

单词 小松糕

See also:

小小 adj

small adj


cake n
cakes pl


chocolates pl

External sources (not reviewed)

小薄刀,轻轻将糕剥离盘边,切16等份,用橡皮刀从两边 松 蛋 糕 , 放入密闭盒子里,冷透即可食用。
When cooled, use a knife to pry all sides loose and cut into 16 pieces.
在出生后的一个月,糕被强制要 小 指 馅饼照顾一对,而他们迎合的事件。
A month after
[...] their birth, the Cakes are forced to ask Pinkie Pie to babysit [...]
the pair while they cater an event.
限制食用由部分氢化或饱和脂肪制作的 糕 、 饼 干、脆饼 糕 点 、 馅饼 松 饼 、面包圈和薯条。
Limit cakes, cookies, crackers, pastries, pies, muffins, doughnuts and French [...]
fries made with partially hydrogenated or saturated fats
小松饼烤 炉可以烤制英式松饼,使任何早餐三明治更加完美。
The Muffin Toaster completes any breakfast sandwich by serving it on a toasted English muffin.
小吃品 种很多,有喜马拉雅山地风味餐、澳洲烧烤、泰餐、Grumpy面包、Gosleme 新鲜果汁、茶、咖啡、蛋糕、新鲜草莓、果酱和香料等,另外在市场大厅里,务必要尝尝An ne 的 松糕 卷 ( Anne’s sponge roll)。
The market features many types of snacks and food, from Himalayan to Thai to Australian BBQ, bread from Grumpy, fresh juices from Gosleme, tea, coffee, cakes and jam etc. In the main hall, Anne’s sponge roll is particularly recommended.
而定價為每佔澳門幣1288元的晚膳套餐則包括開胃小點、生蠔燴龍蝦伴青蘋果白醋汁、 松 露 芝 士雲吞亞枝竹湯、燒多寶魚配咖喱香檳汁、慢煮黃麖肉伴紅加侖子汁及 松 露 、法國特級芝士拼盤、創新聖誕 糕 及 鹹味 雪 糕 以 法 式 小 甜 點
On the other hand, the dinner menu offers mouth-watering dishes including Amuse Bouche, Canadian Lobsterwith Tasmanian Oyster in Nage,Green Apple and White Balsamic Dressing, Artichoke Soup with
Soumaintrain Cheese Ravioli,
[...] French Winter Truffle, Turbot BBQ Style, Curry Champagne Sauce, Mediterrancan Vegetables, European Venison Cooked Sous Vide, Redcurrant Sauce, Black Truffle Shavings with Pumpkin Mash, Cheese from Mr. Hervé Mons, Modern Christmas Cake, Salted Caramel Ice-cream and Petit Fours Coffee or Tea.
东阳金华精制天金火腿(500g),莆田精选桂圆(400g),华味亨琥珀桃仁(238g),阿尔卑斯糖果(380g),天喔精品原味猪肉脯(1 50 g ) , 松糕 ( 6 0 0g),多力特级初榨橄榄油(750ml),怡口莲太妃糖(198g),华味亨茶瓜子(228g),禾煜莲籽(200g),立丰广式特级香肠(454g),闽龙达三级金 小 枣 (5 00g),一级龙井茶(100g),篮子,装饰品.
Jinhua Chosen Ham(500g),Putian Chosen Longan (400g),Chinese Flavor Amber peach kernel(238g),Alpenliebe Fruit taste
Candy(380g),Dried Delicious Pork
[...] Jerky(150g),New Year Cake(600g),Olive oil(750ml),Beijing Yikoulian New Year Candy(198g),Chinese Flavor Tea taste Seeds(228g),Lotus Root Seeds (200g),The Cantonese super sausage(454g),Golden wire jujube(500g),Longjing [...]
本设备可以在 90 秒内烤制最多达 12 片小松饼, 可以轻松地满足不断增长的早餐时段的需求。
This unit can toast up to 12 muffin halves in only 90 seconds, making it easy to keep up with the growing demands of the breakfast daypart.
我們從食環署得知,他們作出這項決定是考 慮到該小販是一名新持牌人,可能沒有充分理解該署發出的行政通告, 即使食環署已將該行政通告發給所有當時持有牌照的 糕小 販 , 並上載 到食環署的網頁。
We understand from the FEHD that the decision was taken after considering that the hawker was a new licensee and had probably not fully apprehended the contents of the FEHD's administrative guidelines although those guidelines had been issued to all existing licensed ice-cream vendors and also uploaded on FEHD's website for the trade's information.
2009 年 12 月 8 日,古巴公司 Construimport 通过巴西公司
[...] Surimpex 对属于日本的“巴西小松有限 公司”发出进口 15 台交易垫挖掘机、20 [...]
台反铲和 4 台推土机的招标,估计价值 550 万美元。
On 8 December 2009, the Cuban company, Construimport, invited the
[...] Japanese firm, Komatsu Brasil International [...]
Ltda, through Brazilian company Surimpex,
to submit a bid for 15 crawler excavators, 20 backhoe loaders and 4 road graders, worth approximately US$ 5.5 million.
有一家在勿洛工业区生糕点的小公 司 ,向政府申请生产力及创新优惠计划 (PIC) [...]
A pastry manufacturer in Bedok Industrial [...]
