

单词 小數


數小时 pl

few hours pl

See also:


small adj
few adj
little adj
young adj

External sources (not reviewed)

一般來說,加熱過程所 需時間和溫度視乎多項因素而定,包括食物的成分、 小 、 數 量 、 形狀、 密度和物理狀態等。
Generally speaking, the time and temperature of
the heating process depends
[...] on a number of factors including composition, size, quantity, shape, [...]
density and physical state of the food item.
在上表中, 這小數均已 約為整數,令數字加起來可能與相對的總計數目略有出入。
In the above table, the decimal figures are rounded [...]
to the nearest whole number.
因此,部份學科類別的學生數為 小數。
Thus the
[...] student numbers of some APCs are decimal figures.
[...] 理與其他附屬基金一致,德盛全球高成長科技基金的相應 AGIF 股份,將發行至 3 個小 數位。
In order to align the administration for this Subfund
with other Subfunds, the corresponding AGIF Shares of Allianz RCM Global Hi-Tech Growth will
[...] be issued to 3 decimal places.
換 言之,薪酬索 償 的各方(這些 案件通 常 牽小數目) 不 應該承 受 和 牽 涉 較 大金額 [...]
的案件的訴訟人同 樣 的訟費 風險。
In other words, parties to employment claims
[...] which usually involve small amounts should not [...]
be subject to the same costs risks as
litigants in higher monetary value cases where legal costs are payable at both first instance and on appeal
每種營養素的含量 平均值取至與檢測限相同小數位, 然後再取至兩位有效數字。
For each nutrient, the mean value was rounded to the same decimal place as the limit of detection (LOD), then to 2 significant figures.
截至生效日,德盛全球高成長科技基金的股份將交換為發行至 3 個小數位的德 盛全球高成長科技基金的 AGIF 股份,萬分之一(即 0.0001)股的持股將會湊整。
As of the Effective Date, Shares of Allianz Global Investors Selections RCM Global Hi-Tech Growth Fund will be exchanged for AGIF Shares of Allianz RCM Global Hi-Tech Growth issued to 3 decimal places with holdings of ten-thousandths of a share (i.e. 0.0001) rounded up.
如提名只需要小數目委員的支持(50 位左右), 這將能為更多不同政治背景的 人提供參選機會。
A low threshold such as 50 can facilitate candidates from various political backgrounds to stand for election.
(a) 增 設的政治任命職位應維持小數目。
(a) the number of additional political appointment should be small.
CPD points will be rounded down to the nearest whole number.
具體來說,下一代網絡基本上是封包交換網絡3 ,通過
[...] 下一代網絡傳送的信息(不管是話音、數據或影像信息)會 分成小數據封 包,依據網際規約(俗稱 IP)傳遞。
More specifically, in an NGN which is basically a packet-switched network3 , a message (be it a
voice, data or video message) to be
[...] conveyed is divided into small data packets for [...]
delivery based on the Internet Protocol (or commonly known as IP).
董事可發行任何股份類別的零碎股份,若落實發行,該等零碎股份(計算至三小數點)須遵行及承擔相應的零碎責任(不論有關任何未付股款、出資、催 繳或其他事項)、限制、優先權、優惠、條件局限、限制、權利(包括但不限 [...]
The Directors may issue fractions of a share of any class of shares, and, if so issued, a
fraction of a share
[...] (calculated to three decimal points) shall be subject to and carry the corresponding fractional liabilities [...]
(whether with
respect to any unpaid amount thereon, contribution, calls or otherwise), limitations, preferences, privileges, qualifications, restrictions, rights (including, without limitation, voting and participation rights) and other attributes of a whole share of the same class of shares.
(i) 已就該轉讓向本公司支付費用 2.50 港元(或香港聯合交易所有限公司 指定規則可能不時允許的較高數額)或董事會可能不時規定的 小數額
(i) a fee of HK$2.50 (or such higher amount as may from time to time be permitted under the rules prescribed by The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited) or such lesser sum as the Board may from time to time require is paid to the Company in respect thereof
