

单词 小洞不补大洞吃苦

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不 过,建设和平委员会、建设和平基金和建设和平支助 办公室已经在一定程度上帮助补了 秘 书长在 2005 年称为联合国机制中的大漏洞”。
Nevertheless, the Peacebuilding
[...] [...] Commission (PBC), the PBF and the Peacebuilding Support Office have to some extent helped to fill what the Secretary-General in 2005 called a “gaping hole” in the United Nations machinery.
我们的工人非吃苦耐劳……报酬相对 较低,他们却每天工作到 13-14 个小时”,公司副总裁 在接受《华尔街日报》采访时如是说。
Our workers are used to eating bitterness ... they can work 13 to 14 hours a day for very little”, its vice [...]
president told the Wall Street Journal.
国际司法是对国内司法的补充,国际社会必须作出更多贡献,促进这种积极 的相互补充,并补有罪不罚的漏洞。
International justice is complementary to national
justice, and the international community must contribute more
[...] to positive complementarity and to filling [...]
the impunity gap.
我很高興能和迪安娜·拉特(Deanna Latson)共同參與膳食小吃代餐 的開發,這些代 不 僅 是低血糖的,而 不 含 穀 蛋白 不 含 大 豆 和 轉基因。
I was very excited to be involved with Deanna Latson
in the
[...] process of developing meal and snack replacements that are not only low-glycemic, but also, gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free, [...]
and GMO-free.
孩子大夫医生补充说:“我很高兴,到本周末,全国的孩子都将受到保护,他们再 不 用 像 小 金 一 样经历现在这样的疾病折磨。
One of the baby’s doctors added: “I am so glad that at the end of this week all children in my country will be protected and none of them will need to undergo what the little Kim is going [...]
through right now.
有同事認為小組委員會運用《權力及特權條例》會有助找出事件的真 相及監督制度的洞,並且可苦主 彰 顯公義。
Some Honourable colleagues hold
[...] the invoking of the Ordinance by the Subcommittee would help find out the truth of the matter and the loopholes that may exist in the supervisory system [...] [...]
and justice can thus be done for the victims.
管理局将有权享受下列服务,但由于它在共 同制度内不确定 地位,它目前没有从中受益:危机管理安排;参与安保管小 组(为确定工作地点的类别以及调动和 苦补 贴 提 供资料)、审议搬迁/疏散安排、 参与应急通信系统、医疗后送、安全培训和信息。
The Authority would be entitled to avail itself of the
following services, which it does not currently benefit from owing to its uncertain status within the common system: crisis management arrangements; participation in the security management team (which
[...] provides inputs for determination of the category of the duty station and mobility and hardship benefits), consideration in relocation/evacuation arrangements, participation in the [...]
emergency communications system, medical evacuation, security training and information.
要想补金融业的洞,当 然必须改进管 理监督,提高缓冲资本要求,以及采取公平有效的措施来处理那些因过于 大而 不能听任其倒闭的金融机构。
The failings of the financial sector certainly require improved regulatory oversight, higher buffer capital requirements, and effective and equitable measures to deal with financial institutions deemed “too big to fail”.
梁耀忠議員:主席,我們現實的社會是一個資本主義社會,經濟模 不 單是 強調自由經濟,但在自由經濟的概念下,卻出現了一些現象,而且是一些很 殘酷的現象,包括弱肉強食大吃小 這 些 資本主義的模式和特質。
The economic model of
[...] our society not only places emphasis on free economy. Under the concept of free economy there prevail some phenomena, and very cruel ones they are, that include such characteristics of capitalism as the law of the jungle and big fish eating small ones.
至於在圈中的零錢大家可以收集起 來買一小吃在下一課時一同享用。
Then gather all the coins together
[...] and have someone buy a treat (however small) for your next meeting.
指定特派团为享有共同制度权利(例如工作地点差价调整 数、流动和艰苦条件津贴、房租补贴、派任津贴以及国际工作人员个人用品托运 费)的不带家 属特派团将为工作人员提供 苦 条 件 补 偿。
The designation of special missions as non-family missions with common-system entitlements (such as post adjustment, mobility and hardship allowance, rental subsidy, assignment grants and
shipment of personal effects for
[...] international staff members) will provide staff with compensation for hardship conditions.
