

单词 小泉纯一郎

See also:

小小 adj

small adj

External sources (not reviewed)

直至最近,胡錦濤主席與日本首 小泉 純 一郎 會 面 後,日本才宣布會與 中國商討聯合開發,但仍然開出條件,就是商談時要包括“整個東海”。
It is only until recently after the meeting between President HU Jintao and Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro KOIZUMI that Japan announced [...]
that it would
negotiate with China on joint development on the condition that the negotiation would include the East China Sea "in its entirety".
遗憾的是,那些建议强一些与 真正的人权无关的问题 纯 粹 是 出于对朝鲜 的敌视。
Regrettably, those recommendations focused on issues that were extraneous to
[...] genuine human rights issues and were purely put forward out of hostility towards [...]
the country.
從這個角度出發,我們會更明白:為甚麼日本的歷任首相,由中曾根康 弘到橋本龍太郎,以至今天小泉純 一郎 , 都要用盡各種理由來參拜靖國神 社,把祭祀東條英機正常化,並藉着修改憲法,將自衞隊發展成軍隊,用維 [...]
From this angle, we can better understand why successive Japanese Prime Ministers, from
Yasuhiro NAKASONE, Ryutaro HASHIMOTO to
[...] the incumbent Junichiro KOIZUMI have exhausted [...]
every possible means to homage to the
Yasukuni Shrine, turned the ceremony of offering sacrifices to Hideki TOJO into a normal practice, developed its Self-Defence Force (SDF) into an army by amending its constitution, and dispatched troops overseas under the pretext of keeping peace.
犹太法典,但是,是不一个单纯的 mishnah评论,因为,除了其haggadic部分,它包含了halakic材料不同的质量,只有松散的连接问题的mishnaic段落的内容,如果在所有;虽然犹太法典有时坚持密切合作,以这样的一段文字,它在单节的mishnah评论往往是扩大到 一 本 小 书 的 指南针。
The Talmud, however, is not a mere commentary on the Mishnah, since, in addition to its
[...] haggadic portions, it contains a varied mass of halakic material, connected only loosely, if at all, with the contents of the mishnaic paragraphs in question; and while the Talmud sometimes adheres closely to the text of such a paragraph, its commentary on a single section of the Mishnah is often expanded into the compass of a small book.
對此, 亞 洲 各 國人民表 示 了 強 烈 不 滿
[...] 和作出嚴 厲 的 譴 責 , 並要求日本新首小 泉純一 郎 採取有效措施予 以改 正 。
They requested that the new Japanese
[...] Prime Minister, Junichiro KOIZUMI, take effective [...]
steps to amend the textbook.
值 得 注 意 的是,日本篡 改教科 書的行為並非 單 一 事件,尤 其小 泉純一 郎 準 備 在 今 年 秋 季 , 到 供 奉 日本甲 級 戰 犯 靈 位 的 靖 國 神 社參拜 , 並 且打正 旗 號 以首相身份 出 席,其想復 辟 軍 國主義 的 企 圖 , 已 赤 裸裸地 在 我們面前出現 。
It should be noted that the act of distorting historical facts in textbooks in Japan is not an isolated incident, especially seen in the light of Junichiro KOIZUMI's intention [...]
to pay homage
to Class A war criminals at the Yasukuni Shrine this autumn in his capacity as the Prime Minister.
宪兵”以日本1931年开始对满洲里的占领为背景,通过18岁 小泉 井 上 , 一 个 纯 真 热情的日本农民的儿子的眼睛和良知,揭露了日本宪兵队的帝国征服的令人极度不安的黑暗面,随着善良人性被一层层地剥离,小泉井上作为一名新征入伍的宪兵被迫接受了暴行。
Based on Japan's occupation of Manchuria beginning in 1931, The Kempei unveils the deeply disturbing, dark side of imperial subjugation at the hands of Japan's elite military police, The Kempei Tai, and through the eyes and narrative conscience of eighteen-year-old Junichiro Inouye, the unintended, impassioned son of a Japanese rice farmer, forced as a Kempei recruit to rationalize sanctioned acts of brutality as the tenuous layers of human decency are systematically stripped away.
