

单词 小打小闹

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External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 并且也无力在入侵的 22 天间达成停火,但却明知这不小打小闹,而 是对巴勒斯坦人民的大屠杀?
Why was the Security Council unable to act and call for a ceasefire in the course of
22 days of aggression, knowing that this
[...] was not a mere skirmish but rather a total [...]
massacre against the Palestinian people?
在巴克瓦.施木那村,尘土飞扬的街道上分外 闹 : 小 贩 在兜售装备、饥饿的矿工涌入餐馆、钻石商绞尽脑汁地讨价还价。
In the village of Bakwa Tshimuna, the dusty streets buzz with activity: vendors selling equipment, restaurants catering to famished miners, and diamond merchants vying for the best possible margin.
参观著名的巨人堤道、卡里克索桥,然后在 闹 的 海 滨 小 镇 巴 利卡斯尔(Ballycastle)享用午餐,到大海中小游一番。
Visit the famous Giant’s Causeway, the Carrick-a-Rede rope bridge, then stop for lunch and take a dip in the sea at the bustling coastal town of Ballycastle.
注意:退出设置模式后闹铃将自动 打 开。
Note: Alarm turns on automatically when exiting setting mode.
宣布 2010 年代为第四个裁军十年的宣言也应触 及常规武器领域中的有关问题,如武器贸易条约和 《联合国从各个方面防止打击和消 除 小 武 器 和轻武 器非法贸易的行动纲领》。
The declaration of the 2010s as the fourth disarmament decade should also address relevant issues in the field of conventional weapons, such as the arms trade treaty and the United
Nations Programme of
[...] Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons [...]
in All Its Aspects.
闹事人等他打完 电 话告诉他,他们要从提交人的家里拿几样东西作为对其财物受到的损失的补 偿,要不这家人可以赔钱。
After he ended the call, he was told by the offenders that they intended to seize [...]
items from the petitioners’ house as compensation
for the loss of their belongings, and that alternatively the family could give money as compensation.
尼日利亚拉各斯2007年3月30日 - 穿过狭窄小通道- 在两边摆满菜、鱼和肉的货摊中,伴着研磨胡椒的嘈杂机器声,顾客们来到拉各斯 闹 的 埃 蔻登市场中卖家禽的摊位。
LAGOS, Nigeria, 30 March 2007 – After walking through the narrow paths – among stalls of vegetables, fish and meat, and dazed by the loud noise of a pepper-grinding machine – customers come to the poultry section of the bustling Ikotun market in Lagos.
且Oris特别为 ORIS Artelier艺术闹铃表打造专属其搭载的声响音簧。
ORIS developed its own sound spring for use in the ORIS Artelier Alarm.
[...] 材料(宣传品、海报、工具等);常见问题小册子;关于落实妇女权利的工具和材料; 制作妇女权利提高认识材料(宣传品、海报、工具等);常见问题小册子;关于落实少 数民族和土著民族权利的工具和材料;制作这些问题的提高认识材料(宣传品、海报、 工具等);常见问小册子;关打击 种 族主义和种族歧视的工具和材料(30)
(iii) Booklets, fact sheets, wallcharts, information kits: management of the human rights information desk and dissemination of human rights documents and materials; tools and materials on the implementation of economic, social and cultural rights; preparation of awareness-raising materials on economic, social and cultural rights (brochures, posters, kits, etc.); booklets on frequently asked questions; tools and materials on the implementation of women’s rights; preparation of awareness-raising materials on women’s rights (brochures, posters, kits, etc.); booklets on frequently asked questions; tools and materials on the implementation of rights relating to minorities and indigenous peoples; preparation of awareness-raising materials on the same
issues (brochures, posters,
[...] kits, etc.); booklets on frequently asked questions; tools and material on issues related to the fight against racism and [...]
racial discrimination (30)
太子妃式时针及分针搭配巴顿小秒 针, 而 闹 钟 指 针则为设红色尖端的箭头 形指针。
These indications are
[...] swept over by dauphine hour and minute hands, and [...]
a baton-type seconds hand, while the alarm pointer
is easily recognizable thanks to its arrow-shaped red tip.
