

单词 小裂片

See also:

小小 adj

small adj


tear (split in a surface)

break open

External sources (not reviewed)

花盘5裂; 裂片微缺的在先端或深深地分为10 小裂片。
Disk 5-lobed; lobes emarginate at apex or deeply divided into 10 lobules.
叶片中央裂片狭菱形,3半裂; 不相等的侧面裂片2半裂或2分开; 第三的片不裂或具小裂片1或2;小裂片多数 线形,有时,2-3.5毫米宽。
Leaf blade central lobe narrowly rhombic, 3-cleft;
lateral lobes
[...] unequally 2-cleft or 2-parted; tertiary lobes undivided or 1- or 2-lobulate; ultimate lobules mostly linear, [...]
sometimes lanceolate, 2--3.5 mm wide.
[...] 花瓣白色或者带粉红色,倒卵形,先端具狭窄的内折 小裂片。
Petals white or pinkish, obovate, apex
[...] with narrow inflexed lobule.
叶片2-10厘米宽,基部心形;初级裂片短于叶片半径的75%;中央裂片菱形,近羽状半裂,1或2具小齿,先端锐尖; 末小裂片狭三角形或狭卵形; 下部的叶通常枯萎。
Leaf blade 2--10 cm wide, base cordate;
primary lobes separate for
[...] at least 75% of blade radius; central lobe rhombic, subpinnately cleft, distally 1- or 2-denticulate, apex acute; ultimate lobules narrowly triangular [...]
or narrowly ovate;
proximal leaves usually withered.
鳞片状叶2或3,4-6毫米叶单生;叶柄4-8厘米,近无毛; 叶片三出, 2.5-4 *
[...] 3-6 厘米,无毛; 小叶柄5-10(-20)毫米; 中心的小叶3浅裂,近心形五角,基部楔形,边缘具圆齿到具细齿,先端渐尖或钝,裂片无梗,3浅裂; 类似于中间一枚的侧生小叶但是2裂的或2半裂,稍偏斜,末 小裂片 钝。
Leaf solitary; petiole 4--8 cm, subglabrous; leaf blade ternate, 2.5--4 × 3--6 cm, glabrous; petiolules 5--10(--20) mm; central leaflet 3-lobed, subcordate-pentagonal, base cuneate, margin crenate to denticulate, apex acuminate or obtuse,
segments sessile,
[...] 3-lobed; lateral leaflets similar to central one but 2-lobed or 2-cleft, slightly oblique, ultimate lobules obtuse.
总苞片叶柄平, 10-20(-30) * 3-5
毫米,具翅,疏生柔毛或近无毛; 三出,比叶的大的苞片, 3-6 * 4-8
[...] 厘米,被微柔毛; 小叶柄5-10(-20)毫米; 3浅裂的中心裂片,狭菱形到椭圆形,基部楔形,边缘不规则具牙齿或有锯齿,先端渐尖;裂片歪,小于中间一枚,末 小裂片 钝。
Involucral bract petiole flat, 10--20(--30) × 3--5 mm, winged, sparsely puberulent or subglabrous; bract blade ternate, larger than that of leaves, 3--6 × 4--8 cm, puberulent; petiolules 5--10(--20) mm; central segment 3-lobed, narrowly rhombic to elliptic, base cuneate, margin
irregularly dentate or serrate, apex
[...] acuminate; lateral segments oblique, smaller than central one, ultimate lobules obtuse.
叶柄5-18毫米,无毛的或鞘背面稀疏具糙伏毛; 扇形的叶片轮廓, 0.6-1 * 0.8-1.5 厘米,无毛,3全裂; 裂片2或3 * 全裂,末小裂片丝状 ,在水之外保持极叉开。
Petiole 5--18 mm, glabrous or sheath
abaxially sparsely
[...] strigose; leaf blade flabellate in outline, 0.6--1 × 0.8--1.5 cm, glabrous, 3-sect; segments 2 or 3 × sect, ultimate lobules filiform, remaining [...]
divaricate out of water.
顶生的伞形花序,2-3厘米直径; 花序梗拉长,直,先端具长柔毛; 苞片无
[...] 伞辐8-14,1-2厘米,四棱形,白色具糙硬毛的内面,无毛的外面; 小苞片8-10,线,整个或者3浅裂, 小裂片 线 形 或钻形; 小伞形花序12-16开花。
Umbels terminal, 2–3 cm across; peduncles elongate, straight, apex villous; bracts absent; rays 8–14, 1–2 cm, 4-angled, inner faces white hispid,
outer faces glabrous; bracteoles 8–10,
[...] linear, entire or 3-lobed, lobules linear or subulate; [...]
umbellules 12–16-flowered.
带绿色的花瓣,带白色或带紫色,不等长,通常,外部花瓣显著放大,辐射状,2裂的先端,具一狭内折 小裂片; 果油管短,棍棒状,并非延伸到果基部,或更长,丝状的延伸至基部。
