单词 | 小孩子 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 小孩子noun—childnSee also:小孩n—childn 小子—guy (derog.) joker (literary) youngster (coll.) boy (old) young fellow (term of address used by the older generation) (despicable) fellow (old) I, me (used in speaking one's elders) 孩子n—childrenpl childn kidspl kidn 孩n—childn
卖家禽的小贩几乎都是妇女,很多还带着小孩子。 unicef.org | Standing beside them are the poultry sellers, almost all of whom are women, many [...] with their young children intow. unicef.org |
在污染土壤所堆成的土堆前,有‘禁止入内’的牌子,但是小孩子可能还会进去,”她说,“在很多地方都能够看到‘禁止入内’的牌子。 unicef.org | There was a ‘Keep Out’ sign in front of a mound of [...] pollutedsoil, butsmall childrenmight still [...]get in,” she said. unicef.org |
巴西CRIATRONIC:展出室内游乐器材以及嘉年华类游戏「NERVO TESTE(电流急急棒)」、益智类游戏「SUPER MEMORIA」等机台,吸引众多小孩子前往 游玩。 taiwanslot.com.tw | CRIATRONIC (Brazil): The company presented [...] a carnival machine, Nervo Teste, an amusement game machine, Super Memoria, to name just a few, attractingalot of children. taiwanslot.com.tw |
MB&F队参考了每个小孩子的飞行梦想,创建了一只他们前卫腕表的原合成。 iontime.ch | The team of MB&F took [...] reference at every child’sdream of flying [...]and created an original synthesis with their avantgardistic watches. iontime.ch |
圣诞老人在Schmutzli的陪同下去拜访 小孩子,特别在中部各州。 swissworld.org | St Nicholas is accompanied by a character called Schmutzli on [...] his visits to children, in particular [...]in the central cantons. swissworld.org |
他说道,“我们 家里有两个小孩子,所以我的妻子根本无法来带领这个小组。 sallee.info | There's no way my wife could have led the groupwith two babies at home. sallee.info |
韩国人通常在下雨天为小孩子做这 些煎饼。 daydaycook.com | Korean make [...] these on a rainy day for little kids:) daydaycook.com |
真假不应成为艺术世界的桎梏,就像翻开「Lies for Leo」的画作背後,确凿事实汹涌而来,却不及「谎言」美丽 — 天是蓝的、兔子爱吃红萝卜,我们都是爱受哄骗的小孩子。 think-silly.com | Underneath ‘Lies for Leo’ are some wondrous lies that we love to hear — the sky is blue, the rabbits love eating carrots. think-silly.com |
摇摆木马受小 孩子欢迎的地方是,造型具真实或怀旧意味(如历经数代儿童而不衰者)和可以发声。 cpsc.gov | Features that make rocking horses popularinclude their realistic or nostalgic (like those popular for previous generations of children) appearance, and their ability to make sounds. cpsc.gov |
我实在告诉你们,凡要承受神国的,若不像小孩子,断不能进去。 elim-hk.com | Truly I tell you, anyone who will not [...] receive the kingdom of God like a little c elim-hk.com |
对小孩子来说,任何事情都是可能的; 没有障碍、没有围墙或边界 [...] - 我们也只是在成长的过程中,才认识到我们不能这样或那样做,或是我们必须这样或那样做。 bootb.com | Forchildren everythingis possible; [...] there are no barriers, there are no walls or boundaries, - only by growing up do we [...]learn that we cannot do this or that, or that we have to do this or that. bootb.com |
特别是供给小孩子的食品,不应有超过一次的加热。 stranieriincampania.it | All food and particularly if it [...] is to be consumedby small children is not to be reheated [...]more than once. stranieriincampania.it |
当初引进槌球运动的铃木和仲,原只希望用这种轻柔的运动来教导小孩子,使日本从战败後的黑暗时代挽回光明的希望。 hwahsia.org.nz | Originally, the sport was introduced to Japan as a means of ‘gentle [...] excercise’ for thechildren as todefeat the [...]dark ages and restore a bright hope. hwahsia.org.nz |
我就这样长大, 直到我满 11 岁,我的幸福时光到此结束……通 常,当四舍五邻的成年人下地干活,走得很远的 时候,小孩子们会一起聚在邻居的房子周围玩 耍,而且其中一些孩子往往都会爬到树上,看看 有没有可能冲我们来的凶徒或人贩子,因为有的 时候这些人会趁我们的父母不在时袭击我们,能 抢走多少孩子就抢走多少……但是,天哪,不久 后我的命运就是这样被袭击和掳走……有一天, 当我们家所有人像平常一样出外干活,只有我和 我的妹妹被留下来看家,两个男人和一个女人翻 过我家的墙,立即抓住我们俩,根本不给我们哭 喊或者抵抗的时间。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this way I grew up till I was turned the age of eleven, when an end was put to my happiness ... Generally, when the grown people in the neighbourhood were gone far in the fields to labour, the children assembled together in some of the neighbours’ premises to play, and commonly some of us used to get up a tree to look out for any assailant or kidnapper that might come upon us; for they sometimes took those opportunities of our parents’ absence to attack and carry off as many as they could seize. daccess-ods.un.org |
