单词 | 小精灵 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 小精灵 —elfExamples:蓝色小精灵—the Smurfs • Smurf See also:小小 adj—small adj 精灵—fairy • genie 精灵 n—elves pl • wizard n • spirit n 灵—effective • efficacious • coffin • departed soul
由于猫头鹰带他们到圣Aegolius,峡谷地家的纯种,索伦达到Gylfie的(艾米莉巴克莱),一个年轻 的 小精灵 猫 头鹰以及许多其他owlets的。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | As the owls take them to [...] St. Aegolius, the canyonland home of the Pure Ones, Soren meets Gylfie (Emily Barclay), a young elf owl as well [...]as many other owlets. seekcartoon.com |
仁,小精灵,像Gelfling中的神秘主义者被打死后,他的家族,被告知他的神秘的主人,他一定要找到水晶碎片,它可以被发现在家里的Aughra。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Jen, an elf-like Gelfling taken in by the [...] Mystics after his clan was killed, is told by his Mystic master that he must find [...]the crystal shard, and that it can be found in the home of Aughra. seekcartoon.com |
从克利切,黑色的小精灵,他 们的学习,弗莱彻蒙顿格斯偷走了真正的小金盒。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | From Kreacher, the [...] Blacks’ house-elf, they learn that Mundungus Fletcher stole the real locket. seekcartoon.com |
前往参观的游客,有机会看到帮助圣诞老人 的 小精灵 在 忙 碌地工作和烤焗圣诞姜饼,又可以欣赏乐园的冰雕花园。 visitfinland.com | Visitors [...] can observe elves at work, bake gingerbread cookies and visit an ice sculpture garden. visitfinland.com |
圣诞老人和他的精英小精灵的团 队使用间谍般的特技提供数十亿美元的礼物,世界上所有的孩子在一个令人难以置信的夜晚。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Santa and his elite elf team use spy-like [...] stunts to deliver billions of presents to all the world's children in one incredible night. seekcartoon.com |
这是做作周一!看完比利和Irwin发挥他们的“做作怪兽卡”(戏仿宠 物 小精灵 ) , 严峻的怪物来的生活。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | After watching Billy and Irwin play with their “Hokey [...] Monsters” cards (parodying Pokemon), Grim makes the [...]monsters come to life. seekcartoon.com |
潘自己,谁教他们飞的帮助下,他的 小精灵 的 朋 友,小叮当,并与他不要岛上的土地。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Pan himself, who teaches them to fly with the help of his pixie friend, Tinker Bell, and takes them with him to the island of Never Land. seekcartoon.com |
最初发布作为一对interlinkable游戏机视频游戏开发的游戏英雄角色扮演,宠 物 小精灵 一 直 以来成为的第二最成功和最赚钱的视频游戏为基础的媒体特许经营在世界上仅次于任天堂自己的马里奥特许经营权。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Originally released as a pair of interlinkable Game Boy role-playing video games developed by Game Freak, Pokémon has since become the second-most successful and lucrative video game-based media franchise in the world, behind only Nintendo’s own Mario franchise. en.seekcartoon.com |
圣诞老人玩具工厂的确切位置,只有 小精灵 们 才 知道。 visitfinland.com | Only elves know the exact location of Santa’s toy factory, but the man in red isn’t one for [...] hiding away. visitfinland.com |
她满足,修补匠贝尔的朋友,小鹿,Iridessa(乌鸦,Symoné),罗塞塔(梅根Hilty),Silvermist(刘玉玲),和VIDIA(帕梅拉阿德龙),并继续她的游的热情侧 的 小精灵 空 心 的,直到天衣注意到长春花的翅膀。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | She meets Tinker Bell’s friends, Fawn, Iridessa (Raven-Symoné), Rosetta (Megan Hilty), Silvermist (Lucy Liu), and [...] Vidia (Pamela Adlon) and continues her tour of [...] the warm side of Pixie Hollow, until Tink [...]noticed Periwinkle’s wings wilting. seekcartoon.com |
叶琳娜,一只没有翅膀的花仙子,和她的的马勃朋友Bibble看着自己的童话朋友蒲公英飞有三 个 小精灵。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Elina, a wingless flower fairy, and her puffball friend Bibble watch their fairy friend [...] Dandelion fly with three pixies. seekcartoon.com |
从那天起,温暖的小精灵可以 越过边境,进入冬季伍兹随时愿意(后,他们有自己的翅膀,结了霜,以保持他们),友谊和爱 的 小精灵 空 心 再次成为全。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | From that day [...] on, warm fairies can cross over the border into the Winter Woods anytime they like (after they have their wings frosted over to preserve them) and friendship and love in Pixie Hollow becomes [...]whole again. seekcartoon.com |
于是,他和彭彭在商场工作,彭彭被圣诞老人和泰门是一 个 小精灵。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | So he and Pumbaa get jobs at the mall, Pumbaa [...] being Santa and Timon being an elf. seekcartoon.com |
叶琳娜谈话Bibble的小精灵说, 但她认为,黄玉得到绑架了,实在是太强大,因为她是监护人。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Elina talks to Bibble [...] about what the pixies said, but she thinks [...]Topaz is too powerful to get kidnapped, as she is a guardian. seekcartoon.com |
