单词 | 小山 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 小山 noun —hill n小小 adjective —small adjExamples:小山包包—a landscape dotted with low hills and hillocks [idiom.] 小汤山—Xiaotangshan town in Beijing municipality
颜盎镇坐落在一座小山上, 有一小簇破旧的平顶石屋,四周绿树成荫,其间点缀着以色列定居者的建筑。 unicef.org | Nestled on a hill, the town of Yanoun is a small cluster of old [...] flat-roofed stone houses, surrounded on all sides by a leafy [...]landscape dotted with the buildings of an Israeli settlement. unicef.org |
在村庄附近的小山上, 他们看见穿着制服的士兵于下午时分 接近该村。 daccess-ods.un.org | From a hill near the village, they [...] saw soldiers in uniform approaching the village in the afternoon. daccess-ods.un.org |
我們看一個指數,即使 用回中位數,以致 [...] CPI,即消費物價指數,或政府現時的入息分布,均 呈小 山丘分布。 legco.gov.hk | No matter what index or figure we will look at, and even if we revert to the median, or even the CPI, [...] that is, the Consumer Price Index, or the distribution of income adopted by the Government [...] now, it will remain hill-shaped. legco.gov.hk |
专家组登上距机场约 1 000 米的一座小山的山顶, 亲眼证实在停机坪上没有 飞机,然后调转车辆。 daccess-ods.un.org | On reaching the [...] crest of a hill approximately 1,000 metres from the airport, the Group visually [...]confirmed that no aircraft [...]was present on the tarmac and turned the vehicle. daccess-ods.un.org |
小山上稀 林,灌木森林;1400-1700米云南东南部。 flora.ac.cn | Sparse hill forests, shrub [...] forests; 1400-1700 m. SE Yunnan. flora.ac.cn |
黑杰克静静地住在一所房子位于一座 小山 上 与 她的助理Pinoko他的精灵们。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Black Jack lived quietly in a [...] house located on a hill with her assistant Pinoko his elves. seekcartoon.com |
建于14世纪的梧梦寺坐落于素帖山旁边 的 小山 上 ,里面有迷宫般交叉的独特隧道。 shangri-la.com | This 14th century temple is perched on [...] top of Suthep Mountain (Doi Suthep). shangri-la.com |
。混合宿舍是8在一个小山寨床 间大屋子里。 instantworldbooking.com | Mixed dorm is one big room with 8 beds in a little cottage. instantworldbooking.com |
格嘎温泉位于派镇附近,南迦巴瓦峰(7782米)脚下的一 个 小山 谷 中。 chinese-architects.com | Near Pai town; at the foot of [...] the Namchabarwa mountain(7782 m), lies a small valley where the gega [...]spa is located. chinese-architects.com |
从北卡累利阿的科里所眺望的景致,就是著名的树林覆盖 的 小山 风 景。 visitfinland.com | This is a view from Koli in northern Karelia, famous for [...] its tree-covered hill scenery. visitfinland.com |
邓恩郡是一个风景如画的地方,拥有连绵 的 小山 , 与 之形成对比的是雄伟而崎岖的莫恩和邓纳德山脉(Mountains of Mourne and Slieve Donnard),海拔达到848米。 discoverireland.com | County Down is a picturesque spot filled mostly with low, rolling hills that contrast spectacularly with the rugged Mountains of Mourne and Slieve Donnard, which rise dramatically to a height of 848 metres. discoverireland.com |
银矿:分布在卡达蒙山边缘、磅清扬省北部和暹粒市的一 些 小山 daccess-ods.un.org | Silver: found [...] around the edge of Cardamom Mountain, north of Kampong [...]Chhnang and some hills in Siem Reap daccess-ods.un.org |
建筑临街立面(西立面)像是一片长满树 的 小山 坡。 chinese-architects.com | The street-side elevation (west [...] elevation) looks like a small hill covered by trees. chinese-architects.com |
