

单词 尊老爱幼

See also:


respect the aged

External sources (not reviewed)

虽然这种色泽淡褐、味道甜美的干酪在挪威以外不太为人所知,但却是挪 老幼 皆 爱 的 食 品。
This brown, sweet cheese is not widely known outside
[...] of Norway, but is loved by Norwegians of all ages.
难 民署的年龄、两性平等和多样性主流化战略的总体目标是两性平等 尊 重 难民 (不老幼、无论其背景为何)的权利。
The overall goals of the Office’s age, gender and
diversity mainstreaming strategy are
[...] gender equality and respect for the rights of refugees of all ages and backgrounds.
会议还呼吁所有缔约国即使在目前这种财政困 难的情况下也坚定地致力于实现一个无杀伤人员地雷的世界,让人人的权利都得尊重,男女老幼都能有尊严地 过着幸福生活。
The Meeting also called on all States Parties to recommit, even in difficult financial times, to realising a world without anti-personnel
mines, where the rights
[...] of all are respected and where all women, girls, boys and men can live in dignity and prosperity.
爱沙尼亚老年女 工就业指南》(出版劳工组织生活周期性别问题丛书), 2004 年出版,以增加老年妇女参与劳动力市场的人数,减轻年龄歧视。
A guide on employment of older women workers in Estonia” (from the [...]
ILO series on Gender in Life Cycle) was published in
2004 to increase participation of older women in the labour market and to reduce age discrimination.
曾经几时爱护和尊重自 然,同自然和平与和谐 相处的时候,是生活在地球母亲上的男 老幼 的 生活 方式。
There was a time in history when love and respect for nature, as well as peaceful and harmonious coexistence with nature, were the way of [...]
life of the men, women and children who lived on our Mother Earth.
我們相信, 如果能夠加 強 市 民 之間扶弱助 貧尊 老 愛幼及互 相幫助的精神, 將有助 預 防 家 庭 [...]
慘 劇 的發生,以 及提高 個 人及家庭 解決生 活困難的 能 力。
If we could boost people's spirit of helping the
[...] weak and the poor, respecting the old and loving the [...]
young as well as mutual aid, it would
help prevent family tragedies and better enable individuals and families to cope with life in straitened circumstances.
在教育领域,国家主要保证执行以下原则:教育的人道主义性质;民族和 普世价值、人的生命和健康的优先地位;人的自由和全面发展;文明觉悟的重要 性;尊重个人及其权利和自由尊严 ; 爱 国 ;努力工作;责任心;容忍;培养环 境观念。
In the field of education the state guarantees, inter alia, the following principles: the humanitarian nature of education; priority of national and universal values, human life and health; free and comprehensive development of an individual;
importance of civic
[...] consciousness; respect to an individual and for his or her rights and freedoms; dignity; patriotism; hard work; responsibility; [...]
shaping an environmental outlook.
在学校以外,缔约国应在地方和国家各级就教育政策的各个方面征求儿童 的意见,特别是关于增强教育系统 爱幼 性 质 、正式学习机构和给予儿童“第二 次机会”的非正式学习机构、学校课程、教学方法、学校结构、标准、预算和儿 童保护制度。
Beyond the school, States parties should consult children at the local and national levels on all aspects of education policy, including, inter alia, the strengthening of the childfriendly character of the educational system, informal and non-formal facilities of learning, which give children a “second chance”, school curricula, teaching methods, school structures, standards, budgeting and child-protection systems.
令比利时感到关注的是,在实践中 老 挝 很 少 尊 重言 论和结社自由,对政治批评、媒体和互联网都予以检查。
Belgium expressed concern that the freedoms of expression and
[...] association were rarely respected in practice and [...]
that political criticism, the media
and the Internet were censored.
