

单词 尊老



respect the old and cherish the young


respect the wise and venerate the worthy (idiom); to honor the great and the good

See also:

ancient wine vessel
of a senior generation

of the past
of long standing
all the time
old (of people)
venerable (person)
(of meat etc) tough
prefix used before the surname of a person or a numeral indicating the order of birth of the children in a family or indicate affection or familiarity

External sources (not reviewed)

我 用“歧視”這字眼,可能較為嚴重,不過,既然政府說 尊老 、 敬 老 , 又 說 老有所用、老有所為,便更應對長者多敬重幾分。
My use of the word "discriminate" may be rather strong, however, since the
Government says that it wants
[...] to venerate and respect the elderly and that [...]
the elderly should have a feeling of being useful
and a sense of personal worth, it should show a little more respect to them.
[...] 出,一方面,特首和整個領導班子沒有想過如何 老 、 尊 重 老 人 , 同時, 亦沒有為長者年老退休時想出一個好方案。
Therefore, this is telling proof that the Chief Executive and his leadership circle have never
[...] thought about how to show respect to the elderly.
所以對 60 歲以㆖的㆟士,我覺得應尊重他們,本老尊重 他們。
In this connection, I think we should, out of
[...] our reverence for the aged, respect people aged over 60.
我們相信, 如果能夠加 強 市 民 之間扶弱助 貧尊 老 愛幼及互 相幫助的精神, 將有助 預 防 家 庭 [...]
慘 劇 的發生,以 及提高 個 人及家庭 解決生 活困難的 能 力。
If we could boost people's spirit of helping the
[...] weak and the poor, respecting the old and loving the [...]
young as well as mutual aid, it would
help prevent family tragedies and better enable individuals and families to cope with life in straitened circumstances.
我想強 調 , 在加強 學 生人文精 神 教育方面 , 中 國 傳 統文化 有 很 多優 良 成 分是值得 重視的,重視繼 承 和
發 揚 ,例如 剛 健 有為的 自 強 不 息 精 神 ,
[...] 厚 德載物的包 容 和 謙虛精 神 ,仁愛和 諧尊老愛幼的鄰 里 精 神 , 講 信 修 睦 的 信 義 精 [...]
神 , 進 德 修業的 自 立 精 神 , 與 時 偕 行 的
靈活變 通 精 神 , 重 義 崇 德的道 德 精 神 , 厚 生利用 的 勤 健 樸 素 精 神 等 。
When it comes to the enhancement of humanism education for students, I must stress that we really need to note many fine virtues in the traditional Chinese culture and try to carry them forward — the spirit of continuous
self-improvement, tolerance and modesty,
[...] benevolence, harmony, respect for the elderly, care for the young, [...]
trustworthiness, self-reliance,
adaptability, moral integrity, industry and frugality and many others.
一如譚耀宗議員所說般,家庭議會 亦通過電子傳媒等渠道,發放這方面的信息,由此希望強 尊老 愛 幼、 父慈子孝、兄友弟恭及琴瑟和鳴等傳統家庭倫理觀念。
As pointed out by Mr TAM Yiu-chung just now, the Family Council has been disseminating relevant messages through various channels, such as the electronic media, in the hope of
strengthening traditional family
[...] morality concepts, like respecting the elderly, caring for the young, [...]
and fostering harmony between
father and son, brothers and spouses.
尊 老 、 敬 老 、 愛 老 " 一向是 中 國人的傳 統 美 [...]
德 ,長者 為我們現時 社 會 的 繁榮盡 了 他們應盡的 努力, 因此, 我們亦要為他們提 供能安 享 晚 年的環 境,這其中包括適宜的居住環境和 人文環境。
Since the elderly have duly made [...]
efforts for the prosperity of society today, we have to provide them with an environment
with suitable amenities and humanities for them to spend their late years in peace.
針 對 類 似 的 漏 洞 , 便 必須向整 體 社 會提倡 孝 敬
[...] 和 贍 養 老 人的風 氣 , “老尊 長 、 老 有所養 ” , 本 來 就是我們 傳 [...]
統的美 德,提倡 和 發 揚 這 種美德 有 助 扭 轉 一 些 人 將
贍 養 老 人的責 任 推 給 社 會的依賴心態。
Respect and care for the elderly" is actually [...]
one of our many traditional virtues.
制止基于年龄的歧视以及增老年人 的 尊 严 , 对于保 老 年 人 受到应 尊 重而 言,至关重要。
Combating discrimination based on age and
[...] promoting the dignity of older persons is fundamental to ensuring the respect that older persons deserve.
乌干达于 2009 年发布 了主题为“赋老年人以安全尊严 ” 的《国 老 年 人 政策》,这是一份以权利 为基础的文件。
In 2009, Uganda issued its national policy for older persons, which is a
