单词 | 小姐 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 小姐 noun —miss nless common: mistress n 小姐 —young lady • (slang) prostitute 姐姐 noun —sister n • my sister n 小小 adjective —small adjExamples:空中小姐—stewardess • air hostess 援交小姐—girl who engages in enjo-kōsai 嘎嘎小姐—Lady Gaga (1986-), US pop singer See also:小 adj—small adj • young adj • little adj • few adj
如閣下需要更多資訊,請致電 [...] 3752 9921 或電郵聯絡領事(政治/公共關係)或新聞主任Julia Chan小姐。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | For more information, please contact the Consul (Political/Public Relations) or the [...] Press Officer Ms Julia Chan, by telephone [...]at 3752 9921 or by e-mail. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
拇指姑娘在小姐Field mouse要求,唱鼹鼠先生,与鼹鼠先生告诉他们,他发现一只死鸟,当天早些时候在他的隧道。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | On Miss Fieldmouse’s request, Thumbelina sings for Mr. Mole, and Mr. Mole tells them about a dead bird he found in his tunnel earlier that day. seekcartoon.com |
Farrar小姐(曾经是柏林歌剧院的一位歌星)在现实生活中并不是天资聪颖和貌若天仙,但是她的外表却有可爱之处。 voith.com | Miss Farrar (a former star at the [...] Berlin opera) is not a bundle of celestial brightness and beauty in real live, but there [...]is something very likeable about her appearance. voith.com |
陳小姐擁有 逾20年福利諮詢經驗,擅長為本地及跨國客戶就著香港與中國內地的人力資源和福利課題提供專業顧問服務。 aon.com | Kitty has over 20 years of [...] benefits consulting experience in advising local and multinational clients on human resources [...]and benefits issues in Hong Kong and the PRC. aon.com |
在考慮公眾人士意見時,我注意到有不少人認為甘議員向 王 小姐表 示好感,及後解僱王小姐,是 他們之間的個人事情,應由甘議員或甘議 員所屬的民主黨處理,立法會不應投放寶貴的資源和時間調查。 legco.gov.hk | When considering the views of the public, I noticed that many people considered the [...] expression of affection by [...] Mr KAM towards Ms WONG and the subsequent dismissal of Ms WONG to be a matter [...]between them and it [...]should be dealt with by Mr KAM or the Democratic Party, to which Mr KAM belongs and that the Legislative Council should not commit its precious resources and time to an investigation. legco.gov.hk |
HAYAT Keran小姐特 別 指 出 , 政府當局應採取下述措施:設 立 更 多 [...] 資 源 學校,並應分配 資 源予這 些 學校及非 政府機構 舉 辦 活 動 , 讓非華語學生在 年 幼 時開始 使 用 中文溝 通;為 非 華語學生開辦更多英文職 [...]業 訓練課程; 僱 用 若 干南亞 裔 人士擔 任教學助理, 協助非 華語學生的 家長與 教師溝 通;以及 加 深 少 數族裔家長對本港 現 有 學制及未來新學 制 的瞭解。 legco.gov.hk | Miss HAYAT Keran highlighted that the Administration [...] should establish more resource schools and allocate resources to these [...]schools and NGOs to organise activities for NCS students to use Chinese to communicate during their early ages; provide more vocational training programmes in English for NCS students; employ some South Asians as Teaching Assistants to help parents of NCS students to communicate with teachers; and promote the awareness of ethnic minority parents about the current and future new academic systems in Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