基于不 同原因,利益相关者乐于进行保护,这些原因包括 了纯利益”(例一个矿泉水公 司完全依赖水的 质量和供应)和保护意识等。
Stakeholders are motivated to conserve for a
[...] diversity of reasons – from ‘pure profit’ (for example, a mineral [...]
water company that depends
on water quality and availability) to conservation concern.
當然,我們必須緊記一個問 題,儘管今天的政治舞台上的日本政客,不管是首 小泉 純 一郎 , 還 是東京 都知事石原慎太郎,都是由日本國民一人一票選出的,他們在一定程度上代 表了整個日本社會,特別是成年人的想法,假如我們不據理力爭,擺出史實 與日本人討論,恐怕在他們的政治宣傳下,支持者會與日俱增,將歪理變為 事實,進一步支持右翼政客的擴張企圖。
To a certain extent, these politicians represent the entire Japanese society, particularly the way of thinking of adults. Should we fail to argue on the basis of reason and present the historical facts in discussions with the Japanese people, it is feared that, under their political propaganda, the number of supporters will continue to grow and false reasoning will become facts, thereby giving further support to the right-wing politicians in their expansion attempts.
後來, 她 可 能 因為跟首小 泉 純 一 郎 合不來, 所以沒 有 做 其 屬下,但 她 [...]
仍 然 是國會議員。
Later, as she could not get along well with the
[...] Prime Minister JUNICHIRO Koizumi, she stopped working [...]
under him.
代 理主席,為了世 界 和 亞 洲 的 和平, 為了中 日 兩 國人民的友 誼 , 我們呼 籲 日小泉純一 郎 政 府 必 須 正 視 歷 史 的 嚴 肅 事 實 , 正 視 中國、 韓 國 及 亞 洲 其 他 國家和 政 府 的 抗 議,立刻 責 成文部科學省重新更正 教 科 書,立刻 停 止 一 切 助長軍 國主義 復 辟 的 言行, 並 向 日本年 輕 一 代 灌 輸 正確的 歷 史 事 實。
Mr Deputy, in the name of world peace and peace in Asia, and also for the sake of the friendship between the peoples of China and Japan, we wish to call upon the Junichiro Koizumi administration to admit the solemn facts of history, and address squarely the protests from China, Korea and other Asian countries and their governments.
罗德尼使他父亲的梦想成真给了一 个 三 钟 小 号 的 , 纯 粹 的 即兴,提示他人帮助添加其他的乐曲的播放;,挡泥板是一个混合的Jazz和Funk发现新的音乐 [...]
- “垃圾邮件”。
Rodney makes his father’s dream come true
[...] by giving him a three-bell trumpet, playing by sheer improvision [...]
that prompts the others to
help add other musical tunes; Fender finds the new music to be a mix of Jazz and Funk – “Junk”.
試 問這是怎樣的一種史觀,又如何能令人相信日 小泉 純 一郎 口 中 所說的“深 切反省”是出於懺悔和歉意呢?
What kind of historical outlook is it?
How can people believe that Japanese
[...] Prime Minister Junichiro KOIZUMI verbally expressed [...]
his "deep regret" out of repentance and regret?
项目简介: QED(Quadcap Embeddable Database)是一个速度快,但小的纯jav a关 系型数据库。
Project Information: QED
[...] (Quadcap Embeddable Database) is a fast, but very pure java relational database .
这项培训不仅具纯粹的 学习价值,它还为总 部和总部外办事处的同事们提供一 个 相 互交流经验和进行团队建设的良好机会,从而加强 了人与人之间的联系,改善了总部和总部外办事处之间的交流。
Beyond the purely learning value, this training provided an excellent opportunity for experience sharing and team-building [...]
among colleagues from
both Headquarters and field offices, thus strengthening human networking and improving communication between Headquarters and the field.
大家 也 留 意 到小 泉純一 郎 已準備 修 改日本的 憲 法,把自 隊變成 正 [...]
式 的 日本軍 隊。
We can also notice that KOIZUMI is prepared to amend [...]
the Japanese constitution, so as to upgrade the country's self-defence forces to a full-scale army.
