

单词 小圈子

See also:

小小 adj

small adj


(derog.) joker
(old) young fellow (term of address used by the older generation)
(old) I, me (used in speaking one's elders)
(literary) youngster
(despicable) fellow
(coll.) boy


circle n
circles pl
ring n
lap n
laps pl

External sources (not reviewed)

在 1997
[...] 年後,當港督換成了特首,特首是經選舉產生的(不論這個特 首是小圈子選舉 還是將來的普選產生),不同的特首便有不同的治港藍 圖。
After 1997, the Governor was replaced by the Chief Executive. The Chief
Executive is returned by election, be it
[...] the election of a small coterie or universal [...]
suffrage in future, and different Chief
Executives will adopt a different blueprint on the governance of Hong Kong.
這種做法,無疑是㆒個封閉的會 員制度,令房協成為㆒個小圈子」。
This is undoubtedly a closed membership system, turning the Society into "a clique".
事實上,大家也不會否認,從這數項減稅會得益最多的人,便是社會上最富 裕的人,也小圈子內最 重要的一羣人。
In fact, no one will deny that those who will
benefit most from the tax reduction are the richest people in society and the most
[...] important members of the small circle.
雖然行政長官是由不民主小 圈子選舉 產生,而且他由始至終都沒有違背中央的意願,在任何事情上都站 在中央的一方,完全沒有理會香港的利益,但即使行政長官是這樣,而中央 [...]
又非常樂意對他作出任命,我們仍然一廂情願地希望終有一天,這樣的行政 長官能為香港大眾的意願或福祉做一些獲得立法會支持的事情,但如果中央
Even though the Chief Executive was returned
[...] by an undemocratic small circle election, that he [...]
had not yet gone against the will of
the Central People's Government and he took side with the Central People's Government on everything, totally neglecting the interests of Hong Kong, and even though the Chief Executive has done so and the Central People's Government is more than willing to appoint him, our wishful thinking is that the Chief Executive will do what this Council supports in compliance with the popular will and for the blessing of the public one day.
不過,第一,我以為透過這個渠 道或是透過這個席位,我可以為社福界帶來一些正面的改變;第二,說真的, 我也真的希望透過這個席位來爭取民主,利 小圈子 的 渠 道來敲破這 小圈 子的鋪排。
However, first, I had thought that I might be able to bring about some positive changes to the social welfare sector through this channel or through the seat thus acquired; and second, frankly speaking, I did want to fight for democracy through this seat,
hoping that I could bring about some
[...] changes to the small-circle arrangement by making use of the small-circle channel.
小圈子選舉 便是造成這個樣子,我們想改 小圈子 選 舉是 很困難的。
Small-circle election has enabled this to happen. And it is very difficult for us to change the small-circle election.
[...] 的宣傳口號和爭取目標,可以製造攻擊這種制度的突破點,並把功能界 別選民基礎較為狹窄這個制度規限之下的因素無限擴大,說這 小圈子 選舉,維護一小撮人的利益,並把社會上出現的種種問題均歸咎於功能 界別議員的罪過。
I understand their views and political considerations. By using the abolition of FCs as the slogan and the fighting goal of the so-called referendum, they can create a breakthrough point to attack this system; and by exaggerating the relatively narrow electorate bases of FCs, which is a factor restricted by this system,
they can name the FC
[...] election as a coterie election protecting the interests of a small group of people [...]
and put all the blame
for various social problems on FC Members.
主席,在剛過去的星期日進行的特 小圈子 選 舉 後,除了梁家傑參選帶 來一些意外,包括激起市民更關心普選議題和未來社會發展方向等,在現行 [...]
這種封閉和不民主的制度下,已知的投票結果、預設的每一場戲,都按原先 寫好的劇本,一幕幕地上演。
President, in the small-circle Chief Executive Election [...]
just held this past Sunday, apart from the only surprise of Mr Alan
LEONG's participation in it, thus making the people more concerned about the subject of election by universal suffrage and the direction of future development of society, and so on, under this closed and undemocratic system, all the prearranged scenes with known results took place one after the other according to the original script.
當然,香港現時採用的小圈子選舉 ,即使小圈子選舉 ,董建華先生有否政黨背景又有何關係呢?
Certainly, the present Chief Executive Election is a coterie election; but then, even for a coterie election, it still does not matter whether Mr TUNG Chee-hwa is a member of any political party.
我們認 為 ,立法會 800小 圈 子 選 舉 的 開支上限 以 16 萬元作為起點 [...]
