单词 | 小洞不堵,大洞难补 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 小洞不堵,大洞难补 ()—If you don't plug the small hole, the big hole will be hard |
只有當醫生不可以在其診所直接將藥物 交給病㆟時,這個漏洞才可以完全堵 塞。 legco.gov.hk | Only when doctors are not allowed to dispense medicine to patients directly can this loophole be plugged completely. legco.gov.hk |
我們期望大家今㆝齊心合力,堵塞這 種種漏 洞,為 香港創建㆒個免除毒品禍患的社會。 legco.gov.hk | Let us hope that through collective effort today, these and other loopholes could be plugged [...] to produce a drug-free society for Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
实际情况是,那里的地形崎 岖不平,他们分成小股在难以进入的地区活动,而且 边界防备松懈、漏洞百出。 daccess-ods.un.org | The fact is that the terrain is rugged, the numbers they operate in are small, the areas where they operate are inaccessible, [...] and the borders are porous. daccess-ods.un.org |
孩子的大夫医生补充说:“我很高兴,到本周末,全国的孩子都将受到保护,他们再 也 不 用 像 小 金 一 样经历现在这样的疾病折磨。 unicef.org | One of the baby’s doctors added: “I am so glad that at the end of this week all children in my country will be protected and none of them will need to undergo what the little Kim is going [...] through right now. unicef.org |
不 过,建设和平委员会、建设和平基金和建设和平支助 办公室已经在一定程度上帮助填补了 秘 书长在 2005 年称为联合国机制中的“大漏洞”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nevertheless, the Peacebuilding [...] [...] Commission (PBC), the PBF and the Peacebuilding Support Office have to some extent helped to fill what the Secretary-General in 2005 called a “gaping hole” in the United Nations machinery. daccess-ods.un.org |
因 此,难民署不得不加大努力,缩小难 民 保 护领域的法律与实践之间的差距,找到帮 助全世界流离失所人口的创新办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a result, UNHCR had to intensify efforts to narrow the gap between law and practice in the area of refugee protection, [...] and find new creative [...]approaches to assist displaced populations around the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,尽管一些捐助者继续慷慨解 囊,2010 年的承诺仍然不足以 确保巴勒斯坦权力机构 在加沙和西岸两地的开支,并且巴勒斯坦权力机构从 国内银行借款弥补短缺的困难越来越 大。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, despite the continuing generosity of some donors, commitments for 2010 remain insufficient to ensure [...] that the Palestinian [...] Authority can meet expenses in both Gaza and the West Bank, and the Palestinian Authority faces increasing difficulties in borrowing from domestic banks to cover this shortfall. daccess-ods.un.org |
為堵塞此 漏洞, 小 組 委 員會建 議 規 定 贍 養費支 付 人 無 論 何 時 獲 得 任 何 新入息 , 亦不論 該 等 入 息 是否可作 扣押, 均須通知有關各方 。 legco.gov.hk | To plug the loophole, the Subcommittee has suggested that the maintenance payer should be required to notify the relevant parties whenever he acquires [...] any new income, [...]regardless of whether it is capable of being attached. legco.gov.hk |
當然,教育局須汲取審計報告的批評, 加強堵塞中、小直資學校的監察漏洞 , 並 防止製造教育的階級分化, 讓基層兒童也可透過免費教育,獲得單位成本的資助,從而享有接受 [...] 較優質幼教的平等機會。 legco.gov.hk | Of course, in order to avoid class divisions in education, the Education Bureau must learn from the [...] criticisms in the Audit Report [...] by working harder to plug the loopholes in the supervision of DSS primary [...]and secondary schools, [...]so that grass-roots children can also receive free education and subsidies on a unit cost basis and enjoy equal opportunities in receiving better quality ECE. legco.gov.hk |
在寻找确保有效落实该决定的方式和方法时,加 拿 大 认 为,该机制应 当透明、高效、无侵扰性、兼容并包、公 正 不 偏 ; 不 产 生 任何形式的排名;提 供机会交流看法、观点、良好做法和 难 题 ; 补 充 现行的国际和区域审议机制, 以使缔约方会议可酌情与这些机制进行合作并避免工作重叠。 daccess-ods.un.org | In seeking ways and means of ensuring [...] effective follow-up to that [...] decision, Canada was of the view that the mechanism should be transparent, efficient, non-intrusive, inclusive and impartial; not produce any form of ranking; provide opportunities to share views, ideas, good practices and challenges; and complement existing international [...]and regional [...]review mechanisms in order that the Conference might, as appropriate, cooperate with them and avoid duplication of effort. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 1982 年 4 月 7 日颁布的第 13/1982 号《残疾人社会融入法》(LISMI)及 1984 年 2 月 1 日颁布的第 383/1984 [...] 号皇家法令中,制定及规范了《残疾人社会融入 法》(LISMI) 中的经济及社会福利的特殊制度,制订了出行补贴及交通补助 [...] (SMGT),该项经济福利是定期性质的,其目的是,对于使用公交通出行有 极大 困难的残疾人,补贴其 离开常住地所产生的费用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Act No. 13/1982 of 7 April 1982 on social integration of the handicapped (LISMI) and the Royal Decree No. 383/1984 of 1 February 1984 establishing and regulating the system of social and economic benefits provided for in LISMI, govern the mobility and compensation for transport expenses benefit (SMGT) - a periodic cash benefit designed to cover expenditure on travel away from the [...] usual place of residence incurred by [...] persons who have serious difficulty in using public transport [...]on account of disabilities. daccess-ods.un.org |
