单词 | 小泉 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 小泉 —KOIZUMI Jun'ichirō, Japanese LDP politician, prime minister |
後來, 她 可 能 因為跟首相 小 泉 純 一 郎 合不來, 所以沒 有 [...] 做 其 屬下,但 她 仍 然 是國會議員。 legco.gov.hk | Later, as she could not get along well with the Prime [...] Minister JUNICHIRO Koizumi, she stopped [...]working under him. legco.gov.hk |
試 問這是怎樣的一種史觀,又如何能令人相信日 相 小泉 純 一郎口中所說的“深 切反省”是出於懺悔和歉意呢? legco.gov.hk | What kind of historical outlook is it? How [...] can people believe that Japanese Prime [...] Minister Junichiro KOIZUMI verbally expressed [...]his "deep regret" out of repentance and regret? legco.gov.hk |
主席女士,在這樣的環境下,試問有誰會相 信 小泉 純 一郎的發言是真正 來自內心、由衷的表達呢? legco.gov.hk | Madam President, under such circumstances, who would believe that [...] what Junichiro KOIZUMI said in his [...]speech was sincerely from the bottom of his heart? legco.gov.hk |
直至最近,胡錦濤主席與日本首相 小泉 純 一 郎會面後,日本才宣布會與 中國商討聯合開發,但仍然開出條件,就是商談時要包括“整個東海”。 legco.gov.hk | It is only until recently after the meeting between [...] President HU Jintao and Japanese Prime [...] Minister Junichiro KOIZUMI that Japan announced [...]that it would negotiate with China [...]on joint development on the condition that the negotiation would include the East China Sea "in its entirety". legco.gov.hk |
此外,日本首相小泉純一 郎一方面就第二次世界大戰日本侵略其他國家, 虐待平民百姓的戰爭罪行公開道歉,但另一方面又在過去幾年,差不多每年 [...] 都到日本國內的靖國神社向第二次世界大戰時的日本軍人進行官式參拜,反 映出他根本不是真心的道歉,而且仍未對當年日本政府的罪行徹底悔過。 legco.gov.hk | Moreover, while Japan's Prime [...] Minister Junichiro KOIZUMI openly offers [...]his apologies for Japan's invasion of other countries [...]and for the war crimes they committed such as torturing the civilians during the Second World War, over the past few years, he has been paying official homage to the Yasukuni Shrine where Japanese military officers of the Second World War are worshipped. legco.gov.hk |
小泉是次的致歉宣 言,完全是日本前首相村山富市 10 年前發言的翻版。 legco.gov.hk | This declaration [...] of apology by KOIZUMI is exactly a replica [...]of the speech made by the former Japanese Prime Minister, Tomichi MURAYAMA, 10 years ago. legco.gov.hk |
從這個角度出發,我們會更明白:為甚麼日本的歷任首相,由中曾根康 弘到橋本龍太郎,以至今天的小泉純 一 郎,都要用盡各種理由來參拜靖國神 [...] 社,把祭祀東條英機正常化,並藉着修改憲法,將自衞隊發展成軍隊,用維 護和平的藉口派兵海外? legco.gov.hk | From this angle, we can better understand why successive Japanese Prime Ministers, from [...] Yasuhiro NAKASONE, Ryutaro HASHIMOTO to the [...] incumbent Junichiro KOIZUMI have exhausted [...]every possible means to homage to the Yasukuni [...]Shrine, turned the ceremony of offering sacrifices to Hideki TOJO into a normal practice, developed its Self-Defence Force (SDF) into an army by amending its constitution, and dispatched troops overseas under the pretext of keeping peace. legco.gov.hk |
