

单词 小段



short paragraph
news article

See also:


paragraph n
section n
segment n

surname Duan
stage (of a process)

External sources (not reviewed)

他回顾,针小段(b)中的征象,会员国的意见各异,一些呼吁删除有关 “武装冲突性质和范围”的内容,而其他人则倾向于保留这些内容。
He recalled that there were a variety
of opinions among Member States as
[...] to the indicia in subparagraph (b), with some calling [...]
for the deletion of the reference
to “the nature and scope of the armed conflict”, while others preferred retaining such elements.
这样这小段落就 反映了两个非常重要的转 变。
This short paragraph, then, reflects [...]
two very significant shifts.
卡 塔 尔在吉布提 - 厄立特里亚边 界上的 维 持
[...] 和平部 队只监 督 Ras Dumeira 附近小段边界 (5-6 公里),因此无法观察或拦截进一步向南的跨境 [...]
The Qatari peacekeeping force on the Djibouti-Eritrea
[...] border only supervises a small (5 to 6 km) sector [...]
of the border near Ras Dumeira, and is
therefore not in a position to observe or interdict cross-border movements further to the south.
在新的第 6(i)小段中, “欧洲理事会” 几个词的后面应当插入“及其各种人权机构和机 [...]
In the new subparagraph 6 (i), after [...]
the words “Council of Europe”, the words “and its various human rights bodies and mechanisms” should be inserted.
主席关于第69(d) 段的说明:这小段中的 数值与以上第2 段相关联,但没有影 响。
Note from the Chair on paragraph 69 (d): The numerical value in this subparagraph is related and
[...] without prejudice to paragraph 2 above.
若在阀门关闭时运转泵,即便 只是小段时间也可能损坏软管。
Running the pump against a closed valve, even for a short amount of time, may damage hose.
决议草案 36 C/DR.54(法国、阿尔巴尼亚、德国、安道尔、阿根廷、奥地利、巴巴多 斯、比利时、贝宁、巴西、柬埔寨、加拿大、塞浦路斯、哥伦比亚、克罗地亚、厄瓜多尔、 西班牙、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、芬兰、加蓬、希腊、格林纳达、洪都拉斯、黎巴嫩、
[...] 内加尔、瑞典、瑞士、乍得、突尼斯、土耳其、越南、乌克兰)建议对 1.c) 小段(36 C/5 增 补件)做如下修正:“为此划拨活动费 [...]
15 708 400 美元及人事费 36 504 800 美元,并将 800 000
美元从工作重点 5 转至工作重点 4.
Draft resolution 36 C/DR.54 (France, Albania, Germany, Andorra, Argentina, Austria, Barbados, Belgium, Benin, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Cyprus, Colombia, Croatia, Ecuador, Spain, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Finland, Gabon, Greece, Grenada, Honduras, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Morocco, Monaco, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Saint Lucia, Senegal, Sweden, Switzerland, Chad, Tunisia, Turkey, Viet Nam, Ukraine) proposes to modify subparagraph 1(c) (36 C/5 Add.) as follows: “to allocate for this purpose an amount of US $15,708,400 for activity
costs, and US $36,504,800 for staff costs and to transfer US
[...] $800,000 from Main Line of Action [...]
5 to Main Line of Action 4.
有与会者支持在第(a)小段中援 引《维也纳条约法公约》第 31 和 32 条,以 [...]
确定条约是否为缔约国之间的武装冲突可造成何种后果的问题提供答案,有人也 对重新引入各方意图这一标准表示反对。
While support was expressed
[...] for resort, in subparagraph (a), to articles [...]
31 and 32 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of
Treaties in determining whether the treaty gives an answer to the question of what are the consequences of an armed conflict between the contracting States parties, opposition was expressed regarding the reintroduction of the criterion of the intention of the parties.
您可以简单地将小段聊天 按钮的 HTML 脚本粘贴到您网站的源代码内,并上载到网络服务器的加载页面。
You simply
[...] paste a short snippet of chat button [...]
HTML script into your web page source code and upload the updated page to your web server.