4 月 3 日,Byamungu上校逃入俯瞰乌维拉的 小山 上 , 同行的有大约 50 名战斗 [...] 人员,其中包括驻扎乌维拉镇的营长Eric Ngabo中校,别名“Zairois”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Byamungu [...] fled into the hills above Uvira together [...]with roughly 50 combatants, including Uvira town battalion Commander, Lt Col. daccess-ods.un.org |
这一黑潮也严重损坏了比布鲁斯世界遗产遗址,正如教科文组织派往黎巴嫩评估该国文 [...] 化遗产遗址状况的特派团所看到的,黑潮漫延到两座中世纪城楼的底部和位于“古城废 墟小 山岗”脚下的古迹。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The oil slick has also caused serious damage to the World Heritage site of Byblos, soiling the bases of the two medieval towers and the antique vestiges below [...] the “tell”, as noted by the UNESCO mission sent to Lebanon [...] to assess the state of the country’s [...]cultural heritage sites. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在一座小山上, 俯瞰着山谷中的Val D’Orcia的,在一个独特的位置,一个难得的机会,今天的房地产在托斯卡纳,在规模和价格。 italysatmospheres.com | On a hill overlooking the Val [...] D ‘Orcia, in a unique location, a rare opportunity today is the real estate market in Tuscany, in size and price. italysatmospheres.com |
它的周围,全是风景秀美的山峰和 小山 谷 , 山 谷 上迤逦着像蛇一样弯曲的葡萄队列。 antinori.it | It is fully immersed in a landscape which [...] seduces for the naturalness of the [...] hills, which alternate with small valleys covered with vine [...]rows which snake across the slopes. antinori.it |
行预咨委会还得知,这些青 年人的工作是加固太子港居民区周围 小山 的 泄洪沟谷,用石块和表土固定草皮减 缓洪水。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was also indicated that their work involved fortifying the ravines that carry flood water from the hills surrounding the neighbourhoods of Port-au-Prince with rocks and topsoil that retains grass to mitigate floods. daccess-ods.un.org |
这个地方被描述为一个“微薄的大 小山 丘 ” (deficiens肿瘤位点 - Eucherius,427-440),显然是自然的,在第六世纪的步骤接触。 mb-soft.com | The place is described as a "knoll of scanty size" (deficiens loci tumor -- Eucherius, 427-440), apparently natural, and in the sixth century approached by steps. mb-soft.com |
小山斜坡,林缘,扰乱潮湿的长满草的地方; 300-2500米福建,广东,广西,贵州,海南,河南,湖北,湖南,江西,四川,西藏,云南,浙江 [...] [孟加拉国,不丹,印度尼西亚,马来西亚,尼泊尔,菲律宾,斯里兰卡(引进栽培),印度东北部,泰国 ]. flora.ac.cn | Hill slopes, forest margins, [...] disturbed moist grassy places; 300–2500 m. Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Henan, [...]Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan, Zhejiang [Bangladesh, Bhutan, NE India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka (introduced), Thailand]. flora.ac.cn |
從山腳下的植物公園草場開始,爬個 小山 , 就 會抵達在山頂上的紐西蘭中心點標誌。 4tern.com | The track starts from a football field nearby botanical garden ends at the peak. 4tern.com |
当地资源的利用:人、企业、研究机构、社区、原 料,要特别注意解决山区、偏远地区的社区、易发 洪水的地区、短缺原料、当地资源和低成本表面利 用的问题;人,企业,机构,社区,材料,特别注 意对解决多小山和多 山地带的问题, 在边远地区的 社区,淹没易受影响的地区,成问题的材料,本地 资源和低成本资源的使用 cigr.org | Use of local resources – human, enterprises, institutions, communities, materials, with particular attention to solving problems of hilly and mountainous terrain, communities in remote areas, flood susceptible areas, problematic materials, use of local resources and low cost surfaces cigr.org |