宪兵”以日本1931年开始对满洲里的占领为背景,通过18岁 的 小泉 井 上 ,一个纯真热情的日本农民的儿子的眼睛和良知,揭露了日本宪兵队的帝国征服的令人极度不安的黑暗面,随着善良人性被一层层地剥离 , 小泉 井 上 作为一名新征入伍的宪兵被迫接受了暴行。 tipschina.gov.cn | Based on Japan's occupation of Manchuria beginning in 1931, The Kempei unveils the deeply disturbing, dark side of imperial subjugation at the hands of Japan's elite military police, The Kempei Tai, and through the [...] eyes and narrative [...] conscience of eighteen-year-old Junichiro Inouye, the unintended, impassioned son of a Japanese rice farmer, forced as a Kempei recruit to rationalize sanctioned acts of brutality as the tenuous layers of human decency are systematically stripped away. tipschina.gov.cn |
在 1997 年,現 任 首 相 小 泉純一 郎 以 當 時 的 厚 [...] 生 大 臣 的 身 份 參 拜靖國 神 社 , 並表示 : “日本有今天的 和平和繁 榮 , 全 賴 戰 爭 英 靈 所作的 犧牲”。 legco.gov.hk | In 1997, Mr KOIZUMI Junichiro, the [...] Prime Minister today and the then Minister of Health and Welfare visited the Yasukuni [...]Jinja Shrine and indicated that "Japan owed its peace and prosperity today to the sacrifice made by the spirits of martyrs in the war". legco.gov.hk |
其後, 當記者問到小泉時,他亦斷言拒絕承諾自己不會再到靖國神社參拜。 legco.gov.hk | Later, in response to questions asked [...] by reporters, KOIZUMI categorically [...]refused to undertake not to pay homage to the Yasukuni Shrine anymore. legco.gov.hk |
但是,小 泉 對各國的譴 責 置 若 罔 聞 , 直 至 5 月 [...] 17 日 仍 然表示 , 雖然外 界 有 許 多 意 見 , 日本政 府 仍 然不會 對 美 化 侵 略 的 歷 史 教 科 書 作出修 改。 legco.gov.hk | However, KOIZUMI was determined [...] to ignore reprimands from these countries. As at 17 May, the Japanese Government still insisted [...]that despite oppositions, it would not amend the history textbook that embellishes Japan's acts of aggression. legco.gov.hk |
主席女士,其實,小泉的發 言和前首相村山富市的發言一樣,並沒有得 到日本國會,甚至政府內閣全體官員的支持。 legco.gov.hk | In fact, Madam President, like the speech of former Prime Minister MURAYAMA, [...] the speech of KOIZUMI did not have [...]the support of the Diet. legco.gov.hk |
何俊仁議員:主席女士,日本首相 小泉 純 一 郎最近在印尼舉行的亞非峰會上 發言,對日本過去的軍國主義侵略和殖民地統治,為亞洲各國人民帶來巨大 [...] 的損害和痛苦,表示“深刻的反省”和“由衷的歉意”。 legco.gov.hk | MR ALBERT HO (in Cantonese): Madam President, the Japanese Prime [...] Minister, Junichiro KOIZUMI, has recently [...]delivered a speech at the Asia-Africa Summit [...]held in Indonesia, expressing deep remorse and heartfelt apology for the tremendous damage and suffering caused to the people of Asian countries by Japan through its past militaristic invasion and colonial rule. legco.gov.hk |
更諷刺的是,在小泉道歉的數小時前,日本過百位國會議員及代表集體 參拜代表日本侵略戰爭及戰犯的靖國神社,這究竟帶出甚麼信息呢? legco.gov.hk | A greater irony happened, just [...] hours before KOIZUMI made his apology, [...]when more than a hundred members of the Japanese Diet [...]and their representatives paid tribute to the war criminals enshrined at the Yasukuni Shrine, the symbol of Japanese aggression in World War II. legco.gov.hk |
值 得 注 意 的是,日本篡 改教科 書的行為並非 單 一 事件,尤 其 是 小 泉純一 郎 準 備 在 今 年 秋 季 , 到 供 奉 日本甲 級 戰 犯 靈 位 的 靖 國 神 社參拜 , 並 且打正 旗 號 以首相身份 出 席,其想復 辟 軍 國主義 的 企 圖 , 已 赤 裸裸地 在 我們面前出現 。 legco.gov.hk | It should be noted that the act of distorting historical facts in textbooks in Japan is not an isolated incident, especially seen in the light of Junichiro KOIZUMI's intention to pay homage to Class A war criminals at the Yasukuni Shrine this autumn in his capacity as the Prime Minister. legco.gov.hk |
