单词 | 小节 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 小节 —bar (music)less common: a minor matter • trivia 小小 adjective —small adjExamples:不拘小节—not bother about trifles [idiom.] 小节线—barline (music)
有关这 些设置的详细信息,请参阅标题为 “扫描设置屏幕”的小节。 graphics.kodak.com | For more information regarding these [...] settings, see the section entitled, “Scan [...]Settings screen”. graphics.kodak.com |
有关安装传真调制解调器的说明,请 [...] 参阅本章较早部分标题为 “安装可选的传真调制解调器”小节。 graphics.kodak.com | For instructions on installing the fax [...] modem, see the section entitled, [...]“Installing the optional fax modem” earlier in this chapter. graphics.kodak.com |
另外参见捷克共和国的发言(A/C.6/64/SR.15, 第 58 段)和德国的书面意见(第 二节 B 小节第 23 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | See also the intervention of the Czech Republic (A/C.6/64/SR.15, para. 58) and the written comment [...] of Germany (A/CN.4/636, sect. II.B.23). daccess-ods.un.org |
本文件后面的几个小节将述 及 31 C/4 批准本所阐明的几个主要计划编制原则及其在 33 C/5 中的应用。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The following sections will address the main programming principles, enunciated in document 31 C/4 Approved, and their application for document 33 C/5. unesdoc.unesco.org |
严重身体伤害的含义与《美国法典》第 18 篇第 1365 节 (h) 小节第 (3) 段给出的“严重 身体伤害”定义的含义相同。 spsfc.com | Serious bodily injury has the meaning given the term ‘‘serious bodily injury’’ under paragraph (3) of subsection (h) of section 1365 of title 18, United States Code. spsfc.com |
芬兰宪法》第17节第 三小节维护 萨米人保持和发展自己的语言和文化的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Subsection 3 of section 17 of the Finnish Constitution [...] protects the right of the Sámi to maintain and develop their own language and culture. daccess-ods.un.org |
在1989-1992年卷以前,双星号用来说明没有材料可载入某些部分 和 小节。 un.org | Until the 1989-1992 volume, the double asterisk was used to indicate that there is no material for inclusion under certain parts and subsections. un.org |
本新闻稿包含1933年《美国证券法》27A 小节 , 以 及1934年《美国证券交易法》 2 1 E 小节 界 定的前瞻性声明。 tipschina.gov.cn | This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. tipschina.gov.cn |
(2) 若一些责任领域列在本《自治法》所附《安排表》的同一段落或同一排 序下,则这些领域需同时移交给格陵兰自治当局,但请看第 ( 3 ) 小节。 daccess-ods.un.org | (2) To the extent that several fields of responsibility are listed under the same paragraph or number in the Schedule to this Act, the fields of responsibility concerned shall be transferred to the Greenland Self-Government authorities at the same time, but see subsection (3). daccess-ods.un.org |
本报告第二部分 B、C 和 D 小节分别由书记官长、检察官和辩 护人办公室主任编写。 daccess-ods.un.org | Subparts B, C and D of Part II of the report were prepared by the Registrar, the Prosecutor and the Head of Defence Office, respectively. daccess-ods.un.org |
紧急需求出现在以下两种情形:按照合理的预期,如果无 [...] 法获得该记录将会危及生命或安全;需要立即向公众告知联邦政府的行动以及信息申请者关 注的重点是将信息进行传播(第(a)(6)(E) 小节 )。 unesdoc.unesco.org | A compelling need exists either where a failure to obtain the record could reasonably be expected to pose an imminent threat to life or safety, or where there is an urgent need to inform the [...] public about federal government activity and [...] the applicant’s primary focus is the dissemination [...]of information (subparagraph (a)(6)(E)). unesdoc.unesco.org |
本小节突出 强调其中一个挑战,即,确保为境内流离失所者提 [...] 供人道主义援助。 daccess-ods.un.org | This section highlights one [...] of these challenges, namely that of ensuring humanitarian assistance to internally displaced persons. daccess-ods.un.org |
(8) 将按照第(5)小节确定使用第(6)和第(7) 小节 提 及 的名称和其他类似名 称的更详细的规则。 daccess-ods.un.org | (8) More detailed rules for the use of designations referred to in subsections (6) and (7) as well as other similar designations may be determined in accordance with subsection (5). daccess-ods.un.org |
黑色的波纹状表盘提供了良好的背景,正好可以展现歌曲《我可爱的情人》第 一 小节 乐 曲。 oris.ch | The crisp black dial provides a smooth [...] backdrop for the hour indexes which are bars from the song “My Funny Valentine”. oris.ch |
尽管反对国 际干预科索沃,而且中国驻贝尔格莱德大使馆遭 到轰炸,中国仍然支持了安理会在科索沃的各项 [...] 行动,包括强制实现和平行动(见第四部分 B 小 节)。 crisisgroup.org | Despite its opposition to intervention in Kosovo and damage to its embassy in [...] Belgrade, China has supported every operation in Kosovo since, including peace enforcement [...] operations (see Section IV.B). crisisgroup.org |
下文提供的有关汲取的经验教训的 [...] 信息是根据项目完成报告第 3.10 小节中明 显介绍的经验教训编辑的,也有很大部分是根据 [...] 可从各个部分提供的信息中得出的结论编辑的。 multilateralfund.org | The information on lessons learned provided below [...] has been compiled from those described [...] explicitly in sub-section 3.10 of the PCRs [...]and to a large extent from conclusions [...]that could be drawn from the information provided in the various sections. multilateralfund.org |
