

单词 尖的


短尖的 adj

mucronate adj

尖酸刻薄的 adj

sour adj

细长的尖状物 n

spike n

See also:

point (of needle)

External sources (not reviewed)

踢球方式可以是碰踢或 落踢,但不可是定踢。踢球可以用低於膝蓋到 尖的 小 腿的任何部分,但 不能用腳跟。
The ball may be kicked with any part of the leg from below the knee to the toe but not with the heel.
肯特州立大学被伦敦的《泰晤士报高等教育副刊》列为世界 尖的 大 学 之一,并被《美国新闻与世界报道》评为美国国内最好的大学之一。
Kent State is ranked as one of the world’s top universities by Times Higher Education of London and one of the best national universities by U.S. News & World Report.
有意攻讀東京高等教育的人,東京大學是一所 尖的 國 立大學,早稻田大學與慶應義塾大学則是兩所頗負盛名的私立大學。
And for those interested in pursuing higher education in Tokyo, the University of Tokyo is the most respected state university, while Waseda and Keio are two private universities held in high regard.
在截至2010年的十年间,南非以其显著的发展潜力和令人振奋的文化多样性作为推动力,在电讯和金融服务行业中建设高质量的基础设施, 成为非洲尖的经济强国。
Encouraged by its remarkable development potential and exciting cultural diversity, in the decade leading up to 2010, South Africa has been able to acquire quality infrastructures in the telecommunications and financial services sectors that help make it the leading economic power in Africa.
在行星51蜗牛般的触角,耳尖的, 绿色的类人型机器人与和平地生活在一个社会让人想起1950s美国的,但外来技术与1950s为主题的空间于家庭和外来。
On Planet 51, green humanoids with snail-like feelers and pointed ears live peacefully in a society reminiscent of 1950s America, but with alien technology and with 1950s themed space-ships and alien homes.
是項收購與友邦保險的策略優勢及其首要策略非常配合,並將 會令友邦保險在馬來西亞這增長迅速並極具盈利能力的保險市場成為 尖的 人 壽 保險公司 (詳 情請見另一新聞稿)。
This acquisition represents an excellent fit with AIA’s strategic strengths and priorities and will establish AIA as the Number One life insurance company in the fast growing and highly profitable Malaysian insurance market (see our separate press release for details).
在国际市场上对西 方跨国公司和亚洲国有石油公司越来越具竞争力的巴西 石油公司或许应归入另外一个类别:南美洲,主体为国 有(但与中国国有石油公司相比,巴西所占比例相对较 小),能够在精密的深水海上运作中与 尖的 跨 国 公司 一决高下。
Petrobras of Brazil, which is increasingly competitive internationally with Western multinationals and Asian NOCs, is perhaps in another category: Latin American, majority state owned (but the state holds a smaller percentage than in comparable Chinese NOCs), and able to compete in sophisticated deepwater offshore operations with the top multinationals.
利用中国最富盛名的大学之一清华大学世界一流的资源和人才,本项目将汇聚全球最 尖的 学 生,我们希望他们有朝一日能够改变历史的进程。
Leveraging the world-class resources and talented people at Tsinghua University, one of China’s most prestigious universities, the program will bring together an exceptional group of students who, we hope, will one day have the power to change the course of history.
科文顿·柏灵律师事务所的合伙 人,曾任华纳兄弟中国公司的执 行董事,在媒体和娱乐行业处理 过许多前沿业务,并曾于亚太地 区和许多尖的公司和决策者们 共事。
Partner in the Washington and Beijing offices of Covington and Burling, LLC; former managing director of Warner Brothers, China, has worked on may cuttingedge transactions in the media and entertainment industries , as well as with many leading companies and policymakers throughout the Asia-Pacific region.
在精心的设计之下,集成了先进多项世界 尖的 计 算 机技术,SXR的功能是强大而完善的,这些使用到的技术包括:智能字符识别技术(ICR),光学字符识别技术(OCR),光学符号识别技术(OMR)和磁性墨水字符识别技术(MICR)。
Create powerful forms processing applications using Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR), Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) and Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR).
在天下科技与IGM的六年内,徐先生累计了无数对于资讯科技和数据通信业务操作的丰厚经验, 还与中国几家尖的移动 通信公司建立了良好的工作关系。
Over the six years in Tianxia and IGM, Mr. Xu has accumulated significant business operations experience in the data-communication VAS and IT industry and developed working relationships with several leading mobile telecommunications companies in China.
[...] 披针形的颖片,近等长,下部颖片1脉,3脉的上面颖片,粗糙的平滑或只沿着龙骨状,锐 尖的 先 端; 胼胝体毛1/3-1/2段外稃; 外稃4-5毫米,膜,上半部分粗糙,先端钝的或具小齿; [...]
大约3/4的倍于外稃的内稃; 显著具毛撮的小穗轴,1.5-2毫米,包括头发4-5毫米花粉囊2-2.5毫米。
Spikelets 4.5–6(–7) mm, rose or purplish red; glumes lanceolate, subequal, lower glume 1-veined, upper glume 3-veined, smooth
or scabrid only along keel,
[...] apex sharply acuminate; callus hairs 1/3–1/2 length of lemma; lemma [...]
