单词 | 小腿肚 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 小腿肚 noun—calf nSee also:小腿 n—ankle n • calve n 小腿—calf (of the leg) 小小 adj—small adj 肚 n—stomach n • belly n • knead n
小腿的深層靜脈藏於小腿肚的肌肉內。 dragonair.com | The deep veins of the lower legs are [...] situated in the muscles of the calf. dragonair.com |
据发表在2月6日出版的《美国医学会杂志》上的一则研究披露,在罹患外周动脉疾病及间歇性跛行(即 在 小腿肚 中 常常在行走时会感到的时有时无的疼痛)的患者中, [...] 进行为期24周的血管紧张素转换酶(ACE)抑制剂雷米普利的治疗与无痛和最长步行时间及身体健康方面的生活品质改善有关。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Among patients with peripheral [...] artery disease and intermittent [...] claudication (pain in the calf that comes and goes, [...]typically felt while walking), 24 weeks [...]of treatment with the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor ramipril was associated with improvement in pain-free and maximum walking times and the physical health aspect of quality of life, according to a study appearing in the Feb. 6 issue of JAMA. chinese.eurekalert.org |
告诉真相的一个小工具,捏肚子里 的怪物,然后多啦A梦和现金被抛出。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | A gadget which tells truth pinches the stomach [...] of the monster and then doraemon and cash are thrown out. en.seekcartoon.com |
如果要对人员的腿部进行探测,则在踝关节高度上必须 [...] 达到 50 mm 的分辨率,在小腿高度上 (距地面 300 mm)必须达到 [...]70 mm 的分辨率。 leuze.com | To detect a human leg a resolution of 50 mm is required at ankle [...] height, and 70 mm at calf height (300 mm [...]off the floor). leuze.com |
踢球,可用小腿或腳 的任何部分,但膝蓋和腳踵是 除外的。 irblaws.com | The ball may be kicked with any [...] part of the lower leg from knee to the [...]foot, excluding the knee and the heel. irblaws.com |
在锻炼小腿部背面时,请将一条腿放在另一条腿上,让前面一条腿保持伸直,弯曲另一条腿并将它扭向您的髂关节。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | For the back of your legs, put one leg in front [...] of the other, keep that forward leg straight, bend the other and hinge forwards from your hips. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
四点式悬挂方式实现了一种更舒适的斜靠式坐姿,可以减轻 对 小腿 的 压 力。 liko.com | A four-point suspension can provide a more comfortable reclined sitting posture which can [...] reduce the pressure under the legs. liko.com |
參與表演團體有九個,分別是動力姿星、香港西方舞蹈會、Coby Coby Dance、Klub Raks、Rainie Dance [...] Power、香港中華基督教青年會康怡會所 EXIT 樂隊、盧雅恩舞蹈學院、香港大學太極同學會,共作出17個表演,包括拉丁舞、排排舞 、 肚 皮 舞 及 小 朋 友 唱歌跳舞等。 herfund.org.hk | There were nine organizations participating in Talent Performance Night, including Star Power, Hong Kong Western [...] Dance Council, Coby Coby [...] Dance, Klub Raks, Rainie Dance Power, Exit Band of YMCA Kornhill Centre [...]Integrated Service Centre, [...]EXIT, HKU Alumni Tai Chi Club. herfund.org.hk |
踢球方式可以是碰踢或 [...] 落踢,但不可是定踢。踢球可以用低於膝蓋到腳尖 的 小腿 的 任 何部分,但 不能用腳跟。 irblaws.com | The ball may be kicked with [...] any part of the leg from below the [...]knee to the toe but not with the heel. irblaws.com |
有㆒個小孩很肚餓, 媽媽說給他㆒件「民主㆔文治」,小孩子拿 吃 了兩日後讚賞不已,問媽媽可否多吃㆒件,媽媽罵他貪心,並將他正吃 的那件取回, 還打了他兩記耳光。 legco.gov.hk | After having been eating the sandwich for two days, the little child likes it very much and asks his mother if he can have one more. legco.gov.hk |
此外,儀器更配備多個嶄新的軀體陣列線圈,其中以1.5T HD 小腿陣列 線圈應用於末梢血管造影,能產生極高質素的影像。 hksh.com | A notable one is [...] the 1.5T HD Lower Leg Array coil, which [...]gives unprecedented high image quality in peripheral vascular applications. hksh.com |
无疑,正是卡特琳娜首创了那种显露 小腿 的 鲜艳大胆的裙子。 shanghaibiennale.org | It was undoubtedly Catarina who [...] gave origin to the colorful and daring dress revealing the calf. shanghaibiennale.org |
从针对小腿、腿筋、股四头肌和臀肌的常规下肢伸展动作开始,转换至下腰部、腹部、胸部、背部、肩部、颈部,最后是手臂和前臂。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Begin with general lower limb static [...] stretches for calves, hamstrings, quadriceps [...]and gluts, moving on to the lower back, [...]abdominals, chest, upper back, shoulders, neck and, finally, arms and forearms. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
这项研究证明,轻松、简单和高效的PowerPlate®振动训练可以击败赘肉(橘皮组织),可以加速和促进胶原蛋白的重塑,改善血液循环、增加瘦肉组织、帮助人们减肥,并减少臀部、 大 腿 和 小腿 的 尺 寸。 powerplate.com | This study shows that Power Plate Training is extremely effective and time efficient; the cardio group took four times longer to improve 32.3%, while the Power Plate Training group improved 25.7% in an average of 10-minute sessions, two or three times a week, over six months. powerplate.com |
