

单词 尖锐化

See also:


acute (illness)

尖锐 n

edge n

锐化 n

gradation n

External sources (not reviewed)

设计草图经过修改,原先的圆润曲线 化 为 尖锐 的 棱角,具有力量感的线条得到强化,DualTow 的精髓一跃而出。
As the sketches were successively adjusted, the early rounded curves gave way to sharper angles and more powerful lines of force, as the very essence of the DualTow gradually emerged.
第二轮总统选举有争议的结果和随后尖 锐政治 危机突出表明更广泛的稳定面临风险。
The contested outcome of the second round of the presidential election
[...] and the ensuing acute political crisis [...]
underscored the risks to broader stability.
这就需锐化概念 和扩 展咨询程序,以及与其他正在进行的政治进程明确区分开来。
This would
[...] call for a sharpening of concepts [...]
and broader consultation processes, as well as clear demarcations with other ongoing political processes.
当全世 界面临的挑战越发体现全球性时,全 化 还 能 提供处 理一些尖锐问题 的手段,以及刺激全世界增长和繁 荣的重要机遇,从而为促进和保护人权做出贡献。
While the challenges faced in the world were
increasingly of a
[...] global nature, globalization could also offer means to tackle some of the most acute problems as well [...]
as great opportunities
for stimulating growth and prosperity worldwide, thus contributing to the promotion and protection of human rights.
他确实非常免费使用的aristoteleanism,远远比他的前任更自由,但在行使其就业 尖锐 批 评 ,并在方济各学校坚持重点旧的教学内容-特别是关于灵魂的形式或多 化 , 在 等事项的精神和灵魂的天使,其中和他对抗通胀在其他点大力圣托马斯。
He made indeed very free use of Aristoteleanism, much freer than his
predecessors, but in its
[...] employment exercised sharp criticism, and in important points adhered to the teaching of the Older Franciscan School -- especially with regard to the plurality of forms [...]
or of souls, the
spiritual matter of the angels and of souls, etc., wherein and in other points he combatted energetically St. Thomas.
尽管市场对非农存有积极预期,但兴业投资分析师认为,从此前伯南克对就业市场改善步伐缓慢“令人痛苦”和对高失业率表示“严重关注” 尖锐 措 辞 上来看,或许就业数据仅好于预期且失业率维持在8%以上的高位是难以改变美联储对就业市场的看法,风险货币在跳水后迅速收复部分跌幅,只有就业人数高于市场预期区间上限16-18万,或者就业人数好于预期且失业率有所下降,那么联储对新一轮 化 宽 松 则需要更多考虑,这也将迅速推升美元并对风险货币带来沉重压力。
Despite there are positive expectations, but Societe Generale investment analysts that the painful from the previous Bernanke the slow pace of improvement on the employment market and the high
unemployment rate in the
[...] market for non-agricultural sharp on the wording of the "serious concern", perhaps employment data is only better than expected and the unemployment rate remained high at more than 8% is difficult to change the Fed's view of the job market, part of the decline in the risk of currency quickly recovered after diving, the only employment is higher than the maximum range of market expectations of 16-18 million or employment is better than expected and the unemployment rate declined, then you need to give more consideration to the Federal Reserve on a new round of quantitative easing, which will [...]
quickly push up the
dollar and the risk of currency under heavy pressure.
[...] 意义的时刻,多年来积攒的问题变得日 尖锐 , 因 而 全面解决阿拉伯-以色列冲突的任务尤为紧迫。
As the Middle East is going through an unprecedentedly intense and historic period, with problems
that have accumulated over the years becoming
[...] more and more acute, the task of achieving [...]
a comprehensive Arab-Israeli settlement is especially pressing.
叶片倒卵状长圆形到狭椭圆形, 8-35 * 2-9 厘米,革质,正面无毛到稍短柔毛,
[...] 背面毛易变,从密被绒毛么很少无毛的,除中脉和主脉外具离生的乳突,基部楔形到钝,边缘全缘,先端 锐尖 到 圆形 变 化 , 侧脉11-25对,背面突起,网脉背面突起,正面清楚到不清楚。
Petiole 1-3 cm, sparsely pubescent; leaf blade obovate-oblong to narrowly elliptic, 8-35 × 2-9 cm, leathery, adaxially glabrous to minutely pubescent, abaxially variable in hairiness from densely tomentose or pubescent to rarely glabrous, with distinct papillae except on midrib and major
veins, base cuneate to obtuse, margin
[...] entire, apex variable from acute to rounded, lateral [...]
veins 11-25 pairs, prominent abaxially,
reticulate venation prominent abaxially, distinct to indistinct adaxially.
对于磨料流体,推荐使用带化钨针 尖 和喷 嘴的喷枪型号。
For abrasive fluids, the gun models