我们保护和促进男女儿童和青少年在生命、家庭和社区共同生活、身份、国 籍、免费医疗、营养、住房、免费教育、环境、体育、休闲娱乐、学习专业、文 化尊严、尊重和自由等方面的权利,成功实施的“爱情计划”和 爱幼 计 划 ” 等计划受到赞誉,并得到联合国儿童基金会的资金支持。
13. We have defended and promoted the rights of children and adolescents in relation to life, family and community relations, identity, nationality, free health services, food, housing, free education, the environment, sports, recreation, professional training, culture, dignity, respect and freedom.
人一生中的各种仪式(出生、成长、结婚、离婚和殯葬等仪式),游戏和体 育活动,亲族关系与亲族关系的仪式,定居模式,烹调技术,确定身份和幼尊卑的 仪式,有关四季的仪式,不同性别的社会习俗,打猎、捕鱼和收获 习俗,源于地名的姓名和源于父名的姓名,丝绸文化和工艺(生产 [纺织 ]、 缝纫、染色、图案设计),木雕,纺织品,人体艺术(纹身、穿孔、人体绘 画)。
Life-cycle rituals – birth; rites of passage; wedding, divorce and funerary rituals; games and sports; kinship and ritual kinship ceremonies; settlement patterns; culinary arts; designation of status and prestige ceremonies; seasonal ceremonies; gender-specific social practices; practices relating to hunting, fishing and gathering; geonymic and patronymic nomenclature; silk culture and crafts (production [fabrication], sewing, dyeing, cloth designs); wood carving; textiles; body-art (tattooing, piercing, painting).
(e) 政府當局應在考慮委員的意見及其他 相關 各 方後,匯報老行尊的合 資格年資進行 諮詢的 結果。
(e) The Administration to report on the outcome of the qualifying period for senior workers, having considered members' views and other interested parties.
(d) 考慮修訂條例草案第58(1)(b)條,以 便 條例 草案若採納修 讀訓練 課 程,以確定 日後獲 註冊為熟練技工( 過渡)的老行尊的能 力 水 平 ,上訴 委員會亦具有要求上訴 人修讀訓 練 課 程的靈活性。
(d) to consider amending clause 58(1)(b) so that the Appeal Board could have the flexibility of requiring an appellant to undergo training courses if such an option was adopted to ascertain the level of competence of senior workers to be registered as skilled workers (transitional).
加沙是教科文组织牵头的制定支持巴勒 斯坦被占领土幼儿发展及全纳爱幼 教 育 的联合国一揽子计划的组成部分(参见 189 EX/19 号文件有关巴勒斯坦被占领土教育和文化机构的报告)。
Gaza is part of a UNESCO-led effort for the development of a United Nations package of support to early childhood development and inclusive and child-friendly education in the occupied Palestinian territory (see document 189 EX/19 on Educational and Cultural Institutions in the occupied Palestinian territory).
[...] 哥斯达黎加、克罗地亚、古巴、丹麦、厄瓜多尔、爱沙尼亚、法国、芬兰、德 国、下希腊、危地马拉、印度爱尔 兰 、以色列 老 挝 人 民民主共和国、黎巴 嫩、墨西哥、新西兰、挪威、巴基斯坦、波兰、葡萄牙、大韩民国、罗马尼亚、 [...]
At the same plenary meeting, the following States participated in a general exchange of views: Argentina, Austria, Australia, Brazil, Belarus, Canada, Chile, China, Croatia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia,
Cuba, Denmark,
[...] Ecuador, Estonia, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, India, Ireland, Israel, Lao People’s Democratic [...]
Republic, Lebanon,
Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and United States of America.
在过去 12 个月里,在教育和卫生方面提供的基本社会服务,包括向弱势 群体提供的社会援助/保护,已开始改善许多东帝汶人的生活条件:9 000
教师接 受了强化培训,包括葡萄牙文;在世界粮食计划署(粮食计划署)的支助下,1 006
[...] 小学实施学校供餐方案,并采用 爱幼 学 校 模式;通过采取麻疹/破伤风疫苗接 [...]