(g) 上文(c) 小段中讲 到的标准和相应的次级实施标准,在工作组审议、修 改和核可之后,应酌情用于制定一套完整和一致的落实发展权的标准
(g) That the criteria and corresponding operational sub-criteria
[...] mentioned in subparagraph (c) above, once considered, [...]
revised and endorsed by the Working
Group, should be used, as appropriate, in the elaboration of a comprehensive and coherent set of standards for the implementation of the right to development
此 外,我們已在 24BWF 號 丁 級工程項目「橫越博愛交 匯 處 附 近塘 魚 批發市場 的前期水管敷設工程」下,在博愛交 匯 處 附 近 的 塘魚批發 市 場 內敷設小 段幹管,作為前期工程。
We also constructed a small section of the trunk main inside the Pond Fish Wholesale Market near Pok Oi Interchange as advance works under Category D item 24BWF “Advance mainlaying across the pond fish wholesale market near Pok Oi Interchange”.
Cookie 是在用户的电脑中存储的小段数据 ,与有关用户的信息关联。
A cookie is a piece of data stored on the user's computer tied to information about the user.
在每一个步骤 的旁边,写下小段话, 解释这一步如何能够帮助您解决迷 你手稿中的冲突。
Next to each
[...] step, write a short paragraph explaining how [...]
that step could help resolve the conflict in your mini-script.
(b) 对第(f)小段类型的修正和第(e)小段中 属 于实质性的那一类修正,秘书处应 与休会的工作委员会的国家秘书处合作,如有可能与该委员会的主席合作,确 定有必要进行此类修正,并草拟一份工作文件,内容包括该修正案措辞和提出 此类修正的理由,然后征求各成员国政府以下两方面的意见:(a)继续完成这项 修正的必要性和(b)修正提案本身。
(f) and those of (e) of a substantive nature, the Secretariat in cooperation with the national secretariat of the adjourned Committee and, if possible, the Chairperson of that Committee, should agree on the need for such an amendment and prepare a working paper containing the wording of a proposed amendment and the reasons for proposing such amendment, and request comments from Member Governments: (a) on the need to proceed with such an amendment and (b) on the proposed amendment itself.
与 FCCC/KP/AWG/2006/4 号文件第 17 段(a)(一)和 (二)小段及附 件一缔约方排减规模相关的信息和数 [...]
据,以及关于组织一次有关这些问题的会期研讨会的 意见。
FCCC/KP/AWG/2008/MISC.4 and Add.1 Information and
[...] data related to paragraph 17 (a) (i) and [...]
(ii) of document FCCC/KP/AWG/2006/4 and
to the scale of emission reductions by Annex I Parties, and views on the organization of an insession workshop on these issues.
特设工作组商定,继续就文件 FCCC/KP/AWG/2008/8第49段(c) 小段中提 出的以下问题开展工作:土地利用、土地利用的变化和林业、排放量交易和基于 [...]
The AWG-KP agreed to continue to work on the
[...] issues identified in paragraph 49 (c) of document [...]
FCCC/KP/AWG/2008/8; that is, land use,
land-use change and forestry (LULUCF), emissions trading and the project-based mechanisms, as well as methodological issues.
为 此,委员会通常留出小段时间 ,在对话结束后立即举行非公开会议,让委员们 发表初步意见。
For this purpose, the Committee usually sets aside a brief period in closed session immediately after the conclusion of the dialogue to enable its members to express their preliminary views.
吳靄儀議員在10月 9日的內會上曾經表示,如果議員決定引用《議 事規則》第49B(1A)條所訂的有關程序來跟進此事,本人先前提述的文 件 CP1479/08-09中的7(a)至 (c)段可用作議案附表所載的指控的依據, 這3 小段是列出本人剛才已提及的市民關注的3個要項。
At the House Committee meeting on 9 October, Dr Margaret NG indicated that should Members decide to invoke the relevant procedure prescribed in Rule 49B(1A) of the RoP to follow up this matter, paragraphs 7(a) to (c) of the paper (LC Paper No. CP1479/08-09), as mentioned by me earlier, could be used as the basis for the allegations set out in the Schedule to the motion.
當找到原點後請務必經過小段時間才可開始執行其 他運動函式,以確保 Encoder 值能正確被 reset。