武器的含义与《美国法典》第 18 章第 930 节第一 (g) 小节第 (2) 段给出的“危险武器” 定义的含义相同。 spsfc.com | Weapon has the meaning given the term ‘‘dangerous weapon’’ under paragraph (2) of the first subsection (g) of section 930 of title 18, United States Code. spsfc.com |
然而,关于适用于《巴塞尔公约》和《斯德哥尔摩公约》范畴 之内危险废物,以及经济合作与发展组织(经合组织)的核心绩效要点(将在 以下三个小节中作 进一步讨论)的无害环境管理的各项条款,为我们提供了国 际指导,同时亦对各国和各工业部门正在努力进行的无害环境管理提供了支 持。 ficem.org | However, provisions pertaining to ESM as it applies to hazardous wastes within the Basel and Stockholm conventions, and also the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) core performance elements (discussed in the next three subsections), provide international direction that is also supportive of ESM efforts under way in various countries and among industrial sectors. ficem.org |
尽管一向重视国家主 权,中国仍支持和参与了过渡政权特派团11 ,如联 合国海地稳定特派团(海地)(见第二部分 E.1 小节)。 crisisgroup.org | And despite its views on the importance of state sovereignty, China has supported and participated in transitional administrations,11 such as MINUSTAH (Haiti). crisisgroup.org |
全国文件43-101》——矿物项目披露标准,在第5.2(2)节中规定:“生产商信息发布人根据第( 1 ) 小节 中 第(c)款规定必须提交的技术报告,无需由一名独立的有资质人员编制或在其监督之下进行编制。 tipschina.gov.cn | National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, states in Section 5.2(2) "A technical report required to be filed by a producing issuer under paragraph (c) of subsection (1) is not required to be prepared by or under the supervision of an independent qualified person. tipschina.gov.cn |
应 考虑将 2004 年臭氧日的这一方法(如简短的公共服务声明或广播电 台 小节 目 ) 作为环境 规划署 2005 年业务计划建议的一部分。 multilateralfund.org | This approach (e.g. short public service announcements or radio spots) should be considered for Ozone Day 2004 as part of UNEP’s 2005 Business Plan proposal. multilateralfund.org |
Joaquin Panelo 为伯爵马球队赢得唯一一分,因此第 一 小节 结 束 时伯爵队以2比1落后1分。 piaget.com.cn | Joaquin Panelo got Piaget polo team on the scoreboard with a single goal and the first chukker ended with Piaget trailing, 2-1. piaget.com |
SCION SQ作为气相色谱的检测器,为满足众多用户的特定需求而设计,具有性能可靠,操作简单,易于维护,体 积 小 , 节 省 空 间的特点。 bruker.com | The SCION SQ detector is designed to meet many important user specified requirements – reliable [...] performance, ease-of-use, and simple [...] maintenance – all in a small instrument footprint that [...]saves valuable bench space. bruker.com |
手表的指示刻度是乐曲的小节线, 12点钟位置是一个漂亮的谱号,而8点钟位置的双节线表示乐曲一直重复 的 8 小节。 oris.ch | The 12 o’clock position features a beautiful little clef, while the double bar line at 8 o’clock represents the first eight bars of the song which have to be repeated. oris.ch |
他为人和做官都不拘小节,讲求实效。 chinesestoryonline.com | Ji An did not [...] bother about trifles in both personal [...]behavior and being an official. chinesestoryonline.com |
全 球 变 暖从潜 在意义上讲 将会影响到所有各类人权,而以下各 小节 则例 举看来与气专委所确定的气候变化影响最直接相关的若干权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Whereas global warming will potentially have implications for the full range of human rights, the following subsections provide examples of rights which seem to relate most directly to climate change-related impacts identified by IPCC. daccess-ods.un.org |
文件 E/ESCAP/67/3 第五节 B 小节中概述了在执行关于加强经社 会秘书处审评职能的第 [...] 66/15 号决议方面的进展情况,包括秘书处的 审评计划。 daccess-ods.un.org | Document [...] E/ESCAP/67/3 and Corr. 1, section V, subsection B, [...]contains a summary of the progress made in the implementation [...]of resolution 66/15 on the strengthening of the evaluation function of the secretariat of the Commission, including an evaluation plan for the secretariat. daccess-ods.un.org |
提请注意该《行动计划》第二部分各 小节 , 其 中论及加强合作、协调与执 法行动,以减少供应、应对贩毒新趋势并同时致力于减少供应与需求。 daccess-ods.un.org | Attention was drawn to the subsections of part II of the Plan of Action on enhancing cooperation, coordination and law enforcement operations to reduce supply, addressing new trafficking trends and addressing supply and demand reduction together. daccess-ods.un.org |
debug.exe是一个小小节目,熟 练使用手中,这是一个惊人的有力工具,能针对内容编辑、短期记忆(内存)及长期(硬/软/音像媒体).一个可以编译(和,在一定程度上,编译)汇编语言代码. datadoctor.biz | DEBUG.EXE [...] is one of those little programs that, [...]in the hands of a skilled user, is an amazingly powerful tool with which [...]one can view and edit the contents of memory both short term(RAM) and long term (hard/floppy/tape media). datadoctor.biz |
Wedgwood 女士说,新的一节不应以“言论自 [...] 由的限制”为标题;使用“限制”可能会传递出一 个预先审查信息,使此小节变为 受很多判例影响的 开放类主题,而这些判例可能会鼓励各国在言论自 [...]由方面变得具有倾向性。 daccess-ods.un.org | said that a new section should not start with a headline that said “Limitations on freedom of expression”; the use of [...] “limitations” could send out a pro-censorship [...] message, turning the section into an open category [...]subject to exuberant jurisprudence [...]which might encourage States to become tendentious on the subject of freedom of expression. daccess-ods.un.org |