按教育程度劃分的每小時工資中數 小學及以下
Median hourly wage by educational attainment Primary and below
引進上述新 系統後,在某些情況下,取用數據所需的時間可 數小 時大 幅減至數分鐘。
In some cases, the time required for data access can be considerably reduced from hours to minutes with the introduction of this new system.
這個參數是相對於目前位置的位移 小 於 零的 數值代表最終位置在負方向。
And the negative value indicates that the finish point is in negative-direction.
講座或課堂授課 指傳統的數小時的講座或課堂授課。
These refer to conventional classroom seminars / lectures of a few hours in duration.
From a listed issuer’s perspective, the meeting venue in any event needs to be booked for a minimum period of a few hours in order to allow sufficient time for any ensuing deliberation.
一個三分鐘的短片 可能就會占了 60MB,所以需數小時下載。
A short three minute video can take up 60MB of disk space and will take many hours to download.
就任何年度而言,指港燈出售電力予香港境內的客戶 之總收入,但不包括回扣和燃料成本帳戶調整,再除 以相應的出售電力數,以每千小 時 仙 表示數 字。
means, for any Year, the figure in cents per kWh obtained by dividing the total revenues of HEC from sales of electricity
to consumers in Hong Kong excluding rebates and Fuel Cost
[...] Account Adjustment by the corresponding number of units sold.
大力主張比例代表制的學者 Lijphart 認為,比例代表制根 據各個政黨的總得票率來分配國會席次,防止了單一政黨 獲得壓倒性勝利的局面,沒有任何一黨保有絕對 數 ,小 黨或 獨立人士也有機會取得席位,因此比多數代表制更能 成就各政黨的均衡參與。
According to Professor Lijphart, the leading advocate of proportional representation, the allocation of parliamentary seats based on the total percentage of votes secured by each political party can prevent a single party from obtaining an overwhelming victory.
[...] 文、中文及數學三個核心科目來說,深水 區大數小學三科的及格 比率,都較全港的平均比率為高。
In a study of the overall basic competency of Primary 3 students in 2004, in the three core
subjects of English, Chinese, Mathematics,
[...] the majority of primary schools in Sham [...]
Shui Po attained a higher passing percentage
in these three subjects than the territory-wide average.
如果每個類別的食品和樣數目增 加,化驗檢測工作便能 夠更全面地涵蓋香港市面供應的發酵食物,以及更準確地評估這些食物 的氨基甲酸乙酯含量範圍和平均值。
Increasing both the number of food items and the number of samples per individual food commodity for laboratory analysis could provide a more comprehensive coverage and a more precise estimate of the range and average EC concentration of fermented foods in the Hong Kong market.
就資歷組別 9 而言, 薪常會注意到公務員與私營機構學位職位的薪俸結構不同(即私 營機構的學位職位一般數年後 會有較大幅度的加薪),基於這 個資歷組別的職位會成為公務員隊伍的骨幹,政府必須維持這個 資歷組別職位的競爭力。
For QG 9, the Standing Commission has noted, in particular, the differences in the salary structure of degree jobs in the civil service and the private sector (viz. degree jobs in the private sector generally enjoy a larger jump after a few years) and the importance to maintain the competitiveness of jobs in the QG which form the backbone of the civil service, etc.
(B) 於發行任何新股份前,本公司可以普通決議案作出任何有關發行及配發該等
[...] 任何部分)須先行按當時任何類別股份的所有持有人各自持有的股 數 目所 佔的持股比例發行予彼等,惟倘未有如此釐訂,則有關股份可視作於有關股 [...]
(B) The Company may by ordinary resolution, before the issue of any new shares, make any provisions as to the issue and allotment of such shares including, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, a provision that the new shares or any of them shall be offered in the first instance to all the holders for
the time being of shares of any class in
[...] proportion to the number of the shares [...]
held by them respectively but in default of
