

单词 尊命



orders weightier than life

See also:

of a senior generation
ancient wine vessel

External sources (not reviewed)

We were really puzzled for we were
[...] discussing care and respect for life.
[...] 无论是否获得受影响民众的同意) 都必须以尊重受影响民众在命、尊严、 自由以及安全方面的权利的方式开展
All evacuations, whether with or without the consent of those affected
must be carried out in a manner
[...] that respects the rights to life, dignity, liberty and [...]
security of those affected (Guiding Principle 8).
然而,它也是一项道义责任,反映了人类 经过长期演变,逐渐形成一套文明规范, 尊 重 生命 以及人格完整和尊严作为其核心价值。
However, it is also an ethical imperative that reflects the long evolution of
humankind towards civilizing norms
[...] that place respect for life and human integrity and dignity at the core [...]
of its values.
在条约的基本原则中,有必要回顾 尊 重 人 的 尊 严 和 人的 命 、 和 平与安全、 发展与基本人权对于集体安全至关重要。
Among the foundational principals of the treaty, it is
[...] necessary to recall respect for human dignity and human life, [...]
peace and security, development
and fundamental human rights, which are essential for collective security.
其宗旨是帮助孩子们树立正确的价值观,例如 尊 重 生 命 、 尊 重 规则和法律的 权威性,并了解其他与交通警察的职责、交通信号灯的作用、残疾人在道路交 [...]
The aim is to teach children about the
[...] importance of values such as respect for life, established [...]
rules and legitimate authority, as
well as about other aspects related to the functions of the traffic police, traffic lights, and the rights and duties of persons with disabilities in the area of road safety.
这一命表明NFPA 尊重 Bell 先生多年来为 NFPA 规范制定所做出的重要、有效、合理和公正的贡献。
This appointment reflects NFPA's respect for Mr. Bell's [...]
important, effective, sound and unbiased contributions, over many
years, to the development of NFPA Codes.
有人表示,尊重生命权, 国家有义务在驱逐之前,得到当事人在目的地国 不会被处死刑的充分保证。
Opposing views were expressed as to whether the right to life entailed the obligation for the State, before expelling an individual, to obtain sufficient guarantees as to the non-imposition of the death penalty against that individual in the State of destination.
第四条规定,“保加利亚共和国应保障个人的 命 、 尊 严 和权利,并应创 造有利于个人和民间社会自由发展的条件。
Article 4 says that “The Republic of Bulgaria shall
[...] guarantee the life, dignity, and rights of [...]
the individual and shall create conditions
conducive to the free development of the individual and the civil society.
[...] should)基于符合本宣言中 所阐述的各项原则保护人的命、尊 严 和 自主权原则的各国伦理和 法律标准。
Such protection shall should be based on ethical and legal standards
adopted by States, consistent with the principles set out in this Declaration
[...] protection of human life, dignity and autonomy.
乌兹别克斯坦宪法》遵循“人,其 命 、 自 由、荣誉 尊 严 和 其他不可 剥夺的权利”是“最重要的”的原则(第 13 条)。
The Constitution is grounded in the
basic principle that “the human being, human
[...] life, freedom, honour, dignity and other inalienable rights” [...]
constitute “the ultimate value” (art. 13).
回顾 2003 年 12 月 2 日至 6 日在日内瓦举行的第二十八届红十字和红新月国 际大会通过的《人道主义行动议程》,特别是总目标 1“尊重和恢复因武装冲突或 其他武装暴力事件而失踪的人员及其家属的尊严”,以及 2007 年 11 月 26 日至 30 日在日内瓦举行的第三十届红十字和红新月国际大会通过的题为“重申和执行国 际人道主义法:在武装冲突中维护人的 命 与 尊 严 ” 的第 3 号决议
Recalling the Agenda for Humanitarian Action, in particular its general objective 1, to “respect and restore the dignity of persons missing as a result of armed conflicts or other situations of armed violence and of their families”, adopted at the Twenty-eighth International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, held in Geneva from 2 to 6 December 2003, and resolution 3 entitled “Reaffirmation and implementation of international humanitarian law: preserving human life and dignity in armed conflict”, adopted at the Thirtieth International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, held in Geneva from 26 to 30 November 2007
除其他外,《基本法》做出以下规定:不得侵犯任何人的 命 、 身体 或尊 严; 不得侵犯他人财产;所有人都有权享有对其 命 、 身体 和 尊 严 的保护;不得 以监禁、逮捕、引渡或其他方式剥夺或限制他人自由(除非法律另有规定);不得 违犯本《基本法》规定的各项权利,除非经由为特定目的颁布的符合以色列国价 值观的法律,且不得超过所需程度。
The Basic Law stipulates, inter alia, the following:
There shall be no
[...] violation of the life, body or dignity of any person as such; There shall be no violation of the property of a person; All persons are entitled to protection of their life, body and dignity; There shall be [...]
no deprivation or restriction
of the liberty of a person by imprisonment, arrest, extradition or otherwise (unless as provided by law); There shall be no violation of rights under this Basic Law except by a law befitting the values of the State of Israel, enacted for a proper purpose, and to an extent no greater than is required.
b) 任何有关某人的医疗诊断和或治疗事宜的决定或作法只能(shall should)在当事人知情并不受任何约束的情况下,事先征得当事人明 确的同意(因为根据了解到的情况,该决定是适宜的),并在当事人
[...] 不断参与的情况下作出或实施,但国内法规定的符合保护人的命、尊严和自主权原则的情况例外。
b) Any decision or practice regarding the Medical diagnosis and or treatment of a person shall should only be made or carried out with the prior, free, informed and express consent of the person concerned, based on information appropriate to the decision, and with the ongoing participation of
such person, except as provided for in domestic law, consistent with the
[...] protection of human life, dignity and autonomy.
