

单词 小城市

See also:

小城 n

small cities pl


small town

城市 adj

urban adj
municipal adj

External sources (not reviewed)

这项活动使教科文组织关于移徙者 融入城市环境的工作在里约热内卢的主题为“进入 市 的 权 - 缩 小城市 差 距”的世界城市论 坛上得到大力宣传。
This activity provided strong visibility for UNESCO’s
work on the integration of
[...] migrants in urban settings at the World Urban Forum in Rio de Janeiro on the theme “The Right to the City – Bridging [...]
the Urban Divide”.
一些出版物侧重于具体的优先议题,诸如“城市与 气候变化”和“小城市鸿沟 ”,这些分别是世界城市论坛和世界人居日的主题。
Some publications focused on specific priority
[...] topics, such as “cities and climate change” and “bridging the urban divide”, which [...]
were the themes,
respectively, for World Habitat Day and the World Urban Forum.
几乎每一个政府的决策者—尤其是那小城市的政 府决策者—都不愿意承担这样的 重担。
Almost each political decision maker –
[...] especially in the smaller municipalities – did not want [...]
to carry such a political burden.
中国并 采取行动保证大小城市的合 理定位及其协调一致 的发展,为此并特别注意城市的节能高效、无害于 [...]
China had also undertaken action to ensure the rational positioning of large,
[...] medium-sized and small cities, as well [...]
as their coordinated development,
with particular attention to making them more energy-efficient and environmentfriendly.
(d) 由于儿童收容中心地方不够, 小城市 尤 其如此,贩运活动的孤身或 失散儿童受害者被安置在与成年人共居的中心。
(d) Owing to a shortage of places in the reception centres for
[...] children, especially in smaller cities, unaccompanied [...]
and separated children victims of trafficking
have been placed in centre together with adults.
为鼓励小城市(尤其 是农村地区)发展采取的一系列措施,必须不断增强 地方政府主管部门实施本地区发展政策和战略的能力。
With regard to the actions undertaken
with the purpose to encourage
[...] the development of small and medium urban centres, especially [...]
in the rural areas, the strengthening
of the institutional capacities is ensured for the local public administration authorities with the purpose to implement the regional development policies.
或 許 有 人 認 為 , 香港只 是一小 城 市 ,經濟又 正 處於調 整階段 , [...]
不 宜申 辦 亞 運,但這些見解, 似 乎 忽 視 了本港的 優 勢 所在。
Perhaps some will think that it is not suitable for Hong Kong
[...] to host the Asian Games because it is just [...]
a small city going through economic adjustment.
[...] 不严重:大城市(尤其是北京、上海)电影院基本上杜绝盗版放映行为;盗版 放映主要发生在中小城市的省 级以下电影院和娱乐场所,宾馆、饭店播放盗 版影片的情况较为严重。
Neither is copyright piracy during the projection process severe: pirated movies are rarely shown at cinemas in large cities (particularly in Beijing and Shanghai); projection of pirated movies mainly happens
at cinemas and entertainment places
[...] in medium- and small-sized cities, with hotels the [...]
site of relatively severe movie copyright violations.
我花了一段時間,才慢慢習小城市 , 後來甚至享受「小地方」的生活,任何地方只需步行即可抵達,在街上會巧遇熟人,認識城市裡每個角落與點點滴滴,還能參與地方傳統活動,以及討論公共議題。
It took me a while to
[...] get accustomed to a small city, but I ended up enjoying the life of a “little town”: being able [...]
to walk everywhere all
the time, running into acquaintaces in the street, getting to know every nook and cranny of the colonial city, taking part in local traditions and the discussion of public issues.
许多亚洲国家城市化的 特点是,小城市或城 镇中人口增长率高,这里居住着多数的城市人口。
Urbanization in many Asian countries is
characterized by high rates of population growth in
[...] medium-sized and small cities or towns, [...]
where a large proportion of the urban population live.
可持续运输的最主要障碍包括:(a) 体制和治理结构不适足;(b) 国家和地 方决策者缺乏充足信息;(c)
现有运具分担、用户需求、空气质量和其他关键因 素的基线数据不足;(d) 解决相关问题的人力资源不足;(e) 资金来源不足;(f) 无
[...] 法获得适当技术;(g) 只注重几个大城市,不考虑以实现 小城市 和 农 村地区可 持续运输为目标的行动;以及(h) 缺乏车辆排放标准。
Among the most significant obstacles to sustainable transport were the following: (a) inadequate institutional and governance structures; (b) a lack of sufficient information on the part of national and local policymakers; (c) insufficient baseline data with regard to existing modal share, user needs, air quality and other critical factors; (d) insufficient human resources to address the relevant issues; (e) inadequate funding resources; (f) a lack of access to suitable technologies; (g) focus on only a few major cities, not taking into account