Petals greenish, whitish or purplish, unequal, usually outer
petals markedly enlarged,
[...] radiant, apex 2-lobed, with a narrowly inflexed lobule; fruit vittae [...]
short, clavate, not extending
to fruit base, or long, filiform extending to base.
花冠浅紫色1.2-1.6厘米; 下唇裂片近圆形,中裂片小于侧面 裂 片 和 外露; 上唇裂片披针形。
Corolla light purple 1.2-1.6 cm; lower lip lobes
[...] subrounded, middle lobe smaller than lateral lobes and [...]
exserted; upper lip lobes lanceolate.
生产短的元件需要薄片(小于〜0.75毫米),而那些切自熔融法制备的金属锭的晶片容易沿着其脆弱的晶面(解理面 ) 开 裂 或 破 碎。
Production of short elements
[...] necessitates thin wafers (less than ~0.75 mm) and those sliced from melt-grown ingots have a tendency to crack and break along their weak crystalline planes.
每根干茎生叶10-20,(1.5-)2.5-7.5(-9)厘米 *
(1.5-)4-14(-17)毫米; 叶柄无的或很少到2毫米; 顶生小叶狭倒卵形,长圆形,或很少宽卵形,
[...] ( 2-)3-8(-9) * (0.5-)1.5-5(-7) 毫米,小叶柄0.5-2毫米,钝的基部楔形或很少,边缘不明显1-3齿在每边,先端锐尖,近具短尖; 侧生小叶(6或)7-12(-15)对, 线形的或狭长圆形,不对称,小于 顶生 的 裂片, 有对0.5毫米的小叶柄 的无梗或很少, 最近的对侧生小叶auriclelike,恰好在节上面附着在或,通常给抱茎叶基部的出现。
Cauline leaves 10-20 per stem, (1.5-)2.5-7.5(-9) cm × (1.5-)4-14(-17) mm; petiole absent or rarely to 2 mm; terminal leaflet narrowly obovate, oblong, or rarely broadly ovate, (2-)3-8(-9) × (0.5-)1.5-5(-7) mm, petiolule 0.5-2 mm, base cuneate or rarely obtuse, margin obscurely 1-3-toothed on each side, apex acute, submucronate; lateral leaflets (6 or)7-12(-15) pairs, linear
or narrowly oblong,
[...] asymmetric, slightly smaller than terminal lobe, sessile or rarely with a petiolule to 0.5 mm, base oblique, proximal margin 1- or 2(or 3)-toothed, distal margin entire or rarely obscurely [...]
1- or 2-toothed, apex acute;
proximal pair of lateral leaflets auriclelike, attached at or just above node, often giving appearance of amplexicaul leaf base.
小枝纤细 叶脱落 叶柄2-3(-5)厘米,无毛; 叶片正面深绿色, 10-14 * 7-11 厘米,近革质,两面无毛,侧脉9-11 对,基部近心形或圆形,3裂; 三角状心形的中间和裂片,边缘有粗锯齿具钝齿,除了全缘的渐尖头,先端渐尖。
Leaves deciduous; petiole 2-3(-5) cm, glabrous; leaf blade adaxially dark green, 10-14 × 7-11 cm, subleathery, both surfaces glabrous, lateral veins 9-11 pairs, base subcordate or rounded, 3-lobed; middle and lateral lobes triangular-ovate, margin coarsely serrate with obtuse teeth, except for entire acumen, apex acuminate.
瑞典对关于强迫劳动、新闻自由受到严重限制和限 小片 耕种的报告表示关注。
Sweden expressed concerns regarding reports on forced labour, severe limits to freedom of information and
[...] reported restrictions to small-patch farming.
下部和中部茎生叶具短叶柄,羽状半裂或,具长圆形到线形长圆 裂片 , 小 于 基 生叶; 上面茎生叶无梗或具短叶柄,线形的到线状披针形,基部楔形或渐狭,边缘有锯齿,具圆齿,或很少全缘。
Lower and middle cauline leaves shortly petiolate,
pinnatifid or pinnatisect, with oblong to
[...] linear-oblong lobes, smaller than basal leaves; [...]
upper cauline leaves sessile or shortly
petiolate, linear to linear-lanceolate, base cuneate or attenuate, margin serrate, crenate, or rarely entire.
視網膜內的小孔洞和裂痕可 以用激光手術治療,或一種稱為冷凝治療的方法治理,冷凝治療使用低溫「焊接」視網膜,令其歸於原位。
Small holes and tears in the retina can be [...]
