

单词 尚方剑



imperial sword (giving bearer arbitrary powers)
in fiction, Chinese version of 007's license kill

See also:

surname Shang

double-edged sword
classifier for blows of a sword

External sources (not reviewed)

This is where my sword fell off," he said.
经济贫困也是一把双剑:一方面, 人们对福音的需要可能势不可挡;另一方面,两极分化的生活环境也对基督徒工人本身提出了挑战。
Economic poverty
[...] is also a two-edged sword: the needs of the [...]
people can be overwhelming, and the extreme living conditions
create personal challenges for Christian workers.
他们再次呼吁和平解决索马里冲突,这是 取得持久和平和真正和解的唯一办法,吁请所 尚 未 加入该政治进程的 方加 入 进程,并敦促索马里利益攸关方迅速采取行动,并显示在完成过渡期剩余任 [...]
They reiterated their call for the peaceful resolution of the Somali conflict as the only way to a durable peace and
genuine reconciliation and called
[...] upon all parties that had not yet joined the political process to [...]
do so, and urged the Somali
stakeholders to take expeditious action and show progress in the accomplishment of the remaining tasks of the transitional period including the drafting and approval of the Constitution as well as expanding the authority of the state, promoting the reconciliation process and improving the livelihood of the population by providing essential services.
该项目着重为亚洲和非洲地区 的发展中国家建设国际等离子研究与教育中心,并在发展中国家建立基准科学教育实验室网
络,以与世界上等离子物理学最著名的中心开展合作,如俄罗斯联邦的 MITP 和 IHED、美
[...] 国的麻省理工学院和斯坦福大学、英国 剑 桥 大 学、南非的约翰内斯堡大学、意大利的比萨 [...]
大学、和其他一些国际研究中心,如瑞士日内瓦的 CERN 和俄罗斯联邦杜布纳的联合核研究 所(JINR)。
The project is focused on the development of an international plasma research and education centre for developing countries in the Asian and African regions, and of a network of benchmark scientific-educational laboratories in developing countries for cooperation with world centres of excellence in plasma physics such as MITP and IHED in the Russian Federation, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
and Stanford University in the United States
[...] of America, Cambridge University [...]
in the United Kingdom, Johannesburg University
in South Africa, Pisa University in Italy, and international research centres, such as CERN in Geneva (Switzerland) and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna (Russian Federation).
尚未对 31 C/5 和 32 C/5 期间进行的各种横向专题项目所取得的经验和结果进行全面 评估之前,总干事的建议是:在 33 C/5 期间,只继续保留一些正在进行的为数不多的、特别 是在总部外办事处实施的以及采用创新形式 方 法 的 、并已经明显取得有效成果的几个横向 专题项目,但不增加新的横向专题项目。
Pending a full evaluation of the experience gained with and the results attained by the various CCT projects carried out during the 31 C/5 and 32 C/5, the Director-General recommends to continue during the 33 C/5 only a limited number of ongoing CCT projects which have demonstrably shown effectiveness and [...]
results in particular
at the field level as well as the use of innovative modalities and approaches, but not to add new CCT projects.
除现有油田外,中国对苏丹方尚未 开发的资源 兴趣十足,并已开始与苏丹人民解放运动进行接 触,探察那里的石油储备情况。
In addition to the existing fields, China is also
[...] interested in undeveloped resources in the South and has already [...]
approached the SPLM to investigate access to oil deposits there.
大会第六十四届会议吁尚未签 署和批准或加入《公约》的国家优先考虑 签署和批准或加入《公约》,请秘书长继续努力,提高对《公约》的认识并进 行宣传;注意到移徙工人问题委员会第九届和第十届会议的报告;邀请委员会 主席在大会第六十五届会议上发言;邀请移徙者人权问题特别报告员向大会第 六十五届会议提出报告;请秘书长向大会第六十五届会议报告决议的执行情 况,并在报告中分析促进移徙者特别是儿童人权 方 式 方 法 (第 64/166 号决 议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General
Assembly called upon
