

单词 尤利娅・季莫申科

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External sources (not reviewed)

以下与会者作了发言:大韩民国教育、科学和技术部第一副部长薛东健 (Dong-Kun Sul) 先生,喀麦隆科学研究和创新部部长玛德兰·春特女士阁下,埃 及科学研究和技术部部长阿姆尔·伊扎特·萨拉姆先生阁下,马耳他科学和技术 理事会总裁尼古拉斯·萨马特先生,黑山科学部部长萨 娅 · 维 亚 霍维奇女士阁 下,巴基斯坦联邦科学和技术部部长厄尔凡·南迪穆·赛义德先生,菲律宾科学 技术部副部长福图纳托·德拉佩尼亚先生,津巴布 科 学 和技术发展部部长利·季诺提维伊先生阁下,加纳环境 科 学 和技术部部长谢丽·阿伊泰女士。
Presentations were made by the following participants: Mr. Dong-Kun Sul, First Vice-Minister of Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Korea; H.E. Ms. Madeleine Tchuinte, Minister of Scientific Research and Innovation of Cameroon; H.E. Mr. Amr Ezzat Salama, Minister of Scientific Research and Technology of Egypt; Mr. Nicholas Sammut, CEO, Council for Science and Technology of Malta; H.E. Ms. Sanja Viahović, Minister of Science of Montenegro; Mr.
Irfan Nadeem Sayeed, Federal Secretary,
[...] Ministry of Science and Technology of Pakistan; Mr. Fortunato T. De la Peña, Undersecretary, Department of Science and Technology of the Philippines; H.E. Mr. Henry Dzinotyiweyi, Minister of Science and Technology Development of Zimbabwe; and Ms. Shery Ayittey, Minister of Environment, Science and Technology of Ghana.
[...] 生、克里斯蒂娜·沙内女士、马哈吉卜·埃尔·哈伊巴先生、艾哈迈德·阿明·法萨拉先 生、岩泽雄司先生、海伦·凯勒女士、拉杰苏默·拉拉赫先生、赞克·扎内莱·马约迪纳女 士尤利亚·安托阿尼拉·莫托科女士 、迈克尔·奥弗莱厄蒂先生、何塞·路易斯·佩雷 斯·桑切斯-塞罗先生、拉斐尔·里瓦斯·波萨达先生、奈杰尔·罗德利勋爵、费边·萨尔 [...]
The following members of the Committee participated in the examination of the present communication: Mr Abdelfattah Amor, Mr. Lazhari Bouzid, Ms. Christine Chanet, Mr.
Mahjoub El Haiba, Mr.
[...] Ahmad Amin Fathalla, Mr. Yuji Iwasawa, Mrs. Hellen Keller, Mr. Rajsoomer Lallah, Ms. Zonke Zanele Majodina, Ms. Iulia Antoanella Motoc, Mr. Michael [...]
O’Flaherty, Mr. José
Luis Pérez Sanchez-Cerro, Mr. Rafael Rivas Posada, Sir Nigel Rodley, Mr. Fabián Salvioli and Mr. Krister Thelin.
外交部长和高级代表申莫斯科和布 鲁塞尔在最近几天里阐述的立场,表示 支持阿拉伯联盟理事会的声明和安全理事会 2011 [...]
年 2 月 22 日发表的新闻谈话, 并发表以下声明。
Reaffirming the positions set forth by Moscow and Brussels [...]
in recent days, as well as expressing support for the statement
by the Council of the Arab League and the Security Council press statement issued on 22 February 2011, the Minister and the High Representative declare the following.
3.6 購買或以其他方式獲得、出售、交換、交回、租賃、按揭、押記、轉換、利 用、處置及買賣各類不動產和動產以及 利 , 尤 其 是 各類按揭、債權證、產 品、特許權、期權、合同、專利、年金、許可證、股額、股份、債券、保 單、帳面債項、商業經營、業務申 索 、 優先權及據法權產。
3.6 To purchase or otherwise acquire, to sell, exchange, surrender, lease, mortgage, charge, convert, turn to account, dispose of and deal
with real and personal
[...] property and rights of all kinds and, in particular, mortgages, debentures, produce, concessions, options, contracts, patents, annuities, licences, stocks, shares, bonds, policies, book debts, business concerns, undertakings, claims, privileges [...]
and choses in action of all kinds.
工作组经讨论后商定删除第 128D 段,以避免造成混乱,并对第 128C 段 加以审查,以确尤其在把启申请 日 期作为确定债务人主 利 益 中 心相关日 期的提法上作出充分的解释。
After discussion, the Working Group agreed to delete paragraph 128D to avoid confusion and to review paragraph 128C to
ensure there was sufficient
[...] explanation, particularly with respect to the reference to the date of application for commencement as being the relevant date for determination of the COMI of the debtor.