小组还 呼吁安全理事会对秘书长报告附件 I 所列的所有惯犯采取果断行动,而在没有指定制裁 委员会的情况下,考虑如何主动积极地 补 这 一漏 洞。
The Friends Group also calls on the Security Council to take decisive action against all persistent perpetrators listed in annex I of the Secretary-General’s reports and, in cases where there is no designated [...] [...]
sanctions committee, to consider how to address that gap through proactive means.
經過一年半的法例審議工作,共召開了 34 次會議, 包括兩次聽證會,議員和團體不厭其煩 不 斷 在 議會內外要求政府堵塞洞,苦口婆 心促請政府正視條例草案的 大 核 心 問題︰要求當局立法約束政 府行使權力時的行為、修正間接歧視的定義以免涵蓋範圍過窄、規管歧視新 移民的現實、改變對少數族裔的語文間接歧視等。
bind the Government's behaviour in exercising its powers by way of legislation, amend the definition of indirect discrimination to avoid providing for an excessively narrow scope, regulate existing discrimination against new arrivals and change the situation in which ethnic minorities suffer indirect discrimination on the basis of language.
考虑到制造设备的使用寿命为 15-20 年(按照本报告第 7.3 章:技术和经济评估 小组 2008 年 5 月《技术和经济评小组充资报补 编 》 ),以及多边基金资助 大 多数 向氟氯烃转产项目都在 2005 年前完成,我们可以假设第 5 条缔约方在大部分氟氯烃消费 源于此类转产的情况下,可不得不 在 使 用寿命结束前替换一些相关的使用氟氯烃的设 备,以便遵守截止 2020 年减少 35%的氟氯烃淘汰目标。
Considering a life-time of 15-20 years
[...] for manufacturing equipment (as per chapter 7.3 of the report: Supplement to the May 2008 TEAP Replenishment Report, by the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel), and the fact that most conversion projects to HCFCs financed by the MLF were completed prior [...]
to 2005, it may be assumed
that Article 5 Parties with a large proportion of their HCFC consumption resulting from such conversions may have to replace some of the related HCFC-based equipment prior to its end-of-life in order to comply with HCFC phase-out targets up to the 2020 35% reduction step.
如果 我們捨 本 逐 末,失吃 苦 耐 勞、拼搏向 上的德 性,社 會 陷 入 互 相 鬥 爭、互 相 攻伐的 漩渦不 能把眼 光 從 局 部大 到 全 局,從 彈 丸 之 地 拓 展 到 全 中國,以 致 全世界, 那 麼 一個相對富 有的地 區 便 可 能 很 快 淪 為 貧 困的地 區。
If we attend to the trifles to the neglect of the essentials, and let go the virtue of being able to bear hardships, stand hard work and strive for advancement; if our society snaps into a swirl of internecine conflicts, and if our vision remains so confined that it fails to extend from a tiny place to the whole of China or even to the whole world, then a relatively affluent place might easily degenerate into a poverty-stricken enclave.
上述退伍 军人有权领取身 体能力丧失退休金 ,凡符合上文(a)项规 定的条 件者 ,其退 休 金为退 休 前 薪 金 的 50%,在条件苦、 风险 大 或对 身体健不利地 区服役 10 年的男兵和在这种地区服役 8 年的女兵也享有同样补贴。
The veterans stated above shall be entitled to obtain pension for lack of physical capability 50 per cent of the salary at the last
rank, as stated
[...] under the condition “a” above and the veterans who serve difficult work, hazardous work or health affected and risky work in duration of 10 years for men [...]
and 8 years for women.
厄瓜多不仅考虑到补偿,而且注重小康生 活”的观念,也就是说在 大 自 然和谐相处 的情况下满足人人的基本需求,而不是一味追求更多物质产品而损害他人与环境 的“多多益善型生活”。
Ecuador looks not only at compensation but also at the idea of “living well”, meaning having all one’s basic needs [...]
met while existing
in harmony with the natural world, as opposed to “living better” by seeking to amass more and more material goods at the expense of others and the environment.