游戏通过许多不同的方式展示其自身,包括像追逐 打闹 和玩 打架这 些高度活跃的游戏;假装和社会戏剧游戏;语言游戏;社会游戏和规则游戏;和建构 游戏。
It manifests itself in many different ways, including highly active games such as chasing, rough-and-tumble and play fighting; pretend and socio-dramatic play; language play; social play and games with rules; and construction play.
注意:在正常时间下,按住 D,然后按 B,闹铃转换至 24 小时制
Alarm will sound at preset time for 20
[...] seconds; press any pusher or keypad button to [...]
silence alarm.
当然,建立这样一个法律制度在 2001 年和
[...] 2005 年向前迈出了重要的一步,2001 年通过了联合国《从 各个方面防止打击和消除小武器和轻武器非法贸易 的行动纲领》,2005 年又通过了《使各国能及时可靠 [...]
Of course, the establishment of such a legal regime took a major step forward in 2001 with the adoption of the United
Nations Programme of
[...] Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons [...]
in All Its Aspects,
and in 2005 with the adoption of the International Instrument to Enable States to Identify and Trace, in a Timely and Reliable Manner, Illicit Small Arms and Light Weapons.
俄罗斯联邦-欧洲联盟自由、安全和司法永久伙伴关系理事会会议、司法部 长、内外部长和检察长会议、八国集团罗马/里 小 组 关 于 打 击 恐 怖主义和跨国 有组织犯罪的会议以及和欧洲联盟和俄罗斯联邦之间的专家反恐磋商会讨论了 俄罗斯联邦代表参与反恐工作的问题。
The involvement of Russian Federation representatives in counter-terrorism efforts has been discussed at meetings of the Russian Federation-European Union Permanent Partnership Council on Freedom, Security and Justice; meetings of the Ministers of Justice and Internal Affairs and General Prosecutors; meetings of the G-8 Roma-Lyons Group on combating terrorism and transnational organized crime; and at expert counter-terrorism consultations between the European Union and the Russian Federation.
步行中遇到地震的话,尽量走在路中间,身 闹 市 的话 , 小 心 高 处落 下的广告牌和窗玻璃,以及折断的电线杆。
If downtown, be careful of falling objects such as signs, telegraph poles and glass from windows, etc.
For example, in
[...] rough and tumble play there is a balancing [...]
act between primary and secondary emotions.
这款Defusable Clock为半成品,所以您将需要充分运用您的想象力 打 造 这 个 闹 钟 ! 详见Nootropic Design官网。
The Defusable Clock comes as a kit, so you’ll have to you use your imagination to build the device you want!
将游戏区别于其他行为的这些特征可能有利于保 打闹 的 易 变性,即保持大脑可塑性方 面 [...]
的 潜 能 和 保 持 大 脑 的 开 放 , 而 不 是 以 僵 化 和 固 定 的 行 为 模 式 对 大 脑 进 行 封 闭 (Sutton-Smith 1997)。
The features
[...] that distinguish play from other behaviours [...]
may exist to keep the brain labile; that is, to maintain its potential
for plasticity and openness rather than close down potentiality through rigid and stereotypical behaviour patterns (Sutton-Smith1997 ).
同样地,当相机接收到一个彩色图像时,它会根据默认的 彩色介质类型和小打印该图像。
Likewise, when the imager receives a
[...] color image, it prints the image to the default color media type and size.
走棒材工艺线:直棒用 350 吨的冷剪 切割后运到打捆站和打包站,在六台 打捆机同打小捆的同时,二台大的 打捆机把打好小捆打成大捆。
On the bar route, after commercial cut by a 350 t cold shear, straight bars are conveyed to
bundling and tying
[...] stations where six simultaneous tying machines handle the sub-bundles and two larger [...]
units apply ties on the master bundle.