[...] States that had not done so to consider signing and ratifying or acceding to the Convention as a matter of priority, and requested the Secretary-General to continue his efforts to promote and raise awareness of the Convention; took note of the report of the Committee on Migrant Workers on its ninth and tenth sessions; invited the Chair of the Committee to address the General Assembly at its sixty-fifth session; invited the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants to present his report to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session; and requested the Secretary-General to report to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session on the implementation of the resolution and to include in that report an analysis of the ways and means to promote [...]
the human rights
of migrants, in particular children (resolution 64/166).
马德西人主要方尚未被纳入高级别 政治机制,因而强调指出他们感到在政治上受排斥。
The major
[...] Madheshi parties have yet to be included [...]
in the high-level political mechanism, underscoring their sense of political exclusion.
政黨和民間團體對於房屋委員會(“房委會”)公屋租 金政策的建議,其實仍有很多不同的意見,而房委會自恃拿着“劃一減租 11.6%和免租 1 個月”這尚方寶劍,便以為這項修訂條例草案可順利通過, 情況就正如拿着多收的租金,跟市民和立法會討價還價一樣。
The HA, thinking that it is wielding the imperial sword of "an across-the-board reduction of 11.6% in rent and a one-month rent remission", believes that the amendment bill will be passed smoothly and this is just the same as haggling with the public and the Legislative Council while holding the excess rent that it has collected.
然而,基于这些技术的方尚未上 市;此外,最终选择的技术可能 并不完全取决于企业自身。
However, systems based on these
[...] technologies are not yet on the market; [...]
furthermore, the final technology selection might
not depend entirely on the enterprises themselves.
订单下一步是日内瓦的版本 (1557年至1560年)(第一个版本承认诗句分工到文本); 主教团圣经
(1568年);的兰斯和杜埃版本,根据罗马天主教主持(1582年,1609年)(仍然是标准的罗马天主教圣经); 授权版
[...] (1611年)(最广泛分布的版本,也称为国王詹姆斯授权版本 [KJAV];工作五十四位学者从牛津 剑 桥 和 威斯敏斯特,一个修订数很快就作出了1613年,中,1629,1638,1762和1769年),以及和修订版本的新约圣经旧约于1880年在1884年。
Next in order was the Geneva version (1557-1560) (the first version to recognize the division of the text into verses); the Bishops' Bible (1568); the Rheims and Douai versions, under Roman Catholic auspices (1582, 1609) (still the standard Roman Catholic Bible); the Authorized Version (1611) (the most broadly distributed version, also called King James Authorized
Version [KJAV]; the work of fifty-four
[...] scholars from Oxford, Cambridge and Westminster; [...]
a number of revisions were soon made,
in 1613, 1629, 1638, 1762, and 1769); and the Revised Version of the New Testament in 1880 and of the Old Testament in 1884.
(e) 该研究所的工作人员向国际预防诈骗大会提交文件,包括 2010 年举
[...] 行的注册舞弊审查师学会环太平洋地区舞弊问题会议;在英 剑 桥 大学耶稣学 院举行的第二十八届国际经济犯罪专题讨论会。
(e) Staff members of the Australian Institute presented papers at international fraud prevention conferences, including the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners’ Pacific Rim Fraud Conference 2010;
the twenty-eighth International Symposium on Economic Crime, at Jesus
[...] College, University of Cambridge (United Kingdom).
主席先生,我並無意要求兩間巴士公司要像經營慈善事業㆒樣,但對於享有專營權的 公共服務機構而言,如果只懂得賺錢、加價,而面對蝕本或賺錢不多的巴士路線,不 去研究蝕本的原因並改善服務質素,動輒便取消有關路線,罔顧市民的需要,甚至動 不動便搬出「利潤管制計劃」這把 尚方 寶 劍 」來嚇㆟,這是否㆒間負責任的公共服 務機構應有的作為呢?
However, if what a utility company under franchise cares about is only profit-making, fare increases, scrapping loss-incurring or less lucrative bus routes at the expense of public interests without even bothering to find out the reasons for losing money and make improvement, and frequently resorting to the Profit Control Scheme as its trump card to scare people off, I cannot help from asking: Is this the proper conduct expected of a responsible public service company?
