

单词 尖窄

See also:


sharp adj
pointed adj

point (of needle)

badly off

External sources (not reviewed)

种子通常卵球形,基部圆形,很少 窄 和 锐 尖 ; 胚 多数,很少单生; 子叶深绿色,淡绿色,或乳白色;合点紫色。
Seeds usually ovoid,
[...] base rounded, apex narrow and acute; embryos [...]
numerous, rarely solitary; cotyledons dark green, pale
green, or milky white; chalaza purple.
他們建議窄豁免 範圍,在條 文中訂明披露這些資料的人應相信,該披露可以減低或防止資 [...]
They suggest to narrow the scope of exemption [...]
by specifying in the provision that the person disclosing such data should
believe that the disclosure would be able to mitigate or prevent serious harm to the data subject or any other person.
无创性测量 LV 充盈压的方法包括测量平均肺动脉楔
[...] 压或左心房( LA)平均压(均不伴尖瓣狭窄),LV 舒张 末期压(LVEDP, QRS [...]
波群起始处或 A 波之后的压力),及 A 波之前的 LV 舒张压(图 1)。
LV filling pressures as measured invasively include mean pulmonary wedge pressure or mean
left atrial (LA) pressure (both in the
[...] absence of mitral stenosis), LV end-diastolic [...]
pressure (LVEDP; the pressure at the
onset of the QRS complex or after A-wave pressure), and pre-A LV diastolic pressure (Figure 1).
卵状长圆形的小穗,侧面压扁, 15-30 *
8-10 毫米,小花6-11,重叠; 节间不可见的小穗轴,约2毫米,粗糙; 颖片狭披针形,低的颖片10-12毫米,上面颖片稍长于更低的颖片;
[...] 15-20毫米的外稃,翻转,脉,粗糙的脉, 尖 的 先 端;窄的内 稃,大约1/2倍于外稃,纤毛的龙骨。
Spikelets ovate-oblong, laterally compressed, 15–30 × 8–10 mm, florets 6–11, overlapping; rachilla internodes not visible, ca. 2 mm, scabrid; glumes narrowly lanceolate, lower glume 10–12 mm, upper glume slightly longer than lower glume;
lemmas 15–20 mm, keeled, 11-veined, veins
[...] scabrid, apex mucronate; palea narrow, ca. 1/2 as long as [...]
lemma, keels ciliate.
花冠紫红色,在1.4厘米(排除距; 距7-8毫米,端部稍弯曲;
[...] 下唇约2毫米,上面的短于,侧面裂片短在3毫米宽,中部裂片稍 窄 , 钝 的裂 尖; 上 唇具深凹缺约1.8毫米,裂片约3毫米宽在中部。
Corolla purple-red, to 1.4 cm (excluding spur); spur 7-8 mm, tip slightly curved; lower lip ca. 2 mm, shorter than upper, lateral
lobes shorter and to 3 mm wide,
[...] middle lobe slightly narrower, lobe apices obtuse; upper [...]
lip with a deep notch ca. 1.8 mm,
lobes ca. 3 mm wide in middle.
无梗小穗披针形, 4-5 * 1.2-1.4 毫米; 下部颖片革质具膨大圆形侧面中间以下,草质,龙骨状的脉粗壮和锐的2在上面, 上面颖片渐窄成为短尖头或 awnlet到2毫米; 上面外稃的芒类似于无柄,上面的外稃具芒的1.2-1.5 厘米Pedicelled小穗侧面压扁。
Sessile spikelet lanceolate, 4–5 × 1.2–1.4 mm; lower glume leathery with expanded rounded flanks below middle, herbaceous, strongly veined and sharply 2-keeled above, glabrous or villous, keels usually winged, apex 2-toothed; upper glume attenuate into mucro or awnlet to 2 mm; awn of upper lemma 1.2–1.5 cm.
為使三條隧道能為 公 司 帶 來 最 大的整體利益,採 用 較 為一致的收 費 架構及窄 各條隧道之 間 的 收 費 差 距 , 或 者會有理想 的效果。
In order to maximize the overall profit of the three crossings, it might be desirable to align the toll regimes and reduce the toll differentials.
所以,這裏看到的數字可以反映到,由於特區政府向 低收入人士提供福利,以及在稅收方面重新分布財富,所以令我們看到堅尼 系數所顯示的收入差距是窄了。
So, this figure here reflects that as the SAR Government has provided welfare benefits to low income persons and the revenue from tax has enabled wealth to be redistributed, we can see that the income disparity as reflected by the GC has been reduced.
(a) 加強教學及研究-招聘和挽留尖教 學 人員,以配合教學及 研究計劃的整體及長遠發展;以及採用和應用嶄新科技及方 法,改善教與學的環境。
(a) Teaching and research enhancement – to recruit and retain top-notch academic staff for general and long term development of teaching and research programmes; and to adopt and apply new technologies and methodologies to improve the teaching and learning environment.
鉴于建筑物内闷热和窄,监 狱当 局应考虑让更多囚犯在建筑物外睡觉,如一些男子和男性青少年被拘留者在他们 [...]
In light of the stifling heat and
[...] the cramped conditions in the buildings, [...]
the prison administration should consider allowing
more prisoners to sleep outside the buildings, as some men and male adolescent detainees did in their quarters.
联发援框架的战略关键领域为整体教育留下一个非常 窄 的 空间,几乎没有开展中等、 技术和高等教育的空间,有可能阻碍能力建设(人力资源)。
The UNDAF strategic key
[...] areas leave a very narrow space to education [...]
as a whole, with almost no room for secondary, technical,
and higher education, which might hamper capacity-building (human resources).