[...] with tungsten carbide needle tip and nozzle are [...]
4 月,总统弗拉基米尔·普京在其声明中首次将俄罗斯的艾滋病流行 病称为“需要社会各界关注尖锐问 题 ”,他保证要大幅提高联邦预算并做出确保 [...]
In April, President Vladimir Putin in his statement for the first time
referred to the AIDS epidemic in the Russian
[...] Federation as “an acute problem, which [...]
requires the attention of all sectors of society”
and pledged a substantial increase of the federal budget and made a commitment to ensure that “all those in need of medication, however expensive, should have it”.
环境污染、能源危机、粮食紧张、城 化 问 题 的日 尖锐 便 是人类不断向自然攫取造成的后果。
Environmental pollution, energy crises, food shortages and problems of urbanisation are the detrimental outcomes arising from the ravages of nature.
以下 因素合在一起,对用作恐怖武器的便携式防空系统的威胁更具体地作了 化 : 必 要 物资的供应情况;需求(恐怖分子寻求武器),以及潜在买家的经济手段;武器的能 力和射程(便携式防空系统的设尖端 程 度);武器各部件的运作状态(电池、自动 导引器和发射器的运作情况);正确操作武器的能力;以及接触到潜在目标的能力。
A combination of the following factors quantifies more specifically the threat of man-portable air defence systems used as a
terrorist weapon: the
[...] availability of the necessary materiel; the demand (terrorists seeking weapons) and the economic means of potential buyers; the capacity and the range of the weapon (sophistication of design of the man-portable [...]
air defence systems);
the operational status of the weapon’s various components (functionality of the batteries, seekers and launchers); the ability to operate the weapon properly; and the ability to access potential targets.
如果选择此选项,批次(要扫 描的整叠照片)内的所有照片将会进 锐化 , 除非再次更改设置。
If this option is selected, all photos within the batch (the stack of photos to be
[...] scanned) will be sharpened unless the setting [...]
is changed again.
[...] 司法系统人员举办适当培训,其中包括法官、检察官、执法官员和儿童福利工作 者,以便确保他们锐地认识到化 、 多 样性、种族主义和种族定性等方面的问 题。
The Working Group recommends that, as a measure to combat discrimination against people of African descent in the administration of justice, appropriate training be organized for all those who are part of the justice system, including judges, prosecutors, law enforcement officers and
child welfare workers, to ensure they are sensitive
[...] to issues related to culture, diversity, racism and [...]
racial profiling.
在评估巴勒斯坦问题的发展情况时,我们注意到 继续存在这样一尖锐的矛 盾状态,即:国际社会努 力恢复和平谈判,而实地情况却是占领国以色列企图 强加既成事实、继续阻碍和平进程。
As we evaluate developments on the Palestinian question, we note the continuing flagrant contradictions between the efforts of the international community to resume peace negotiations and developments on the ground through which Israel, the occupying Power, seeks to impose a de facto reality that continues to hinder the peace process.
[...] 伺机感染病毒的药品来治疗艾滋病指出了支付能力这 尖锐 问 题
The treatment of HIV with antiretrovirals
(ARVs), or drugs to treat opportunistic infections associated with the disease, raises the
[...] affordability issue acutely.
主席团重申 在前几届会议上表示的关切,即近几年来,国际水文计划的影响力和预算都削减了,目前的 36
[...] C/5 草案就是证明,这与全世界淡水问题日 尖锐 和 重 要这一现实相矛盾。
The Bureau reiterated its concern from previous sessions that the visibility and budget of IHP have diminished over the last few years, as evidenced in the
current draft 36 C/5 document, which contradicts
[...] the growing acuteness and importance [...]
of freshwater issues throughout the world.
让软管和电缆远离公共区域尖锐边 缘 、移动部件及热的表面。
Route hoses and cables away from
[...] traffic areas, sharp edges, moving parts, [...]
and hot surfaces.
叶柄粗壮,V形成和有点抱茎的在基部,1.5-2.5厘米,具角和干燥时横向起皱,那些在小枝上的顶生1或2对通常玫瑰色的;叶片发亮,椭圆形或者长圆形到长圆状披针形, ( 14-)20-34 * (4-)6-12 厘米,厚革质,中脉粗壮,两面突起; 脉紧密,到35-40
[...] 对,在边附近弯成弓形的和网结;明显的第三脉和细脉,宽楔形的基部多少,边缘内卷,先 锐尖 到 钝 ,很少渐尖。
Petiole robust, V-shaped and somewhat clasping at base, 1.5-2.5 cm, angled and transversely wrinkled when dry, those of terminal 1 or 2 pairs on branchlet usually rose-colored; leaf blade shiny, elliptic or oblong to oblong-lanceolate, (14-)20-34 × (4-)6-12 cm, thickly leathery, midvein robust, raised on both surfaces; veins dense, to 35-40 pairs, near margin arching and anastomosing;