专家:提供礼仪小姐,IT 人员,同声传译,音频/视频技术人员和其他专家。 msccruises.com.cn | SPECIALISTS: hostesses, IT personnel, [...] simultaneous interpreters, audio/video technicians and a host of other specialists can be provided. msccruises.com.eg |
香港基督教服務處Cheer融匯-少數族裔服務中心,由中心主任岑潔 儀 小姐 及 多 元文化校園訓練計劃計劃主任冼仲賢先生以及少數族裔的工作人員接待,透過有趣的遊戲、簡報以及參觀讓學生認識香港少數族裔服務推行狀況以及技巧等。 edmschool.net | Centre for Harmony and Enhancement of Ethnic Minority Residents [...] (CHEER) – After a warm welcome by [...] Centre-in-charge of CHEER Ms. SHUM Kit Yee, [...]Katherine, Project Leader of Multicultural Education [...]at Schools (MES) Mr. SIN Chung Yin, Timothy, and a number of ethnic staff, all students were introduced the kinds of services and the skills related to the ethnic minorities in Hong Kong, through interesting games and brief presentations. edmschool.net |
傳媒及研究機構如欲贊助有關調查,歡迎致電3921-2700與 周 小姐 或 彭 小姐 聯 絡。 hkupop.hku.hk | Organizations wishing to sponsor this rolling poll please contact Miss Chau or Miss Pang at 3921-2700. hkupop.hku.hk |
創新科技署副署長黎志華先生(左)、韓國裝置藝術家安畢 妍 小姐 ( 中 )及 香港科技園公司行政總裁陳蔭楠先生(右)參觀「藝術@科學園」的首個展覽 – 由國際知名的韓國裝置藝術家安畢妍 小姐 創 作 的最新作品「ADAMAO – Uncomplying Tunnel」。 hkstp.org | Mr. Andrew Lai, Deputy Commissioner for Innovation and Technology (Left), Korean installation artist Miss Pilyun Ahn (Middle) and Mr. E. Anthony Tan, CEO of HKSTPC (Right) visited “ADAMAO – Uncomplying Tunnel”, the first exhibition of “Art in the Park” launched by HKSTPC. hkstp.org |
恒生银行副董事长兼行政总裁柯清辉先生在今天举行的奖学金茶聚上, 颁发今年的海外留学奖学金予三位香港得奖学生,分别为意大利联合世 界书院的江晨欣小姐、新 加坡华中初级学院的 李 小 宝 小姐 及 香 港李宝椿 联合世界书院的陆嘉殷小姐。 hangseng.com.cn | At a reception held today, Mr Raymond Or, the Bank's Vice-Chairman and Chief Executive, presented this year's overseas scholarships [...] under the Hong Kong [...] programme to Miss Jiang Chenxin, United World College, Italy; Miss Lee Siu Po, Hwa Chong Junior College, Singapore; and Miss Phyllis Luk, [...]Li Po Chun United World College, Hong Kong. hangseng.com.cn |
(a) 本公司之公司秘書為陳蔚瑋小姐,彼 為英國特許公認會計師公會及香港會計師公 [...] 會之會員。 equitynet.com.hk | (a) The company secretary of [...] the Company is Ms. Chan Wai Wei, [...]Cynthia who is a member of the Association of Chartered Certified [...]Accountants and the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. equitynet.com.hk |
应主席邀请,扎义德先生(阿富汗)、别利斯卡娅 女士(白俄罗斯)、卡韦萨斯先生(智利)、科科先 生(科特迪瓦)、钱伯斯小姐(牙买 加)和伊纳西奥 先生(葡萄牙)担任计票人。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the invitation of the Acting President, Mr. Zaid (Afghanistan), Ms. Belsk aya (Belar [...] us), Mr. Cabe zas (Chile), Mr. Koko (Côte [...] d’Ivoire), Miss Chambers (Jamaica) and Mr. Inácio (Portugal) acted as tellers. daccess-ods.un.org |
