

单词 将军

将军 ()

high-ranking military officer
check or checkmate
put sb on the spot
fig. embarrass


大将军 n

Shogun n


General Than Shwe (1933-), Myanmar army officer and politician, president of Myanmar (Burma) from 1992


beer belly (complimentary)

See also:


military n
arms n
army n

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 是由技术官僚基于事物本身情况来做决定,而不是将军们来 做决定,并且很有希望出现一个更公平 [...]
Decisions are now more likely to be made by
technocrats on the basis of their merits
[...] rather than by generals, and there is [...]
the prospect of a more level playing field emerging.
[...] 报告,仍有征兵活动并且低于法定年龄士兵估计多达数千,从而需采取更多惩治 招募官员将军们的措施。
Nevertheless, reports from numerous reliable sources of ongoing recruitment and the
estimates of upwards of thousands of underage soldiers call for increased measures against
[...] recruiting officers and generals.
智利应考虑颁布新的军事司法法,禁 将军 事 法 庭的管辖 权适用于平民。
Chile should study the enactment
[...] of a new military justice code that excludes the jurisdiction of military tribunals [...]
over civilians.
即便存在准入路径, 由于强将军事、 政治、发展和人道主义干预融为一体的战略以赢得“民心”, [...]
Even where access exists, the independence of humanitarian actors may be
jeopardized as a result of integrated
[...] strategies that combine military, political, development [...]
and humanitarian interventions
in order to win the “hearts and minds” of the population.
海上安全和渔业管理:菲律宾桑托 将军 城 的 金枪鱼渔业。
Sea safety and fisheries management: tuna fishing industry in General Santos City, Philippines.
小组继续搜集关于 Chegbo 卷入 2010 年和 2011 年科特迪瓦冲突的资
[...] 料,并确定他是否效忠其他利比里亚雇 军将军 和 目 前居住在利比里亚的科特迪 瓦民兵领导人。
The Panel has continued to collect
information on the involvement of Chegbo in the Ivorian conflict in 2010 and 2011, and to determine his allegiances to other
[...] Liberian mercenary generals and Ivorian militia [...]
commanders currently residing in Liberia.
(c) 将军事学 院中所有18 岁以下学生视为平民,尊重他们作为儿童享有的 权利
(c) Consider all students under the
[...] age of 18 in the Military Academy as civilians [...]
and respect their rights as children
[...] 人员进行更系统的部署前和部署后培训,定期向部队指挥官通报情况,以及在若 干情况下将军事营 地迁离城市和村庄(A/65/742,第 20 段)。
This progress is attributed to a more systematic delivery of training before and after deployment to military personnel, to the routine briefings given to Force
Commanders and, in a number of cases, to
[...] the relocation of military camps from cities [...]
and villages (A/65/742, para. 20).
着 重指出的成就包括:(a)
迅速核准特别法庭开展活动的法律框架;(b) 黎巴嫩移
[...] 交管辖权,检察官、预审法官和辩护方办公室主任迅速采取步骤,处理被拘留的 四名黎巴将军的问 题;(c) 在法庭主要官员之间并与国际机构和机关进行密集 [...]
接触;(d) 检察官加快调查,以便迅速向预审法官提交起诉书;(e)
书记官处高 效率地筹备建立所有必要的实用基础结构。
It highlights: (a) the rapid approval of the legal framework for the activities of the Tribunal; (b) the deferral of jurisdiction by Lebanon and the swift steps taken by the Prosecutor, the Pre-Trial Judge and the Head of the
Defence Office regarding the detention of the
[...] four Lebanese generals; (c) the intense [...]
contacts made both between the Tribunal’s
principals and with various international institutions and bodies; (d) the acceleration by the Prosecutor of his investigations so as to expeditiously submit indictments to the Pre-Trial Judge; and (e) the Registry’s efficient preparations for the establishment of all the necessary practical infrastructure.
Kyla convinces the Nohrin generals to direct their [...]
troops to stop fighting the Lokni and instead pick them up and fly them away from the battlefield.
[...] 特派团面临的航空资产能力的严重短缺感到非常关 切,我想听普拉卡将军回答这个问题,这个缺口是 否 ——或者不 [...]
如说如何——影响特派团执 行第 1991(2011)号决议所规定任务的能力。
We remain very concerned about the severe capacity gap in aviation assets faced by the United Nations Organization
Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of
[...] the Congo, and I would like to hear General [...]
Prakash address the question of whether
— or rather how — that gap is affecting the Mission’s ability to implement its mandate as outlined in resolution 1991 (2011).
值得提及的是,塞尔维亚共和国已向前南问题国际 法庭交出在法庭起诉的 46 人中的 43 名被告,其中包括占据南斯拉夫联邦共和国
[...] 总统、塞尔维亚共和国总统、联邦政府副总理、政府副总理职位的人,3 名前南 斯拉夫军队总参谋长、国家安全部队司令及若干军队和警 将军。
It is noteworthy that the Republic of Serbia has surrendered 43 indictees to the Tribunal out of 46 persons indicted before the ICTY, including the persons holding functions of President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, President of the Republic of Serbia, Deputy Prime Minister of the Federal Government, Deputy Prime Minister of the Government, 3 former
Chiefs of General Staff of the Yugoslav Army, Chief of State Security Service
