单词 | 小道 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 小道noun—trailn小道—minor arts (Confucian reference agriculture, medicine, divination, and other professions unworthy of a gentleman) bypath bribery as a means of achieving a goal Examples:小道新闻—news from the grapevine 小道消息n—gossipn 林间小道n—trailn 羊肠小道—road as twisty as sheep's intestine (idiom); narrow and winding road fig. complicated and tricky job
玛丽王后小道房舍的租金未纳入租金调整指数系统,按现租金水平维持到 2011 年,以便在需要时两份 租约能在同一时间续延。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Rent for the building on chemin de la Reine Marie is not indexed and runs until 2011 so that the two leases may, if necessary, be renewed at the same time. unesdoc.unesco.org |
感觉莱伊什郡中心的林间小道和山谷的魅力。 discoverireland.com | Enjoy enchanting forest walks and hidden valleys in the heart of County Laois. discoverireland.com |
出市区9公里,去往巴洛海依那(Paloheinä)休闲中心,租一套滑雪板,在中央公园的雪地森林里选几条你最喜欢的滑雪小道。 visitfinland.com | Head for Paloheinä Recreational [...] Center, about 9 km from downtown, to rent some skis and [...] take yourpickoftrails in the wintery forest [...]of Central Park. visitfinland.com |
其茂密深谷(Tropical Ravine)拥有茂密的植物,从高处的小道上望去风景极为秀丽。 discoverireland.com | The Tropical Ravine is landscaped as a luxuriant tropical glen to be [...] viewed froma high walkwayallaround. discoverireland.com |
在停满车辆的街道中、繁忙的路口,或狭窄的小道中,U 20均游刃有余。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | On streets encumbered by parked vehicles, at busy crossings, in narrow driveways. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
为引起公众的重视,许多与物种普查相关的普及宣传正在积极展开:如展览、专题研讨会、讲座、刊物出版以及暑期学校等等。 梅康图尔其实是一个非常吸引游客的旅游观光地,在其600公里的山间小道上,每年有800,000多名游客来此登山、滑雪或游览﹔欣赏此间的山谷奇观,40,000个史前雕刻和镶嵌在山中的阿洛斯湖,这是欧洲最大的高海拔天然湖泊。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | Awareness campaigns for educational purposes related to the inventory are being conducted among the general public, including exhibitions, talks, conferences, publications, summer schools, etc. The Mercantour National Park is indeed very popular among tourists, with over 800,000 visitors coming here every year to climb, ski or hike along its 600 kilometres of paths, or admire the Vallée des Merveilles and its 40,000 prehistoric rock carvings or the Lac d’Allos, Europe’s highest natural high-altitude lake. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
公园、湖滨小道和勃朗峰(Mount Blanc)的壮丽景色让这里成为了一个名副其实的旅游热点。 hihostels.com | Set close to Lake Léman, the hostel is about 1 km from the centre of this idyllically situated city with its parks, promenades and wonderful views of Mount Blanc. hihostels.com |
梅康图尔其实是一个非常吸引游客的旅游观光地,在其600公里的山间小道上,每年有800,000多名游客来此登山、滑雪或游览﹔欣赏此间的山谷奇观,40,000个史前雕刻和镶嵌在山中的阿洛斯湖,这是欧洲最大的高海拔天然湖泊。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | Awareness campaigns for educational purposes related to the inventory are being conducted among the general public, including exhibitions, talks, conferences, [...] publications, summer schools, etc. The [...] Mercantour National Park is indeed very popular [...]among tourists, with over 800,000 visitors [...]coming here every year to climb, ski or hike along its 600 kilometres of paths, or admire the Vallée des Merveilles and its 40,000 prehistoric rock carvings or the Lac d’Allos, Europe’s highest natural high-altitude lake. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
着名的海军码头就有一条漂亮的人行小道,一直延伸到密歇根湖和150英尺高的摩天轮,沿途还有数不清的商店和餐馆。 abgcorp.com | The famous navy pier has a beautiful boardwalk that extends out into Lake Michigan as well as a 150 foot Ferris Wheel and countless shopping and dining possibilities. abgcorp.com |