, 並考慮到第一屆 獲 選 為行政長官 的 候選人的實際選舉 開支為 270 萬元, 加 上 新增的政策研究經 費 和過去 數 年的通 縮 情況,
400 萬元的 行 政長官 選 舉 開支 上 限 已 遠遠足夠, 已 是 非 常 合 理 和可以接受的款額 , 足 以供各 候選人 進行公 平 競爭。
We believe that for a coterie election involving [...]
800 persons, using an election expenses limit of $160,000 as a starting
point, and taking into account the fact that the actual expenses of the Chief Executive elect in the first Chief Executive Election were $2.7 million, as well as the new expense item on policy research and deflation of the last several years, an election expenses limit of $4 million for the Chief Executive Election is already a very reasonable and acceptable amount which will be sufficient for all candidates to engage in a fair competition.
[...] 各位,就立法會委員會的一個職位進行選舉也要干預,遑論日後外間的選 舉、日後立法會主席的選舉、其他職位的選舉,又 小圈子 選 舉 了。
Members, in view of such interference and the fact that it wanted to interfere even with the election for a post in a Committee of the Legislative Council, there is hardly any need to talk about the public elections, the
future election of the President of the Legislative Council, the elections
[...] for other posts or the small-circle election.
我相信這亦間接(雖然沒 有人說過)幫助了你的上司曾蔭權先生在這 小圈子 選 舉中取得高民望、高 票數。
I believe this will indirectly (though no one has mentioned
this before) help his boss, Mr Donald TSANG, gain high
[...] popularity and a large number of votes in the small-circle election.
[...] 约束时作出,国家或国际组织藉此形成加入由缔约方组成 小圈子 的 意 向,并承 诺遵守条约。
The reservation is formulated when the State or international organization expresses its consent to be bound by the treaty,
thereby conveying its intention to enter
[...] the privileged circle of parties and [...]
committing itself to implementation of the treaty.
因此,當我們今天要通過新修訂的條例草案時,我們必須真實地反映昨 天 50 萬遊行市民的聲音,那便是要反對一切特權的 小圈子 的 、反民主的 功能界別制度,要爭取一個全面普選的立法會,不再玩弄人民,而要政府和 立法會聆聽和重視人民的聲音,讓人民的選票成為改革政府,甚至更換政府 的和平力量。
Do not fool the people. Instead, the Government and the Legislative Council should listen to and attach great significance to the voices of the people, so that the votes of the people could become the peaceful force of reforming the Government or even replacing the Administration.
回顧曾蔭權的兩年任 期,他試圖突破董建華的局限和宿命,提出“半桶水”的政改方案,推行親
[...] 疏有別的管治模式,重用“政治化妝”來影響輿論和民意,但均不能改善行 政與立法的關係,均不能改變欽點 小圈子 政 治的致命傷,因為缺乏民主普 選為基礎的管治,始終不是真正的強政勵治。
However, all these moves cannot improve the relationship between the executive
and the legislature or avert the
[...] fatal problem of preordination and small-circle politics, so [...]
his governance, which lacks democratic
and universal suffrage as the basis, is in the final analysis not genuine strong governance.
[...] 選舉產生的,而並非由一些被中央任命的“狗奴才”及 小圈子 選 舉產 生的議員所操控的。
However, the legislatures in these countries are democratically elected
rather than controlled by some "lackeys" appointed by the Central Authorities and
[...] Members returned by small-circle elections.
試問如果我們的政治有着如此不健康、沒有制衡、沒有溝通渠道、打壓 異見,甚至連一個根據你們的 小圈子 ” 遊 戲規則而正式被業界推選出來的 代表也可以被當局置之不理的心胸,我怎能相信往後的所謂進一步發展問責 制能夠有助於我們的管治呢?
If the political situation is so unhealthy, lacks checks and balances or any channel for communication and suppresses dissent, and given that the authorities have such narrowness that they can even ignore a representative who was elected according to the rules of the game laid down by them for the small circle election, may I ask how I can believe that the so-called further development of the accountability system in future will be conducive to our governance?
特區多次出現管治危機,究其主要原因之一,就是政府產生的認受性不足,例如特首的選舉,往往被視為被少數商界精英壟斷的 小圈子 」 選 舉。
For example, the election for the Chief
[...] Executive is commonly regarded as a "small circle" election, which [...]
controlled by a few business elites.
政治领导小圈子间的 关系要友好许多,但是人们对于过去尤其是2006年危机的愤怒仍然根深蒂固。
Relations among the small circle of political leaders [...]
are far friendlier, but anger over the past, particularly with regard
to the 2006 crisis, remains deeply entrenched.
非洲——我们的母亲大陆——现在正在为《罗马 规约》各项规定的歧义性和不确定的案文而付出代