大家 也 留 意 到 , 小 泉純一 郎 已準備 修 改日本的 憲 法,把自 [...] 隊變成 正 式 的 日本軍 隊。 legco.gov.hk | We can also notice that KOIZUMI is prepared to [...] amend the Japanese constitution, so as to upgrade the country's self-defence forces to a full-scale army. legco.gov.hk |
汕头同创文具经营品牌:汕头同创办公用品商行销售的产品品牌主要有:五千年、钊盛、齐心、树德、富得快、金得利、晨光、 张 小泉 、 3M 、施乐、远生、三木、得力、德贤、英雄、上汇、卡西欧、汉高、劲量、晶密、唯融、云广、飞利浦、sony、万事达、亚信、树德、源兴、工字牌、派克、至优、益而高、威狮、三菱、日本旗牌(雅丽牌)、乐普生、晨奇、canon、epson、惠普等办公文具及办公耗材。 chinatrader.ru | Shantou tongchuang Stationery Brand: Shantou Office Supplies Firm Genesis brand products sold are: five thousand years, Zhao [...] Sheng, united, Shuter, rich quickly, [...] Jindeli, dawn, Zhang Koizumi, 3M, Xerox, far [...]Health, Miki, Deli, German-yin, the hero, [...]the sinks, Casio, Henkel, Energizer, GEMET, the only financial, Yunguang, Philips, sony, MasterCard, AsiaInfo, Shuter, Lite, work plate, Parker, to excellent, beneficial and high Weishi, Mitsubishi, Japan's flag card (Alice Brand), Lepusheng, Chen Qi, canon, epson, HP and other office stationery and office supplies. chinatrader.ru |
當然,我們必須緊記一個問 題,儘管今天的政治舞台上的日本政客,不管是首 相 小泉 純 一 郎,還是東京 都知事石原慎太郎,都是由日本國民一人一票選出的,他們在一定程度上代 表了整個日本社會,特別是成年人的想法,假如我們不據理力爭,擺出史實 與日本人討論,恐怕在他們的政治宣傳下,支持者會與日俱增,將歪理變為 事實,進一步支持右翼政客的擴張企圖。 legco.gov.hk | To a certain extent, these politicians represent the entire Japanese society, particularly the way of thinking of adults. Should we fail to argue on the basis of reason and present the historical facts in discussions with the Japanese people, it is feared that, under their political propaganda, the number of supporters will continue to grow and false reasoning will become facts, thereby giving further support to the right-wing politicians in their expansion attempts. legco.gov.hk |
代 理主席,為了世 界 和 亞 洲 的 和平, 為了中 日 兩 國人民的友 誼 , 我們呼 籲 日本小泉純一 郎 政 府 必 須 正 視 歷 史 的 嚴 肅 事 實 , 正 視 中國、 韓 國 及 亞 洲 其 他 國家和 政 府 的 抗 議,立刻 責 成文部科學省重新更正 教 科 書,立刻 停 止 一 切 助長軍 國主義 復 辟 的 言行, 並 向 日本年 輕 一 代 灌 輸 正確的 歷 史 事 實。 legco.gov.hk | Mr Deputy, in the name of world peace and peace in Asia, and also for the sake of the friendship between the peoples of China and Japan, we wish to call upon the Junichiro Koizumi administration to admit the solemn facts of history, and address squarely the protests from China, Korea and other Asian countries and their governments. legco.gov.hk |
日本首相小泉純一 郎在亞非峰 會期間,曾發言對日本過往在太平洋戰爭中的行為表示歉意,但這種所謂 [...] “道歉”,究竟是外交上的姿態,還是真心誠意的認錯,各位當然心裏有數。 legco.gov.hk | In the Asia-Africa Summit, the Japanese Prime [...] Minister, Junichiro KOIZUMI, gave a speech [...]and expressed regret over the conduct of [...]the Japanese during the Pacific War. legco.gov.hk |
除 了 歷 史 教 科 書 問題,小 泉 還 表 示 要以總理 大 臣 身 份 [...] 參 拜 供 奉 甲 級 戰 犯 的 靖 國 神 社 , 以及修 改和平憲 法,將 自 隊升格為正式軍隊。 legco.gov.hk | In addition to the [...] textbook issue, KOIZUMI indicated he would [...]in his capacity as Prime Minister pay homage to the Yasukuni [...]Shrine consecrated to Class A war criminals and amend the Peace Constitution, raising the status of the Self-Defence Forces to regular army. legco.gov.hk |