actions aimed at sustainable
[...] transport in secondary and smaller cities and rural areas; [...]
and (h) a lack of vehicle emission standards.
小城市差别 ”的主题已证明对于北方和南方的公民和决策者关切的问题 是及时和相关的。
The theme “Bridging the urban divide” proved [...]
to be both timely and pertinent to the concerns of citizens and decision makers from the North and the South.
中国政府积极推进户籍制度改革,进一步放宽 小城市 和 城 镇户籍限制,逐 步解决长期在城市就业的农民工户籍问题,有计划有步骤地解决好农民工在城镇 [...]
的就业和生活问题,逐步实现农民工在劳动报酬、子女就学、公共卫生、住房租 购以及社会保障方面与城镇居民享有同等待遇。
The Chinese Government is actively promoting reform of the household registration system, further
relaxing household registration
[...] restrictions in medium and small cities and towns, [...]
thereby gradually resolving the household-registration
problems of rural people who become long-term residents of cities by reason of employment, as well as taking a planned and step-by-step approach to resolving the general employment and living issues they face.
最 佳 合 作 模 式 是 將“一 地 兩 檢 ” 的 概念, 應用於兩 地空港 合 作 , 取 道 香 港 機 場 進入內地 的 航 機 ,在香港 機 場完成 兩 地 過 關 程序之 後,在內地可等同內陸 機 處 理,情 況就如將香 港 機 場視作 內 陸 機 場 般 看待, 屆 時,香港便可 真 正 成 為外國 通 往 內地各小 城 市 的國際 機 場 。
The best mode of co-operation is to apply the concept of the co-location arrangement to collaboration between the airports of the two places, whereby flights flying into the Mainland via Hong Kong will be treated as domestic flights on the Mainland after completing the clearance formalities of the two places at the Hong Kong International Airport.
非 洲城市人口的增长将有高达 70%发生小城市和人口不到 50 万的城市,这些城市 [...]
As much as 70 per cent of Africa’s urban population growth
[...] will take place in smaller cities and those [...]
with populations of less than half a million,
which will increasingly need public investment to cater for this growth.
跟踪两性平等和家庭暴力的法律框架,包括其对处理家庭暴力案件的 执法和司法官员的适用,方法是采取更多有效的执行措施,并在小 城市和农村地区提高公众法律意识
Follow up on the legal framework for gender equality and domestic violence, including its application to law enforcement and judicial authorities handling cases of domestic violence, by taking more
effective measures for its enforcement and increasing public
[...] awareness about the law in smaller towns and rural areas [...]
另外,由Port Authority Bus Terminal (1 212 564 8484; www.panynj.gov)車站開出的客車,除了來往鄰近的區域外,亦遠達全國多個 小城市。
And multiple services out of the Port Authority Bus Terminal (1 212 564 8484; www.panynj.gov) cover the immediate region and the rest of the country.
( 例如在农村地区的乡镇) 和在大型城市中心周边小城市提供 此种 服务的经济可行性。
This was essential so that a combination of remittances and other financial services could ensure the economic viability of providing such services in less economically
developed areas, for example in villages and towns in
[...] rural areas, and in small cities on the periphery [...]
of large urban centres.
二 零 一 零年是集團的品牌提升年,集團有效地重新整合資源, 利 用
中 央 管 理 體 系,由 總 部 全 面 管 理 及 統 籌 各 地 區 的 市
[...] 場 推 廣 計 劃,於 各小 城 市 全 方 位 投 放 線 上、線 [...]
下 廣 告,並 舉 行 創 新 性 的 產 品 推 廣 及 促 銷 活 動,大 大
加 強品 牌 推廣 資訊的 一 致性,受 到 了消 費 者 讚 揚。
The Group effectively reorganized its resources by utilizing a centralized management
system under which the headquarters are fully in charge of the management and
[...] coordination of regional marketing programs.
在为数众多小城市中共 设立 了 10 202 个地方保健咨询中心,并向这些咨询中心派驻地区保健中心的专业工 作人员,其目的就是向散居在农村各地和老龄化严重的人群提供基本医疗服务。
There are 10,202 local
[...] surgeries in numerous small municipalities, staffed by professionals [...]
from the health centre of each
zone, who dispense primary care to people residing in dispersed rural areas where there is a high incidence of ageing.