[...] 价,将国际刑院用作工具服务于其政治利益的某小 圈子滥用了这些规定,从其将目标针对非洲国家及其 [...]
领导人就可以看出这一点,好像该法院的唯一管辖范 围就在非洲,而不在任何其他大陆。
Africa, our mother continent, is now paying the price for the ambiguity and the grey texts of the
provisions of the Rome Statute, which have been
[...] abused by certain circles that have used the [...]
Court as a means to serve their political
interests, which can be seen in the targeting of African States and their leaders, as if the Court’s only jurisdiction were in Africa and in no other continent.
日本现在也已要求加入这小圈子, 根据国际法理论,所有国家在这 小圈子 中 一 律平等”。
Within this charmed circle, to which Japan also has now established her claim to be admitted, [...]
all states, according to the
theory of international law are equal”.
主席,最重要的是,雖 然我強烈反對這小圈子選舉 ,我亦以不投票及不提名的態度,來杯 葛這個選舉制度,但我仍然認為,由於這 小圈子 選 舉 的存在,我們 便不能做鴕鳥,我已說過一次,我們是不能做鴕鳥,說它不存在的。
President, most importantly, although I
[...] strongly oppose this small-circle election, and I boycott this electoral system by adopting an attitude of not making any nomination and not casting any vote, it is still my belief that since this small-circle election exists, [...]
we cannot act like ostriches.
可惜,董建華的手法拙劣,套用內地等額選舉的概念,囊括700多人的提名, 小圈子 投 票 也不用進行,選舉形同虛設,使香港的民主發展循序漸退。
Unfortunately, Tung then adopted an execrable strategy of
sweeping off 700 odd nominations, therefore making the election obsolete, even
[...] though it was only a small-circle election.
[...] 二項應該要動議如果成立調查委員會,可能須一併調查整個官商勾結 的情況,以及整個政治架構小圈子 選 舉 ;第三項議案則提出彈劾我 們的特首。
First, a motion on probing LEUNG Chun-ying; second, a motion on the need to conduct a joint investigation on collusion between the
Government and
[...] business as well as the small-circle election conducted [...]
under the political structure; and third, a motion proposing impeachment of our Chief Executive.
可惜,六年過去小圈子政治 有增無減;人情、面子、關係比起法治、真理、公義來得愈來愈重要
Unfortunately, six
[...] years have passed, small-circle politics has [...]
become more and more prevailing.
此外,鍾庭耀認為,董建華在面對危機時總要有所取捨,但「閉門造車、或坐以待斃、或只是討好八百人 小圈子 , 則 是最不智的做法」。
According to Chung, Tung can choose between the easy and difficult options, but "the worst scenario would be for him to work with only his 800 allies, or not work at all".
面對這些數字,卻 不改善房屋,不改善年青人的居住環境,不改善年青人面對“劏房”和 居住的問題,不考慮怎樣協助他們,反而將數以千億元透過各項政
策,透過向公司退回有關費用,透過退回利得稅,透過差餉的豁免, 將
[...] 1,010億元的公帑輸送利益給既得利益的階層和集團,輸送利益給 1 200人小圈子選舉 中的一些重要人物,輸送利益給他們的親朋戚 [...]
友,輸送利益給曾經在海、陸、空,以及在中、日、泰招呼過他的朋 友。
Faced with these figures, the Government has made no improvement in housing, no improvement in the living environment of young people, no improvement in problems such as "sub-divided units" and housing faced by young people, and no plan to render them assistance. On the contrary, the Government has, through various policies such as returning fees and charges to companies, profits tax rebates and rates concessions, transferred benefits of $101 billion from the public purse to strata and consortia with vested
interest, to some important persons
[...] in the 1 200-strong small-circle election, to their [...]
relatives and friends; and to those
friends who have entertained Donald TSANG in China, Japan and Thailand by means of water, land and air transport.
梁家傑參選掩飾小圈子選舉 本身不公平的地方
Leong』s participation hided the
[...] unfair aspect of small circle election.
主席,公投是處理政治矛盾的最好方法,如果這個沒有認受性的政 府仍然沒有政治勇氣提出一個方案來自行決定的話,便留待人民作決
[...] 定,由全港700萬市民就自己的前途、政改的模式和打 小圈子 的 操 縱 和壟斷,作一次全民公決,推翻這個醜陋和不堪的制度。
If this government with no legitimacy still cannot pluck up the political courage to put forward a package of its own to resolve the matter, the people, all the 7 million people in Hong Kong, will have to hold a referendum to decide their own future, work out the mode of constitutional
reform, shatter the manipulation
[...] and control of the small political circle and overthrow [...]
this ugly and infamous system.




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