单词 | 小提琴 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 小提琴noun—violinsplExamples:小提琴手—violinist See also:提琴n—violinn violan cellon violoncellon 琴pl—pianospl 琴—musical instrument in general
在接连赢得「最佳员工」称号後,Lupac参加了特别的考核,并且在1972年获得了小提琴制作大师等级。 tomleemusic.com.hk | After winning the title of "The Plant's [...] Best Worker" several times, Lupac took special examinations and was placed in [...] 1972 in the category of master violinmaker. tomleemusic.com.hk |
他周游欧洲,从 [...] 1772 到 1777 年在萨尔兹堡担任首席小提琴手,随后作为自 由艺术家迁居到维也纳,在那里他与 [...]Constanza Weber 结婚,直到 1791 年去世。 unesdoc.unesco.org | He travelled extensively through Europe [...] before becoming Concertmaster in Salzburg [...] from 1772-1777, and then moved to Vienna [...]as a free artist where he married Constanza [...]Weber and resided until his death in 1791. unesdoc.unesco.org |
香港弦乐四重奏由小提琴家王思恒创立於1993年,乐队精於奏演室内乐,致力参与香港校园及民间的艺术教育、音乐传播工作。 yp.mo | Devoted to promoting chamber music, the Quartet has made recordings [...] and radio broadcasts, participated in activities at [...]schools and hospitals and has organised a number of chamber music workshops for the young. yp.mo |
(ii)小提琴家,作曲家,乐队指挥和教育家乔治·埃内斯库(1881 [...] -- 1955 年),师从 Gabriel Fauré 和 Jules Massenet,享誉世界。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (ii)Violinist,composer, conductor [...] and teacher, disciple of Gabriel Fauré and Jules Massenet, George Enescu (1881-1955) is of world repute. unesdoc.unesco.org |
女士 Hasmig Surmelian [...] 赢得了音乐硕士钢琴演奏(比利时)和文学硕士钢琴教育学(法国),以及一个学位小提琴演奏和音乐理论。 internationalmusicacademy.ca | Ms. Hasmig Surmelian has earned a Master of Music in Piano [...] Performance (Belgium) and a Master of Arts in Piano Pedagogy (France) as well [...] as a degree in Violin Performance and [...]Music Theory. internationalmusicacademy.ca |
有「摇滚小提琴美少女」之称的Ayasa、跳箱世界纪录保持者池谷直树、「极限体能王」川原拓也及其他多位优秀的表演成员将一连两晚为金光综艺馆注入源源不绝的刺激及惊喜,为入场观众送上紧凑又热闹的舞乐奇技秀。 yp.mo | Its spectacular cast of performers includes rock violinist Ayasa and former competitive gymnast Iketani Naoki. yp.mo |
1976年到1979年,Dvorak在小提琴制作大师Emil Lupac的指导下完成了三年制的高级研究生课程,这为他作为乐器制作大师的独创性和技巧方面提供了坚实的背景。 tomleemusic.com.hk | From 1976 to 1979, Dvorak attended [...] the three-year postgraduate master school [...] under themaster violin-maker Emil Lupac, [...]which furnished a solid background for [...]his ingenuity and skill as the maker of master instruments. tomleemusic.com.hk |
北京耀中的小学合唱团、中学合唱团及小学小提琴演奏团的精彩演出开启了音乐会的第二部分。 ycis-bj.com | Opening the second part of the concert was the YCIS Beijing Primary Choir, [...] Secondary Choir, andPrimary Violin Group. ycis-bj.com |
演奏中用到的乐器包括:小号、定音鼓、横笛、双簧管、柔音双簧管、小提琴、中提琴、通奏组、狩猎双簧管、长笛和号。 wdl.org | Instruments used include: trumpets, timpani, transverse flutes, [...] oboes, oboes d'amore, violins, viola, continuo group, [...]oboes da caccia, flutes, and horns. wdl.org |
