

单词 小食



Food court

小食店 n

bistro n

进小食 n

refreshment n

External sources (not reviewed)

在以馬鈴薯麵團製成的馬鈴小食中 , 以其他配料,例如還原糖及∕ 或天門冬酰胺含量較低的大米粉取代部分馬鈴薯。
Partially replace the potato with other ingredients e.g. rice flour which contains lower levels of reducing sugars and/or asparagine in reconstituted potato based snacks made from potato dough.
大堂酒廊位于酒店中心,以传统的亚洲装饰为背景,为您提供各式饮品 小食 , 及 驻店乐队现场表演。
Featuring beverages, snacks and live entertainment, the Lobby Lounge is at the heart of the hotel,
with beautiful, traditional Asian decor serving as
[...] a backdrop to gourmet coffees, afternoon [...]
teas and evening cocktails.
市场上小食品太 贵了,伊夫拉哈病情不断加重。
What little food there was in the markets [...]
was too expensive, and Ifrah become sicker and sicker.
宾客可于池畔的Buko酒吧享小食和饮 品。
The poolside
[...] Buko Bar offers refreshments and drinks.
本附加報告將說明學小食的供 應情況,因此只呈列附錄 3 及附錄 4 的分析結果。
This supplementary report would describe the
[...] availability of snacks in schools and so [...]
only results obtained from appendices 3 and 4 were presented.
澳洲牧羊者运用SMOKO代表早餐及午餐之间的休息时间,在这一段时间,他们会吃 小食。
Australian shepherd uses “smoko” to represent break between breakfast and lunch.
在池边休息区享受温暖的阳光,泳池酒吧为您准备了度过愉快午后必备的饮品 小食。
Soak up the sun from the comfortable poolside seating area with a pool bar stocking
[...] all the drinks and snacks you need for an afternoon [...]
of pure relaxation.
(b) 承租人如在攤檔售賣鮮肉、冰鮮肉、凍肉、魚類、活家禽(包括新 鮮家禽屠體)、冰鮮家禽、食、小食 、 烘 製包餅、燒味和滷味或 經營服務行業,須遵守政府特定的有關條件和規定。
(b) In case the Tenant sells fresh meat, chilled meat, frozen meat, fish, live poultry
(including fresh poultry carcass), chilled
[...] poultry, cooked food, light refreshment, [...]
bakery, siu mei and lo mei, or providing
service trade at the Stall, the Tenant shall comply with the relevant conditions and requirements as specified by the Government.
(14) 經營酒店、餐廳、咖啡室、酒館、啤酒館 小食 店 、公寓、持牌食品供應商、 葡萄酒、啤酒及烈酒商、釀酒商、麥芽製造商、蒸餾酒商、汽水、礦泉水、 蒸餾水及人造水及其他飲品之進口商及製造商、伙食承辦商、筵席承辦商等 業務。
(14) To carry on the business of hotel, restaurant, cafe, tavern, beer-house, refreshment-room, and lodginghouse keepers, licensed victuallers, wine, beer, and spirit merchants, brewers, maltsters, distillers, importers and manufacturers of aerated, mineral, distilled and artificial waters and other drinks, purveyors, caterers for public amusements generally.
它 們 包 括 有 例 如 每 次 進 行 查 問 的 時 間 長 短、被 控 人 是
[...] 否 曾 獲 供 應 適 當小 食 及 作 出 陳 述 者 的 特 [...]
徵 之 類 的 東 西 。
They include such things as the length of time of any individual periods of
questioning; whether the accused person had been
[...] given proper refreshment or not, and [...]
the characteristics of the person who makes the statement".
家長應支持學校的決定,逐漸淘 小食 部 和 自動售賣機中的「少選為佳 小食 」 以 及午 膳中的「強烈不鼓勵供應的食品」。
Parents should support schools’
[...] decision to phase out “Snacks to choose less” from tuck shops and vending machines and ‘strongly discouraged food items’ from lunch supply.
此外,其它的食品加工也占有很重要的地位, 例如鱼类相关食品,可可,咖啡 小食 品和 工业面包生产。
There are other
[...] branches of agrifood production of significance such as products deriving from fish, cocoa and coffee and industrial [...]
bakery products.