AIA 香港首席市場總監李滿能先生(左)及首席客戶總監馮雅 頌 小姐 出席 指標「2011 年財富管理大奬」頌獎典禮。 aia.com.hk | Mr. Thomas Lee, Chief Marketing Officer of AIA Hong Kong & [...] Macau (left) and Ms. Sabina Fung, Chief [...]Customer Officer at the Benchmark Wealth Management Awards 2011. aia.com.hk |
Engel & Völkers亞太區有限公司業務拓展總監Sandra Roth小姐將會負責帶領區域總部。 ipress.com.hk | Ms. Sandra Roth, Business Development [...] Director, Engel & Völkers Asia Pacific Ltd will head the regional headquarters. ipress.com.hk |
香港著名模特兒楊崢小姐為代 言人的美白產品推廣網站。 smartinfo.com.hk | A online advertising campaign for [...] the product. smartinfo.com.hk |
(左起) 賽馬會思覺健康計劃(JCEP)個案服務主任蔡韻 齡 小姐 及 陳詩 韻 小姐 、 賽 馬會思覺健康計劃研究總主任許麗明博士、香港大學李嘉誠醫學院精神醫學系教授兼賽馬會思覺健康計劃總監陳友凱教授以及賽馬會思覺健康計劃行政總主任譚蘊 怡 小姐 介 紹 有關針對思覺失調患的早期干預治療成效研究結果。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | (From left) Ms Ranee Choi and Ms Peggy Chan, Jockey Club Early Psychosis Project (JCEP) Case Intervention Officers; Dr. Christy HUI Lai-ming, JCEP Chief Research Officer; Professor Eric CHEN Yu-hai, JCEP Project Director and Professor, Department of Psychiatry, The University of Hong Kong Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine and Ms Wendy TAM, JCEP [...] Chief Administrative [...]Officer, introduce the study results of the impacts of early intervention treatment on early psychosis patients. xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |
两个采取一些玉米饼小姐Fieldmouse的邻居,鼹鼠先生。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The two take some corn cakes to Miss Fieldmouse’s neighbour, Mr. Mole. seekcartoon.com |
海通國際創富理財有限公司的新世界互動媒體客戶經理楊秋 蓉 小姐 (Yun g Yeung) 表示︰「我們會定期與 Eva 監察廣告表現而作調整,如揀選「理財」、「投資服務」等合適關鍵字及揀選一些具針對性的關鍵字,如「離岸財務管理」、「企業融資」等,增加廣告被點擊的機會。 nw-imedia.com | Ms. Yung Yeung, Account Manager of NW iMedia responsible for Haitong International Wealth Management Limited, said, “We will review the ad campaign regularly with Eva and conduct fine-tuning, such as selecting relevant keywords like “finance” , “investment service” and targeted keywords, such as “offshore financial management”, “corporate finance”, etc. to increase the click through rate. nw-imedia.com |
此外,陳小姐亦是美國人壽保險管理學會會士(FLMI),並獲得「優異」的榮譽,有關資格由壽險管理協會頒授。 aon.com | Kitty is also a Fellow of the Life [...] Management Institute (FLMI), a designation awarded by the Life Office Management Association [...](LOMA), and has attained this honour "With Distinction". aon.com |
開幕式於是日晚上七時舉行,出席主禮嘉賓包括中央人民政府駐澳門特別行政區聯絡辦公室經濟部副部長陳翔先生、澳門特別行政區政府旅遊局局長安棟樑先生、澳門特別行政區政府民政總署管理委員會副主席李偉農先生、美高梅中國控股有限公司董事長及執行董事何超 瓊 小姐 、 美 高梅中國控股有限公司聯席董事長 Jim Murren 先生,以及美高梅中國控股有限公司首席執行官及執行董事簡博賢先生,與在場一眾賓客共同見證「翩蝶館」的盛大開幕。 mgmmacau.com | João Antunes, Director of Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO); Mr. Lei Wai Nong, Vice Chairman of the Administration Committee of Instituto Para Os Assuntos Cívicos E Municipais (IACM); Ms. Pansy Ho, Chairperson and Executive Director of MGM China Holdings Limited; Mr. Jim Murren, Co-Chairperson of MGM China Holdings Limited and Mr. Grant R. Bowie, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of MGM China Holdings Limited. mgmmacau.com |
