它的重要性,并非如通常所称的,纯粹的消极 - 也 就是说 , 它 并不仅仅在于它行使的事实,对健康的批评圣托马斯和他的学校,因此从科学保存停滞。
Scotism thus exercised also positively a wholesome influence on the development of philosophy and theology; its importance is not, as is often asserted, purely negative -- that is, it does not consist only in the fact that it exercised a wholesome criticism on St. Thomas and his school, and thus preserved science from stagnation.
没有任何具体的人权挑战是气候变化特有的,因为气候变化是我们的 社会和经济模式产生的各种现象的综合, 就是说 , 并不存在任何单独特别的 “气候变化人权”遭到侵犯的现象,人权受到影响的具体情况之不同来自于弱势 原因的不同。
There is no individual human rights challenge that is unique to climate change because it is an aggregate phenomenon resulting from our social and economic models – that is, there is no singular “climate change human right” being violated – and the specificities of human rights impacts arise from differentiated vulnerability.
合同双方应对其导致的任何损害互相承担责任而不论是否有法律事由, 只有当: (i) 该损害是由于实质性的违约造成,破坏了协议目的,或者该 被违反的义务的履行是协议适当履行的前提,并且违约是出于故意(就是说,至 少是过失),或者 (ii)该损害是由于重大过失或故意而造成, 或者 (iii)合同一方设定了担保。
The contracting parties shall be mutually liable for any damage caused by them, regardless of the legal cause, only if (i) such damage is attributable to the material breach of duties jeopardizing the purpose of the Agreement, or breach of duties the fulfilment of which is a prerequisite for proper performance of the Agreement, and which is subject to a culpable act (i.e. at least negligent), or (ii) such damage has been caused by gross negligence or intent, or (iii) one of the contracting parties has assumed a guarantee.
棉兰抢劫案可能为第二章提 到的“共生关系”提供一个例证, 就是说 , 像唯一 真主游击队这样规模较大的组织可以为小组织所进行 的暴力行动提供必要的组织构架,同时确保能把自己 撇清。
The Medan robbery may have been an example of the symbiosis noted in Section II, where a larger organisation like JAT can provide the necessary framework for the violent actions of a smaller group while at the same time trying to ensure plausible deniability for itself.
事实上,1951 年《公约》规定的责任是针
[...] 对各国政府本身的,难民署只有监测和补充作用,那 是在有些国家政府没有能力—— 就是说 , 在 世界很 多地区,是没有经济能力——为难民提供保护和援助 的情况下。
Indeed, the responsibility attributed by the 1951 Convention is attributed to
the Governments
[...] themselves, and UNHCR has just a monitoring and supplementary role when Governments [...]
have not the capacity
— namely, the economic capacity, in many parts of the world — to provide protection and assistance to the refugees.
他强调了履约问题,称这一问题可能妨碍 该淘汰计划的核准,就是说,缔约方第十八次会议第 XVIII/32 号决定曾敦促巴拉圭恢复 履约。
He highlighted the compliance issue that might hinder approval
of the phase-out
[...] plan, namely, that under decision XVIII/32 of the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties Paraguay [...]
had been urged to return to compliance.
这就意味着 产业政策必须针对特定背景和历史; 就是说 , 产 业政策要求灵活设计和灵活实 施,但它始终要求在经济部门之间建立强有力的联系,以确保政策的效果和影 响。
That implied that it must be both contextual and historically specific; that is, industrial policy required a flexible design and flexible implementation, but it always required strong linkages between economic sectors in order to secure its effectiveness and impact.
里约+20”峰会的两大主题-可持续发展体制框架和支持 绿色经济-已在粮农组织的主要观点中有所反映,即提高整个食物价值链
[...] 的管理水平和效率有助于在减少自然资源使用量的基础上加强粮食安全,就是说,小成本,大产出。
Two themes underpinning Rio+20 – the institutional framework for sustainable development and the support of a green economy – were reflected in FAO’s main message that improved management and efficiencies
throughout the food value chain can increase food security while using fewer natural
[...] resources, i.e. achieve more with less.