塔马斯先生研究与捷尔吉Pauk先生在市政厅音乐与戏剧,并在耶鲁大学的Syoko亚希女士学校,以及字符串四方性能与东京弦乐四重奏小提琴演奏。 internationalmusicacademy.ca | Mr. Tamas studied violin performance with Mr. György Pauk at Guildhall School of Music & Drama and Ms. Syoko Akiat Yale University, as well as string quartet performance with the Tokyo String Quartet. internationalmusicacademy.ca |
这次的晚会有许多不同的表演 , [...] 包括大鼓,西藏舞蹈和歌曲,现代舞蹈,小提琴表演和来自 Astro 总决赛的歌手们献唱。 drukpa.org.my | The evening was packed with varieties of performances [...] ranging from drums, Tibetan dance and [...] song, moderndance, violinperformance and [...]various singing from Astro singing competition finalist and winners. drukpa.org.my |
全国民间舞蹈音乐节”是较近代的“gammeldans”音乐的比赛,而“全国传统音乐比赛”则是较古老的 “bygdedans”音乐赛事,包括小提琴、声乐、民间舞蹈和古老器乐技巧的比赛。 norway.org.cn | The National Folk Dance Music Festival is a gammeldans competition, while the National Contest for Traditional Music [...] encompasses the older [...] bygdedansfiddling and singing tradition, folk dancing and mastery of older folk [...]music instruments. norway.or.kr |
今天大多作为小提琴曲,也可以作为钢琴独奏、萨克斯独奏、手风琴或被改编成管弦乐曲、大号独奏曲,甚至以玻璃水瓶吹奏。 zh.cantorion.org | Nowadays, it is usually [...] playedon theviolin,but can also be played as a piano solo, saxophone [...]solo, on the accordion, [...]as an orchestral arrangement, as a Tuba solo, or on glass bottles. cantorion.org |
在悠扬的小提琴声中,龙与凤翩翩起舞,腕表因此而栩栩如生,呈现着纤纤雅态和古朴风韵。 piaget.com.cn | In a gentle dance performed [...] to thetune of violins, theseanimals [...]bring watchmaking products to life with a delightful blend of refinement and simplicity. piaget.com |
义大利国际比赛:1976年小提琴和中提琴制作证书,1979年中提琴、小提琴和大提琴制作证书。 tomleemusic.com.hk | International Contest in Italy - [...] diplomas for a violinandfor a viola in 1976, in the year 1979 – diplomas for a viola,violin and violoncello tomleemusic.com.hk |
维也纳国际音乐学院是香港唯一获维也纳音乐考试评核局授权的音乐教育机构,除了提供维也纳优良及正统的幼儿音乐教育 [...] (ECME),另外学院亦提供维也纳音乐考试评核局的认可导师证书课程、乐器级别评核试、教授钢琴及小提琴及产前音乐导赏班等。 cordlife.com | Wiener Klang is the only Certified Training Centre in Hong Kong authorized by Vienna Music Examination Board, offering programs including Early Childhood Music Education Program [...] (ECMECP), Certified Trainer Course, VMEB Graded [...] Music Exam, piano and violinlessons, and Prenatal [...]Music Appreciation Program. cordlife.com |
郑先生同他的两个姐姐——小提琴家郑京和与大提琴家郑明博组成过郑氏三重奏。 unicef.org | He has performed with his sisters,violinist Kyung-Wha Chung andcellist Myung Chung, as the Chung Trio. unicef.org |
叶柄0.2-2.5厘米; [...] 在外形和颜色上易变的叶片,线形,线状披针形,长圆形,椭圆形,披针形,卵形,匙形,或小提琴形到倒卵形, 5-30 * (0.3-)0.5-8 厘米,薄革质,绿色,紫色红色,和/或黄,有时具色斑或点的条纹,基部楔形到钝,先端锐尖的或渐尖到圆形。 flora.ac.cn | Petiole 0.2-2.5 cm; leaf blade very variable in shape and color, linear, linear-lanceolate, oblong, [...] elliptic, lanceolate, ovate, [...] spatulate,or fiddle-shaped to obovate, sometimesdivided to midvein into upper [...]and lower parts, 5-30 [...]× (0.3-)0.5-8 cm, thinly leathery, green, purple-red, and/or yellow, sometimes with colored spots or stripes of spots, base cuneate to obtuse, apex acute or acuminate to rounded. flora.ac.cn |