日本首小泉純一郎在亞 非峰 會期間,曾發言對日本過往在太平洋戰爭中的行為表示歉意,但這種所謂 [...]
In the Asia-Africa Summit, the Japanese
[...] Prime Minister, Junichiro KOIZUMI, gave a speech [...]
and expressed regret over the conduct
of the Japanese during the Pacific War.
此外,日本首小泉純一郎一方 面就第二次世界大戰日本侵略其他國家, 虐待平民百姓的戰爭罪行公開道歉,但另一方面又在過去幾年,差不多每年 [...]
都到日本國內的靖國神社向第二次世界大戰時的日本軍人進行官式參拜,反 映出他根本不是真心的道歉,而且仍未對當年日本政府的罪行徹底悔過。
Moreover, while Japan's
[...] Prime Minister Junichiro KOIZUMI openly offers [...]
his apologies for Japan's invasion of other countries
and for the war crimes they committed such as torturing the civilians during the Second World War, over the past few years, he has been paying official homage to the Yasukuni Shrine where Japanese military officers of the Second World War are worshipped.
主席女士,在這樣的環境下,試問有誰會相 小泉 純 一郎 的 發 言是真正 來自內心、由衷的表達呢?
Madam President, under such circumstances, who would
[...] believe that what Junichiro KOIZUMI said in his speech [...]
was sincerely from the bottom of his heart?
(二) 日本首小泉純一郎自 2 001 年掌政以來,曾因日本經濟持續低 迷,多番帶領其內閣參拜靖國神社,藉以肯定軍國主義。
(2) For reasons of persistent economic sluggishness, the Japanese
[...] Prime Minster, Junichiro KOIZUMI, has repeatedly [...]
led his cabinet to pay homage to the
Yasukuni Shrine since his assumption of office in 2001, in a bid to affirm militarism.
被敌对势力视为指责朝鲜民主主义人民共和国发射卫星之“依据”的安全理 事会第 1718(2006)号和第 1874(2009)号决议,是它们敌视和压制朝鲜民主主义
[...] 人民共和国的高压政策的产物,毫无半点合法性可言;它们置举世公认的国际法 于不顾纯属一派胡言。
Security Council resolutions 1718 (2006) and 1874 (2009) which the hostile forces regard as the “ground” for taking issue with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s satellite launch are a product of their high-handed policy for antagonizing and oppressing the Democratic People’s
Republic of Korea and the height of illegality;
[...] they are faked up at random, disregarding [...]
even universally accepted international law.
这既不是保留,也不是解释性声明,而 是就条约或条约所涉领域作出的纯 的 一 般 政 策声明。
Hence, these are neither reservations nor interpretative declarations, but simple general statements of policy formulated in relation to the treaty or relating to the area which it covers.
Glencore的營運開支(佔其收益基礎 一小 部 分) 以 一 籃子 貨 幣 組 合 計 付,其 中 包 括 美 元、瑞 士郎、英 鎊、加 元、澳 元、歐 元、哈 薩 克 堅 戈、哥 倫 比 亞 比 索 及 南 非 蘭 特 等主要 貨 幣。
Glencore’s operating
[...] expenses, being a small portion of its revenue base, are incurred in a mix of currencies of which the U.S. Dollar, Swiss Franc, Pound Sterling, [...]
Canadian Dollar, Australian
Dollar, Euro, Kazakhstan Tenge, Colombian Peso and South African Rand are the predominant currencies.
在 1997 年,現 任 首小 泉純一 郎 以 當 時 的 厚 生 大 臣 的 身 [...]
份 參 拜靖國 神 社 , 並表示 : “日本有今天的 和平和繁 榮 , 全 賴 戰 爭 英 靈 所作的 犧牲”。
In 1997, Mr KOIZUMI Junichiro, the Prime Minister [...]
today and the then Minister of Health and Welfare visited the Yasukuni
Jinja Shrine and indicated that "Japan owed its peace and prosperity today to the sacrifice made by the spirits of martyrs in the war".
东北大学大学院医学系研究科放射性同位素中心的本桥Hozumi准教授,与同医化学领域的光石 一郎 博 士 、田口惠子助教、山本雅之教授、东京大学先端科学技术研究中心的油谷浩幸教授、国立癌研究中心研究所癌基因组学研究领域的柴田龙弘领域长的研 小 组 ,共同研究发现了导致癌细胞恶化的代谢控制组织。