When the Home is found, the program must wait for a little time to start any other motion function to ensure “Encoder” has been reset correctly.
前两个标题综合了第 1 段(e)小段下各 项的内容, 第一个标题反映了新的补充资金的各个方面、积极的激励办法、公共和私营部门资 [...]
金和投资的调动,以及资金的分配和获取,第二个标题反映了发展中国家实施适应 行动的激励办法和创新筹资。
The first two headings are
[...] combinations of subparagraphs of paragraph 1 (e), the [...]
first representing aspects of new and additional
resources, positive incentives, mobilization of public- and private-sector funding and investment, and disbursement of and access to the funds, and the second representing incentives and innovative funding for adaptation actions by developing countries.
这非常容易,只需剪切并粘贴小段 聊 天 按钮 HTML 插入到您拍卖页面的源代码中,您就可以提高销售额了。
It is very easy - simply cut
[...] and paste a short snippet of a live chat [...]
button HTML into the source code of your auction pages,
and you're ready to increase sales.
(c) 如果本会议多数成员认为很难达成协议,难以在今年通过工作计划, 那么本会议只开小段时间会议,直到政治形势得到改善,是否更好?
(c) If the majority of the Conference’s members accept that it will be difficult to come to an agreement that would permit a programme of work to be adopted this year, would it not be better for the Conference to convene only for a short period, until the political climate improves?
2条第(b) 小段所载 的对“武装冲突”的定义是循环论 证的,草案对冲突的定义是那些可能影响条约适用的冲突。
A further problem was that the definition of the expression ‘armed conflict’, contained in article 2, subparagraph (b), was circular [...]
by defining conflicts
covered by the draft as being those which are likely to affect the application of treaties.
接着,Lady Gaga为学校组织的一场足球比赛开球,并为学生们演唱了 小段 她 的 歌曲“天生完美”(Born this Way) —— 这令所有人都意犹未尽。
Later, after kicking off a soccer match at the school, Lady Gaga delighted the crowd with a short verse of her song ‘Born this Way’ – leaving all wanting more.
但是事实并非如此,原因是难以满足维和部的某些要求,包括拆除坐落在第 105 号界碑的突入科威特境内小段距离 的一个伊拉克小型建筑物,并且在边界 的伊拉克一侧为修建与界碑平行的道路进行准备工作。
That was not the case, however, because of the difficulty of meeting certain DPKO
requirements, including
[...] the removal of a small Iraqi building located at pillar No. 105 that protrudes a short distance [...]
into Kuwaiti territory,
and the preparation of a road parallel to the pillars on the Iraqi side of the border.
美国政府的使用、复制或公开 受到 DFARS 252.227-7013 的“技术规范和计算机软件”条款的“权利”部分的 (c)(1)(ii) 小段以及适用的 48 CFR 52.227-19 的“商业计算机软件 - 有限权利”的 (c)(1) 和 (2) 小段说明的限制的约束。
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to
restrictions as set forth in
[...] subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of the [...]
Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable.
披针形的小穗,3-3.5毫米,无毛,渐尖; 颖片宽卵形,微糙的在脉上,渐尖的到骤尖; 更低的颖片1/2-2/3段小穗, 5脉,在基部抱茎,被一节间分开; 上面颖片倍于小穗,7-9脉; 无意义的下部的小花,类似于上面颖片,好锐尖的外稃,内稃发育不良; 上面小花长圆形,3/4段小穗, 浅黄的或橄榄绿色,发亮,钝。
Spikelets lanceolate, 3–3.5 mm, glabrous, acuminate; glumes broadly ovate, scaberulous on veins, acuminate to
cuspidate; lower glume
[...] 1/2–2/3 length of spikelet, 5-veined, clasping at the base, separated by an internode; upper glume as long as spikelet, 7–9-veined; lower floret barren, lemma similar to upper glume, finely acute, palea poorly developed; upper floret oblong, 3/4 length of spikelet, pale yellow [...]
or olive green, shiny, obtuse.




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