

单词 少付

少付 verb ()

pay less v

External sources (not reviewed)

界定供款計劃的已確認供款在到期時為支出,倘 少付 或 多 付供款的情況發生,將確認 為負債及資產並因其屬短期性質而列於流動負債及流動資產中。
Liabilities and assets may be recognised if underpayment or prepayment has occurred and are included in current liabilities or current assets as they are normally of a short-term nature.
如果政府能採用㆖述的理財方法,公眾㆟士獲悉在收入充裕 少付 ㆒ 點 稅款 及收費,或在收入欠佳時多付㆒點款項,他們也不會感到意外。
If this was to happen, members
of the public would not be surprised by
[...] being told to pay less when they earn [...]
more and to pay more when they earn less.
但是,这种智力成果少付诸实 践,也没有任何后 续安排。
But this intellectual
[...] production is rarely matched by practical [...]
application and there is no kind of follow-up.
酬金:酬金的少,付款使 用的币种以及付款方式,都应该根据下列规定在签定合同之前与 签约者谈判商定,并清楚完整地写入合同。
Fees: The amount of the fee, the currency or
[...] currencies of payment and the methods of payment must be negotiated [...]
with the contractors before
the conclusion of the contract in accordance with the provisions set out below and must be indicated clearly and in full in the contract.
[...] 会员国的意见以及让制裁委员会征求受尚未执行或 只是零星或者少付诸执行的制裁影响国家的意见。
Those include such measures as having subsidiary bodies of the Council seek the views of Member States and having sanctions committees seek the views of
those States affected by sanctions, which have either not been put in place or have
[...] been done sporadically and sparingly.
在后两者中,若补货不成功,则买方应有权保留付款,或 少付 款 ; 若缺陷太大,则可撤销合同。
If after two attempts supplementary performance proves to be conclusively unsuccessful,
then purchaser shall have the right to
[...] with- hold payment, to reduce payment, or if the [...]
defect is significant, to withdraw from the contract.
法律援助律师和政府工作人员报告说,拖欠 少付 工 资占劳动纠纷解决机制所处理的所有案件的一半多。
Legal aid lawyers and government sources
[...] reported that nonpayment or underpayment of wages accounted [...]
for more than half of all cases
handled through the labor dispute resolution system.
一旦 發現就某一月份支付的工資所進行的抽樣檢查顯 示少付 工資予工人的情況, 便 會 按照該少付 予工人的金額的 百分比,就 該月支付予承辦商的費 用 總額作出 相 同 百分比的 扣減。
In the event where
[...] shortfalls of payment to workers are revealed by the samples taken in a particular month, the total payment for that month to be paid to the contractor [...]
will be deducted
by the same percentage of the shortfall of payment.
专家小组注意到,虽然这一步简化 了报告工作,但长期来看,报告应付款项是一个应包括的重要内容,因为这将 显示任何未付费用,并为分少付原 因提供坚实基础。
The Panel notes that, while this step simplified the reporting, in the long term, reporting of payments due is an important element to include as it
would provide an
[...] indication of any unpaid fees and provide a solid foundation for analysis of reasons for any underpayments.
移民工人的脆弱性使他们有吸引力,因为可 少付 给 他们钱,向 他们提供很少或不提供工作场所安全和健康保护,可以随时通知雇用和解雇;此 [...]
The vulnerability of migrant workers made them attractive because
[...] they could be underpaid, provided with little or no workplace [...]
safety and health protections,
hired and dismissed on a moment’s notice; furthermore, union organizing among such workers could be impossible.
印度尼西亚政府同意 如果执行委员会履行本协定规定的义务 而印度尼西亚没有满 足表 1 所列逐步消减要求和本修订所列其他要求 各执行机构和多边基金将拒绝付给表 1 所列随后部分的资金 双方清楚地理解 本协定得到履行取决于印度尼西亚政府和执行委 员会履行各自义务的情况令人满意 此外 印度尼西亚的理解是 关于 2004 年开始的日历 年度目标 除非执行委员会另有决定 否则 多边基金将减少随后的付款部分并因此减少 附件 A 一类物质的资金总额 数目为任何一年中没有实现消费逐步消减按每 1 ODP 吨少付 给 9,800 美元 为方案总成本效益值的一倍