种和营养干预措施开展的多抗原运动,使得全国人口的 40%受益,包括年轻妇女 和儿童。
Over the past 12 months, basic social services in education and health, including social assistance/protection for vulnerable groups, have begun to improve living conditions for many Timorese: 9,000 teachers received intensive training, including in the Portuguese language; 1,006 primary schools implemented the school feeding
programme with support from the World Food
[...] Programme (WFP) and a child-friendly school [...]
model was adopted; the multi-antigen campaign
benefited 40 per cent of the country’s population, including young women and children, through measles/tetanus vaccination and nutrition interventions.
爱幼学校 手册得到扩大,列入了气候变化和环境教育、在学校 讲卫生运动和教育管理信息系统等单元。
The CFS manual was expanded to include modules on climate change and environmental education, WASH in schools, and education management information systems.
建议指出了妇女随着年龄增长面临的多种形式的歧 视,从尊严的老龄化和老年妇 女权利角度出发简要说明了《公约》缔约国承担 的义务的内容,并包括一些政策建议,以便将老年妇女所关切问题的对策纳入国 家战略、发展举措和积极行动的主流,从而使老年妇女得以不受歧视且与男子平 等地充分参与社会。
It identifies the multiple forms of discrimination that women face as they age; outlines the content of the obligations assumed by States as parties to the Convention from the perspective of ageing with dignity and older women’s rights; and, includes policy recommendations to mainstream the responses to the concerns of older women into national strategies, development initiatives and positive action so that older women can participate fully, without discrimination and on a basis of equality with men.
在这个新的文化同化后,摩西成为一个牧羊人和,逐渐赢得Tzippor ah 的 尊 重 和 爱 , 最终在他们的婚姻。
After assimilating in this new culture, Moses becomes a shepherd and gradually earns
[...] Tzipporah’s respect and love, culminating in their [...]
我想強 調 , 在加強 學 生人文精 神 教育方面 , 中 國 傳 統文化 有 很 多優 良 成 分是值得 重視的,重視繼 承 和 發
揚 ,例如 剛 健 有為的 自 強 不 息 精 神 , 厚
[...] 德載物的包 容 和 謙虛精 神 ,仁愛和 諧尊老愛幼的鄰 里 精 神 , 講 信 修 睦 的 信 義 精 神 [...]
, 進 德 修業的 自 立 精 神 , 與 時 偕 行 的 靈活變
通 精 神 , 重 義 崇 德的道 德 精 神 , 厚 生利用 的 勤 健 樸 素 精 神 等 。
When it comes to the enhancement of humanism education for students, I must stress that we really need to note many fine virtues in the traditional Chinese culture and try to carry them forward — the spirit of continuous
self-improvement, tolerance and modesty,
[...] benevolence, harmony, respect for the elderly, care for the young, [...]
trustworthiness, self-reliance,
adaptability, moral integrity, industry and frugality and many others.
2 款还规定:“应保老年人要求尊重 其 尊 严的 权利,应向他们提供法律规定的必要保健和医疗服务。
Paragraph 2 of the same article also
[...] provides that: “Older persons shall be guaranteed the right of respect for their dignity and they shall [...]
be provided with the
necessary care and medical services, as regulated by law.
一如譚耀宗議員所說般,家庭議會 亦通過電子傳媒等渠道,發放這方面的信息,由此希望強 尊老 愛 幼、 父慈子孝、兄友弟恭及琴瑟和鳴等傳統家庭倫理觀念。
As pointed out by Mr TAM Yiu-chung just now, the Family Council has been disseminating relevant messages through various channels, such as the electronic media, in the hope of
strengthening traditional family
[...] morality concepts, like respecting the elderly, caring for the young, [...]
and fostering harmony between
father and son, brothers and spouses.