盧小姐於20 10年香港財務策劃師公會/南華早報財務策劃師大獎中獲得最高殊榮「Industry [...] Winner」,成為康宏首位得獎女顧問,其資產管理及財務策劃的技巧,備受認同。 convoyfinancial.com | Ms. Agnes Lo won the highest [...] accolade at the Industry Winner of the IFPHK/South China Morning Post Financial Planner Awards [...]in 2010 and was Convoy's first female award-winning advisor. convoyfinancial.com |
電訊盈科電視及新媒體董事總經理李凱 怡 小姐 表 示 ︰「HBO致力為香港觀眾提供最優質的節目,一直是我們的首選夥伴。 ipress.com.hk | Janice Lee, PCCW's Managing Director of TV and New Media, said, "HBO has always been our partner of choice who strives to offer the best to Hong Kong viewers. ipress.com.hk |
由於各地調查機構仍在整理數據,民意研究計劃暫時不會把有關調查結果上載到《民意網站》,各界人士或新聞工作者可親臨民意研究計劃辦公室免費索取有關聯合民意調查的初步報告,惟請事先致電2859 2988聯絡周小姐。 hkupop.hku.hk | Because the participating research organizations are still analyzing the data, we will not upload the findings onto our HKU POP Site for the time being. Members of the press and the general public are welcome to obtain the entire preliminary [...] report of the international survey from our POP Office, free of charge, [...] but please call our Miss Chau at 2859-2988 first. hkupop.hku.hk |
港樂「社群和諧」籌款音樂會演出樂友及出席嘉賓尚包括(以出場先後序):保良局蔡繼有學校、右思維幼稚園、KinderU鈴木音樂學院、李軒先生、甘穎昶先生、蔡筱 蕊 小姐 、 湯珍 妮 小姐 、 劉 元生先生及夏定忠先生、方津生醫生及汪明 欣 小姐 、 陳慶 麗 小姐 、 何 光鴻先生、Mr Philip Lee & Ms Jigs Abiera、民政事局副秘書長甄美薇女士JP、劉懿翎女士、邱詠筠女士、周董立茂女士以及Tasha [...] Lalvani女士。 hkphil.org | The stellar roster of the Hong Kong Phil and Friends “The Community in Harmony” Fundraising Concert includes (in chronological order): Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School, [...] Rightmind Kindergarten, [...] KinderU Suzuki Music Academy, Mr Lee Hin, Mr Wing-Chong Kam, Ms Shirley Choi, Ms Jenny Tong, Mr Y.S. Liu & Mr John Harding, Dr David Fang & Ms [...]Wong Ming Yan, Ms [...]Sophia Chan, Mr Thomas Ho, Mr Philip Lee & Ms Jigs Abiera. hkphil.org |
展覽之開幕典禮於今晚(12月11日)成功舉行,出席嘉賓包括香港特別行政區政務司司長林鄭月娥女士, GBS, JP、西九文化區管理局行政總裁連納智先生, CBE, AM、匯豐私人銀行私人匯財策劃環球主管環球私人銀行北亞區行政總裁韋浩廉先生、香港藝術中心名譽主席及藝術節目委員會主席包陪麗女士, BBS、香港藝術中心監督團主席梁國輝先生、The FRIENDS of the Hong Kong Arts [...] [...] Centre主席李徐子淇女士、客席策展人陳維德先生、香港藝術中心總幹事林淑儀女士,及部份參與是次展覽的藝術家/代表:N‧S‧哈夏先生、劉建華先生、阿迪提亞‧諾瓦里先生、「垂直潛水艇」創團成員許文 綺 小姐 、 草 間彌生代表日本東京大田藝廊總監高倉功高倉功先生、吳鋌灝先生。 hkac.org.hk | Mrs. Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, GBS, JP, The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr. Michael Lynch, CBE, AM, Chief Executive Officer, West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, Mr. Bernard Rennell, CEO North Asia, Global Private Banking, Global Head, Private Wealth Solutions, HSBC Private Bank, Ms. Cissy Pao Pui Lai, BBS, Honorary President and Chairman, Arts Programme Committee, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Mr. Nelson Leong, Chairman, Board of Governors, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Mrs. Cathy Lee, Chairperson, The FRIENDS of the Hong Kong Arts Centre, Guest Curator Mr. Eugene Tan, Ms. Connie Lam, Executive Director, Hong Kong Arts Centre, as well as some of the participating artists Mr. NS Harsha, Mr. [...] Liu Jianhua, Mr. Aditya [...] Novali, Ms. Fiona Koh of Vertical Submarine, [...]Representative of Ms. Yayoi Kusama Mr. Isao Takakura, [...]Chief Director of Kusama Studio and Mr. Roy Ng Ting-ho. hkac.org.hk |
著名電視及電台節目主持人彭晴小姐 以 「電影口述影像拓荒者」的身份帶領「視障人士電影口述影像」義工隊,致力為視障朋友擔任電影口述影像旁述,為視障人士打破視力障礙,開創觀賞電影先河。 hksb.org.hk | Ms. Pang Ching, a famous TV and radio [...] programme hostess, acted as the local “Movie Audio Description Pioneer ”, led a team [...]of volunteers to provide movie narration for the visually impaired. hksb.org.hk |
香港區總經理,吳文璞小姐表示 :「我們非常高興能擴建北京道一號辦公室,該地區鄰近各大跨國企業,頂級酒店,奢侈品零售商店,文化中心和米芝蓮星級餐廳,此地區佔盡商機,鄰近各主要交通渠道。 servcorp.com.hk | Wilma Wu, Servcorp General Manager of Hong Kong has commented: “We're very excited for this expansion, One Peking location is surrounded by MNC, top notch hotels, luxury retails, heritage centers and Michelin restaurants, the region is all about business opportunities with high proximity to main transport terminals. servcorp.com.hk |
策划及制作「广东省王杰巡迴演唱会」、「国际华 裔 小姐」 ( 2002年、2004年及2008年)、「金利来集团特约从国宝文物看西安特辑」、「全球华人黄帝陵大祭祖活动」、「樟木头第3届香港人旅游节」、「家燕家你皆大欢喜演唱会」、「祟福皮革之夜明星演唱会」、「哈尔滨成龙好朋友慈善演唱会」、「2006同心同根太阳计划走进西安演唱会」、「香港明星足球队多伦多慈善之旅2007」、「2009国际欢乐嘉年华」、「All [...] [...] for Ken 2011枫再起时蔡枫华广州演唱会」、「哈尔滨. fso-createhk.gov.hk | Planned and produced "Wong Kit Concert in [...] Guang Dong", "Miss Chinese International" [...](2002, 2004 & 2008), "Goldlion - Xian [...]Special", "Memorial Ceremony of the King in Xian", "The 3rd Hong Kong People Tour Festival", "Nancy Sit Concert", a sponsored concert in Zhang Mu Tou, "Jackie CHAN and Friends Concert", "The Sun Project: Xian Concert", a contect organised by All Star Sports Association, a mobile game event in Harbin, concert "All for Ken 2011", "Style Hong Kong Show in Harbin", and "Harbin-Hong Kong Economic and Trade Cooperation Meeting and Signing Ceremony". fso-createhk.gov.hk |
其他嘉賓包括科技園公司行政總裁陳蔭楠先生及項目及設施副總裁陳文偉博士、安畢 妍 小姐 及 為 作品贊助循環再用物料的著名韓國糖果餅店Haitai [...] Crown執行董事Yoon Sukbin先生。 hkstp.org | Other officiating guests included Mr. E. Anthony Tan, Chief Executive Officer and Mr. M.W [...] Chan, Vice President - Projects and [...] Facilities of HKSTPC; Ms Ahn Pilyun and [...]Mr. Yoon Sukbin from Haitai Crown, the famous [...]Korean confectionary supplier who sponsored the materials for building the art piece. hkstp.org |