当粮食紧缺时,老年人往 往自己饿肚子,让家人先吃。 daccess-ods.un.org | When food is scarce, older persons tend to compromise their own access in [...] favour of other family members. daccess-ods.un.org |
試想想,當醫生正 在為病㆟把脈或為肚子不 適的病㆟檢查,又或者有位牙醫正在替病㆟拔牙,而另㆒隻手, 卻拿 [...] 電話筒,嘗試回答有關本條例草案的問題,而本條例草案又是這樣的複雜,連我自 己也不得不承認,在理解方面感到困難。 legco.gov.hk | Just imagine, a doctor feeling the pulse of a [...] patient or a tummy of somebody with tummy ache, or a dentist [...]trying to pull out teeth on [...]the one hand and holding a telephone on the other, trying to answer questions relating to the current Bill, which is so complicated that I, myself, have to admit that I have difficulty to apprehend. legco.gov.hk |
在格鲁吉亚, [...] 我们在过去曾看到我们的国家受到腐败现象的侵蚀, 但幸运的是,我们仍然能够填饱肚子 , 仍然有能力把 我们自己组织起来,反对那些认为中饱私囊乃领导者 [...]权利的人。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Georgia, where we saw corruption destroying [...] our nation, we were fortunate to still [...] have food in our bellies and the ability [...]to organize ourselves to fight against those [...]who believed that self-enrichment was a right of leadership. daccess-ods.un.org |
假如我們將鏡頭拉遠,就會看到幼兒教 育就像㆒對第㆔世界國家兒童的小腿 , 還 有㆒雙紮了腳的㆔寸金蓮,正在吃力㆞支撐 [...] ㆒副巨㆟的軀體。 legco.gov.hk | If we take a wider view, we will see that [...] pre-primary education is just like the thin legs of the Third [...] World children with small bound feet like those [...]women in feudal China, [...]struggling to support the body of a giant. legco.gov.hk |
橙皮脂肪是脂肪積聚在皮膚之下,可分佈於臀部、 大 腿 、 小腿 、 腹 部或甚至肩膊等地方。 lavedo.com | Cellulite is fat deposited just below the surface of the skin. It occurs [...] around the hips, thighs, lower legs, abdomen, [...]and even on the shoulder. lavedo.com |
然而瞅著滿桌子的大魚大肉、四下裏充斥著房間的酒精、以及繚繞的香煙 , 小肚 子 上 的肉肉不由得顫了顫,這樣下去怎麼見人!那麼節後自然要多多食素,讓身體儘快將有害物質排除體外。 daydaycook.com | The best way is eating more vegetables and kick out the toxin out of our body! daydaycook.com |
患者需要避免長時間過度站立,休息及睡時要抬 高 小腿 及 穿 上彈性襪。 lavedo.com | The patient will be asked to avoid excess [...] standing, elevate the legs when resting or [...]sleeping, and to wear elastic support hose. lavedo.com |
另一名囚犯说,因 为在墙上撒尿,看守不仅要他倒立,而且还抽打他 的 小腿 和 脚 掌。 daccess-ods.un.org | Another prisoner said that, as a punishment for [...] urinating against a wall, he had been made to stand on his head and had been [...] beaten on his calves and the soles [...]of his feet. daccess-ods.un.org |
若觉得脚踝、小腿围在尺码范围外,或者穿着时或使用时有痛感或不适感时,请停止使用并咨询医生。 jshoppers.com | If the ankle or calf area measurements [...] do not agree with you and you feel discomfort or pain when you wear them, stop use [...]immediately and consult a specialist. jshoppers.com |
即使你失去50%的小腿肌肉,你仍然可以伸直脚踝。 aging-management.com | Even if you lose 50% of your calf muscle, you can still [...] straighten your ankle. aging-management.com |
而小腿肌肉 過於發達,則除了遺傳外,亦與過量肌肉運動或姿勢不正確有極大關係,例如經常穿著高跟鞋,或長時間站立等。 webdemo.smartinfo.com.hk | It can also be due to excessive muscle movement or incorrect posture such as wearing high heels or standing for too long. webdemo.smartinfo.com.hk |
前十字韧带破裂的康复过程通常会导致 大 腿 和 小腿 肌 肉 萎缩以及膝关节的协调性、流动性和稳定性方面的功能障碍。 powerplate.com | Weakness and atrophy in the muscles of the quadriceps group is a common challenge for patients recovering from reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament. powerplate.com |
財務委員會在 2005 年 6 月批准把 177CL 號工程計劃「沙田新市 鎮-餘下工程」提升為甲級,按付款當日價格計算,估計所需費用為 4 億 9,160 萬元,以提供主要的基礎設施,包括道路網絡、排水和排污 系統,用以為沙田水泉澳區和九肚區 提 供基礎設施。 legco.gov.hk | In June 2005, the Finance Committee approved the upgrading of 177CL “Sha Tin New Town - remaining engineering works” to Category A at an estimated cost of $491.6 million in money-of-the-day (MOD) prices to provide the essential engineering infrastructure, including road network, drainage and sewerage system, to support the planned development at Shui Chuen O and Kau To, Sha Tin. legco.gov.hk |
Ricco Di [...] Natura「天然去角质层啫喱」不止是面部最佳去除黑污垢产品,同时亦可作全身磨砂使用,针对背部、手臂、腋下、 大 小腿 内 侧 及手肘等,容易形成黑污垢部位使用。 cosme-de.com | Ricco Di Natura Micro Gain Peeling Gel is not just for the face to remove dirt, it [...] also can used as a body scrub, back, arms, [...] underarms, the inside of legs and elbows, or [...]the parts of easy to form dirts. cosme-de.com |