尽管工作组理解这些条款形成的 原因,但仍然认为,这些条款是妨碍《宪章》机制有效施行的 大 漏 洞 , 同 时它 们也反映了自我监管机制的固有局限,因此永 不 能 取代法律问责手段。
While the Working Group recognizes the reasoning behind such
provisions, it believes that they present significant loopholes that could prevent the effective operation of Charter mechanisms and that the inclusion of such provisions reflects the inherent limitations of a self-regulatory mechanism, which can never replace accountability through the law.
不完全 責 怪政府將這項任務加諸我們身㆖;我想我們是自 苦吃。
I do not blame the Government entirely for bringing this on us; I think we brought this upon ourselves.
防范酷小组委 员会建议,通过根据《禁止酷刑公约》 第 1 条将有关刑事犯罪列入该法典以及通过确立与罪行的严重程度相当的惩处,补这一漏洞。
The SPT recommends correcting this lacuna by including in the Code a criminal offence in conformity with article 1 of the Convention against Torture and by establishing penalties commensurate with the seriousness of the offence.
克罗地亚政府仍然坚决 致力于继续全面而明确地支持法庭的努力,以 补有 罪不罚的漏洞,从 而推进法治,并且通过追究个人的 刑事责任,为受害者伸张正义并使他们获得尊严,为 和解与合作铺平道路。
The Croatian Government remains firm in its commitment to sustaining its full and equivocal support for the Tribunal’s efforts to close the impunity gap, thus advancing the rule of law and paving the way for reconciliation and cooperation by individualizing criminal accountability and providing justice and dignity to victims.
为保护广大电脑用户在补丁真 空”期 不 受 此 漏 洞 危 害 ,江民公司提醒用户及时下载运行第三方漏 补 丁 工 具。
for the protection of the majority of computer users
[...] in the "vacuum patch" from the period against this vulnerability, the company Jiangmin timely to remind the user to download a patch to run third-party [...]
tools for vulnerability.
因為一旦有這些磨損出現,小的裂縫就會慢慢地加深、 擴闊小洞也會慢慢變大的黑 洞,會引致制度的破碎和崩潰。
The reason is that once there is such tear
[...] and wear, a small crack will gradually grow deeper and bigger, and a small hole will gradually turn into a big one, thus leading [...]
to the disintegration or crumbling of the system.
拟订该举措是为了补漏洞,以满足那 些未收到《瓦加杜古协议》规定的 500 000 非洲法郎津贴的复员战斗人员的需要不过, 资金有限就意味着该方案仅能满足 3 720 名前战斗人员的需要。
The initiative was conceived as a stop-gap measure to accommodate demobilized combatants who had not received the allowance of CFA 500,000 stipulated in the Ouagadougou Agreement; however limited funding has meant that the programme has accommodated only 3,720 ex-combatants.
性别成 见施加给男人很多压力,他们要吃苦耐 劳”,要“养家糊口”,因此他们的工作环境 往往比较恶劣,潜在着工伤、暴力、犯罪和 监禁(服军役、从事治安和消防工作)。
Such stereotypes put pressure on them to be ‘tough’ and to be the ‘breadwinner’; resulting in conditions of labor that are often harsh and that may involve injury, violence, crime, and imprisonment (military service, policing, firefighting, etc.).
我們今天的宗旨應該是將 心比心,緊記過去,“己不欲, 勿施於人”,還是要非華裔人士子女吃吃苦,抱 着“今天也輪到你們了”的心態,任由他們受到漠視與冷待?
Should we put ourselves in their shoes, be
mindful of the past
[...] and decide not to treat others the way we ourselves do not want, or should we give a hard time to the children of non-Chinese people with the mentality that it is now their turn to suffer and remain indifferent [...]
when they are
neglected and treated without sympathy?
每 逢 在過境的高 峰 時 間 過 境,大 家 都吃 苦 頭 , 大 家 也 有過這不愉 快 的經歷 , 不 單 止 是 過 關 “ 難 " [...]
, 亦 是 過 關 “ 慢 "、過關 “ 煩 "。
Whenever we want to cross the boundary
[...] during peak periods, we have to suffer, have to encounter similar unpleasant [...]




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