它位于庐山森林中的一座小山上,表现出生活在大自然中的浪漫理想。 china.waldkunst.com | It is located on a little hill in the forest of Mt. Lushan [...] and represents the romantic ideal of living in nature. china.waldkunst.com |
漣山座落於小山之上 ,四周是受政府保護的自然環境區,所有住宅及花園複式單位均可飽覽美妙絕倫的海景。 wingtaiproperties.com | Nestled on top of a small hill that is surrounded [...] by Government-protected greenery, all of the apartments and garden duplexes [...]at this prestigious complex offer stunning sea views. wingtaiproperties.com |
继续采取积极措施,发展边远山区,以 缩 小山 区 和 城市地区的差距 (中国) ;加强努力,建设和改善农村地区的基础设施( 巴基斯坦) daccess-ods.un.org | 96.33. Continue to take active measures to develop remote mountainous areas in order to reduce the gap between mountainous regions and urban regions (China); enhance efforts to build and improve infrastructure in rural areas (Pakistan) daccess-ods.un.org |
赫尔辛基市内遍布着小山坡,其中大部分都非常适合坐着雪橇从上往下滑。但对于资深的速降滑雪和滑雪板爱好者们而言,他们就必须出城找地方玩。 visitfinland.com | The city tends to sprout small hills on every corner [...] and yard, most of them are mostly suitable for sledging, but for serious [...]downhill skiing and snowboarding you have to head out of town. visitfinland.com |
格雷茅斯黄色海鳗青年旅舍(YHA Greymouth [...] Kainga-ra)坐落在格雷茅斯丛林覆盖的 小山 中 , 格雷茅斯是位于南岛中部充满野性和自然美景的西海岸最大的城镇。 cn.yha.co.nz | YHA Greymouth Kainga-ra is nestled amongst [...] the bush-clad hills of Greymouth, [...]the largest town in the middle of the South [...]Island’s wild and wonderful West Coast. yha.co.nz |
一条狭长的小山丘把 玛旁雍错和东侧的拉昂错分开,有一道水渠(ganpa chu)连接两湖,虽然一向都是干的,但是当地人相信总有一天会有水从玛旁雍错流进拉昂错,同时会有一条金色的和一条红色的鱼游进拉昂错,这样鬼湖的水以后就也会变得像玛旁雍错一样的清甜了。 tibet4wd.com | A long, narrow small hills to the harmony of [...] manasseh wrong and in the east of pull the wrong apart, a canal (ganpa chu) [...]connection systems, though always all the earth is dry, but locals believe will one day be from the water and yongzheng flow into the wrong, wrong, at the same time, there will be a golden and a red fish swam into pull the wrong, so the water of the lake ghost after it will become like the harmony of manasseh fault the foot. tibet4wd.com |
黃色的襯地上套上藍、紫色的多層套色玻璃、燈罩的山脈和樹木、俯瞰湖畔 的 小山 屋 等雄偉壯觀的森林景觀和燈腳的猛烈瀑布湖水圖案、是運用酸蝕雕刻法描繪出來。 est-ouest.co.jp | Blue and purple glasses are cased on yellow ground glass, lamp [...] shade with a magnificent [...] landscapes including mountains, trees, lakes and mountain hut, base with [...]a rapid flow of the waterfall [...]from the lake has been carefully carved with acid-etching. est-ouest.co.jp |
委员会还建议缔 [...] 约国确保在所有地区,包括较小的农村地区设立民事身份登记机构,提高偏 僻小 山村的 父母和行政机构有关家庭登记法和出生登记程序的认识,并考虑设立流动 [...] 单位,负责出生登记和开具出生证明工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee also recommends that the State party ensure that civil status registries exist in all districts, including small rural districts, that it raise [...] awareness among parents and [...] administrative authorities in small, isolated villages about [...]the family registration law and birth [...]registration procedures, as well as consider introducing mobile units for birth registration and issuance of birth certificates. daccess-ods.un.org |