treated with laser surgery or a treatment called cryopexy, which uses cold temperature
to "weld" the retina back into place.
索马里公民遭受冷酷无情的军阀的勒索、其沿海和毗连海路海盗行为层出不 穷;海洋资源遭到外部势力肆无忌惮的掠夺;这些虚弱和四分 裂 的 实 体被邻国 利用以达成不公正和非法的协定,或利用这些脆弱 小 国 作 为其国内经济的附属 体,这些就是纷乱的索马里局势产生的一些令人不安的现实。
The extortion of its citizens by ruthless and callous warlords; the mushrooming and proliferation of piracy along its coasts and adjacent sea lanes; the unconscionable plundering of its maritime resources by extraneous forces; the instrumentalization of the weak and fragmented entities by neighbouring countries both to extract unfair and illicit agreements or to use these fragile mini-States as an appendage of their domestic economies are some of the disturbing realities that this simmering Somali situation has given rise to.
權的 概念不可以裂,如果片面強調個㆟權利與需要,漠視或甚至否定社會集體的權利, 而只是關注政治權利,貶低其他基本權利,這樣並不是真正尊重㆟權,而是曲解㆟權。
The concept of human rights cannot be split up. If too much stress is placed on individual's human rights, needs, and political rights while ignoring or denying the existence of the rights of society at large and belittling other basic rights, then this is not really respecting human rights, but distorting human rights.
事發後被挖掘出來 的喉管,在某部分的喉壁上顯示出一 小裂 縫 ,而在出現裂縫的 地方,亦有泥土流走的現象。
Upon excavation and examination, it was found
[...] that there was a small crack in a section of [...]
the pipe wall and that the mud below
this part of the pipe had been washed away.
[...] 活动次数有所增加,活动范围向南扩展,招募工作相当活跃,也出现了一些新的 小团体,不过目前还不清楚这些团体是新成立的独立团体,还是从现有团体中裂出来的小团体
For instance, the number of abductions by Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb has increased, their territory of activity has expanded southwards, recruitment efforts have been significant and some new cells
have appeared, but it is unclear whether these groups are new
[...] distinct groups or cells splintering off from existing ones.
叶柄1-3厘米,纤细; 叶片背面灰白色,正面灰绿色的,卵形到宽卵形, 1.5-3 * 1-2.5 厘米,中裂片边缘 全缘,很少稍具圆齿;侧 裂片 在 叶 片的近中部的位置,边缘钝和全缘。
Petiole 1-3 cm, slender; leaf blade abaxially pallid, adaxially gray-green, ovate to broadly so, 1.5-3 × 1-2.5 cm, abaxially densely farinose, prominently 3-veined, adaxially not or only slightly farinose, base
broadly cuneate,
[...] margin usually 3-lobed, apex obtuse or acute and mucronate; central lobe margin entire, rarely slightly crenate; lateral lobes positioned near middle of leaf blade, margin obtuse [...]
and entire.
之后,他在1833年死亡,至于神,是吠陀的权威,性质和种姓为海关义务的意见分歧所造成的社会 裂 成 小 的 教 会了。
After his death in 1833, differences of view as to the nature of God, the
authority of the Vedas, and the obligation of caste-customs caused the
[...] society to split up into a number of small congregations.
内部元件会 按照 ASME B40.1 第 5 章节进行清洁、其中规定压力表应无
[...] 任何可目视检测到的湿气和异物 (碎屑裂片、焊渣或焊接飞溅 物 、工 厂 泥 [...]
土 、油 脂 、机 油 或 其 他 污 染 物 ) 、这 些 异 物 会 对 压 力 表
Internal components are cleaned in accordance with ASME B40.1, Section 5, which states that the gauge shall be