可是,不幸地,當天有部分示威人士偏離了主辦者與警 方的協議,沒有在該處離開,其後甚至聚集了一大羣人 , 堵 塞 了 大 馬 路、 電車路差不多數小時。 legco.gov.hk | However, unfortunately, some demonstrators deviated from the agreement reached between the [...] organizer and the police on that day and they had not departed there. legco.gov.hk |
在不牴觸 建議的第 3(1A)條所批准的期限的情況㆘,建議對第 3(1)條作出修訂,可堵塞這個漏洞,訂 明僱主若只是承諾而沒有採取跟進行動,則被 視為營辦非法計劃。 legco.gov.hk | The proposed amendments to clause 3(1), subject to [...] the time [...] limit permitted under the proposed clause 3(1A), will plug this loophole by deeming mere promises but with no follow up action as operation [...]of illegal schemes. legco.gov.hk |
例如,在前优质木材生产公司矿点的一名难民 营领导人告诉小组说,仅该难民营就有 1 500 到 2 000 名科特迪瓦难民经常在大 吉德州的金矿干活。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, a leader of the refugee camp on the site of the former [...] Prime Timber Production [...] informed the Panel that 1,500-2,000 Ivorian refugees from that camp alone work regularly in the gold mines of Grand Gedeh County. daccess-ods.un.org |
出生登记和补发在重大灾 难混乱 中丢失的公民身份证件,现已被纳入大多数重大紧急情况的应对措施,并 于去年在海地和巴基斯坦得以实施。 daccess-ods.un.org | Birth registration and replacement of civil status documentation lost during the chaos of a major disaster is now included in responses to most major emergencies, and was undertaken in Haiti and Pakistan last year. daccess-ods.un.org |
在「香港政府」後加㆖「立即撤消『第㆒收容港』政策 及 堵 塞 其他 漏 洞 , 避 免 因港府將越南拒收的船民變相改為『香港居民』而可能引致新㆒輪的船民湧港潮; 此外,並應」及刪除「,並且不可藉 修改越南船民的非法入境者身份,使其變相 成為香港永久居民,來達致關閉船民營這目標」。 legco.gov.hk | To insert after "a decade" the words ", this Council urges the Government to abolish immediately [...] the 'Port of First [...] Asylum' policy and plug up other loopholes in order to prevent possible influx of boat people into the territory consequent upon the Government's move to allow boat people rejected by the Vietnamese Government to become 'residents of Hong Kong' in disguised form"; to delete "this Council urges the Government to"; and to delete "The Government should not, for the [...]purpose of closing the [...]VBP centres, alter the illegal immigrants status of the boat people and allow them to become permanent residents of Hong Kong; and instead" and substitute with "To achieve the target". legco.gov.hk |
不应把国际刑院的补充职能错误 理解为是对国家管辖权和国家体制的侵犯,而应纯粹 把它理解为协助我们作出自身努力以 堵 塞 有 罪 不罚 漏洞的手段。 daccess-ods.un.org | That complementary function of the Court should not be misinterpreted as an affront to national jurisdiction and establishments, but should simply be understood as assisting our own efforts in closing the impunity gap. daccess-ods.un.org |
這說明縱使有法例,但如果不能及時 堵 塞 漏 洞 、不 斷改 善,又或執法部門執法不力的話,便會有機會讓不法分子“鑽空子”, [...] 破壞香港和諧的勞資關係。 legco.gov.hk | This goes to show that despite the [...] laws, if the loopholes are not timely plugged, if continuous [...]improvements are not made or [...]if the enforcement authority is not doing its job properly, then lawless elements would have the opportunity to take advantage of the loopholes to damage the harmonious labour relations in Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
代理主席,我對金融運作並不熟悉,但我支持讓雷曼兄弟迷你債券 苦主贖回他們的本金,並從速檢討我們的金融市場運作 , 堵 塞 漏 洞 ,不 要讓類似事件繼續發生。 legco.gov.hk | Deputy President, I am not conversant with financial and monetary affairs but I support that victims of Lehman Minibonds should recover their capital and that a review be expeditiously [...] conducted of the operation of the [...] financial market to plug loopholes, in order to prevent [...]the recurrence of similar incidents. legco.gov.hk |
传统的融资(用于大型项目、公共补 贴 的 金融体 系机制)和新的机制(如:小额罚款抵免、公共和私 人绿色基金等), 以及各项政策, 如: 新的规章和准则都 落后于可观察到再生能源电力的增长。 undpcc.org | Both traditional financing (financial system [...] mechanisms for large scale projects, public subsidies) and new mechanisms (e.g., microfinance, public and private [...]green funds, [...]etc.) along with policies such as new regulations and guidelines are behind the observed growth in renewable energy generation capacities. undpcc.org |