然而,蒲公英,保卫埃利纳飘飘她的翅膀硬 的 小精灵 被 吹 走。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Dandelion, however, defends Elina by fluttering her wings [...] so hard that the small pixies are blown away. seekcartoon.com |
假如你有史以来堆过的最大的雪人,不过就 是 小精灵 一 族 的身材的话,那么准备好了,凯米(Kemi)和拉伊尼奥(Lainio)的冰雪城堡和冰雪村一定会让你印象深刻的。 visitfinland.com | If you have only [...] ever built an elf-sized snowman, prepare [...]to be impressed by the awesome snow castles and villages in Kemi and Lainio. visitfinland.com |
他们收到Azura的访问,其中的7个守护 小精灵 F a i ry topia。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | They receive a visit from Azura, one of the [...] seven guardian fairies of Fairytopia. seekcartoon.com |
小叮当的大流行是建立在迪斯尼的特许经营权之上,将女孩引入到神秘、魔幻般的世界里,带给她们大量魔幻般的经历朋友,每个这样 的 小精灵 都 具 有难以想象的不同天赋、个性和外观。 tipschina.gov.cn | The franchise builds upon the enormous popularity of Tinker Bell and introduces girls to her secret, magical world and a new circle of enchanting fairy friends - each with an incredibly diverse talent, personality and look. tipschina.gov.cn |
宠物小精灵:第一部电影有两部分:功能演示,和21分钟的短片。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Pokémon: The First Movie has two parts: the feature presentation and a 21-minute short. seekcartoon.com |
你可以先去小精灵学校 上学,然后让圣诞婆婆教你烘姜饼,之后钻到地底下去和圣诞老人本人进行难忘的会面。 visitfinland.com | You can study at Elf School, bake with [...] Mrs Claus and then head underground for an unforgettable meeting with Santa. visitfinland.com |
圣诞老人公园(SantaPark)里,有太多难忘的体验在等待着欢度圣诞节的朋友们 : 小精灵 学 校 、圣诞婆婆的姜饼厨房、圣诞老人办公室、全年无休的雪橇之旅、冰公主画廊、巨型雪球、圣诞老人邮局等等,有太多好看的好玩的。 visitfinland.com | So many lifetime experiences await [...] friends of Christmas in [...] SantaPark: Elf School, Mrs Claus Gingerbread Kitchen, Santa’s Office, Four Seasons Sleigh Ride, [...]Ice Princess Ice Gallery, [...]Giant Snow Globe, Post Office and much more to see and do. visitfinland.com |
小精灵迷们 制作了超过700万个可在虚拟Pixie Hollow( www.PixieHollow.com )世界中飞行的个性化精灵化身。 tipschina.gov.cn | Fans have created more than 7 million personalized Fairy avatars that can now take flight in the virtual world of Pixie Hollow ( www.PixieHollow.com ). tipschina.gov.cn |
现在能以保持长春花够冷,暖侧的 小精灵 空 心 围越过边界。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Now able to keep Periwinkle cold enough, Peri crosses the [...] border to the warm side of Pixie Hollow. seekcartoon.com |
孩子们将能与他分享他们的圣诞愿望,而克劳斯太太和圣诞老人 的 小精灵 助 手 将会对人的手是要送礼物给孩子们。 technologeeko.com | The children will be able to share [...] their Christmas wishes with him, while Mrs [...] Claus and Santa’s elf helpers will be on [...]hand in person to give gifts to the children. technologeeko.com |
叔叔Breezybum(红色人)讲述了一个故事,猫鼬,IR和 的 小精灵 费 尔 丽版本的相同的字符。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Uncle Breezybum (The Red Guy) tells a story about [...] Weasel, I.R. and pixie fairie versions [...]of the same characters. seekcartoon.com |
预计在10月28日沃特 迪斯尼电影公司发行《小叮当》DVD和蓝光格式影片后,本月带翅膀的小叮当飞行器将走上货架,迪斯尼 的 小精灵 迷 们肯定会激动不已。 tipschina.gov.cn | Disney Fairies fans will get big thrills as the Tinker Bell flyer flutters to store shelves this month in anticipation of Walt Disney Pictures Tinker Bell releasing on Disney DVD and Blu-Ray October 28th. tipschina.gov.cn |
不同于其他以前的神奇宝贝电影,神奇宝贝:崛起的的Darkrai份额情节元素的下两部电影的第一部电影是什么说是钻石珍珠三部曲,其次是宠 物 小精灵 : Gi ratin ... zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Unlike other previous Pokémon films, Pokémon: The Rise of Darkrai share plot elements with [...] the next two films [...] making this the first film of what is said is the Diamond & Pearl trilogy, followed by Pokémon: Giratin... seekcartoon.com |
黑杰克静静地住在一所房子位于一座 小 山 上 与她的助理Pinoko他 的 精灵 们。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Black Jack lived quietly in [...] a house located on a hill with her assistant Pinoko his elves. seekcartoon.com |
许愿精灵是小仙女 的化身,象征着自信、魔力、女性化的温柔魅力以及力量。 hk.eternal.hk | The fragrance deepens into a magical [...] twilight with warm white cedarwood and sensual amber adding an intense and alluring character. hk.eternal.hk |
旨在增强小组办 事处的能力并提供必要资金以 及 灵 活 运 用当地专业知识的战略应当大 有裨益。 unesdoc.unesco.org | A strategy that [...] strengthens the capacity of cluster offices and provides them with necessary funds and the flexibility to use local [...]expertise should help. unesdoc.unesco.org |