在 法兰克福附近的温泉小镇巴德洪堡向 前来疗养的病人销售特制的水果和蔬 菜饮料,用作饮食治疗。 fresenius100.de | He started selling special fruit and vegetable drinks for the diet cures of the health resort patients in the spa town of Bad Homburg near Frankfurt. fresenius100.de |
杨绍曾表示,清泉小学教学综合楼援建工程是艾默生中国慈善项目的一部分,该项目已涵盖教育、健康及人道援助和社区建设等领域。 emerson.com | Bosco said that the project is part of Emerson's corporate social responsibility program in China, which covers education, healthcare and humanitarian assistance. emerson.com |
前往具有悠久歷史的溫泉小鎮巴克斯頓(Buxton),這裡的人們仍然穿著年代久遠的傳統服裝。 visitbritain.com | Take a trip to the historic spa town of Buxton, where you can see the age-old tradition of well dressing visitbritain.com |
2009 年 9 [...] 月,公司出资 300 百万元人民币,援建的四川绵阳安县 清 泉小 学 教学综合楼落成。 emerson.com | In September last year, the teaching [...] complex of Qingquan primary school in [...]An County, Mianyang of Sichuan has been rebuilt with support from Emerson. emerson.com |
四川绵阳(2009年9月10日) — 四川省绵阳市安县清泉小学在 2008年四川地震中受损,全球技术企业美国艾默生电气公司(纽约证券交易所代码:EMR,下称 Emerson)援建的清泉小学教学综合楼工程今天正式落成。 emerson.com | Sichuan, China, September 10, 2009 — Qingquan primary school in An County, Mianyang of Sichuan – severely damaged by the 2008 earthquake – has been rebuilt with support from Emerson (NYSE: EMR), [...] the global technology company. emerson.com |
在那里,你会发现其171的房子,包括23名葡萄酒酿造与私人泳池,其温泉Garrigae,迷人的餐厅,其豪华酒吧,也自己的葡萄园房子... ...酒店拥有正宗的地方和时期的喷泉 , 小 型 步行街,是圣洛朗- DE - LA - Cabrerisse的小风景如画的村庄延伸。 hotelspreference.com | There, you will discover its 171 houses, including 23 wine-grower houses with private pools, its Spa Garrigae, its charming restaurant, its lounge bar [...] but also its own [...] vineyard... Featuring small pedestrian streets, of authentic places and period fountains, the hotel is [...]an extension of Saint-Laurent-de-la-Cabrerisse’s small picturesque village. hotelspreference.com |
V. 一般物品及設備 [...] 例如擴音器、對講機、哨子、電池、充電池、急救箱、急救箱補充 品、蒸餾水/礦泉水、 茶包、意見箱、信箱、許可證框架、黑板/ [...] 白板/水松板、香港街道圖、訪客記錄冊、節日裝飾品、典禮裝飾 品、證件套連掛繩等。 legco.gov.hk | V. General Supplies & Equipment e.g. loudhailers, two-way radios, whistles, batteries, rechargeable batteries, [...] first aid boxes, first aid box refills, [...] distilled water/mineral water, tea [...]bags, suggestion boxes, letter boxes, frames [...]for approval letter, blackboards, whiteboards, cork notice-boards, Hong Kong street guide, guest record books, festive decorations, ceremonial decorations, name badges with necklaces, etc. legco.gov.hk |
建议的其他标准还有: 为实现千年发展目标做出贡献;对 C/4 战略目标和相关会员国国家优先工作的实用程度;影 响多个国家的地区或国际性质;覆盖面和影响;对会员国能力建设的贡献以及参与会员国的 数目;是否适合作为创造成功经验的 源 泉 以 及 吸引预算外支持的潜力。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Other criteria proposed were: contribution to the attainment of the MDGs; degree of relevance vis-à-vis the C/4 strategic objectives and the national priorities of Member States involved; regional or international character with significance for various countries; outreach and impact; contribution to capacity-building in Member States and number of Member States involved; suitability to serve as a source of best practice; and potential for attracting extrabudgetary support. unesdoc.unesco.org |