2009 年的重大补充方 案包括:伊拉克 局势应对行动;巴基斯坦境内流离失所者方案;其次是苏 丹 难 民 和境内流离失所 者返回和恢复正常社会生活方案;达尔富尔难民和国内流离失所者保护和援助方 案;索马里局势应对方案;斯里兰卡境内流离失所者方案;刚果民主共和国国内 流离失所者行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | The major Supplementary Programmes for 2009 were the Iraq Situation Response and the Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) programme in Pakistan, followed by: the operations in Sudan for the return and reintegration of Sudanese refugees and IDPs and [...] the protection and assistance [...]to refugees and IDPs in Darfur; the Somalia situation; the IDP programme in Sri Lanka; and the IDP operations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. daccess-ods.un.org |
就循环基金来说,大多数 替换 都是在工作范围之外完成的,即,冷风机替换是与完全更新辅助设备一道完成的,这造成 了更高的资本要求,但是对于偿还贷款, 困 难 只 会 很 小 , 或 实际 上 不 会 遇到 困 难 , 因 为采 用的利率为 0%。 multilateralfund.org | In this case of a revolving fund, most of the replacements were done outside the terms of [...] reference, i.e., replacements of chillers were done together with complete renewal of auxiliary equipment leading to much higher capital requirements, but with less or virtually no difficulties to pay back the loans since the interest rate that was applied was 0 per cent. multilateralfund.org |
如图 2 所示,硬盘扇区中的数据占据的空间越小,错误纠正就会变得越 困 难 , 因 为同 样 大小 的 介 质缺陷对总体数据负载损害的百分比更高,因此需要更大的纠错强度。 seagate.com | In Figure 2, for example, the data in a hard drive [...] sector is consuming smaller areas, making error correction more challenging because [...]media defects of the [...]same size can damage a higher percentage of the total data payload and, therefore, require more error correction strength. seagate.com |
之友小组还 呼吁安全理事会对秘书长报告附件 I 所列的所有惯犯采取果断行动,而在没有指定制裁 委员会的情况下,考虑如何主动积极地 填 补 这 一漏 洞。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Friends Group also calls on the Security Council to take decisive action against all persistent perpetrators listed in annex I of the Secretary-General’s reports and, in cases where there is no designated [...] [...] sanctions committee, to consider how to address that gap through proactive means. daccess-ods.un.org |
在本报告所述期间,许多国家通过了关于难民和庇护问题的 新法律法规,其中包括哥斯达黎加、多米尼加共和国、列支敦士登、墨西哥 、大 韩民国和乌干达;澳大利亚 、格鲁吉亚和乌克兰则通过了在单一程序内确 定 难民 身份和补充性保护需要的立法。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the reporting period, new refugee and asylum laws and regulations were adopted in a number of countries, including Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Liechtenstein, Mexico, [...] the Republic of Korea and Uganda; [...] meanwhile Australia, Georgia and Ukraine passed legislation to determine both refugee status and complementary protection needs within a single procedure. daccess-ods.un.org |
最近政府宣佈將市面㆖出租及發售的錄影帶及鐳射影碟,納入色情及不雅物品條 例的管制範圍,不但堵塞了 現存法例的 漏 洞 , 亦 反映了有關當局正視和解決問題的決 心。 legco.gov.hk | The Government has recently announced that the video tapes and laser discs for renting and sale are to be placed under the jurisdiction of the Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance. legco.gov.hk |
現時落 馬 洲 至 皇 崗 口 岸 實際上 已 推 行 24 小 時 通 關,但每天貨車 仍 然 大 排 長 龍 , 堵塞情況十 分 嚴 重 ; 然 而 , 為 甚麼車 主 不 選 擇 晚 上 過 關 呢? legco.gov.hk | Although the Government has already implemented [...] round-the-clock cargo clearance at the Huanggang and Lok Ma Chau control points, there are still long queues of goods vehicles every day and the congestion problem is still very [...]serious. legco.gov.hk |
由此可見,特區政府過去為堵塞議員任意辭職再參選的漏洞,所 推出的各項政策無論引起多少爭議、紛爭及糾紛,我們發覺社 會 大眾 要求堵塞這漏洞的強 烈主流意願並未有減退。 legco.gov.hk | Despite the controversies, conflicts and disputes that have arisen from the policies introduced by the HKSAR Government to plug the loopholes of Members resigning at will to stand for re-election, we [...] noticed that the mainstream wish of the [...] community to plug this loophole has remained strong without [...]any sign of fading. legco.gov.hk |
示威者把道路或交通“大動脈”完全 堵 塞 ,導致警方要在 兩 小 時內 清場,市民對此是不會覺得反感的。 legco.gov.hk | When protestors [...] have completely blocked the roads or "main artery" of the traffic, thereby making it necessary for the police to clear a place within two hours, it will not cause any public [...]resentment. legco.gov.hk |