any such determination, such shares may be dealt with as if they formed part of the capital of the Company existing prior to the issue of the same.
中期回顧研究》採用該手冊作為排放量估算的客觀基礎,並 以適用於當地的排放因子及排放活 數 據 , 同時考慮珠江三角 洲地區外已有的研究成果及估算經驗,對區內各類污染物排放 量作出科學的估算。
By adopting this Handbook as the objective basis of emission estimation, and the use of available local emission factors and data, the Mid-term Review provided a scientifically sound estimation on the emissions of various pollutants in the Region, having regard to findings of studies and experience gained from emission estimation in other areas.
(d) 就股份選擇權已被正式行使的股份(「已行使選擇權股份」) 而言,有關股息(或已獲授選擇權的該部份股息)不得以股份 支付,而為了取代及支付該股息,須基於上文所釐訂的配發基 準向已正式行使前述股份選擇權的股東以入賬列為繳足的方式
[...] [...] 配發股份,而就此而言,董事會可按其決定把本公司可供分派 溢利的任何部分或本公司儲備賬的任何部分(包括任何特別賬 戶、股份溢價賬及資本贖回資金)撥充資本並加以應用,金額 相當於按有關基準配發的股份面值總額,有關金額將 數 用作 繳足將按有關基準配發及分發予已行使選擇權股份承配人的恰數目股份。
(d) the dividend (or that part of the dividend in respect of which a right of election has been accorded) shall not be payable on shares in respect whereof the share election has been duly exercised (“the elected shares”) and in lieu and in satisfaction thereof shares shall be allotted credited as fully paid to the members who have duly exercised the said share election on the basis of allotment determined as aforesaid and for such purpose the Directors shall capitalise and apply out of any part of the profits of the Company available for distribution or any part of any of the Company’s reserve accounts (including any special account, share premium account and capital redemption reserve fund) as the Directors may determine, a sum equal to the aggregate nominal amount of the shares to be allotted on such basis and apply the same in
paying up in full the
[...] appropriate number of shares for allotment and distribution to and amongst the allottees of the elected shares on such basis.
(b) 任何董事可於出任董事期間兼任本公司任何 其他職位或有薪崗位(數師職 位除外), 該兼任職位或崗位的任期及條款由董事會決 定,有關董事可就此收取董事會可能決定的 有關額外酬金(無論以薪金、佣金、分享溢 利或其他形式支付),而有關額外酬金須為 任何其他細則規定或根據任何其他細則支付 的酬金以外的酬金。
(b) A Director may hold any other office or place of profit with the Company (except that of Auditor) in conjunction with his office of Director for such period and upon such terms as the Board may determine, and may be paid such extra remuneration therefor (whether by way of salary, commission, participation in profit or otherwise) as the Board may determine, and such extra remuneration shall be in addition to any remuneration provided for by or pursuant to any other Article.
由於採用系統和處理工序的 費用增加及工資上漲,營業支出相應提升(惟增 幅仍低於收入的升幅),但由於我們持續推行計 劃以改善各項業務的效率,平均職員 數 得 以減 省,令部分支出的增幅被抵銷。
Operating expenses increased, though to a lesser extent than revenues, due to higher systems implementation and processing costs and wage inflation, partly offset by reduced average staff numbers as we continued to implement programmes to improve efficiency across our operations.
根據房屋條例第 26A 條的規定,任何人士若因違反是 項規 定而被法庭定罪,可被判令(a) 將所購得的樓宇轉讓予房委會或其提名人;或(b) 向房委會繳付一筆款項數額相 等於該單位原 來買價與在判罪時十足市值的差額。
On conviction of such an offence, the court may, under Section 26A of the Housing Ordinance, order (a) that the flat so purchased be transferred to the HA or its nominee; or (b) that the offender pay the HA a sum equivalent to the difference between the original purchase price of the flat and its full market value as at the date of conviction.




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