4–5 mm, membranous, upper
part scabrid, apex obtuse or denticulate; awn arising from or a little below middle of lemma, straight or slightly geniculate, 5–6 mm; palea ca. 3/4 as long as lemma; rachilla conspicuously penicillate, 1.5–2 mm, including hairs 4–5 mm.
新南威尔士大学研究小组是澳大利亚仿生视力协会(Bionic Vision Australia)联盟旗下的一个小组,该联盟中有世界 尖的 科 学家和临床医生,并于近期获得澳大利亚政府$5000万澳元的拨款支持,用于开发先进的澳大利亚“仿生眼”。
The UNSW research team is part of the Bionic Vision Australia consortium, which links world-class scientists and clinicians and is backed by the Australian government’s recent A$50m commitment to the development of an advanced Australian “bionic eye”.
印度孟买的孟买教育基金提供人员编 制程序,并提供了九名尖的技术 学生作为“训练员”在非政府组 织科和非政府组织委员会工作,为期二个月。
Staff to set up the programme and work with Committee members as “guides and trainers” were provided by the Mumbai Educational Trust of Mumbai, India, which provided a two-month sponsorship for nine of its top technical students to work with the NonGovernmental Organizations Section and the Committee.
為了營造一個最合適車主的跑車駕駛空間,平治提供了不同物料予車主作選擇;車廂可以用上最 尖的 皮 革、甚至以磨砂金屬面或是科技感甚重的碳纖板作中控台檯面,創造一個與別不同的專屬駕駛艙。
The finest leather, matt-finished solid metal or optional, real carbon-fibre trim create an exclusive ambience and correspond with the authentic feel of the cockpit.
位於香格里拉酒店和帝國中心對 的尖 東 海濱長廊上的兩條 行人天橋斜路已改建為升降機;這項改善措施獲得好評。
Two footbridge ramps on the TSTE promenade opposite to Shangri-la Hotel and Empire Centre have been replaced with lifts, and this improvement measure is well received.
尖沙咀和中環的綠化總綱圖完成後,主要相關各方反應良 好 , 有 見及此 ,我們打 算進行 35CG 號和 36CG 號工程計劃下建議的綠化工 程,讓 綠化主題分別為「翡翠玉帶」和「 金融中 心的尖沙咀和中環, 其 環境得以顯著 改善。
Following completion of the GMPs for Tsim Sha Tsui and Central and building on positive response received from key stakeholders, we intend to carry out the proposed greening works under 35CG and 36CG to bring about noticeable improvements in these two districts bearing the overarching themes of “Jade Necklace” and “Heart of Gold” respectively.
Marvell® PXA910通信平台是一款为多媒体手机提供的高度集 的尖 端 3G 平台,它将Marvell的移动应用处理器的性能与Marvell成熟、可靠的3G技术完美地整合在了一起,可提供支持Linux系统的低成本移动手机平台和Android移动手机平台。
An advanced, highly integrated 3G platform for the multimedia-centric handset, the Marvell® PXA910 communication platform incorporates the performance of Marvell’s mobile application processor with Marvell’s mature and proven 3G technology to provide a low-cost mobile handset platform supporting Linux and Android mobile handset platform.
我们期 待与 IGEL 建立长期合作伙伴关系”,Garlock 说,“不仅是的尖端技 术,而且其卓越的客户服务,也给我们留下了深 刻的印象,它们已远远超出我们的期望值。
We look forward to a continued relationship with IGEL,” adds Garlock. “We’ve not only been impressed by their technology, but by the high quality of their customer service, which continues to exceed our expectations.
乙. 公眾參與 y 在分階段搬遷巴士總站時,定期收集使用者的意見;收集附近商業大廈業主 的建議;考慮廣場對現的尖沙咀 使用者及公眾的影響;讓公眾參與整個廣 場設計及發展過程。
(1) B. Public engagement y Collect users’ feedback regularly during the phased removal of the bus terminal; collect suggestions from nearby commercial building owners; consider the impact of piazza on existing TST users and the community; engage the public throughout the design and development processes of the piazza.
進行上述校正時,感溫元件必須裝於及密封於一玻璃套內, 而該感溫元的尖端與溫度計把手部份的底部最少距離450毫米, 該玻璃套的直徑不得超過8毫米。
For such calibrations it is necessary that the sensor element be mounted and sealed in a glass sheath so that the distance from the tip of the element to the bottom of the head of the thermometer is at least 450 mm, and the diameter of the glass sheath should not be greater than 8 mm.
以下 因素合在一起,对用作恐怖武器的便携式防空系统的威胁更具体地作了量化:必要 物资的供应情况;需求(恐怖分子寻求武器),以及潜在买家的经济手段;武器的能 力和射程(便携式防空系的设计尖端 程 度);武器各部件的运作状态(电池、自动 导引器和发射器的运作情况);正确操作武器的能力;以及接触到潜在目标的能力。
A combination of the following factors quantifies more specifically the threat of man-portable air defence systems used as a terrorist weapon: the availability of the necessary materiel; the demand (terrorists seeking weapons) and the economic means of potential buyers; the capacity and the range of the weapon (sophistication of design of the man-portable air defence systems); the operational status of the weapon’s various components (functionality of the batteries, seekers and launchers); the ability to operate the weapon properly; and the ability to access potential targets.