tertiary veins and veinlets conspicuous, base ± broadly cuneate, margin
[...] involute, apex acute to obtuse, rarely acuminate.
这种镍矿开采的特质装置在极尖锐 的 气 候条件下通过容箱结构仍可正常运转。
The special plant for nickel processing impresses with its container type construction which is a match for the extreme climatic conditions.
委员会与被审计实 体之间尖锐公开辩论可能会破坏政府的反腐败运动。
Sharp public disputes between the [...]
Commission and audited entities could undermine the Government’s anti-corruption drive.
40 独立专家再次提请各国注意,在危
[...] 机或复苏时期,社会保障权也不可免除或克减;事实上,此时,社会保障权比以 往任何时候都更尖锐和紧迫。
In previous reports, the Independent Expert has gone into considerable detail about the rights-based approach to social protection.40 The Expert reminds States that the right to social
security is not dispensed with or diluted during times of crisis or recovery;
[...] indeed, it is more acute and pressing than ever.
洪都拉斯谨祝贺摩纳哥政府及其代表团举行了 一次重要的研讨会,有制止海洋化 领 域的 顶 尖 专家 参加,海洋化是养护海洋物种和保护海洋国际议程 上的一个重要议题。
Honduras would like to congratulate the Government of Monaco and its delegation for the holding of an important workshop with leading specialists in the fight against ocean acidification, an important topic of the international agenda for the conservation of marine species and the protection of oceans.
可以调整JPEG压缩锐化、颜 色、对比度和亮度调整,以及影像清洁器工具强度的配置设置吗?
Is it possible to adjust the configuration settings for JPEG
[...] compression, sharpening, color, contrast [...]
and brightness adjustment, and Image Cleaner Tool aggressiveness?
[...] 盗现象产业化,海盗人数不断增加,海盗作业方尖 端化,更 多地使用“母船”、最新技术如“全球定位 技术”和重武器,袭击、扣押和赎金谈判过程中组织 [...]
工作更有效,逐渐产生了一个名副其实的产业和与海 盗活动相关的各种新职业,包括中介者、谈判者和翻 译。
We have seen the industrialization of the phenomenon, [...]
an increasing number of pirates, sophisticated operations, the increasing
use of mother ships, the latest technology, such as GPS, heavy weaponry, better organization during attacks, seizures and the negotiation of ransoms, and the gradual emergence of a true industry and new professions linked to piracy, including intermediaries, negotiators and interpreters.
低:在完成批次扫描后,应用小 锐化。
Low: low amount of sharpening applied after [...]
the batch scan has been completed.
Bitzer 还利用可变 光圈巧妙锐化了背 景中的人物和动作的焦点。
Bitzer also used the iris
[...] diaphragm to subtly sharpen the focus on [...]
characters and actions in the background.
而涉及撤回保留时,这个问题更 尖锐 , 因 为大家可能希望便 利这样的步骤,使条约得到更加全面的适用,从而帮助维持或确立其完整性。
And the question arises with all the more force in relation to the withdrawal of reservations, since there may be a hope of facilitating such a step, which would have the effect of making the treaty more fully applicable and thus be instrumental in preserving, or re-establishing, its integrity.
随着世界上不断有新的地区被开发,用来进行自然资源勘探或基础设施建 设,这些冲突会更尖锐,出 现了真正的无政府状态,政府以及推行开发项目的 企业都完全不顾及土著人民的权利。
These conflicts, which are worsening as new regions of the world get involved in natural resource exploitation or infrastructure building, have given rise to situations of genuine ungovernability, which limit the capacity of States and the companies themselves to carry out projects that fail to take into account indigenous rights.
[...] 有計劃進一步改善現有的旅遊景點及設施,包括進行香港仔旅遊發展項 目、改善鯉魚門的海旁設施、改善尖沙咀東部的行人天橋,以及融合計劃 中的露天廣場與化尖沙咀 碼頭的項目,從而在尖沙咀發展旅遊滙點,以 增添該些景點的本土特色。
On top of these large scale projects, we are also taking forward further enhancement of existing tourist attractions and facilities, including the Aberdeen Tourism Project, enhancement of the Lei Yue Mun waterfront, enhancement of the footbridges in Tsim Sha Tsui East, and
development of a
[...] tourism node in Tsim Sha Tsui through integrating the planned piazza with the revitalisation of the Tsim Sha Tsui [...]
pier, so as to enrich
the indigenous characteristics of these attractions.




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