她着重说明了获得正义的问 题和非洲人后裔在司法系统内继续面临歧视的问题,并 申尤 其 是 许多非洲裔囚 犯由于受歧视而被剥夺了各种利。
She highlighted the issue of access to justice and the discrimination that people of African descent
[...] [...] continued to face within justice systems, reiterating how in particular many prisoners of African descent [...]
are denied their rights due to discrimination.
关于副主席职位,我已得知,候选人有哈萨克 斯坦的贝尔加内姆·艾季莫娃夫人、 利 时 的让-塞 德里克·让森斯·德比斯托旺先生和西班牙的弗朗西科·哈维尔·萨纳维亚先生。
For the post of Vice-Chair, I have been informed of the candidacies of Mrs. Byrganym Aitimova of Kazakhstan, Mr. Jean-Cédric Janssens de Bisthoven of Belgium, Mr. Saliou Niang Dieng of Senegal and Mr. Francisco Javier Sanabria of Spain.
莫禮時教授申他的 願景是香港有一所教育大學,並引述很 多成功例子。
Professor Morris repeated his vision [...]
for an education university in Hong Kong and cited many successful examples.
2010 年 6 月 3 日,委员会第 27 次会议在审科斯莫斯伙伴的申请时 注意到, 其上级组织心理学和社会变化中心本来自 [...]
1998 年起具有特别咨商地位,可能于 2004 年更名为约翰·爱德华·麦克研究所。
At its 27th meeting, on 3 June 2010, during its
[...] consideration of the application of Kosmos Associates, [...]
it was brought to the attention
of the Committee that its parent organization, the Center for Psychology and Social Change, which has enjoyed special consultative status since 1998, may have changed its name in 2004 to John Edward Mack Institute.
委員關注到有關在批 予 許 可 前引入利害關 係 的各方的建議 是 否 有 需 要,而此建議會否 加申請人的責任尤 以 無 律 師代表者為 然 。
Members have expressed concern
whether the proposal to bring in
[...] interested parties before leave is granted is necessary and whether it would add to an applicant's obligations, especially one who is not legally [...]
秘书长于 2011年10月26 日再次任命了梅赛德斯·多雷蒂( 阿根廷) ,任期三年,系最后一 个任期,并任命了娜塔莎·坎迪奇( 塞尔维亚) 、玛丽亚·克里斯蒂娜·德门东萨 ( 葡萄牙) 、莫拉德·沙利(埃及) 和阿纳斯塔西娅·平托(印度) ,任期三年,可连 任一次。
On 26 October 2011, the Secretary-General reappointed Mercedes Doretti (Argentina) for a final period of three years, and appointed Natasa Kandic (Serbia), Maria Cristina de Mendonca (Portugal), Morad el-Shazly (Egypt) and Anastasia Pinto (India) for a three-year term, renewable once.
虽然 应急部队据信拥有足够的兵力来满足当前的要求,但由于预算紧张,限制了为长 期可持续性所必需的持续维护水平,而且由于道路状况很差,应急部队须依靠利特派团的航空资产来迅速部署,在 季尤 其 如 此。
While the Unit is considered to have sufficient strength to meet current demands, budgetary constraints limit the level of sustained maintenance essential for long-term sustainability, and poor road
conditions mean that the Unit is
[...] dependent on UNMIL air assets to deploy quickly, particularly during the rainy season.
委员会决定,关于婚姻及其解除的经济后果的一般性建议草案拟订工作组 (鲁特·哈佩林-卡达里(主席)、科尔 ·阿 梅 利 、 韦 奥莱特·阿沃里、英迪拉·杰 辛、普拉米拉·帕滕、西尔娅·皮门 特尔和杜布拉夫卡·西蒙诺维奇)应向委 员会第四十五届会议提交草案修订稿,供委员会第四十七届会议通过。
The Committee decided that the Working Group entrusted with the elaboration of a draft general recommendation
on the economic
[...] consequences of marriage and its dissolution (Ruth Halperin Kaddari (Chair), Nicole Ameline, Violet Awori, Indira Jaising, Pramila Patten, [...]
Silvia Pimentel
and Dubravka Šimonović) should present a revised draft to the Committee at its forty-fifth session for adoption at its fortyseventh session.
应主席邀请,扎义德先生(阿富汗)、别利斯娅 女士(白俄罗斯)、卡韦萨斯先生(智利) 、 科科先 生 (科特迪瓦)、钱伯斯小姐(牙买加)和伊纳西奥 先生(葡萄牙)担任计票人。
At the invitation of the Acting President, Mr. Zaid (Afghanistan), Ms. Belsk aya (Belar us), Mr. Cabe zas (Chile), Mr. Koko (Côte d’Ivoire), Miss Chambers (Jamaica) and Mr. Inácio (Portugal) acted as tellers.