你会不会也跟我一样在想为何住在28顶楼都会被盗,小偷从何而入这是问题的关键,表姐告诉我周四她下楼去洗头发,也就半个钟的时候回到家居然不敢相信眼前的一切,家里的东西跟摆地摊的一样乱七八糟,衣服物品满地都是,第一反应就是被偷了,这才去到房间发现现金4000千多、首饰、戒指、玉还有小孩子过年收的红包三千多全部不见,赶紧报警之后找了物管调监控,只看到是一个穿黑丝衣服的中年男性,其他没有任何特点。 pg304.com | Would you also like me wondered why live in 28 attic will be stolen, the thief from where it into this is the key to the problem on Thursday, cousin told me she went downstairs to wash hair, is half a clock back home incredibly dare not believe at present, all the thing in the home and put stall in the same at sixes and sevens, clothing items were on the ground, the first reaction was stolen, this just go to the room [...] found more than 4 million cash, [...] jewelry, ring,jadeand children receive theChinese [...]New Year red envelopes more than three [...]thousand disappear, hurriedly alarm after looking for things tube adjustable monitoring, only to see is a wear black silk clothes of middle-aged male ? pg304.com |
Mike创作了一系列油画,以及一本名为《Lies for [...] Leo》的书,描绘成人灌输似是而非的资讯(最後竟成了谎话) 给小孩子。think-silly.com | Lash then created a series of oil paintings and a book called ‘Lies for Leo’ based [...] on them, portraying the fact that adults pass on their half-truths (which eventually turned [...] into lies) to their children. think-silly.com |
我开始注意到神经反应,是一些我可以进行创作的东西,有一天我在TGV,惊奇地发现我对,一个女人搓了一些油腻的纸感特别冒犯,然而同样的行为和声音如果是一个小孩子弄得我就不会这么觉得。 luxe-immo.com | I became aware of nervous reactions, as something I could work on, one day when I was on the TGV, and was surprised to find how annoyed I was by a woman [...] crumpling up some greasy paper whereas before a similar sound in terms of [...] intensity made by achild did not offend [...]me at all. luxe-immo.com |
他们给小孩子免费洗 牙并提供免费的牙齿检查,并且向较大的孩子和成人 [...] 提供廉价的牙齿护理服务。 welcomebc.ca | They give free dental checkups and [...] cleanings to young children and lowcost [...]dental care to older children and adults. welcomebc.ca |
在美国,小孩子们最 喜欢看的一个电视节目之一叫“你好泰兰”。 embassyusa.cn | In America one of the most popular [...] TV showsfor little kidsis called"Ni Hao, [...]Kai Lan. eng.embassyusa.cn |
他的母亲也仍然像对待小孩子般照 顾着他,而他和女友荼娜(Tone)之间的关系也几乎就是到处玩闹—直到有一天,荼娜怀孕了。 norway.org.cn | His mother cares for him [...] as if he were a child, and his relationship [...]with Tone is mostly about fooling around – until Tone becomes pregnant. norway.cn |
冰雪给了每个人释放自己与生俱来的雕塑本能的机会,小孩子尤好此道,而只要有一颗年轻的心,你也一定会乐此不疲的。 visitfinland.com | Snow offers everyone the chance to express their inner sculptor, [...] especially if you’rea child orjust young at heart. visitfinland.com |
画钟测试有许多测试的方式,其 中一个测试方式2 是考官指示保单申请人「绘画一个指向 如 1:45 的时钟,画出钟面上时针、分针及数字指向特定 的时间,能让小孩子看懂的图画」。 genre.com | In one of these,2 the examiner instructs the applicant “Draw a clock that says 1:45. genre.com |
有鉴於此﹐我们呼吁孩子周围的人 都不要在小孩子近旁吸烟。 rikshandboken-bhv.se | You should ask friends and family not to smoke in the presence of yourchild. rikshandboken-bhv.se |
如果小孩子因为自己的外表出现在视窗中而分心或迷惑最小化的视窗会 有很大的帮助或者是使用者因为相机滑鼠程式造成对操作中的应用程式 [...] 分心会很有帮助。 cameramouse.com | Minimizing the [...] window can be abig helpif a childis mesmerized [...]by his or her appearance in the video window or if the [...]Camera Mouse program is distracting the user from the application program. cameramouse.com |
如今 有机会帮助他人时, [...] 她总是义不容辞. 若能在教育上帮助提升他人, 尤其是小孩子,我想会是她最乐意见到的. mccc.org | I am sure what she would love most is using education [...] to help others, especially children. mccc.org |
尤其这次的童装,小孩子是很难控制的,但他却和他们沟通的很好,并且十分敬业地完成了高强度的工作量,最终拍摄的效果令我们十分满意,充满趣味,我们亦期待和他的下次合作。 ba-repsasia.com | He communicated with them very well, and accomplished the high-intensity work. ba-repsasia.com |