最高法院适用了《克罗地亚仲裁法》第 40(1)条(与《仲裁 示范法》第 35(1)条一致),该条规定应当承认外国裁决具有约束力并应在克罗
地亚共和国执行,除非法院经被申请方请求,确定存在该法第 36(2)(1)条(与 《仲裁示范法》第
[...] 34(2)(a)条一致)所提的一条理由或如果法院认为裁决对当事方尚无约 束力,或者已由裁决作出地所在国或裁决依据的法律的所属国的法 [...]
The Court applied Article 40(1) of the Croatian Law on Arbitration (consistent with art. 35 (1) MAL), which states that a foreign award shall be recognized as binding and shall be enforced in the Republic of Croatia unless the court establishes, upon a request by the opposing party, the existence of a ground referred to in Article 36(2)(1) of this Law (consistent with
Article 34(2)(a) MAL) or if it finds that
[...] the award has not yet become binding on [...]
the parties or has been set aside or suspended
by a court of the country in which, or under the law of which, that award was made.
主席提醒各 缔方,尚未以 书面形式提交提名的推举集团应以书面形式提交。
The President reminded Parties that nominations should be submitted in writing by those constituencies that had not already done so.
安全理事会回顾第 2046
[...] 号决议规定的 8 月 2 日期限,并对方尚未 就 一些重大问题最后商定协议表示遗憾,特别是:建立非军事化边界安全区; [...]
启用联合边界核查和监测机制和特设委员会;解决有争端和有主权主张的边 界地区的状况问题和边界划界问题;居住在对方国家的本国国民的地位;双
方 2011 年 6 月 20 日商定的阿卜耶伊地区临时安全和行政安排以及商定阿卜 耶伊的最后地位。
The Security Council recalls the August 2 deadline
imposed in Resolution 2046 and regrets that the
[...] parties have not yet been able to finalize [...]
agreements on a number of critical issues,
particularly: the establishment of the Safe Demilitarized Border Zone (SDBZ); the activation of the Joint Border Verification and Monitoring Mechanism (JBVMM) and of the Ad Hoc Committee; resolution of the status of the disputed and claimed border areas and the demarcation of the border; the status of nationals of one country resident in the other; and the temporary security and administrative arrangements for Abyei agreed by the parties on June 20, 2011, as well as agreeing on the final status of Abyei.
附件三缔方尚未采 取任何步 骤设立此类委员会,而附件四和附件五缔约方已经表示目前它们不会设立此类委 员会。
The Parties of Annex III have not taken any steps to establish such a committee, while the Parties of Annexes IV and V stated that they shall not establish such committees at present.
[...] dexway.com 学习英语以外,还想获得方英语 证书, 剑桥 First Certificate 或者美式英语的 [...]
If you want to obtain an
[...] official title like the Cambridge First Certificate, or [...]
the TOEFL in the case of American English,
as well as learning simply English choose dexway.com because our English courses are designed to pass international exams.
继‘2009-2010剑桥华人青年论坛’的成功举办 剑 桥 东 方 教 育 与发展协会即将推出主题为‘中国的金融,经济和外交发展‘的2010-2011年度系列讲座。
Following our success in the ‘2009-2010 Cambridge Chinese Youth Forum’, CEEDS is proud to
[...] present ‘2010-2011 Cambridge Eastern Education [...]
and Development Forum’
with a series of exciting talks, featuring 'Financial, Economic and Diplomatic Development of China’.
[...] 乔.哈顿教授,剑桥大学塞吉维克博物馆馆长大卫.诺曼博士,以及此次活动的主 方-剑 桥 东 方 教 育 与发展协会(CEEDS)的主席孔珺先生。
The director of Sedywick museum, Dr. David Norman made a speech first, followed by Prof. Jon Hutton, director of UNEP
World Conservation Monitoring Centre, Mr.
[...] Jun Kong, CEO of Cambridge Eastern Education [...]
and Development Society (CEEDS) and the
photographer himself, Mr. Luo Hong.
[...] 之间受同样的原则拘束。它们可在任何时候修改或撤回其批准,但条件是声明方 ( 或第方) 尚未有所依赖。