應李鳳英議員的要求,發展局常任秘書長 (工務)同意提供資料,說明為提升建造業的安全及 工作環境(尤其是夏季期間 )而推行的各項措施,包 括在建築地盤提供衞生及利設施等,藉此改善建 造業的工作情況和吸引更多工人投身業界。
As requested by Ms LI Fung-ying, PS(W) agreed to provide information on the measures being implemented to enhance safety and the working
environment of the
[...] construction industry, especially during the summer season, including provision of sanitary and welfare facilities in construction [...]
sites, etc.,
in order to improve the working conditions and to attract more workers to join the construction industry.
名女人们的发型、服装、鞋、首饰的搭配都不能出差错,所以,美国前国务卿希拉里·克林顿背后有著名时装设计师瑞克·欧文(Rick Owen),乌克兰前总季莫申科背后 有巴尼斯创意总监西蒙·多南(Simon [...]
Of women's hairstyle, clothes, shoes, jewelry collocation can make mistakes, so, the former us secretary of state Hillary rodham Clinton is behind the fashion designer Rick
Owen (Rick Owen), former Ukrainian prime
[...] minister yulia tymoshenko behind more than [...]
creative director Simon Barnes (Simon
Doonan) to the south, the service plays an important role in fashion people willing to name of woman, so I can make more gorgeous in their resume.
在西岸,虽然解除了一些障碍,但通行和进出继续受到限制, 扩建定居点和拆毁房屋活动仍在继续,C
[...] 区的限制性规划和许可过程也是如此。 四方于 2010 年 3 月 19 日莫斯科申明, 必须根据 2005 年《通行进出协定》采 取持久办法,解决安全、巴勒斯坦的团结和过境点等问题。
In the West Bank, despite the easing of some obstacles, movement and access continued to be restricted, and settlement expansion and house demolitions continued, as did restrictive
planning and permit processes
[...] in area C. As affirmed by the Quartet in Moscow on 19 March 2010, [...]
a durable solution is required
to the issues of security, Palestinian unity and crossings in accordance with the Agreement on Movement and Access of 2005.
为此,各国应签署、批准和执行所有相关人权文书 尤 其 是 《巴莫议定书》和《保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员 利 国 际 公约》。
To that end, States should sign, ratify and enforce all
relevant human rights
[...] instruments, in particular the Palermo Protocol and the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant [...]
Workers and Members of Their Families.
同時,登記零售商須根申報內容, 季 向 政府 繳付徵費收入。
At the same time, they have to pay to the Government their levy income
[...] as stated in their returns on a quarterly basis.
季弗·克里莫夫是阿塞拜疆编年 科 学 家 ,地毯艺术史学家,地毯编制艺术家和美 术家,也是阿塞拜疆和东方文学的评论家,nash 和 [...]
nastalik 风格的艺术鉴赏家。
Chronicler-scientist, historian of Azerbaijan carpet art, artist [...]
of carpet-making and of fine arts, Letif Kerimov was also
a connoisseur of Azerbaijan and East Literature, and a virtuoso of styles naskh and nastaliq.
这包括:(a) 2005 年,阿格伦斯卡基参加了罕见疾病及罕用药物国际会议的开幕 仪式,并同意开始建设一个致力于家庭方案的中心的网络;(b) 卫生和社会事务 部在 2008 年访问了位于哥德堡的阿格伦斯卡中心后,建立了该中心,并开始了 两个中心之间的合作;(c) 2007 年 10 月,瑞典西尔娅王后 以及爱沙尼亚第一 夫人伊尔韦斯夫人在落成仪式上宣布了为残疾儿童家庭服务的爱沙尼亚阿格伦 斯卡中心的启用;爱沙尼亚阿格伦斯卡座落于爱沙尼亚的塔米斯图,位于塔尔图 外,该中心与瑞典阿格伦斯卡基金会密切合作;(d) 澳利亚纽 卡斯尔大学医院 按照阿格伦斯卡模型,启动了一项家庭方案;(e) 为了开始更好地与北欧国家在 罕见疾病领域合作,启动了一个项目,奥劳松先生担任项目顾问。
This included: (a) in 2005, Agrenska participated in the launch of ICORD and authorized the start of a network of centres that worked in the field of family programmes; (b) the Ministry built the centre after a visit to the Agrenska Centre in Gothenburg during 2008 and started a cooperation between the two
centres; (c) in October
[...] 2007, Queen Silvia of Sweden, together with the First Lady of Estonia, Mrs. Ilves, inaugurated the Eesti Agrenska centre for families who have children with disabilities; Eesti Agrenska is situated in Tammistu, outside Tartu, in Estonia; the centre works in close cooperation with the Agrenska Foundation in Sweden; (d) the University Hospital in Newcastle in Australia started a family [...]
programme in line
with the Agrenska model; (e) in order to start a better cooperation between the Nordic countries in the field of rare disorders, a project was started in which Mr. Olauson participated as a resource person.
