单词 | 小三度 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 小三度—minor third (musical interval)Examples:大小三度—major and minor third (musical interval) See also:小三—the other man the other woman sb.who is romantically involved with sb.already in a committed relationship 三度—third (musical interval)
当 使用的介质或碳带宽度小于打印机最大打印宽度三分之一时,您可能需要手动将 左侧压力块向左滑动。 printronix.com | When using [...] media or ribbonwidths less than one-thirdtheprinter’s maximum printing [...]width, you may need to manually slide [...]the left pressure block further to the left. printronix.de |
尖峰石阵位于珀斯以北三小时车程处,在风景优美的印度洋公路(Indian Ocean Drive)沿途,由散布在南本国家公园的黄色沙丘间的数千座岩石尖顶组成。 australia.com | Sitting three hoursnorth of Perth, off the scenicIndian Ocean Drive, the [...] Pinnacles are thousands of rock spires scattered [...]across the yellow sand dunes of Nambung National Park. australia.com |
如果 B 组份的粘度小于所选图表上的粘度,则可能 需要较小的限流器或降低压差。 gww.graco.com | If the viscosity of component B is lower than the viscosity of the chart used for selection you may need to use a smaller restrictor or decrease the pressure differential. gww.graco.com |
例如,要延长肉制品的保质期,除使用防腐剂外,在情况许 可下调低贮存温度两三度,亦能延长保质期。 cfs.gov.hk | For example, besides using preservatives to [...] increase the shelf-life of meat product, reducing storage [...] temperatures by 2-3 degrees wherepossible may [...]extend its life. cfs.gov.hk |
o 每天赌博,或者在营业结束时觉得难以停止; o 长时间赌博,即没有间断地赌博三小时或更长时间; o 赌博时避免与别人联系,交流极少,对周围发生的事基本没有 反应; o 试图向员工或其他顾客借钱,或者用赢来的大笔金额继续赌 博; o 赌博时有挑衅性、反社会或情绪激动的行为; o 试图赢回输掉的钱; o 在有压力或不开心时赌博; o 饮酒过度而失控。 hoppersclub.com.au | little, barely reacting to events going on around the player; o trying to borrow money from staff or other customers or continuing to gamble with the proceeds of large wins; o aggressive, anti-social or emotional behaviour while gambling; o trying to win back what has been lost; o gambling when feeling stressed or unhappy; o losing control because of too much alcohol hoppersclub.com.au |
向会员国提供了科学教育方面的咨询服务,包括向柬埔寨派遣考察组开展短期调 查,评估该国大中小三级科学教育的重点需求。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Advisory services were provided to Member States for science education, including a mission to Cambodia to conduct a [...] brief survey and assess the priority needs of the country in science [...] education, at primary, secondaryandtertiary levels. unesdoc.unesco.org |
对于这三种类型数据的存储空间要求来说,如果字符串长度小于127个字节,那么实际存储空间的大小就是实际字符串的长度加上1个字节,如果字符串长度大于等于127个字节,那么实际存储空间的大小就是实际字符串长度加上4个字节。 enterprisedb.com | The storage requirement for data ofthese three types isthe actual string plus 1 byte if the string [...] is less than 127 bytes, [...]or 4 bytes if the string is 127 bytes or greater. enterprisedb.com |
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员), 因为该科在过去数年里已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对阿比让以及西区和东区 的 11 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联 合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地每天提供八小时的医疗支助, 而不是目前的两小时。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their [...] homes after discharge [...] from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the11 level IIIhospitalsin Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional headquarters perform outreach activity by visiting remote offices twice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework; and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours adayat the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to thecurrent two hoursa day. daccess-ods.un.org |
GM5B-32三段保护小型直流断路器的研制成功,不但满足国内外市场对高精度“三段”保护直流断路器的 需求,而且全面提高了本行业民族企业的自主创新能力,有力地推动行业技术进步,也进一步巩固和扩大我厂 在电力保护技术领域的国内外领先优势。 securelucky.com.cn | be used for selective cooperation i n t h e 1 0 0 0 A h a n d b e l o w accumulator battery d.c. system, and [...] also can be [...] used for selective The successful development of GM5B-32three-level protection miniature circuit-breaker for d.c. operation [...]not [...]only meets the domestic and foreign market requirements for high precise securelucky.com.cn |
最新一代高分辨率空气轴承设计,确保实现纳牛米级扭矩测量能力,可以表征低粘度、小样品量以及弱结构材料的流变特性。 malvern.com.cn | State-of-the-art High Resolution air bearing design enabling nano torque measurement capability and extended measurements for low viscosity, low volume and weakly structured materials. malvern.com |
无论是从陆地还是海上污染角度,小岛屿发展中国家在废物管理方面都面 临挑战,尤其是考虑到其环境和社会经济承载能力比较低。 daccess-ods.un.org | Smallisland developing States are vulnerable [...] to waste management challenges in terms of both land- and sea-based sources [...]of pollution, particularly in view of their low environmental and socio-economic carrying capacities. daccess-ods.un.org |