除教育學生外,學校行政人員、家長 小食 部 營 運商均應承擔職責,增加學 小食 部 出售 建小食的數 量;而學校自動售賣機亦應增加供應健康飲品。
Apart from educating students, school administrators, parents
and tuck shop
[...] operators all have a role to provide for more recommended snacks in school tuck shops. Healthy beverages should also [...]
be made more available
in the school vending machines.
小食的優 點在於街道因此更有生氣,餐車讓街道成為民眾的去處,而不只是城市必要機能。
Food trucks make the street [...]
a destination and not just a necessary function of the city.
关于无空调区(停车场小食堂户 外座位区所占面积),拟预留共计 1 700 平 方米(见 A/66/754,附件二)。
With regard to the unconditioned area (required for parking and cafeteria outdoor seating), a total requirement of 1,700 square metres is being proposed (see A/66/754, annex II).
你只需要按程式的提問輸入產品的資料, 小食 營 養 分類精靈」便會根據衞生署編製的《學 小食 營 養 指引》(2010年修訂版)建議,即時 小食 作 出營養分類,並會 小食 獨 立 包裝的分量作出分析。
Simply by answering the questions prompted by the
[...] programme according to product information, the Wizard will classify the snacks based on its nutritional quality in accordance with the DH Nutritional Guidelines on Snacks for Students (Revised 2010).
Wi-Fi 接入點可安裝於山頂小食亭, 該處鄰近兒童 遊樂場及澳門電訊的衛星地台,網絡連接及電源的安排比較容易。
The concession stand is near the children’s play area and CTM’s satellite earth station, making core network connections and power considerations easier to arrange.
有見市面上「限量選擇小食」選 擇眾多,而且「宜多選擇 小食 」 愈來愈普及,學校 應小食部和 自動售賣機中淘汰「少選為佳 小食 」。
Schools should go for
[...] elimination of “Snacks to choose less” items from school tuck shops and vending machines when “Snacks to choose in moderation” items are readily available from the market and “Snacks to choose more” items [...]
are gaining in popularity.
下次搭乘班機前先小食或鮮 食大多數北美、加勒比海和特定拉丁美洲航班飛行時間超過兩小時的聯合經濟艙 (United Economy®) 都會提供精選膳食服務。
Choice Menu features selections available in United Economy® on most flights longer than two hours within North America, Caribbean and select Latin America flights longer than two hours.
酒吧每天举办特别品酒会,让您在各类精 小食 中 体验美妙的口感。
Every day, special wine tastings are accompanied by
[...] different bites of food, such as fried polenta with cream cheese, bruschetta and other specialties.
與院內小食店不 同,Stellar咖啡室將附設電影院設施,以同時吸引電影觀眾及非電影觀眾,讓客人可享用服 務,同時又能與親友共聚放鬆。
Unlike in-cinema kiosks, Stellar Café Bars will be set up within cinema complexes to attract both film audiences and non-film audiences to enable customers to enjoy our services as well as relaxing and gathering with friends.
例如我認識有一間飲小食店主 ,他們主要售賣傳統中式糕點及果 汁,食物質素不過不失,而款式沒有多大的變化,客源穩定。
One of my acquaintances is an owner of
[...] a beverage and snack shop which mainly [...]
sells traditional Chinese cakes and fruit juice of ordinary quality.
[...] 最好不要再大力宣傳其他食品如炸雞、雪糕 小食 , 以 免喧賓奪主,令自己店舖的定位模糊。
If your shop majors in selling hamburgers, you’d better not
[...] promote the other food, say fried chicken [...]
and ice-cream, strongly.
新 規 則 只 處 理 有 關 事 宜 的 某 些 特 定 方 陎 , 而
其 他 事 項 , 例 如 提 供 合 理 地 舒 適 的 條 件 , 安 排 足
[...] 夠 小 休 作 休 息 和小 食 之 用,若 有 關 人 士 不 [...]
諳 英 語 或 未 成 年 或 理 解 能 力 薄 弱 即 進 行 特 別 的 程
序 , 則 是 適 宜 向 警 方 發 出 行 政 指 示 的 事 宜 。
Other matters such as affording
reasonably comfortable conditions, adequate breaks