Park had applied for the Productivity & Innovation Credit (PIC) to buy equipment,
but hit a brick wall on its application.
例如你店舖主力是賣漢堡包的, 最好不要再大力宣傳其他食品如炸雞、 糕 等 小 食 , 以免喧賓奪主,令自己店舖的定位模糊。
If your shop majors in selling hamburgers, you’d better not promote the other food, say fried chicken and ice-cream, strongly.
其餘466名持牌流小販 (不包括“糕仔”)則繼續經營。
The remaining 466 IHL holders (“small ice cream vendors” excluded) [...]
continue to operate.
而高跟鞋无疑是全场秀的焦点所在,这款超 松糕 鞋 (Super Elevated Gillie)可谓是恨天高的鼻祖,同时也是让超级名模Naomi [...]
The high shoes were what made most of an impact, with the Super
[...] Elevated Gillie platform shoes. The breathtakingly [...]
high platforms were worn by Naomi
Campbell who famously fell during the fashion show.
MASON CASH蛋糕装饰套装设置简单,易于使用,可用于装饰最普通的 糕 或 松 饼。
The Mason Cash Cupcake and Topper Set is simple and easy to use and instantly decorates
[...] the most plain of cupcakes or muffins.
劉江華議員把這次選舉視 為真正選舉一般來作出評論,但這其實是假選舉 小 圈 子 選舉,糕 的是 ,在這種選舉中,抹黑可能真的行得通。
Mr LAU Kong-wah has made comments on this election as if it is a true election but it is, in fact, a bogus election, a small-circle election, and worse still, in such an election, slinging mud at the rivals might really work, because the more savagely the rival's reputation is smeared, the more likely the rival's popularity will be dragged down, hence putting greater pressure on members of the Election Committee (EC).
另外还前往了楼上的Dylan贵宾室,享受 松小 酌 的 时光,同时观赏Oris 2009年全新系列表款。
Upstairs in the Dylan Lounge, they had time to relax with a drink as they looked at the new watches in the Oris 2009 collection.
小松有限 公司多年 来一直是古巴建筑设备市场的最大供应商,但其答复说:巴 西 小松 有限 公司是按美国规则设立的拉丁美 小松 公 司 的子公司,因此不能向古巴 出售。
Komatsu Ltd., which for many years was the leading construction equipment manufacturer on the Cuban market, responded that the company was a subsidiary of Komatsu Latin America, incorporated [...]
under United
States legislation, and could therefore not sell to Cuba.
采用日本A.M.C油管接头保证不漏油,与日 小松 挖 掘机是同一供应商。
Employing Japanese A.M.C oil pipe joint makes sure no oil leakage.
可是,在特區政府成立這 10 年來,尤其在取消兩個市政局這 8 年來,糕小販瀕臨絕種,即使牛奶工會多次請願要求;即使代表着全港 2 萬個販 商從業員的團體多次要求;即使一再發生小販被執法部門追捕,出現或死或 [...]
即使街道重建以至最近市區重建局(“市建局”)在重建嘉咸街的事件上作 出重發小販牌照的呼籲,特區政府的部門至今仍然未就全面檢討販商的續 牌、發牌及管理政策訂出時間表和路線圖,令人萬分遺憾。
Even though the Dairy Products Beverage and Food Industries Employees Union and the Federation
of Hong Kong,
[...] Kowloon and New Territories Hawker Associations which represent the 20 000 hawkers in Hong Kong [...]
have made repeated
demands; and even though tragedies have occurred time and again as a result of hawkers being chased and arrested by law-enforcement agencies; and even though residents of remote new towns have asked that regulations and barriers be removed to facilitate small business operations, and even though streets are to be redeveloped and the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) has called for the reissue of hawker licences in the Graham Street redevelopment incident, government departments have to date not carried out any full-scale review of the renewal and issue of hawker licences and hawker control policy.
复活节前的几个星期,商店橱窗里就摆满了各式各样的巧克力兔子、彩蛋及复活节 糕 ( O s te rfladen),特别吸 小 孩 子
Chocolate bunnies, coloured eggs and special Easter cakes (Osterfladen) in shop windows serve to remind children weeks before the event that Easter is the time to indulge in these goodies.
吳靄儀議員: 主席,據報,去年12月 19日,一名身體傷殘並持有有 效流動小販(冰凍甜點)牌照小販(俗 稱“ 糕 仔 ” ),被指在尖沙咀天星 碼頭附近擺賣造成妨礙,以及售賣糖果“珍寶珠”,因而被控阻街及售賣 非牌照指明的商品。
