

单词 小块


(一小块)土地 n

lot n

小块土地 n

patch n

See also:

classifier for chunks, lumps, or pieces of land, stones, cake, bread, candy, tofu; wristwatches
classifier for Chinese yuan
lump (of earth)

External sources (not reviewed)

在远北的 Gulf Country 和约克角半岛,广阔的无人区被数不清的干涸河床划成无 小块 , 而 到了雨季,这些河床会变成溢水的河流。
In the far northern Gulf Country and Cape York Peninsula there are huge empty regions cut by countless dry riverbeds, which can become overflowing rivers in the wet season.
定居者的存在加上限制和封锁,正 在将巴勒斯坦土地分割成孤立小块 , 导 致失业率 升高,贫困加剧。
The presence of settlers, in addition to
restrictions and closures, was breaking the
[...] Palestinian land up into isolated pockets, [...]
and had resulted in higher unemployment and increased poverty.
这是确保实现可持续林地管理和高效 负责任地管理涵盖众小块林地的林业的唯一方法。
This is the only way to ensure sustainable forest management and efficient and responsible forestry
[...] covering large areas of smallholdings.
小块色纸 打印的数据瞬时流量,将为我们提供对象,而在创造新的社会信息流的时候,其思考则需要生产者和参与者都参与其中。
The transient flux of
[...] printed data, made up from small pieces of coloured paper, [...]
will provide us with objects whose contemplations
builds encounters for participation of both producers and participants in the creation of new fluxes of social in(formations).
有一天,离开他们的家,跟随驯鹿,狼的食物来源,在整个大型海 小块 的 冰 像一座桥梁,巴尔托中的铅。
The day comes to depart from their home to follow the caribou, the wolves’ food source, across the large sea using pieces of ice like a bridge, with Balto in the lead.
[...] 在下述特定情况下如此:(a)土地所有权高度集中(例如,不平等程度高于 0.65 个基尼系数),以及(b)农村贫困在很大程度上应归因于没有土地或小农户耕 种小块的土地。
There are strong arguments, however, in favour of land reform as contributing to the progressive realization of the human right to food, at least in contexts characterized by (a) a high degree of concentration of land ownership (such as a level of inequality higher than a Gini coefficient of 0.65), combined with (b) a significant
level of rural poverty attributable to landlessness or the cultivation
[...] of excessively small plots of land by smallholders.
索马里过渡联邦政府仍完全依赖非洲联盟驻索马里特派团(非索特派团)的 支助,甚至为了保卫摩加迪沙的 小块 区 域 都是如此。
The Transitional Federal Government in Somalia remains totally dependent
on the support it receives from the African Union Mission in Somalia
[...] (AMISOM) even to defend a small area of Mogadishu.
小块 土 地 登记外,土 地管理、 城市 规 划和 建 设部对私有和国有大型 土地进行了登记,包括六大国有橡胶种植园 [...]
37 495 公顷、七大国家公园和野生动 物居住地、国家私有土地 5 000 公顷(用于社会工作和经济发展的土地分配方案),
10 处私有土地 3 463 公顷(工业和经济专用区),相当于 2 712 公顷家庭橡胶种植园 的 1 175 家工厂。
Apart from
[...] the registration of small plots, the Ministry [...]
of Land Management, Urbanization, and Construction registered both
private and State large lands including six State rubber plantations of 37.495 hectares, seven places of the national parks and homes of wild animals, the State’s private land of more than 5,000 hectares for the land distribution programme for social work, economic development, 10 places of private land of 3,463 hectares for special industrial and economic areas, and 1,175 plans equal to 2,712 hectares of family rubber plantations.
为了应对这一局面,有必要更多地关注惠及拥 小块 土 地 农户的农业改 革,并促进土地使用权和获得土地方面的保障,尤其应针对妇女促进这类保障。
To overcome this situation, there is a
need to give more attention to agrarian
[...] reforms that benefit small-scale land holders [...]
and promote security of tenure and access
to land, in particular for women.
保护农民和其他农村地区劳动者的权利需要更多关注农业改革,使无地农 民小块土地 所有者受益,并促进保障土地所有权和获得土地的机会。50只有 [...]