free of visually detectable moisture and
[...] foreign matter (chips, slivers, weld [...]
slag or splatter, shop soil, greases, oils,
or other contaminants) that could be mechanically detrimental to proper function of the gauge.
除了乳腺癌,乳腺炎(乳腺感染)、血肿( 小 血 管 破 裂 ) 、 脂肪坏死(乳腺组织的脂肪细胞损伤)、囊肿(乳腺组织内极小的、通常会随月经周期变化且可能伴有触痛的充满液体的囊)和纤维腺瘤(最常见的良性乳腺肿块,可以在青少年时期或怀孕期间迅速生长)也可能造成良性乳腺肿块。
In addition to cancer, benign breast lumps can also be caused by
mastitis (infection of the breast),
[...] hematomas (rupture of tiny blood vessels), fat necrosis [...]
(trauma to the fat cells in breast
tissues), cysts (tiny fluid-filled sacs within the breast tissue that often vary in size with menstrual cycle and may be tender), and fibroadenomas (the most common benign breast lumps, which can grow quickly in teenagers or during pregnancy).
叶片背面的带绿色,正面深的绿色,卵形的或长圆状卵形, 3-5 * 1.5-3 厘米,无毛,有时疏生微柔毛只沿脉, 基部浅心形, 边缘就外表而论大大地变化,通常具不规则少数浅裂或 3-5裂,侧裂片短,中裂片长,顶端 裂片 披 针 形,边缘稀疏和大的牙齿,先端锐尖。
Leaf blade abaxially greenish, adaxially deep green, ovate or oblong-ovate, 3-5 × 1.5-3 cm, glabrous, sometimes sparsely puberulous only along veins, base shallowly cordate, margin greatly varied in appearance, usually irregularly few lobed or 3-5-fid, lateral lobes shorter, middle lobe longer, terminal lobes lanceolate, margin remotely and large toothed, apex acute.
最下和中间茎生叶通常具叶柄; 叶柄耳形抱茎在基部,(0.5-)1.5张-6(-8)厘米; 有时,大头羽裂羽状半裂的大头裂 的 叶 片 或 或 不裂,长方形到倒披针形, ( 1.5-)2.5-10(-14) * (0.5-)1-4(-5) 厘米,边缘具圆齿; 侧裂片1-5(- 8)在中脉两边各,长圆形或卵形,对 2.5 * 1.2 厘米; 令10×的是,顶裂片长圆 形或椭圆形厘米,非常比侧生的大。
Lowermost and middle cauline leaves often petiolate; petiole auriculate-amplexicaul
at base,
[...] (0.5-)1.5-6(-8) cm; leaf blade lyrate or lyrate-pinnatifid, sometimes sinuate or undivided, oblong to oblanceolate, (1.5-)2.5-10(-14) × (0.5-)1-4(-5) cm, margin crenate; lateral lobes 1-5(-8) on each side of midvein, oblong or ovate, to 2.5 × 1.2 cm; terminal lobe oblong or elliptic, [...]
to 10 × 4 cm, much larger than lateral ones.
第二種慢性併發症是微血管疾病,並包括非增殖性糖尿病 視網膜病變 (眼內出現微動脈瘤小片出血 及分泌液,通 常不會導致視力受損)、增殖性視網膜病 [...]
(脆弱的新增血管 形成,通常導致失明),周圍神經疾病 (雙腳、雙腿或雙手 疼痛、灼熱、麻木、刺痛)
及腎病 (蛋白尿及腎衰竭)。
The second cause of chronic complications are microvascular and
include non-proliferative retinopathy,
[...] (microaneurysms, small dot hemorrhages and [...]
exudates in the eye usually causing no
visual impairment), proliferative retinopathy (fragile new blood vessel formation often causing blindness), peripheral neuropathy (pain, burning, numbness or tingling of the feet, legs or hands) and Nephropathy (causing albuminuria and renal failure).
巴勒斯坦国加沙,2013年1月9日 —— 在加沙南部与埃及交界处的这小片 狭 长土地上,布满了千疮百孔的废墟和沙地,数百顶白色帐篷里传出发电机的轰鸣声。
GAZA, State of Palestine, 9
[...] January 2013 - In the small patch of land that runs [...]
along Gaza’s southern border with Egypt,
the sound of generators roars amid hundreds of white tents planted in the landscape of sand and bullet-riddled ruins.




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