本修訂令由行政長官會同行政會議根據《渡輪服務條例》 ( 第 104章 ) 第 19(1)條作出,以修訂《渡輪服務( 天星小輪有限公 司 )(船費釐定)令》(第 104章,附屬法例C),分兩階段調高天星小 輪有限公司("天星小輪")就其來尖沙 咀 與中環 尖 沙 咀 與灣的兩條 專營渡輪航線所收取的最高船費,同時亦修訂香港法例第 104章附屬法例C的附表,以更新對有關服務的描述。
This Amendment Order is made by the Chief Executive in Council under section 19(1) of the Ferry Services Ordinance (Cap. 104). It amends the Ferry Services (The "Star" Ferry Company, Limited) (Determination of Fares) Order (Cap. 104 sub. leg. C) to increase in two phases the maximum fares chargeable by The "Star" Ferry Company, Limited (Star Ferry) on its two franchised ferry routes between Kowloon Point and respectively, Central and Wan Chai.
他确实非常免费使用的aristoteleanism,远远比他的前任更自由,但在行使其就 的尖 锐 批 评,并在方济各学校坚持重点旧的教学内容-特别是关于灵魂的形式或多元化,在等事项的精神和灵魂的天使,其中和他对抗通胀在其他点大力圣托马斯。
He made indeed very free use of Aristoteleanism, much freer than his predecessors, but in its employment exercised sharp criticism, and in important points adhered to the teaching of the Older Franciscan School -- especially with regard to the plurality of forms or of souls, the spiritual matter of the angels and of souls, etc., wherein and in other points he combatted energetically St. Thomas.
2002 年(阿富汗)贾的尖塔和考古遗址被列入《世界遗产名录》和《世界濒危遗产 名录》后,为该遗址制定管理计划的项目得到意大利信托基金协定的资助。
Following the inscription of the Minaret and Archaeological [...]
Remains of Jam (Afghanistan) on the World Heritage List and
on the List of World Heritage in Danger in 2002, a project for the preparation of a management plan for the site was financed through the Italian Funds-in-Trust Agreement.
4 月,总统弗拉基米尔·普京在其声明中首次将俄罗斯的艾滋病流行 病称为“需要社会各界关的尖锐问 题”,他保证要大幅提高联邦预算并做出确保 “不管多么昂贵,所以需要药物治疗的人都应获得药物治疗”的承诺。
In April, President Vladimir Putin in his statement for the first time referred to the AIDS epidemic in the Russian Federation as “an acute problem, which requires the attention of all sectors of society” and pledged a substantial increase of the federal budget and made a commitment to ensure that “all those in need of medication, however expensive, should have it”.
至于控制机制,东北大西洋渔委制定了一个利用现代技 的尖 端 系统,但 可更多关注质量控制问题,包括报告的交叉审查以及更有效利用检查资源和东北 大西洋渔委的数据库。
Regarding control mechanisms, NEAFC had developed a sophisticated system that made use of modern technologies, although more attention could be paid to quality control, including cross-checking of reports and more effective use of inspection resources and the NEAFC database.
深为关切在这方面伊斯兰教往往被错误地与侵犯人权和恐怖主义联系在 一起,并在这方面对专为控制和监督穆斯林少数而制定法律或采取行政措施感到 遗憾,使他们因此被视为另类,他们所受到的歧视被合法化; 强烈谴责在这方面禁止修建清真 的尖 塔 和 最近其他各种歧视性措施, 这些是仇视伊斯兰的表现,与有关宗教、信仰、良心和表达自由的国际人权义务 形成鲜明对照,并强调,此类歧视性措施会煽动歧视、极端主义和和误解,导致 两极分化和分裂,具有无法预料的意外危险后果
Strongly condemns in this regard the ban on the construction of minarets of mosques and other recent discriminatory measures, which are manifestations of Islamophobia which stand in sharp contradiction to international human rights obligations concerning freedoms of religion, belief, conscience and expression, and stresses that such discriminatory measures would fuel discrimination, extremism and misperception leading to polarization and fragmentation with dangerous unintended and unforeseen consequences
拉丁美洲领先的乳品生产企业Dos Pinos,开始在他们自的尖端实 验室内测试饲料车间的牛饲料的原料和成品。
The quality of the products from leading Latin American dairy producers, Dos Pinos, starts in their own feed plant, where all raw materials and finished feed for their cattle are tested in a sophisticated feed laboratory.
hybris 为您提供灵活安全、可扩展的高可用性解决方案,主要通过遍及全 的尖 端 数 据中心提供基于云技术的架构托管服务,实现服务器与网络管理、安全架构与服务、24x7 全天候监控、故障管理和应急支持。
hybris delivers this flexible, secure, scalable, high-availability solution through an offering of hosted cloud-based infrastructure services within state-of-the-art global datacenters with server and network management, security infrastructure and services, 24x7 monitoring, incident management and emergency support.




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