制止基于年龄的歧视以及增老年人 的 尊 严 , 对于保 老 年 人 受到应 尊 重而 言,至关重要。
Combating discrimination based on age and
[...] promoting the dignity of older persons is fundamental to ensuring the respect that older persons deserve.
为了在受危机影响的情况下改善教育质量, 在重建方案中采爱幼学校 的办法,实施培养生活技能的方案,以及构想更安全爱幼学校
Improving quality in crisisaffected contexts was addressed through the application of the child-friendly schools approach, life-skills programmes and safer child-friendly schools designs in reconstruction programmes.
爱幼学校倡议是儿童基金会推动优质教育的主要战略,该倡议为全面解决公 平和教育质量问题提供了基础,因为它除其他外特别涉及包容、以儿童为中心和 参与等问题,并特别强调跨部门干预。
The main UNICEF strategy for quality education has been the child-friendly schools (CFS) initiative, which provides the basis for a holistic approach to equity and quality of education, as it addresses, among other things, inclusion, childcenteredness and participation, with particular emphasis on intersectoral interventions.
2009 年,儿童基金会管理的儿童贫穷网成员增至 900 多个,代表了联合国 机构、政府及研究机构,并就推广 爱幼 政 策 的宣传战略、监测经济危机影响等若 干问题及贫穷指标交流了经验。
In 2009, the Child Poverty Network managed by UNICEF grew to over 900 members, representing United Nations agencies, governments and research institutions, and generated exchange of experiences on a number of issues, including advocacy strategies to promote child-friendly policies, monitoring the impact of the economic crisis, and on deprivation indicators.
最后,毒品和犯罪问题办公室和联合国 儿童基金会(儿童基金会)及联合国开发计划署(开发计划署)联合出版了题 为“非洲爱幼法律 援助”的英法双语出版物,该出版物探索了在编制和维持 非洲爱幼法律 援助方案过程中所涉的法律、政策和实际问题。
Lastly, it produced a joint publication with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) entitled “Child-friendly legal aid in Africa”, available in English and French, which explores the legal, policy and practical issues involved in creating and maintaining child-friendly legal aid programmes in Africa.
一年前,我们作出了承 诺,要维护地球母亲的权利。一年之后的现在,我们 应该在联合国系统所有各组织之间发起一系列行动, 把 2009 年 4
[...] 月 22 日第 63/278 号决议落实到行动中,爱护和尊重地 球母亲的文化纳入每一项行动方案 和计划。
A year after committing ourselves to the rights of Mother Earth, it is time to launch a series of actions among all organizations of the United Nations system in order to translate into action
resolution 63/278, of 22 April 2009,
[...] integrating a culture of love and respect for Mother Earth [...]
into every single programme and plan of action.
(b) 鑒於透過技能測試而獲得註冊者,只要其 持有的相關技能測試證書或資格仍載列於 附表1,便可在註冊期屆滿後,申請重新註 冊,政府當局應考慮容許老行尊豁 免安 排 獲註冊的人士,在其註冊期屆滿後,申 請重新註冊。
(b) Given that a person who obtained his registration through trade test could apply for re-registration upon the expiry of his registration so long as the relevant trade test certificate or qualification he held was set out in Schedule 1, the Administration should consider allowing a Action
仅在 2009 年,从加沙到斯里兰卡、到刚果民主 共和国、巴基斯坦、阿富汗和索马里以及其他一些地 方,成千上万的平民死于冲突;此外还有其他一些原 因也造成了无数人的伤亡,其中包括男 老幼 所 遭受 的身心伤害,他们的社会、经济和文化联系与机构也 遭到破坏。
In 2009 alone, there were thousands of civilian conflict deaths, from Gaza to Sri Lanka to the Democratic Republic of the Congo to Pakistan, Afghanistan and Somalia, and elsewhere too; and untold numbers of other casualties, including physical and psychological injury to men, women and children, as well as the destruction of their social, economic and cultural ties and institutions.




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