在土地改革从根本上减少土地分配的不平等,并充分提供其他投入,包括水、贷 款、运输、推广服务和其他基础设施的情况下,农业改革才可能成功。
To protect the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas, more attention needs to be
paid to agrarian reforms that benefit
[...] landless peasants and small-scale land holders and [...]
promote security of tenure and access
to land.50 Agrarian reforms are successful when land reform radically reduces inequalities in land distribution and is accompanied by sufficient access to other inputs, including water, credit, transport, extension services and other infrastructure.
在我昨天的访问过程中,我看到了三个多 星期的严重轰炸、射击和巷战给这 小块 人 口稠 密的地区造成的毁坏和痛苦情况。
During my visit yesterday, I saw part of the destruction and
[...] suffering caused to this small and densely populated [...]
area by more than three weeks of heavy
bombardment, shelling and street fighting.
如果没有任 何运动或那小块润滑 凝胶被排出,则喉罩的 放置可能有误。
If there is no movement or the bolus of lubricant is ejected, the mask may be incorrectly placed.
这一方式将数据分小块,甘 特表可以更加容易地处理。
This way the
[...] data gets broken into smaller chunks that the Gantt [...]
chart can deal with more easily.
农民小块土地 拥有者、位于城市边缘的副业生产地花园拥有人乐意交付的地产税和租金会比他们 以前交付的多得多,原因(1)城市有新来的居民,他们需要新的更赚利润的农产品,这里的原因是大大 [...]
的 和 自 然 条 件 ; ( 4
The rate-rent that which will be
[...] readily paid by farmer, small occupier, and allotment [...]
holder, would be considerably greater
than the rent he paid before: (1) because of the presence of a new town population demanding new and more profitable farm products, in respect of which railway charges can be largely saved; (2) by the due return to the soil of its natural elements; (3) by the just, equitable, and natural conditions on which the land is held and (4) by reason of the fact that the rent now paid is rate and rent, while the rent formerly paid left the rates to be paid by the tenant.
比如,除了使用 卡车外,还使用摩托车小块柚木,这样比较不引人注 目,不容易被抓。
For example, motorcycles are employed in addition to trucks in order to transport short pieces of teak, a less conspicuous transport method that decreases the risk of detection.
但是,根据最近对集中于小块地区 之内的联合国人员和财产情况的安保 评估结果,已决定在更大地区范围内扩大总部。
However, the results of a recent security assessment on the situation of United Nations personnel and property, which are concentrated in one small area, have led to the decision to expand the headquarters over a larger area.
签署文档,首先点击左边垂直条的灰 小块 展 开 签名面板,点击证书图标,获得证书 列表(图 14)。
To sign a
[...] document, bring up the Signing Panel by clicking the Toggle Certificates icon on the gray vertical bar on the [...]
left (Figure 14).
据在动物中进行的一项新的研究报告, 小块 用 外 科方法植入的玻璃窗可让研究人员对肝脏、脾脏、肾脏和小肠中的癌肿发展进行实时的观察。
A small, surgically implanted glass window lets researchers watch the development of cancer in the liver, spleen, kidney and small intestine in [...]
real-time, reports a new study in animals.
小块土地的生产,SAD 还努力解决所有社会阶层的 住房问题。
Moreover, SAD builds housing units for all social strata.
左上部分是一个庄园内几座房子的平面图;在地图的右边显示了超过 75 块已标识小块土地 ,以及一份关于唐·卡洛斯曾拥有的土地财产的详细清单。
Near the upper left is a plan of several houses within a precinct; on the right are maps showing more than 75 identified plots, an inventory of landed properties once owned by Don Carlos.
工程处关于使每个巴勒斯坦人享有高标准的人 类发展成果,积极和富有成效地参与经济和文化生 活的远景,由于以色列占领部队正在对巴勒斯坦人 民进行的侵略,对西岸和耶路撒冷周围行动的限制 和扩建隔离墙,扩大现有定居点和建立新的定居点, 以及将西岸分割成相互隔离小块区 域 的其他限 制,强加给加沙地带的封锁和销毁巴勒斯坦人寻求 避难的工程处设施而遭受挫折。