全国 26%的已就业人口处于就业不足的状态, 就是说 ,有 782 800 多人每 周工作不足 30 个小时,他们希望工作更长时间并且有时间工作,或者每周工作 达到 30 个小时或以上,但收入低于法定的最低工资标准。
A total of 26 per cent of employed persons are underemployed, a figure equivalent to just over 782,800 individuals, who work less than 30 hours a week, would like to work more and are available to do so; or who work 30 hours or more a week and earn less than the existing minimum wage.
就是说,在 有关的知识产权尚未穷竭的情况下,只有发生违约时 [...]
并且只有在知识产权所有权人授权的情况下,有担保债权人才应有权处分资产 (假定担保协议并未对知识产权本身设保;见 A/CN.9/700/Add.2 号文件第 32-36 段和建议 243)。
That is, in the event that the relevant [...]
intellectual property right has not been exhausted, the secured creditor should
be able to dispose of the tangible assets only upon default and only if there is an authorization from the intellectual property owner (it is assumed that the security agreement does not encumber the intellectual property right itself; see A/CN.9/700/Add.2, paras. 32-36, and recommendation 243).
检察官还发挥重要作用,确保权力平等原则适 用于刑事诉讼始终,就是说,在 不置任一方于非常不利的处境的条件下,每 一方均享有平等机会陈述案情,包括出示证据等。
The prosecutor also played an important role in ensuring that the principle of equality of arms was applied throughout the criminal proceedings, i.e. that each of the parties had an equal opportunity to present its case, including the evidence, under conditions that did not put any party at a substantial disadvantage.
鉴于空间活动的 复杂性,工作组注意到多重许可的现象, 就是说 , 空 间物体的运营人通常需 要不止一个国家的批准和许可。
In view of the complex nature of space activities, the Working Group observed the existence of multiple licences, whereby the operator of a space object often needed authorization and a licence from more than one State.
起始报告》中所确定的风险已成“真”, 就是说 , 自 来水公司管理层对项目活动不太感兴 趣,尤其是在对其运营的惯常做法进行任何改变上,而本项目的任务却正是要致力于实现这些 改变。
The risks identified in the Inception Report became ‘real’, that is the lack of interest of the management of the WSC in the project activities and in particular any changes in operational practices that the project was tasked with achieving.
(e) 国际申请中列出的商品和服务在主管局证明国际申请时包括 在基础注册或基础申请的商品和服务清单中; 就是说 , 国 际申请中提及的 每项商品或服务要么必须出现在基础注册或基础申请的清单中,要么必须为 [...]
该清单中的一个广义词所包括;国际申请的商品和服务清单当然可以小于基 础注册或基础申请的清单。
(e) that the goods and services indicated in the international application are covered by the list of goods and services
appearing in the
[...] basic registration or application at the time when the Office certifies [...]
the international application; that is, each of the goods and services
mentioned in the international application must either appear in the list in the basic registration or application, or must fall within a broader term included in that list; the list of goods and services in the international application may of course be narrower than that in the basic application or registration.
从这个意义上,这个概念的重点与联合国拟定的可持续发展概念的 重点完全相符,后者把经济、社会和环境三个层面视为发展的三大支柱,强调发 展的代间公平的重要性就是说,在 确保满足这一代人的需要时,不可损害未来 世代满足他们自己的需要的能力。
In this sense, the focus of the concept is fully consistent with that of the sustainable development concept elaborated by the United Nations, which perceives the economic, social and environmental dimensions as the three pillars of development and which stresses the importance of intergenerational equity in development, that is, ensuring that meeting the needs of the present generation does not compromise the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
在目 前相对疲软的全球经济条件下,若石油价格在今后两年内一直保持上涨 50%的水 平,则世界生产总值就可能降低 0.5 至 1 个百分点。4 假如这导致其他商品价格 随之上涨,而且如果进一步的不确定性引发在对影响的某种估计中没有考虑到的 后果,就是说导致 金融市场混乱,则影响可能更为严重。
Under the present, relatively weak, global economic conditions, an oil price rise of 50 per cent sustained over the coming two years could lower world gross product growth by 0.5 to 1 percentage point.4 The impact could be stronger if it induced other commodity prices to rise as well and if increased uncertainty triggered turmoil in the financial market, effects not considered in the given estimate of the impact.




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