报告所述期间出现 的一个积极进展是,欧洲联盟作出了一项地位中立的 任命,任命希腊驻普里什蒂纳联络处负责 季 米 特斯·莫斯霍普洛斯大使担任保科索 沃 塞尔维亚遗产 的调解人。
A positive development that took place during the reporting period was the status-neutral appointment by the European Union of the head of Greece’s liaison office in Pristina, Ambassador Dimitris Moschopoulos, to the position of facilitator for the protection of Serbian heritage in the province.
马约迪纳女士、安托阿尼 拉·尤利亚·莫托科女士、迈克尔·奥弗莱厄蒂先生、何塞·路易斯·佩雷斯-桑切斯-塞 罗先生、拉斐尔·里瓦斯·波萨达先生、奈杰尔·罗德利爵士、费边·奥马尔·萨尔维奥利 先生、克里斯特·特林先生和露丝·韦奇伍德女士。
The following members of the Committee participated in the examination of the present communication: Mr. Abdelfattah Amor, Mr. Lazhari Bouzid, Ms. Christine Chanet, Mr. Mahjoub El Haiba, Mr. Ahmad Amin Fathalla, Mr. Yuji Iwasawa, Ms. Helen Keller, Mr. Rajsoomer Lallah, Ms. Zonke Zanele Majodina, Ms. Iulia Antoanella Motoc, Mr. Michael O’Flaherty, Mr. José Luis Pérez Sanchez-Cerro, Mr. Rafael Rivas Posada, Sir Nigel Rodley, Mr. Fabian Omar Salvioli, Mr. Krister Thelin and Ms. Ruth Wedgwood.
用有着保利亚血 统的法国大哲学家朱 娅 · 克 里 斯蒂娃的话说,“如果全球化的世 界不愿变成一个一致的、绝对的世界,那么就必须培养文化的多样性,各文化必须相互呼 应,彼此尊众。
In the words of Julia Kristeva, the great French intellectual of Bulgarian extraction, “if the globalized world does not want to be reduced to a uniform and absolute universal, it must cultivate cultural diversities that must respond to and respect each other”.
他亦指出,歸 屬於離岸收益的支出究竟是屬於不獲扣稅或只是在計算 應評利潤時的寬免,情況並不明朗 尤 其 是 在 申 索以50:50比例評稅的內地加工處理安排的情況,因而不能清 楚界定該等開支是否仍在第15(1)(ba)條的範圍之內。
He also pointed out that it was not clear whether the expenses attributable to offshore income were regarded as nondeductible or merely
excluded from the
[...] calculation of assessable profits as a concession particularly, in the case of 50/50 claim [...]
for the Mainland's
processing arrangement and, in consequence, whether the expenses were within the scope of section 15(1)(ba).
会议敦促成员国高度重视农 业投资,并恳请粮农组织支持成员国筹集外部资源,确保投入资金在农业领域得到 有利用,尤其是在科技开 发、水利基础设施开发、农业推广、粮食储藏和销售体 系、能力建设等方面。
The Conference urged member countries to assign high priority to agricultural investment and requested FAO to support member countries in mobilizing external
resources and ensuring
[...] effective use of investment funds in the agriculture sector, particularly in science and technology [...]
development, water infrastructure
development, agricultural extension, food storage and marketing systems and capacity building.
5.1.1 本部分的分析檢視英國、澳洲昆士蘭省(下稱"昆士蘭") 及台灣高等教育界申訴處理機制 尤 其 指 出這些地方有否就 如何處理高等教育界教職員申訴制定法例或擬備實務守則、高 [...]
等教育院校內的申訴處理機制的特色、是否設有校外機構擔當 類似職能、是否設有專責的公營機構或申訴專員處理此等投訴
及申訴,以及這些選定地方有否就這研究議題進行任何檢討或 研究。
5.1.1 This analysis looks into the complaint handling mechanism in the higher education sector in the United Kingdom (UK), the State
of Queensland of Australia
[...] (Queensland) and Taiwan, in particular, whether these places [...]
have legislation or code of practice
relating to the handling of staff complaints in the higher education sector, special features of the complaint handling mechanism within higher education institutions, the availability of an external organization that serves similar functions, the availability of a dedicated public agency or ombudsman that deals with such complaints and grievances, and whether any review or research has been conducted on the issues under study in the selected places.




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