DR MARGARET NG (in Cantonese): President, it has been reported that on 19 December last year, a physically disabled hawker holding a valid Itinerant Hawker Licence (Frozen Confectionery) (commonly known as "ice cream vendor") was alleged to have caused obstruction when hawking in the vicinity of the Star Ferry Pier in Tsim Sha Tsui as well as engaged in selling candies named "lollipop", and he was subsequently charged with causing street obstruction and hawking a commodity not specified in the licence.
隨著餘下的流動 小販逐步自然流失,流小販牌照(“ 糕 仔 ” 牌照除外)的數目日 後會逐漸減少。
The scheme has accomplished its historic mission. With the progressive and natural attrition of the
remaining itinerant hawkers, the
[...] number of IHLs (except “small ice cream vendor” licences) [...]
will gradually drop in due course.
這裡所買的東西包羅萬象,例如:服裝、服飾、手工首飾、燈 小 孩 衣 服、糖果 糕 點 、果醬、橄欖油、各類食品等等。
You can find many stuffs here, such as, designer fashion, handmade jewellery, screen printed lamps,
children’s clothes, one off cushions,
[...] unique sweets, amazing cupcakes, delicious jams, locally [...]
produced olive oil, scrumptious ethnic food and many more.
第二,關於持牌流動乾小販的問題,他們與售賣 糕 的 持 牌流小販是不同的。
The second point concerns the issue of licensed itinerant hawkers selling dry goods.
本届展会共有264家参展企业,其中包括阿特拉斯.科普柯,巴斯夫,Becker Mining Systems公司,Central Asia Mine
Supply公司,康明斯,大宇设备公司,Genpower Generator 公司,日立建机,JPCM 公司,JSG
[...] Industrial Systems 公司,株式会小松制作 所,柳工机械股份有限公司,梅赛德斯-奔驰,山特维克,三一重工,德国SEW-传动设备有限公司,西卡集团,Transwest [...] [...]
A total of 264 exhibitors participated in the exhibition including Atlas Copco, BASF, Becker Mining Systems, Central Asia Mine Supply, Cummins, Daewoo Equipment Corporation, Genpower Generator,
Hitachi Construction Machinery, JPCM , JSG
[...] Industrial Systems, Komatsu Ltd, Liu Gong [...]
Machinery Corporation, Mercedes Benz, Sandvik
Mongolia LLC, SANY, Sew-Eurodrive Gmbh, Sika Group, Transwest Mongolia and Weir Minerals.
V. 一般物品及設備 例如擴音器、對講機、哨子、電池、充電池、急救箱、急救箱補充
[...] 品、蒸餾水/礦泉水、茶包、意見箱、信箱、許可證框架、黑板/ 白板/松板、 香港街道圖、訪客記錄冊、節日裝飾品、典禮裝飾 [...]
V. General Supplies & Equipment e.g. loudhailers, two-way radios, whistles, batteries, rechargeable batteries, first aid boxes, first aid box refills, distilled water/mineral water, tea bags,
suggestion boxes, letter boxes, frames for
[...] approval letter, blackboards, whiteboards, [...]
cork notice-boards, Hong Kong street guide,
guest record books, festive decorations, ceremonial decorations, name badges with necklaces, etc.
扎克试图为高中篮球队,但意识到有一些激烈的竞争,那种他没面子在中学,更 糕 的 是 ,巨人 小 教 练在你的脸(迈克尔克拉克邓肯)。
Zack tries out for the high school basketball team but realizes there's some stiff competition, the kind he didn't face in middle school, and worse yet, the giant, in-your-face Coach Little (Michael Clarke Duncan).
事實上,在申請商業牌照時,例如有一間合作 社在大學內經營了一小賣部售賣 糕 , 當他們向食環署申請牌照時,食環 署的官員詢問他們有沒有商業登記?
For example, a co-operative wants to run a tuck shop in a university to sell ice cream, when the people apply for a licence from the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, the officials there will ask them if they have got a business registration.
擁有八年歷史、由金巴利道的小店開始,CAKE2便為不同風格的婚宴製作結婚蛋糕,從南瓜車、旋轉木馬,到儼如真人 小 的 婚紗 蛋 糕 造 型也能夠一一實現。
With eight years of experience under their belt, CAKE2
[...] started off as a small shop and has tailor-made wedding cakes for many [...]
differing styles.




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