Associate Professor Hozumi Motohashi at Center for Radioisotope Sciences, Tohoku University
Graduate School of
[...] Medicine, Dr. Yoichiro Mitsuishi, Assistant Professor Keiko Taguchi, and Professor Masayuki Yamamoto at Division of Medical Biochemistry, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Professor Hiroyuki Aburatani at Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Tokyo, and Division Leader Tatsuhiro Shibata [...]
at the National
Cancer Center have jointly discovered the metabolic control mechanism that drives the malignant evolution of cancer cells.
无效保留的无效性的后果产生了两个相互矛盾的命题, 一 个 命 题是可分 割性的命题,根据一命题 ,无效保留的提出者受条约的约束而没有得到提出保 留的好处,第二个命题是纯粹共 同同意”的命题,根据这个命题,保留的无效 性将保留者排除到缔约国的圈子以外,保留是保留方同意受条约约束 一 个 先决 条件。
The consequences of the nullity of an invalid reservation gave rise to two conflicting theses, the first being the thesis of severability, according to which the author of an invalid reservation was bound by the treaty without the benefit of its reservation, and the second being the thesis of “pure consensualism”, according to which the invalidity of the reservation [...]
excluded the author
from the circle of States parties, the reservation being a sine qua non for the author’s consent to be bound by the treaty.
大会于 2003 年 10 月通过的第 32 C/39 号决议重申“支持总干事为制定保护耶路撒冷老 城的综合行动计划而在大会第三十一届会议上宣布的措施;就此忆及世界遗产委员会第二十 七届会议作出的决定,请总干事尽早与有关方面合作,成 一 个 纯 技 术 性质的高水平考察 团,前往耶路撒冷调查耶路撒冷老城及其城墙文化遗产的保存状况,并要求总干事在一年之 内成立一个人员构成公正合理的专家委员会,委托它完全以科学技术为依据,提出该行动计 划的指导方针和实施建议”。
Resolution 39 (adopted by the General Conference at its 32nd session in October 2003) reiterated “its support for the initiative announced by the Director-General at the 31st session of the General Conference to prepare a comprehensive plan of action to safeguard the cultural heritage of the Old City of Jerusalem; in that connection, recalling the decision taken by the World Heritage Committee at its 27th session, invited the Director-General to set up, as soon as possible, in cooperation with the concerned parties, a highly qualified and purely technical mission to Jerusalem, concerning the state of conservation of the cultural heritage of the Old City of Jerusalem and its walls and requested the Director-General to establish, within a year, an equitably composed committee of experts to be entrusted with proposing, on an exclusively scientific and technical basis, guidelines for this plan of action and proposals for its implementation”.
d. 在国家范围内,研究所建立了水资源研究中心(灌溉研究与技术中心, CITAR),这一个纯国家 范围的机构,不具有法人资格,设立该中心的目的是 [...]
为更全面了解与天气和径流量有关的现象、水资源的开发与质量、水的使用、水 文风险的控制以及资源管理体制等问题。
(d) Within the national context, INDRHI established a centre for water research (Center for
Irrigation Research and Technology,
[...] CITAR) which is of a purely national scope and [...]
does not possess a legal personality,
to lay the basis for a more thorough understanding of the phenomena related to weather and water runoff, development and quality of water sources, use of water, management of the hydrological risk and resource management schemes.




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