[...] rights-based document, under the theme of “Ageing with security and dignity”.
只有充尊重和保护老年妇女的尊严 及 其不受侵犯的权利和自我决定 权,才能切实消除对老年妇女的一切形式的歧视。
The elimination of all forms of
[...] discrimination against older women can only be achieved by fully respecting and protecting [...]
the dignity, the right
to integrity and the self-determination of older women.
国际行动计划》的目 标在于确保全世界所有人都能够人保障、 尊 严 地步 入 老 年 ,并作为享有充分权 利的公民参与其社会。
The aim of the International Plan of Action is
to ensure that persons everywhere
[...] are able to age with security and dignity and to continue [...]
to participate in their societies as citizens with full rights.
大家都知道,由於文化背景等原因,東西方之間,在㆟權觀念㆖有很大的差別,東 方國家的生活方式好似㆒個大家庭,比較著重國家統㆒、民族尊嚴、提倡和平相處、老尊嚴、道德良心等。
People in Eastern countries live as if in a big family. They put a heavier
emphasis on national
[...] unity, national dignity, harmonious inter-personal relations, respect for the elderly, morality, conscience [...]
and so forth.
基金会的主要任务是积极参与有影响的社会政策的落实,特别是标 尊重 老兵、 残疾人、老年公民的政策,为上述人群创造良好的社会生活环境,采取措 施给予物质、医疗和人道支持。
Its main purpose is to vigorously promote the implementation of a strong
social policy,
[...] especially in terms of respect for veterans, persons with disabilities and the elderly, to establish a [...]
favourable social environment
for them and to provide them with material, medical and moral support.
建议指出了妇女随着年龄增长面临的多种形式的歧 视,从尊严的老龄化和老年妇 女权利角度出发简要说明了《公约》缔约国承担 的义务的内容,并包括一些政策建议,以便将老年妇女所关切问题的对策纳入国 家战略、发展举措和积极行动的主流,从而使老年妇女得以不受歧视且与男子平 等地充分参与社会。
It identifies the multiple forms of discrimination that women face as they age; outlines the content of the obligations assumed by States as parties to the Convention from the perspective of ageing with dignity and older women’s rights; and, includes policy recommendations to mainstream the responses to the concerns of older women into national strategies, development initiatives and positive action so that older women can participate fully, without discrimination and on a basis of equality with men.
会议还呼吁所有缔约国即使在目前这种财政困 难的情况下也坚定地致力于实现一个无杀伤人员地雷的世界,让人人的权利都得尊重,男女老幼都能有尊严地 过着幸福生活。
The Meeting also called on all States Parties to recommit, even in difficult financial times, to realising a world without anti-personnel
mines, where the rights
[...] of all are respected and where all women, girls, boys and men can live in dignity and prosperity.
令比利时感到关注的是,在实践中 老 挝 很 少 尊 重言 论和结社自由,对政治批评、媒体和互联网都予以检查。
Belgium expressed concern that the freedoms of expression and
[...] association were rarely respected in practice and [...]
that political criticism, the media
and the Internet were censored.
(e) 政府當局應在考慮委員的意見及其他 相關 各 方後,匯報老行尊的合 資格年資進行 諮詢的 結果。
(e) The Administration to report on the outcome of the qualifying period for senior workers, having considered members' views and other interested parties.
2 款还规定:“应保老年人要求尊重 其 尊 严的 权利,应向他们提供法律规定的必要保健和医疗服务。
Paragraph 2 of the same article also
[...] provides that: “Older persons shall be guaranteed the right of respect for their dignity and they shall [...]
be provided with the
necessary care and medical services, as regulated by law.
(e) 當局老 行 尊 獲 註冊為“ 熟練技工 ( 過 渡 )”的年 資進一步諮詢業 內 商會的報告。
(e) report on its further consultation with trade associations on the qualifying period for senior workers to be registered as "skilled workers (transitional)".
本项研究报告有鉴于世界老龄化的令人注目的步伐,呼吁作出规范方面的变 动,据此,社会应当超越单纯的争取公民健康地进入老龄,而更要着手争取实现 积极地、尊严地度过老年阶 段,这一阶段应当如同人生任何其他阶段一样,应 当是有计划的、得到支助的。
Noting the significant pace of the world’s ageing, the study urges a paradigm shift according to which society should move
beyond a simple search
[...] for healthy ageing by its citizens and begin working towards active and dignified ageing, which is [...]