报告员说,主席团建议,根据特殊协议,24 个席位在各选举小组间的分配如下:第一小 组:7 个;第二小组:4 个;第三小组:4 个;第四小组:2 个;第五(a)小组:5 个;第五 (b)小组:2 个,并且商定在缔约方大会下一届常会上,第一小组让出一个席位给第四小组,第 五(a)小组让出一个席位给第五(b)小组。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Rapporteur said that the Bureau proposed to divide the 24 seats among the electoral groups, as exceptionally agreed, as follows: Group I (7); Group II (4); Group III (4); Group IV (2); Group V(a) (5); Group V(b) (2), it being understood that at the next ordinary session of the Conference of Parties, one seat would be returned by Group I to Group IV, and one seat by Group V(a) to Group V(b). unesdoc.unesco.org |
此外,一般在每 届会议结束前,用二至三小时的时间以非公开方式讨论每组结论性意见。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, it generally devotes [...] between twoand three hours towards the end [...]of the session, in private, to its discussion [...]of each set of concluding observations. daccess-ods.un.org |
该 警 司 在 作 出 决 定 前 应 会 见 被 告 人 , 听 他 陈 述 , 并 应 在 可 行 范 围 内 尽 快 作 出 决 定 , 而 无 论 如 [...] 何 不 应 迟 於 原 来 的 不 准 保 释 决 定 之後三 小时。hkreform.gov.hk | The superintendent should see and hear the defendant before making a decision and [...] should reach his decision as soon as is practicable but in any [...] event not later thanthree hours fromthe original [...]decision. hkreform.gov.hk |
(2)影响程度小者,应先公告 7 个日历天,始得修订。 epki.com.tw | (2)Must be published 7 calendar days in advance [...] before revisionforminor effect. epki.com.tw |
该产品可同时对露点/湿度、压力和温度三个参数进行高精度的测量,希尔思仪表为本款产品注入了多项人性化的革新,如用户友好界面,触摸屏,高分辨率的彩色屏幕显示图形或数字信息,数据记录功能(内置的SD卡可记录1亿个数据),业内首创的通过蓝牙实现现场的无线便携式打印,通过USB或SD卡对数据进行转存,并利用希尔思仪表的与高品质传感器设计相结合的软件进行数据分析和报告。 csinstrument.com | The DP 500 / DP 520 can measure [...] highly accuratelythree vital parameters [...]dew point / humidity , pressure and temperature, [...]and CS Instruments implemented a number of user-friendly innovations such as the touch screen operation, high resolution color screen display for graphics or digital information,data logging capability (100 Mio values on a SD card), wireless portable printing on site via Blue tooth, data transfer via USB/SD for data analysis with the advanced analysis & reporting software solutions of CS Instruments combined with high quality sensor design. csinstrument.com |
2012 年第一季度,三个缔约国将提交请求,另一缔约国或有可能提交请求。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the first quarter of 2012, three States Parties [...] will need to submit requests and a fourth may need to submit a request. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 根据与 Cheongju 市政府达成的安排,本奖项由大韩民国提供资金,金额为教科文 组织每个双年度三万美元。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (b) The Prize shall be funded by the Republic of Korea through arrangements made with the Municipal Council of Cheongju City and shall consist of a sum of US $30,000 for each UNESCO biennium. unesdoc.unesco.org |
只有在申报日於地盘(包括地盘办公室)工作或受聘於地盘(包括地盘办公室)三小时或以上的人士,才需要填写於通用表格第527A号所属类别的人员数目内。 devb.gov.hk | Only persons who have worked or engaged at the site (including in the [...] site office) for three hoursor more [...]on the reporting day are included in the GF 527A. devb.gov.hk |
目前,安道尔政府正在与葡萄牙谈判一项《教育合作公约修正议定书》, [...] 其中特别规定将每星期两小时的葡萄牙语课纳入小学教育,每星期三小时的葡萄 牙语课纳入中学教育,并作为业士学位的一项选修课。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Andorran Government was currently negotiating a protocol to amend its agreement on cooperation in education with Portugal, which would provide for [...] two hours a week of Portuguese [...] lessons in primary school and threehours aweek in [...]secondary school, and for Portuguese [...]to be an option for the baccalaureate. daccess-ods.un.org |
法 则 应 规 定,被 告 遭 警 方 检 控 後 不 准 保 释,他 有 权 向 与 该 案 全 无 关 连 的 一 位 警 司 上 诉 ; 有 关 警 司 必 顸 [...] 与 被 告 见 面 , 聆 听 他 的 理 由 , 然 後 在 可 能 范 围 内 尽 早 作 出 决 定 ; 无 论 如 何 , 有 关 警 司 必 顸 在 [...] 原 初 警 方 决 定 不 准 保 释後三 小时内作 出 决 定 。 hkreform.gov.hk | In the case of refusal of bail by the police after charging, the Code should provide that a defendant has a right of appeal to a Superintendent unconnected with the case, who should see and hear the defendant before making a decision and should reach a [...] decision as soon as is practicable but in any [...] event notlater than three hours from the original [...]decision to refuse bail. hkreform.gov.hk |
信息及相关技术控制目标17 ME.4.6 要求确认 (一) 已经达到或超过商定 的信息技术目标;(二) [...] 在实现这些目标方面的进展达到预期程度;(三)管理层 在未达到目标或未取得预期进展时采取了补救措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | COBIT ME.4.6 control objective17 requires confirming that (i) agreed-upon IT goals have been met or [...] exceeded; (ii) progress toward such goals meet [...] expectations;and(iii) whenobjectives [...]have been missed or progress is not expected, [...]management takes remedial action. daccess-ods.un.org |
谈到 1267 委员会,摩洛哥代表团赞扬它特别是 通过预计在 6 [...] 月份结束对综合名单上名字的审议,来 继续努力提高制裁制度三个要素的有效性、可信度及 透明度。 daccess-ods.un.org | Turning to the 1267 Committee, the Moroccan delegation commends the continued efforts to improve the effectiveness, credibility and transparency of [...] the three elements of [...] the sanctions regime, especially through [...]the conclusion, which is expected in June, of the process to review [...]the entries on the consolidated list. daccess-ods.un.org |