It is clearly understood that the fulfilment of this Agreement depends on the satisfactory performance by both the Government of Indonesia and the Executive Committee of their obligations. In addition, Indonesia understands that with respect to all calendar year targets beginning with 2004, the Multilateral Fund will reduce the subsequent tranches and therefore the total funding for Annex A, Group I substances in the amount of US$9,800 per ODP tonne (double the overall cost-effectiveness value of the programme) of reductions in consumption not achieved in any year, unless the Executive Committee decides otherwise.
在这方面,我们主要的担 心是:若是既加强国际水平的数据库知识产权保护,又鼓励在新的商用数据库产品和服务
[...] 方面增加投资,可能会同时大大减少发展中国家的科学家和研究员对其中所包含数据的使 用,因为他们通常少支付必要 订费的财力。
Our central concern here, therefore, is that a strengthening of IP protection for databases at the international level, whilst encouraging more investment in new commercial database products and services, may at the same time greatly reduce the access of scientists and researchers in developing
countries to the data they contain because they will
[...] often lack the financial means to pay for the necessary [...]
更改每手買賣單位之理由乃為少股 東 應 付 之 新 股每手買賣單位之行政費用。
The reason for the change in the board lot
[...] size is to reduce the administrative fees per board lot of New Shares to be payable by the Shareholders.
年《儿童和青少年法令 》
[...] (CYPO)于2010年3月1 日生效,规 定将未满18 周岁的犯罪儿童付少 年法庭。
The Children and Young Persons Order (CYPO) 2006, which entered into
force on 1st March 2010, provides that any child below 18 who has committed an offence be
[...] brought before the juvenile court.
欧 盟驻科法治团还帮助警察有效付少 数 刑 事案件和 族裔间暴力事件,使事件迅速得到平息。
EULEX has helped to ensure an effective response by the Police to the few instances of criminal and inter-ethnic violence that have occurred, ensuring their quick suppression.
2009 年的果敢特区冲突让北京感到措手不及,因为 北京低估了内比都政府以武力付少 数 民 族团体的 决心。
Beijing was caught off-guard by the August 2009 Kokang conflict because it underestimated Naypyidaw’s willingness to use force against the ethnic groups and was not sufficiently warned by Kunming.
如果您年满 18 岁或以上,并享有一般补助 或医疗补助类福利,您可能需要为一些服 务付少量的 费用(共付额)(请参阅本 手册另附的“会员共付额一览表”查看服 务和共付额。
If you are 18 years of age or older and are in either a General Assistance or a Medical Assistance
category, you may
[...] have to pay a small amount (co-pay) for some services (please see the “Member Co-payment Schedule” [...]
on the separate sheet
that came with this handbook for services and co-pay amounts.
The applicant will receive a counterfoil with a code number and there is a small fee.
周转金账户有三个 具体用途:(a) 应付现金流动中的临时短缺;(b) 为意外需要提供经费;(c) 在 工程处活动少时,应付特别 清算债务。
The working capital account is used for three specific purposes: (a) to meet temporary shortfalls in cash flow; (b) to finance unforeseen needs; and (c) in the event of a curtailment of the Agency’s activities, to meet any extraordinary liquidating liabilities.
您还可以付少量费 用预订酒店车辆接送服务。
You may also arrange
[...] for a van transfer at a minimal fee.
需要解决若干问题,以便能够更加切实有效地管理混 合行动财务事项,这些事项涉及:(a)
[...] 混合行动的折价、协调违约赔偿金、结清应收款和应付款项及进行账户对账,以 此建立更强有力的内部控制机制;(b) 避免在工作人员正常休假时出现日常业务 中断情况;(c) 减少与支付工资 和销售商款项有关的处理时间。
A number of issues need to be addressed to enable more efficient and effective management of the Operation’s finances and these relate to: (a) building a stronger internal control mechanism through an improved tracking of financial documents, monitoring of discounts payable to UNAMID, coordination of liquidated damages, clearance of receivables and payables, and account reconciliations; (b) avoiding interruptions of day-to-day operations when