planned and supported
just like any other stage of the individual’s life course.
注意到总干事在执行局第一七二届会议上就耶路撒冷问题所做的讲话,呼吁有关各尊 重耶路撒老城所具有的显著的普遍价值并避免采取任何可能有损已列入《世界遗产名 录》和《濒危世界遗产名录》的耶路撒冷老城特性的行动,请总干事继续与有关当局一 [...]
Taking note of the declaration by the Director-General concerning Jerusalem at the 172nd session of the Executive Board,
which appeals to all
[...] parties concerned to respect the outstanding universal value of the Old City of Jerusalem [...]
and to refrain from anything
that may jeopardize the distinctive character of the Old City of Jerusalem inscribed on the World Heritage List and on the List of World Heritage in Danger, invites him to pursue his efforts with the concerned authorities in this regard
联合国特别报告的首次来访,进一步增加了 老 挝 尊 重 包括宗教或信仰自由 在内各项人权的实际情况的了解。
This first ever visit by a UN Special Rapportuer has further
enhanced the understanding of the
[...] realities in the Lao PDR with regard to respect for human rights, [...]
including freedom of religion or belief.
使老人能够积极地、尊严地渡过 老 年 阶段,社 会就需要重新设定老龄的概念,更加强调老年人继续参与社会、经济、文化和公 民生活,并且继续为社会作出贡献。
Active and dignified ageing for older persons requires reframing [...]
society’s concept of ageing to put more focus on the continued
participation of older persons in social, economic, cultural and civic life, as well as their continuous contributions to society.
聽到這消息,我很高興, 亦深信本局及所有關老㆟尊嚴及 保障的㆟,會支持政府這項新嘗試,盡力協助政府達致 合理而可行的結論。
I am very glad to hear it and I am sure
that this Council and all
[...] who care about the dignity and security of the elderly will support this [...]
initiative and do their
best to help the Government to reach sensible and affordable conclusions.
(d) 考慮修訂條例草案第58(1)(b)條,以 便 條例 草案若採納修 讀訓練 課 程,以確定 日後獲 註冊為熟練技工( 過渡)的老行尊的能 力 水 平 ,上訴 委員會亦具有要求上訴 人修讀訓 練 課 程的靈活性。
(d) to consider amending clause 58(1)(b) so that the Appeal Board could have the flexibility of requiring an appellant to undergo training courses if such an option was adopted to ascertain the level of competence of senior workers to be registered as skilled workers (transitional).
(b) 鑒於透過技能測試而獲得註冊者,只要其 持有的相關技能測試證書或資格仍載列於 附表1,便可在註冊期屆滿後,申請重新註 冊,政府當局應考慮容許老行尊豁 免安 排 獲註冊的人士,在其註冊期屆滿後,申 請重新註冊。
(b) Given that a person who obtained his registration through trade test could apply for re-registration upon the expiry of his registration so long as the relevant trade test certificate or qualification he held was set out in Schedule 1, the Administration should consider allowing a Action
本组织力求为未出生的婴儿、残疾人、体弱者 老 人 代 言,促 尊 重 从 受精 到自然死亡的所有人类生命,加强和推动公众对生命问题的理解和知识,包括但 [...]
不限于胎儿发育、人工流产、新的生殖技术、领养、安宁看护、安乐死、医生协 助自杀、人体实验、人工流产后综合征及贞节/禁欲教育。
The organization seeks to advocate for
the preborn, the disabled, the
[...] infirm and the elderly by promoting respect for all human life [...]
from fertilization to natural
death by fostering and promoting public understanding in and knowledge of life issues, including, but not limited to, foetal development, abortion, new reproductive technologies, adoption, palliative care, euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide, human experimentation, post-abortion syndrome and chastity/abstinence education.
减轻病痛的护理要求有重大的经费拨款,并且能在医务领域里动员 很多行动者和利益攸关方,而这对于延长受到危及生命的疾病之影响的老年人的 寿命而言具有绝对的关键意义,对于确 老 年 人 有 尊 严 地 去世也具有绝对关键意 义。
Palliative care requires important funding and mobilisation of numerous actors and stakeholders within the medical sector, and it is absolutely
crucial in order to prolong
[...] the lives of older persons affected by life-threatening diseases and to ensure their death in dignity.




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