(4) Like the author of an interpretative declaration, any State or international organization that has approved this declaration is bound by the same principles vis-à-vis the author of the declaration; it may modify or
withdraw its approval at any time, provided that the author of the
[...] declaration (or third parties) have not relied on it.
然而,制裁 的取消如何能解决谈判僵局并促进协议的有效实 施,就这一点的衡量指标方尚未达 成一致意见, 更不用说对此作出保证了。
There are no agreed indicators let alone guarantees, however, for how removal might enable it to resolve negotiation deadlocks and enforce implementation of agreements more effectively.
[...] 和金融委员会副主席和埃及财政部副部长哈尼·迪米安 剑 桥 大 学教授约翰·伊 特维尔;24 国集团主席和叙利亚中央银行理事阿迪卜·马亚莱赫;欧洲发展和人 [...]
蒂姆内;本次会议秘书长特使和德国联邦经济合作和发展部长海德马里·维乔雷 克-措伊尔。
Presentations were made by the following panellists: Hany Dimian, Deputy Chairman of the International Monetary and Financial Committee and Deputy Finance
Minister of Egypt; John Eatwell,
[...] Professor, University of Cambridge; Adib Mayaleh, [...]
Chair of the Group of 24, Governor of the
Central Bank of Syria; Louis Michel, European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid; Joakim Stymne, State Secretary, International Development Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sweden; and Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul, Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the Conference.
他已与的黎波里和班加西方面建立联系,但 方尚 不愿 意开始停火谈判。
He had established contacts with Tripoli and Benghazi, but the
[...] parties were not yet ready to begin [...]
negotiations on a ceasefire.
已经与联合国维和警察组织了联 合巡逻,以确保避难营周边以及危险地带的安全、阻止国家苦役监狱犯人越狱,
[...] 但是独立专家对非法律控制区的重建工作表示担忧, 方尚 在 犹豫是否介入这些 区域。
Joint patrols were organized with UNPOL, not without difficulty, to secure the boundaries of the camps and the high-risk zones and arrest convicts who had escaped from the national
prison, but the independent expert fears that no-go areas
[...] which the police are reluctant to enter [...]
are being re-established.
南太平洋渔管组织经 过磋商还规定了数据收集、报告、核实和交流的临时自愿标准,但一些参 方尚 未根据既定标准提交报告。
The SPRFMO consultations have also established interim voluntary standards for the collection, reporting, verification and exchange of data, and some participants have not reported in accordance with the established standards.
其它机构或人道主义行方尚未在 这些有差距 的领域开展活动,这些领域包括:(i) [...]
急需振兴的高中教育和高等教育机构,(ii) 宣传危机局 势下的教育质量标准。
These areas, which were not covered [...]
by interventions by other agencies or humanitarian actors, are: (i) the urgent reactivation
of educational services in upper secondary and higher education; and (ii) the promotion of quality standards in education in crisis situations.
安全理事会回顾第2046(2012)号决议规 定的8月2日期限,并对方尚未就 一些重大问题最 后商定协议表示遗憾,特别是:建立非军事化边界 安全区;启用联合边界核查和监测机制和特设委员 会;解决有争端和有主权主张的边界地区的状况问 题和边界划界问题;居住在对方国家的本国国民的 地位;双方2011年6月20日商定的阿卜耶伊地区临时 安全和行政安排以及商定阿卜耶伊的最后地位。
“The Security Council recalls its decision in resolution 2046 (2012) that the Government of the Sudan and the SPLM-North extend full cooperation to the AUHIP and the Chair of IGAD to reach a negotiated settlement on the basis of the 28 June 2011 Framework Agreement.
行预咨委会从秘书长关于阿卜耶伊局势的报告中 注意到,方尚未就 阿卜耶伊地区行政当局主席 职位达成一致意见,该地区目前没有正式的民事 [...]
管理机构(S/2011/603,第 7 段)。
The Advisory Committee notes from the report of the
Secretary-General on the situation in Abyei that
[...] the parties have yet to agree on the [...]
chairmanship of the Abyei Area Administration
and that there is no formal civilian authority in the Area (S/2011/603, para. 7).




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