a) 金鐘道政府合署43樓食物安全中心總部; b)
[...] 西營盤醫院道4號食物標籤辦事處;以及 c) 尖沙咀 中間道停車場大廈閣樓小量豁免辦事處(二零零九年九月一日起投入 [...]
a) CFS Headquarter at 43/F, Queensway Government offices; b) Food Labelling Office at 4 Hospital Road, Sai Ying
Pun; and c) SVE Office at M/F, Middle Road
[...] Carpark Building, Tsim Sha Tsui (operation [...]
would start on 1 September 2009).
以下 因素合在一起,对用作恐怖武器的便携式防空系统的威胁更具体地作了量化:必要 物资的供应情况;需求(恐怖分子寻求武器),以及潜在买家的经济手段;武器的能 力和射程(便携式防空系统的设尖端 程 度);武器各部件的运作状态(电池、自动 导引器和发射器的运作情况);正确操作武器的能力;以及接触到潜在目标的能力。
A combination of the following factors quantifies more specifically the threat of man-portable air defence systems used as a terrorist weapon: the availability of the necessary materiel; the demand (terrorists seeking weapons) and the economic means of potential buyers; the capacity and the range of the weapon (sophistication of design of the man-portable air defence systems); the operational status of the weapon’s various components (functionality of the batteries, seekers and launchers); the ability to operate the weapon properly; and the ability to access potential targets.
如果模式仍不窄,略微增加喷枪空 气压力或使用尺寸不同的喷嘴。
If pattern is still not narrow enough, increase [...]
air pressure to gun slightly or use different size tip.
[...] 标的工作,同时又要满足各国日益增长的需求,向诸如高等教育这样的领域提供援助,或开尖端科 学研究,那么就必须在正常计划内长期提供更多的资金,加强该计划和工作人员的 [...]
If UNESCO is to work more efficiently to achieve EFA, while responding to the increasing demand of countries to also provide
assistance in areas such as higher education or be
[...] at the cutting edge of research, significant [...]
further resources must also be provided
on a permanent basis within the regular programme to reinforce both the programme and staff budgets.
本修訂令由行政長官會同行政會議根據《渡輪服務條例》 ( 第 104章 ) 第 19(1)條作出,以修訂《渡輪服務( 天星小輪有限公 司 )(船費釐定)令》(第 104章,附屬法例C),分兩階段調高天星小 輪有限公司("天星小輪")就其來尖沙 咀 與中環 尖 沙 咀 與灣仔 的兩條專營渡輪航線所收取的最高船費,同時亦修訂香港法例第 104章附屬法例C的附表,以更新對有關服務的描述。
This Amendment Order is made by the Chief Executive in Council under section 19(1) of the Ferry Services Ordinance (Cap. 104). It amends the Ferry Services (The "Star" Ferry Company, Limited) (Determination of Fares) Order (Cap. 104 sub. leg. C) to increase in two phases the maximum fares chargeable by The "Star" Ferry Company, Limited (Star Ferry) on its two franchised ferry routes between Kowloon Point and respectively, Central and Wan Chai.
用流体控制阀 (8) 收窄扇形尺 寸以纠正喷型。
Correct pattern by narrowing fan size with the [...]
fluid control valve (8).
[...] 感兴趣,也能如愿以偿:拉多夫采尔拥有风景绮丽的老城 区,康斯坦茨大学城及其窄的小 巷与惬意的购物体验触手 可及,在梅尔斯堡可以亲历神奇的中世纪生活,攀登霍恩特 [...]
Those who love historical locations, will definitely get their money’s worth: Radolfzell has a wonderful
historic district, the university town of
[...] Constance with its narrow alley ways and [...]
excellent shopping facilities is within easy
reach, and you can marvel at the life in the Middle Ages in Meersburg, or climb up the knights‘ castle on the Hohentwiel.
[...] 这一分布在广大海域的小幅员岛屿国家只有非常 窄 的 经 济基础,下定决心 要实施绿色增长举措作为走向可持续发展和实现经济、社会和环境目标的正 [...]
Despite not having contributed to global warming on any scale, Tuvalu, a small
island State stretched over a vast oceanic
[...] area with a very narrow economic base, [...]
was committed to implementing green growth
initiatives as a way of moving towards sustainable development and finding the right balance between economic, social and environmental objectives.
如 果 法 官 不 接 受 此 抗 辯 而 把 被 控 人 定 罪,我 們 認 為 假 若 被 控 人 所 作 出 的 承 認 有窄 審 訊 時 的 爭 議 點 的 作 用 , 節 省 了 法 庭 的 時 間 , 這 一 點 便 仍 應 視 為 一 項 考 慮 輕 判 的 因 素 , 並 據 此 而 反 映 在 刑 期 的 長 短 之 上 。
If such a defence is rejected and the accused is convicted we are of the view that if the effect of the admission has been to limit the issues at trial, resulting in a saving of court time, then this should still be regarded as a mitigating factor and be reflected in the length of sentence accordingly.




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