staff are taking their leave
[...] entitlements; and (c) reducing the processing time related to payroll and vendor payments.
您只需付少量费 用,甚至不用花钱,就可以在大西洋海岸进行刺激的户外探险。
The Atlantic coast, especially, is perfect for enjoying all the adventure of the outdoor life at little or no cost at all.
如果您是个人,ActivTrades应您的要求,有义务为您提供我们持有的您个人资料(如有)的副本,您要 付少 量 费 用。
If you are an individual, ActivTrades is obliged to
supply you, on request, with a copy of the personal data we hold about you (if any),
[...] provided that you pay a small fee.
[...] 域开展合作:(a)加强并监测关于贫困和弱势儿童和妇女获得并使用卫生服务的 政策、标准和战略;(b)降低穷人的保健成本,制订 少 依 赖 自 付 费 用的 支 付机 制 ;(c)确保卫生人员具备适当的能力,特别是在偏远贫困地区;(d)完善保健 信息系统,以加强管理、服务提供和资源分配;(e)扩大妇幼保健和营养服务的 [...] [...]
可得性、范围和质量,特别是对贫困人口;以及(f)提高保健品和营养品、药物 和疫苗的可靠性和可得性。
UNICEF will cooperate in the following areas: (a) improving and monitoring policies, standards and strategies for access to and uptake of health services for poor and
vulnerable children and
[...] women; (b) reducing health care costs for the poor and developing payment mechanisms less reliant on out-of-pocket [...]
(c) assuring adequate capacity in health human resources, particularly in remote poor areas; (d) improving health information systems to enable improved governance and performance of services and allocation of resources; (e) increasing the availability, range and quality of maternal and child health care and nutrition services, especially for the poor; and (f) increasing the reliability and availability of health and nutrition commodities, drugs and vaccines.
The amounts due to the minority shareholders and [...]
related companies are unsecured, interest-free and repayable on demand.
另外,印度了解执行委员会可以针对未能实现本协定第2段和第5段中承 诺的削减量,依据每ODP吨1,000美元的标准, 少 随 后各 期 付 款 的 资金。
In addition, India understands that the Executive Committee may reduce the funding of the subsequent tranches on the basis of US $1,000 per ODP tonnes of reductions not achieved for the commitments mentioned in paragraphs 2 and 5 of this Agreement.
尽管如此,由于并非所有子公司都达到5%的法定比例,因此我们还需 付少 量 的 补偿金。
Even so, we had to pay a small compensatory [...]
levy, as not every subsidiary achieved the 5-percent target.
有时候,语言课程收费包括了旅游费用,或者您可能要额外 付少 量 费 用参加旅游。
Sometimes these activities are included in the cost of your language course, or you may have to pay a small extra participation fee.
若離開車滿為患的已開發國家,情況會略有不同,例如近期在智利首都實施的塞車費方案內,收費站設於市區東側,涵蓋商業區所有車輛出入口,任何車輛若不屬於居民與區域內員工,進入皆 付少 許 費 用。
A recent congestion pricing project in Santiago, Chile, calls for pay centres placed to cover all vehicle entrances to the business district on the eastern side of the city, and charge a nominal fee to all vehicles entering the district that don’t belong to residents or workers (see this write up [es] for more information).
为协助 各国付针对 粮食生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、 动植物健康问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析和加强基层 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) 食品 标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) 设立一个食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情 况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 国际论坛讨论与粮食和农业相关的生物风险管理问题。
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national ability to monitor, diagnose, report and respond to pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.




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