本次双年展我们将优先考虑所邀请的城市和上海本身的关联,同时也会关注这些城市和“重新发电”这一主题的关联性,甚至一些名声未必显赫 小城市 也 可 能纳入视野。
The addition of city pavilions to Shanghai Biennale will make it an organizer for
the “community of destiny and energy” and can be considered a “RE-Form” of the
[...] Biennale in the diverse city of Shanghai.
中国是一个飞速步入城市化的国家,不仅有一些大都市,也有大量 小城市 , 以 及郊 区。新的供水系统正在许多地区建设,但是,也有许多地区供水系统承受着极度的压 力,这些地区管网老化,管径过小,水资源有限。
This has advantages in that new water supply systems are being built in many areas, but also there are many places where existing supply systems are being put under extreme pressure and where pipes are old or small and water resources limited.
香港廠商在廣東省小城市的投 資,直接促進了當 地的經濟成長步伐和工業化進程。
Investments made by Hong Kong manufacturing
[...] enterprises in these cities have had a direct [...]
effect on the pace of their economic growth and industrialisation.
[...] 展严重失衡,其特点是农业和食品加工行业占主导地位、由于大型工业企业数量 非常有限,社会经济发展严重依 小城市。
Republic of Moldova enters in transition to market economy with significant regional imbalances, caused by the existent production structure, characterised by the predominance of the agricultural and food processing sector and
the dependency of the social and
[...] economic development of small cities by a limited number [...]
of large industrial enterprises.
特别是分布于小城市的AD SL类线路的维护更是琐碎而凌乱的工作。
Especially, ADSL line maintenance
[...] work in medium and small cities is trivial and messy.
经过适当的审核平衡,中国投资已有能力在 小城市 和 农村地区创造工作岗位,支持财富增长,同时也为关键基础设施注入了所需的建设资本,对稳固澳大利亚经济的生产力发挥了作用。
With the right checks and balances, Chinese investment has the capacity to create jobs and support wealth in rural and regional areas, as well as deliver the capital to build the major infrastructure required to sustain productivity in the Australian economy.
经过二十年的努力,现已发展成为产品种类齐全、配套能力较强的集科研、设计、生产于一体的交通设施企业,享有广东省高新技术企业等多项荣誉称号,并于2000年通过ISO9001国际质量体系认证,是“广东省通讯交通设施工程技术研究开发中心”的依托企业,承担的“ 小城市 智 能 交通控制系统”项目荣获国家科技型中小企业技术创新基金资助;同时也是中国道路交通安全协会理事单位。
After two decades of e orts, has become the product range, supporting the ability of scientific research, design, production and transport facilities in one enterprise, enjoy the high-tech enterprises in Guangdong Province and many other honorary titles, and in 2000 through ISO9001 international quality system certification, the "Guangdong Province, communication and transportation facilities engineering technology
research and development center" based on
[...] business, take the "small city intelligent tra ic [...]
control system" project won the national
SME Technology Innovation Fund; but also road tra ic in China Security Association unit.
首先,在中 国 2000 多家影院中,有 1000 多家大中城市影院已经安装了计算机联网售票系统,有效杜绝
[...] 了票房收入瞒报情况的发生,票房收入瞒报情况主要分布在没有安装该系统的 1000 多家地 县级小城市。
The main reasons for movie projection enterprises to conceal box office revenues include: withhold
profit-sharing revenues payable to producers and distributors; and artificially reduce operating
[...] income so as to pay less tax.
一些 学者认为,不断加深的世界经济一体化使得 小城市 均 成 为增长和机遇的主要受 益者;13 而且由于有经济活动的地方,就业机会也增加了,人们为了这些就业 [...]
Some scholars argue that the increasing economic
integration of the world’s economies has
[...] turned both large and small cities into the main beneficiaries [...]
of growth and opportunity;13
and since jobs grow where there is economic activity, people follow the promise of employment into cities.
各国政府多年来对其人口的空间分布均表示关切,侧重于减少农村向城市的 迁移,通过鼓励小城市的经 济发展并建立地区性开发区控制城市扩张或调节主 要大城市的增长。
For many years, Governments have expressed concern about the spatial distribution of their populations and have focused on reducing rural-to-urban migration, controlling urban sprawl or moderating the growth of primate cities by encouraging the economic development of small and medium-sized cities and by creating regional development zones.




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