按面 积算,Decelle 大街的大楼租金为每平方米 213.28 加元,玛丽王后小道的那栋为每平方 米 107.60 加元。 unesdoc.unesco.org | However, additional costs are required for the building on the chemin de la Reine Marie (CAD $91,505 a year, equivalent to CAD $141.71 per square metre) while the rent for the building on avenue Decelles includesservices (electricity, heating, caretaking, maintenance of green areas). unesdoc.unesco.org |
David、John、Paul及Richard Seton四人正在组织本田67大骑行活动(The Great Honda 67 [...] Ride)(www.honda67ride.com),他们将沿历史久远的胡志明小道,骑着迄今已风靡45年之久的摩托车,从越南北方的首都河内,一路骑行至南端的胡志明市。 tipschina.gov.cn | David, John, Paul, and Richard Seton are leading The Great Honda 67 Ride (www.honda67ride.com) [...] on 45 year old motorcycles along the [...] historic Ho ChiMinh Trailfrom the northern [...]capital of Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City at [...]the southern tip of the South East Asian country. tipschina.gov.cn |
通过小工具、小道具功能提供简单方便的用户操作界面,通过自动化工具及再生组件可简便快捷地完成构筑工作。 smartfactory.lgcns.com | It provides simple and convenient user [...] interfaces through gadgetsandwidgets and [...]allows easy and fast deployment through automation [...]tools and recycled components. smartfactory.lgcns.com |
努克西奥国家公园距离赫尔辛基市区仅35公里之遥,位于基尔科努米(Kirkkonummi),森林和湖泊的占地面积总计为45平方公里,其美景令人叹为观止,公园中还有设有标记的林中小道和野餐烧烤点。 visitfinland.com | Located only 35 km out of town in Kirkkonummi, [...] Nuuksio offers 45 square kilometres of gorgeous forest and lake scenery, [...] complete withmarked trails and cooking shelters. visitfinland.com |
该地区是鼓舞人心的,提供便捷Akamas半岛的自然保护区,和各种景观的岩石,郁郁葱葱的草地、崎岖的坦直的森林小道和安静的海滩。 maispa.estatecy.com | The area is inspiring and offers easy access to the Akamas [...] peninsula nature reserve, and the varied landscapes of rocky promontories, lush meadows, [...] rugged forests and quiet beaches. maispa.estatecy.com |
我们看过那麽多画师没有达到高超画术家的水平,就是高超画术家也会误入歧路,或如马少宣分裂衍生出次要的画师化身, 在事业过程中既是大艺术家又是小道的装饰画工。 e-yaji.com | We have seen so many lesser artists fail to live up to the high standards set by the masters of the medium, and even seen the occasional master [...] fall from grace, or, like Ma Shaoxuan, maintain a second [...] personality as a minor, decorative artist [...]throughout his career. e-yaji.com |
度西尼海滩州立公园提供许多活动, 例如: 骑自行车、海滩排球、绿茵草地区、供徒步的小道等等。 cpad.org | Doheny offers lots of other activities such as [...] bikes, beach volley ball, grassy [...] areas, hiking trail, etc. Transportation to and from the park will be via OCARC vans. cpad.org |
阳光明媚的德文郡(Devon)犹如海滩上的浓缩奶油和新鲜蟹肉三明治,又如码头旁的苹果汁;在这里,可以感受海上冲浪课程,在崎岖的达特穆尔(Dartmoor)野营,或悠闲驱车欣赏乡间小道沿途的绵延青翠田野美景。 visitbritain.com | Sunny Devon is clotted cream, fresh crab sandwiches on the beach and cider on the quayside; it's a salty surfing [...] lesson, camping wild on rugged Dartmoor and driving [...] leisurely downcountrylanes with greenfields [...]rolling on both sides. visitbritain.com |
20 而一部分人搬到都市或移民后,希望能最大限度减少医疗费用,“容易轻信大街上的某个人或听从酒吧里 某个人的小道消息。 traditionsdavenir.info | 21 Very often this relationship of confidence vanishes for individuals who lose their traditional references: urbanized, emigrant, often seeking to be treated at the lowest possible cost and vulnerable to “promises from someone in the street or advice from someone in a bar. traditionsdavenir.info |
木板小道边的游乐设施和可口美味是众多家庭的最爱,孩子们和父母都会难以抗拒糖果厨房和Thrasher薯条。 capitalregionusa.org | The boardwalk’s amusement rides and edible goodies are perennial family favourites, and children and parents alike will find it hard to resist indulgences like Candy Kitchen and Thrasher’s French Fries. capitalregionusa.org |