在1981年中国全国小提琴大赛, 1982年英国卡尔费莱什国际小提琴大赛, 1983年日本国际音乐(小提琴)大赛中获奖。 hifitrack.com | He was a prizewinner at the 1981 Chinese NationalViolin Competition, the 1982 Carl Flesch InternationalViolin Competition and the 1983 Japan International Violin Competition. hifitrack.com |
请下载由英国小提琴家MacFarlane先生用我为他制作的303号小提琴拉的梁祝协奏曲。 chineseviolins.com | Please download the audio that Mr. [...] MacFarlane a violinist from the UK played Butterfly Lovers' Concerto withNo.303 violin Imade. chineseviolins.com |
你亦可切换至音符检视模式,以小提琴、中提琴、大提琴或低音大提琴独奏。 mammals.org | You can also switch to Notes view [...] and play solo on the violin, viola, cello, or bass. mammals.org |
居住在成都的华裔即兴演奏家、作曲家、街头音乐家李带 [...] 果,以擅长演奏众多乐器闻名,他擅长和常用的乐器有:小提琴,中提琴,大提琴, 琵琶,南音琵琶,胡琴(包括二胡,四胡,板胡),长笛(箫,南箫 [也叫尺八 ],葫芦丝,口笛和巴乌),MBIRA [...](津巴布韦手指琴),克林巴琴和单簧管。 yugongyishan.com | Current Chengdu resident, American Chinese improvisor, composer [...] and street musician Li Daiguo, has [...] been known to play violin, viola, cello, pipa, nanyin [...]pipa, huqin (including erhu, [...]sihu,banhu erxuan), flute (xiao, nan-xiao [also called shakuhachi], hulusi, koudi and bawu), the Zimbabwean mbira, kalimba and clarinet. yugongyishan.com |
出于对室内音乐的强烈投入,科瑞格鲁德在各个重大的国际音乐节上,不但担任小提琴演奏任务,也担任着中提琴演奏任务。 norway.org.cn | With his strong commitment to chamber music, Henning [...] performs both on violinand viola atthe major [...]international festivals. norway.cn |
在悠扬的小提琴声中,龙与凤翩翩起舞,腕表因此而栩栩如生,呈现着纤纤雅态和古朴风韵。 piaget.com.hk | In a gentle dance performed [...] to thetune of violins, theseanimals [...]bring watchmaking products to life with a delightful blend of refinement and simplicity. piaget.com |
演出项目多是世界名曲、声乐独唱、合唱、小提琴、钢琴三重奏、爵士乐并在不同阶段融入形式活泼的合奏。 systematic.edu.my | Mostof the programmes were world music, vocal solos, choir, violin, pianotrio, [...] jazz and ensemble in different stage forms and lively styles. systematic.edu.my |
他们曾灌录多张商业性质的唱片,包括卡格•埃勒特为小提琴、女高音和管风琴创作的音乐(由Lammas唱片公司发行),以及韦恩伯格创作的小提琴及管风琴组曲。 hkculturalcentre.gov.hk | The Duo has a number of commercial [...] recordings available, including theworks forviolin,soprano andorgan by S. Karg-Elert (Lammas Records) and theviolin and organ suites of J. Rheinberger. hkculturalcentre.gov.hk |
如果您搜寻不到想要的图,可以用相关字眼替代再搜寻一次,例如您想要一张小提琴的图,结果输入「小提琴」搜寻不到或不够多时,可以输入相关字眼如「乐器」、「音乐」、「古典乐」 [...] … 等,或许可以找到许多相关的图。 imagedj.com | If you can not find the image you want, you many search again by relevant words, for example, if what [...] you are looking for is [...] an image ofa violin, andthe search by entering “violin”yields no or insufficient [...]results, you may [...]possibly find many relevant images by entering the relevant words such as “instruments”, “music” “classical music” etc. imagedj.com |
如果您喜欢热闹的凯利舞(一种传统苏格兰舞蹈活动)和传统音乐,不妨在一月初前往格拉斯哥,参加在那里举办的凯尔特音乐节,欣赏活泼的舞蹈、热情奔放的小提琴演奏和鼓乐。 visitbritain.com | If you like the sound of ceilidhs (traditional Scottish dance parties pronounced “kaylees”) and traditional music, head to Glasgow’s [...] Celtic Connections festival in early January for some lively dancing, [...] duelling fiddlesand the thump of hands ondrums. visitbritain.com |