The obligation of the affected State to ensure such protection and assistance in
the event of a disaster aims at
[...] preserving the life and dignity of the victims [...]
of the disaster and guaranteeing the access
of persons in need to humanitarian assistance.
土库曼斯坦的 国家政权建立在如下原则基础上:人民的权力至高无上,人民是政权的惟一源泉
[...] 和载体;承认人是社会和国家最宝贵的东西;国家对人民负责并捍卫公民的命、尊严、 人格、自由、个人不可侵犯性、自然和不可转让的权利;国家权力机 [...]
Turkmenistan is a democratic, law-based, secular State governed as a presidential republic. State power is based on the following principles: sovereignty of the people, from whom all power emanates and in whom all power resides; recognition of the human being as the most valuable asset of society and the State; responsibility of the
State towards the people, including
[...] protection of the life, honour, dignity, freedom, [...]
personal inviolability and natural and
inalienable rights of citizens; separation of State power into legislative, executive and judicial branches; and delimitation of the functions and powers of central authorities and local self-governance bodies.
西班牙对残疾人的命权十分尊重,现行法律法规中没有任何与这一 权利相左的规定。
Spain scrupulously respects the right to life [...]
of persons with disabilities, and there is no legislation in force which might have a contrary implication.
因此,特别报告员提出了 第 9 至 14 条草案,分别涉及保护被驱逐者命 权的 义务尊重被驱逐尊严的 义务、保护被驱逐者免 遭酷刑或残忍、不人道或有辱人格待遇的义务、保 护被驱逐儿童的特殊情况、尊重私人及家庭生活权 [...]
Consequently, the Special Rapporteur had proposed draft articles 9 to 14, dealing,
respectively, with the obligation
[...] to protect the right to life of persons being expelled; the obligation to respect the dignity of persons [...]
being expelled; the obligation
to protect persons being expelled from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment; the specific case of the protection of children being expelled; the obligation to respect the right to private and family life; and the obligation not to discriminate.
如果修正案獲得通過的話,政府便不能夠繼續依 照國際一貫保障動物的命尊嚴及福利的做法把牠們人道毀滅,以終 止牠們的受苦及痛楚。
If the amendment is passed, the Government cannot continue to adhere to
the consistent international practice
[...] of protecting the dignity and welfare of animals [...]
and euthanizing them to end their sufferings and pain.
[...] 历史性的决定,完全符合国际法和我们联合国成员有 关保护人的命、尊严和 基本权利的责任。
That suspension, which we support, constitutes a historic decision, in full compliance with international law and with our
responsibility as Members of the United
[...] Nations to protect the lives, integrity and fundamental [...]
rights of human beings.
希腊报告该国宪法保护命、尊严和 自由,不得由于国籍、种族、语言和 宗教或政治信仰予以歧视。
Greece reported that its constitutional law provided for the
[...] protection of life, dignity and freedom without [...]
discrimination due to nationality,
race, language and religious or political beliefs.
他们最为基本的权利是享有命、尊 严 和 身心 与道德健全权利。
The most fundamental of their rights is the
[...] right to life, dignity and physical, [...]
mental and moral integrity.
[...] 主义行为威胁各国的领土完整和稳定,而且,恐怖主义不仅是对国际和平与安全, 也是对人的命和尊严, 以及是对民主体制的运作的主要威胁之一,打击恐怖主 [...]
It was noted that acts of terrorism threatened the territorial integrity of States and their stability. Moreover, terrorism was one of the main threats not only to
international peace and security, but also to
[...] human life and dignity, as well as to [...]
the functioning of democratic institutions
and that to counter it required a global and coordinated response.
命、尊严和 基本人权遭到最无法理喻的践踏。
Last year’s International Conference of the Red Cross and Red who suffer the most grotesque abuses against their life, dignity and fundamental human rights.
II M a) 涉及人的科学研究方面的任何决定或作法只能(shall should)在 当事人知情并不受任何约束的情况下,事前征得当事人明确的同意后
[...] 才能作出或实施,但国内法规定的符合保护人的 命 、 尊 严 和 自主 权原则的情况例外。
M a) Any decision or practice in the field of Scientific research involving human subjects shall should only be made or carried out with the prior, free, informed and express consent of the
persons concerned, except as provided for in domestic law, consistent with the
[...] protection of human life, dignity and autonomy.
另一个事 件显示了占领国完全无视人的命, 而且 不 尊 重 国际法,在这一事件中,以色列 占领军上周蓄意开火,打死耶路撒冷的巴勒斯坦居民、39 [...]
岁的 Ziad Jilani 先生。
In another incident displaying the
occupying Power’s utter disregard
[...] for human life and disrespect for international [...]
law, Israeli occupying forces intentionally
opened fire and deliberately killed last week a Palestinian resident of Jerusalem, Ziad Jilani, 39 years old.
关于公共安全问题,巴拿马《大宪章》规定,当局有责任在 命 、 尊 严 和 财 产方面保护本国居民以及境内外国公民,并强调,《宪法》赋予人们最起码的权 利和保障,并且不会与其他涉及基本权利和人格尊严的法律规定相排斥,国家通 过社会力量来保障公民权利,因为巴拿马从 1990 年开始就取缔了军队编制。
The Constitution clearly states that the rights and freedoms enshrined therein should be considered to be minimum standards that do not preclude others that may be related to the fundamental rights and dignity of the individual.
[...] 保护他们穷奢极欲的生活,也看到青年、弱者和一无 所有者为了保卫自己的命、尊严和 人格而团结起 来。
In most places in the world we are seeing the rallying of the strong and powerful to
protect their indulgence and the rallying of young people, the weak and the
[...] dispossessed to secure their very lives, their




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