从客户提供原样或潘通色打小样, 经指定 AATCC GRETAGMACBETH  [...]
美标灯箱光源( D65 、 TL84 、 CWF 、 U3000 )确认后,做大货头缸对比标准样 OK 后,后续大货缸差控制在 灯箱下 同一色系美标灰卡 4
级,或 DATA COLOR CMC DE 值在同一象限 0.7 以内(出于后加工涂层、贴膜复合颜色变色考虑,目测最重要,电脑测色往往有盲区,判断方面不如人眼灵活),关键不能偏浅(不能超过 3% ),这样方便大货后加工成品缸差在可控范围内。
Provide customers with the intact
[...] or the Pantone to play the sample, specified [...]
the AATCC GRETAGMACBETH American standard
light box light source (D65, TL84, CWF, U3000) to confirm the cylinder head of the bigger cargo contrast to the standard kind of OK, subsequent cargo tank differential control gray cards of the same color American standard light box under 4, or DATA COLOR CMC DE values ​​within the same quadrant 0.7 (for processing coating, film composite color color to consider, the most important visual, computer color tend to have blind spots, to judge not as good as the human eye is flexible), the key can not be lighter (not more than 3%), so convenient for large cargo processing finished cylinder in the controllable range.
饺皮中间放上1.5大匙馅料(图10),对折后先捏紧上缘,然后从右角开始,向中间一 打小 褶 一边捏紧,最后从中间向左边同样捏紧(图11)。
Fold the wrapper over to form a
half moon and press the center edges to seal. Then start from the right side, fold
[...] slightly the back side to form pleats.
Oris特别为ORIS Artelier艺术闹铃表打造了 专属的声响音簧 。
Not however in the ORIS Artelier Alarm collection, where a specially developed sound spring is used.
妇女或儿童如身陷危机,可打 24 小时免 费热线电话,将酌情派出保安车,将他们带往安全之处。
If women or children are in crisis, they
[...] can call the 24-hour free hotline and [...]
if necessary a security vehicle will be sent
which can take them to a safe place.
[...] 39条码字体大小,首先按照12磅小打 印 出识别码为HC39M的条形码字体,然后按不同的尺寸打印,以确定您当前使用的扫描设备支持的最小尺寸大小之后选择适合您扫描设备扫描区域的最大的字体。
To determine which Code 39 barcode font
[...] to use, first print out the IDAutomationHC39M [...]
barcode font at 12 points and other
font sizes to determine which size is the smallest that will work with your scanning equipment.
[...] Museum)——让你可以了解伦敦德里的辉煌历史,到众多一流餐厅、 闹 酒 吧 和高档商店,再到让人震撼的古城墙和弗欧河(River [...]
From the award-winning Tower Museum that gives a wonderful insight into the city’s
history, to the astonishing array of excellent
[...] restaurants, lively pubs and great [...]
shops, to the haunting ancient city walls
and scenic views across the River Foyle, Londonderry, County Londonderry is a remarkable destination that never, ever disappoints.
为防止新的部队 内出现有罪不罚的情况,相应的国家主管部门必须充分处理所有违纪事件,如 2008 年 9
[...] 月,按照针对违抗命令行为的军事准则,开除了 16 名在营房聚闹事 的士兵。
In order to prevent impunity within the new army, all incidents of indiscipline must be adequately addressed by the appropriate national
authorities, as was the case in September 2008,
[...] when 16 soldiers were dismissed in [...]
accordance with military guidelines for acts
of insubordination after rioting in their barracks.
所收集的打印作业数据:打印日期/时间,文档名称,文档类型, 页数,复印数量,页面小,打印 作业 大 小 , 黑 白打印,彩色打印,双面打印,N-Up, 大型的大幅面打印机打印的英寸及公分。
Print job data collected is: Time/Date Printed, Document
Title, Document Type, Page Count, Copy
[...] Count, Page Size, Print Job Size, Black & White Output, [...]
Color Output, Duplex, N-Up, Large
Format Printing by Inches and Centimeters for large format printers.




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