The Agency’s vision for every Palestinian of enjoyment of high standards of human development and active and productive participation in social, economic and cultural life was being frustrated by the ongoing aggression of the Israeli forces of occupation against the Palestinian people, Israeli restrictions on movement, the extension of the separation wall in the West Bank and around Jerusalem, the enlargement of existing settlements and the construction of new ones and other restrictions that had fragmented the West Bank into cantons isolated one from another, the blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip and the destruction of Agency installations where Palestinians had sought refuge.
在千年挑战公司资助的土地项目中,尼加拉瓜有 50%的小块土地, 加纳有 40%的小块土地 的所有权列在了妇女名下。
Under Millennium Challenge Corporation-funded land projects, the titles to more than 50 per cent of the parcels in Nicaragua and 40 per cent of the parcels in Ghana are in the names of women.
小块铁氧 体,通常用作高频感应线圈的磁芯。
A small ferrite normally [...]
used as a high frequency inductor core.
客户端分页模式是在第一次载入时提取所有的数据,从而适合于数据规模较小的情况;然而服务器端分页模式是连接数据源控件并检索出仅是当前视图所需 小块 数 据 ——使其成为现实世界,快速增长的数据的最佳选择。
Client-side paging fetches all data on first load and thus suitable for smaller data size, while server-side
paging connects to data source control and
[...] retrieves only a small chunk of data required [...]
by current view – makes it a perfect
choice for real-world, fast-growing data.
正义与平等运动撤出杰贝勒穆恩地区之后,其部 队人员现已分散到南北达尔富尔州 小块 地 区,尤其 是南科尔多凡州附近地区,与政府军展开攻防战。
Following JEM’s withdrawal from the Jebel Moon area, JEM forces
[...] are now spread in small pockets in North and [...]
Southern Darfur, notably in the areas
towards Southern Kordofan, engaging Government forces in offensive and defensive clashes.
The climate of a plot of vines, perhaps a vineyard, or part of a vineyard.
当白色的mozzarella、红色的西红柿和绿色的罗勒叶配在一起时, 强烈的色彩对比给我们的视觉带来了冲击;木材燃烧发出的劈啪声恰似音乐节奏;它独特的香味沁人心肺;口味的精美自不待言;当你用手指拿起 小块 匹 萨 ,举起,然后送入口中,这是何等的触觉享受
The sight is enchanted by the contrast of the white of the mozzarella, the red of tomato and the green of basil; the hearing by the crackling of the wood fire; the smell by its characteristic scent; the taste by the deliciousness of its flavour; the touch, as you lift the first morsel with your fingers to reach your mouth.
1、糕底:将所有1料放一盆里拌匀,放入切 小块 的 牛油(图1),用手将面粉抓捏到牛油里成肉馅样,不要揉捏过度。
In a large bowl combined all ingredient list under ingredient 1(Picture1), cut butter in to cubes and work with your fingers or a pastry blender, work butter into flour until the mixture starts to clump.
扩张莫尼茨绦虫卵黄细胞发育的规律为:(1)细胞体积不断增大;(2)质、核比不断增加而核体积几乎不发生改变,核表面从规则变为不规则,再由不规则变为规则,核内出现染色质浓缩 小块 再 分 散的发育变化过程;(3)线粒体逐渐增多,发育不断完善;(4)粗面内质网及高尔基复合体出现由少到多,发育不断完善,再由多到少不断退化的变化;(5)由高尔基复合体组装的电子致密的小卵黄囊不断融合,至卵黄细胞成熟时仅有一卵黄囊,占据细胞大部分体积[动物学报 49(2):256~261,2003]。
The process of maturation is characterized by: (1) a gradual increase in cytoplasm/nucleus ratio and cell volume; (2) the presence of large numbers of mitochondria; (3) the appearance of granular endoplasmic reticulum and associated Golgi apparatus; (4) the production at the Golgi of small electron dense vitelline vesicles that fuse and eventually amalgamate into one large vitelline vesicle, filling most of the cell volume.
这款全新的Windows应用程序还可以以全新不同的方式在屏幕中运行,尽管你可以将屏幕格式化,但是你还可以同时在一个屏幕中运行多款应用程序,将屏幕分为多 小块 来 进 行显示。
The new Windows Applications will execute in a new screen, although there are ways to make the
screen formatted so you can have more than one application running on one screen
[...] dividing the screen into smaller spaces.




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