仙纳度国家公园有着约300平方英里雄伟的蓝脊山脉,超过500英里的步道小径,其中101英里与从缅因州延伸到乔治亚州的阿巴拉契亚国家观景步道重合。 capitalregionusa.org | Containing approximately 300 square miles of the majestic [...] Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah features over [...] 500 milesof trails, including a [...]101 mile stretch of the Appalachian National [...]Scenic Trail, which runs from Maine to Georgia. capitalregionusa.org |
我们现在知道,小武器和轻武器的扩散和非法贩运不是冲突的直接原因,而 是助长和维持国际和国内冲突的重大因素。 daccess-ods.un.org | We now know that the proliferation and illicit traffickingofsmall arms and light weapons [...] are not the direct causes of [...]conflict, but rather significant factors that fuel and sustain conflicts between and within States. daccess-ods.un.org |
本系统选用Studer Vista7 20个推子数字调音台作为核心设备,承担英语频道24小时直播节目的播出任务。 acehk.com | The system selected Studer Vista7 20-fader digital mixer as the core [...] equipment, take 24-hour Englishlanguage channelbroadcastlive [...]programming task. acehk.com |
现在,我们致力于设计和制造各种镀锌钢管产品,包括“联合管道及导管”和“Tectron管道”品牌的引出线管、消防洒水器管道、小型量规钢管和围栏管道。 atkore.com | We now design and manufacture galvanized steel tubing and pipe products that include electrical conduit, fire sprinkler pipe, light gauge steel tube and fence pipe sold under the brand names Allied Tube & Conduit and Tectron Tube. atkore.com |
代表团成员还对新莱昂州人权委员 会的工作人员不知道小组委员会的任务是什么感到惊讶。 daccess-ods.un.org | Members of the delegation were also [...] surprised that the staff of the State Human Rights Commission of Nuevo León had no knowledge [...] of the mandateof the Subcommittee. daccess-ods.un.org |
在因特网方面,联合国新闻中心在本报告所述整个期间以所有正式语文制作 [...] 经常新闻和专题报道,突出重要的裁军新闻和运动,包括报道小武器双年会议等 事件、安全理事会的行动和决定、秘书长的声明和墨西哥城新闻部/非政府组织 [...]会议的发展。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the Internet, the United Nations News Centre produced regular news stories and features in all official languages, spotlighting significant disarmament news and campaigns throughout the reporting period, [...] including coverage of events such as the [...] biennial meetingson small arms, actionsand decisions [...]of the Security Council, statements [...]of the Secretary-General and developments at the Department of Public Information/NGO Conference in Mexico City. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些保安将由新闻记者 Mazen al-Balbisi、通讯员兼摄影师 Jifara al-Safadi 和助理摄影师 [...] Abdulrahman Zaqut 组成的报道小组带往总部,在那里, [...]一名军官没收并销毁了摄影机中的磁带。 daccess-ods.un.org | The security guards took the crew, comprising the [...] journalist Mazen al-Balbisi, correspondent, [...] cameraman Jifaraal-Safadi, and assistant [...]cameraman Abdulrahman Zaqut, to headquarters, [...]where an officer confiscated and destroyed the tape that was in the camera. daccess-ods.un.org |
深圳的主要观光景点包括南山区的「中国民俗文化村」、「世界之窗」、「欢乐谷」、「锦绣中华」、「野生动物园」,盐田区的「大梅沙海滨步道」、「小梅沙海滩乐园」、「中英街」、「仙湖植物园」及「明斯克航母世界」。 seagate.com | Shenzhen's major tourist attractions include the Chinese Folk Culture Village, the Window of the World, Happy Valley, Splendid China, the Safari Park in Nanshan district, the Dameisha Promenade, Xiaomeisha Beach Resort in Yantian district, Zhongying Jie / Chung Ying Street, Xianhu Lake Botanical Garden and Minsk World. seagate.com |
每根QSFP+ 56Gb AOC整合式电缆所需功耗低於1W,并且经由一个标准多来源协议(Multiple [...] Source Agreement, MSA)四通道小型可插拔(Quad Small [...]Form Factor Pluggable, QSFP)连接器与系统介面,为传统光学模组提供灵活性。 ipress.com.hk | The QSFP+ 56 Gbps AOC integrated cable requires less than 1W per cable, and provides the flexibility of traditional optical [...] modules by interfacing to systems via a standard Multiple Source [...] Agreement QSFP (Quad SmallForm Factor Pluggable) [...]connector. ipress.com.hk |