[...] for rest and refreshment, special procedures [...]
in the case of persons unfamiliar
with the English language or of immature age or feeble understanding, are proper subjects for administrative directions to the police.
您将置身于小众精英宾客之中,享受多种特惠服务,下午茶、餐前鸡尾 小食 、 免 费Wi-Fi上网、全天供应的咖啡、茶、水果和小吃。
Be among a small selected group of elite guests and enjoy special privileges, such as breakfast, afternoon tea
and pre-dinner cocktails
[...] with canapes complimentary computers with Wi-Fi, all day coffee, tea, fruit and snacks, as well as a bar [...]
is also available in
this tranquil atmosphere of relaxing comfort.
其 20間 會 議 及 宴 會 廳 , 其 中 包 括 一 間 可 容 納 550人 的 大 型 宴 會 廳 及 聚 賢 廳 ; 酒 店 設 有 4間 餐 廳 , 從 享 譽 國 際 的 Zeffirino 風 情 畫 意 大 利 餐 廳 提 供 正 宗 意 菜 至 屢 獲 殊 榮 的 中 菜 廳 富 豪 金 殿 、 或 是 提 供 國 際 美 食 的 御 花 園 咖 啡 室 及 供 應 輕小 食 、 傳 統 英 式 下 午 茶 的 帝 廊 , 都 能 滿 足 客 人 的 不 同 口 味 。
The Hotel also features 4 restaurants. From authentic Italian cuisines at the world-acclaimed Zeffirino Ristorante to Cantonese cuisines at the award-winning Regal Palace, or casual dining in Café Rivoli to classical and high tea at Tiffany Lounge.
填海的理據亦應包括進行各項工程以改善海傍的整 體環境,即劃出一個連綿不斷的行人專區,讓途人能便 捷地往返海傍與鄰近地區,並提供一系列消閒康樂設
[...] 施;設計完善、配合海傍發展的商店,例如露天茶座、 節日市集小食亭;以及涼亭和其他文化設施,包括海 [...]
Justification must be also on works that will enhance the overall environment of the waterfront, i.e. a continuous pedestrian environment that can be used by the people and which allows easy access to and from surrounding districts and supported by a range of leisure, recreational, well designed and
integrated commercially operated attractions
[...] such as outdoor cafes, festival markets, [...]
kiosks, shaded sitting areas, cultural
facilities including a maritime museum, and other water-related uses and features” [Enclosure 2.12].
調查亦涉及有關消費者購物習慣,並發現消費者特別渴望可以隨時隨地使用信用卡支付交通工具(例如的士)費用(43%)、購買街 小食 ( 29 %)、在街市購物(17%),或支付私人導師或教練的費用(15%) 。
The research into consumer shopping behavior also highlighted that consumers were particularly eager to pay with credit cards
on-the-go when paying for taxi fares
[...] (43%), buying street food (29%), purchasing [...]
goods at a market (17%), or paying for
a personal tutor or trainer (15%) .
秘书长在报告中表示,拟为新设施专门区域预留 2 190
[...] 平方米,包括档案和 记录存放处、审判室、阅读和资料区、数据中心、安全指挥中心 小食 堂 和 医疗 诊所;大楼其他服务区等。
The Secretary-General indicated in his report that a requirement of 2,190 square metres is being proposed for the specialized areas of the new facility, which include the archive and records repository,
courtroom, reading room and information area, data centre,
[...] security command centre, small cafeteria and a medical clinic.
[...] 動容時刻"為題,旅遊局的澳洲代表準備了豐富的娛樂節目 小食 攤 位 ,同場推廣明年的第60屆澳門格蘭披治大賽車及第25屆澳門國際煙花比賽匯演。
Macau Festival 2012" was scheduled to take place on weekends and Sundays around the theme "Touching Moments, Experience Macau". MGTO Representative
in Australia prepared a rich variety
[...] of entertainment and food stalls, whilst promoting [...]
next year's 60th Macau Grand Prix
and the 25th Macau International Fireworks Display Contest during the event.




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