[...] and a number of military and police generals.
这份多卷本制作于 1871-72 年间,是在俄罗斯军将军兼俄 罗斯驻土耳其斯坦首任总督康斯坦丁·P·凡·考夫曼的赞助下完成的。
This multi-volume work was produced in 1871-72
under the patronage of Konstantin P. von
[...] Kaufman, a Russian army general and the [...]
first governor-general of Turkestan, as the
Russian Empire's Central Asian holdings were called.
最后,我感到高兴的是将军指出 并表示中方将考虑和研究作为更广泛战略和经济对话一部分的战略安全对话的启动,它涵盖核、导弹防御、太空和网络问题。
Finally, I was pleased that
[...] General Liang noted and said that the Chinese side would consider and [...]
study the beginning of a Strategic
Security Dialogue – as part of a broader Strategic and Economic Dialogue – that covers nuclear, missile defense, space, and cyber issues.
我们认为,支持安全部门 改革方案和提供安全部队培训的捐助国 将军 备和 武器库存的有效管理纳入它们的方案。
We believe that the donors who support security sector reform programmes and training for security forces should incorporate the effective management of stockpiles of arms and weapons into their programmes.
该项目的军方主要负责人是海军的汤姆·康纳 将军 , 在F-14正式定名为“雄猫”之前,一直被称为“汤姆的猫”。
The person responsible for this project was Admiral Tom Conolly, Deputy Chief, Naval Operations for Air.
安全理事会欢迎 2010 年 1 月 15 日《瓦加杜古联合声明》,该声明依 照临时总统塞古巴·科纳将军在 1 月 6 日的提议,特别规定成立由反对派 指定的一名文职总理领导的民族团结政府,在六个月内举行选举,并承诺过 渡时期国家元首、“民主与发展全国委员会”成员、总理、民族团结政府成 员和现役国防安全部队成员不以候选人身份参加即将举行的总统选举。
The Security Council welcomes the Joint Declaration of Ouagadougou dated 15 January 2010, which, consistent with the proposals made on 6 January by the interim President General Sekouba Konate, provides in particular for the establishment of a National Unity Government led by a civilian Prime Minister designated by the opposition, the holding of elections within six months, the commitment that the Head of State of the transition, members of the “Conseil National pour la démocratie et le développement”, the Prime Minister, members of the National Unity Government and the defense and security forces in active service will not stand in the forthcoming presidential elections.
将军用设 施转为民用设施?如何处理核武器国在设计时没有考虑保障 措施的设施?
How to deal with facilities in nuclear-weapon states that were originally not designed for safeguards?
上诉法院在其 2008 年 2 月 15 日的裁决中指出,“鉴于诉状没有表明亚阿 将军 的 行事超出其权力范围,并且,鉴于 以色列大使已声将军的行动是在以色列国给予其的授权之内,亚阿 将军 有 资 格享有《外国 主权豁免法》规定的豁免权。
The Court of Appeals, in its decision of 15 February 2008, stated in part that “[i]n light of the absence of any indication in the complaint that General Ya’alon
acted outside his scope of authority
[...] and the Israeli ambassador’s statement that his actions were within the authority given to him by the State of Israel, General Ya’alon qualifies for the immunity provided by the FSIA”.
过去发生过的类似例子包括 2008
[...] 北京奥林匹克运动会即 将开幕之际,国际社会谴责中国在苏丹扮演的角色,以 及 2008 年中国通过南非德将军火运 往津巴布韦而引起 国际上的强烈抗议。
This has occurred for example, when the international community condemned China over its role in Sudan in the run-up to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and when
the issue of China’s
[...] attempt to ship arms to Zimbabwe via South Africa’s Durban in 2008 sparked [...]
an international outcry.
a. 把可移动的文化财产从军事目标附近移
[...] 走,或对它们提供有效的就地保护; b. 避将军事目标设在文化财产附近。
(b) avoid locating military objectives [...]
near cultural property.
还有,在1979年时任总统的乔昂•菲格雷 将军 到 访 期间,一群学生在宫殿门口抗议,结果演变为一场浩大的冲突,被称为划时代的九月运动(Novembrada),是巴西公众第一次明确表示反对独裁统治的伟大运动。
In 1979,
[...] during a visit from the military President João Figueiredo [...]
who governed at the time, a student protest in front
of the Palace turned into a serious confrontation, episode known as Novembrada, in the first manifestation against the dictatorship.
之后的历届政府仍然是频繁更迭,政治局势处于动荡之中,直到 1954 年阿 尔弗雷多·斯特罗斯将军执政 ,开始采取行政集权制。
The political situation then produced a further succession of governments which, in terms of their duration, can only be described as unstable until General Alfredo Stroessner came to power in 1954.
谨代表建设和平委员会几内亚比绍组合,同秘书长、安全理事会主席一道谴 责 2009 年 3 月 1 日和 2 日暗杀几内亚比绍总统若奥·贝尔纳多·维埃拉和总参 谋长塔格梅·纳瓦将军的事件,并对这些悲惨事件表示深为关切。
On behalf of the Peacebuilding Commission’s configuration on Guinea-Bissau, I join the Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council in condemning the assassination of the President of Guinea-Bissau, João Bernardo Vieira, and the Chief of the General Staff, Tagme Na Waie, on 1 and 2 March 2009, and express my deep concern over these tragic events.
正如将军在其 声明中所提到的,我们同意研究一系列联合军事活动,从海上搜救到人道主义援助和救灾、反海盗、反恐怖主义及更多。
As General Liang mentioned in his statement, we agreed to look into a number of joint military activities ranging from maritime search and rescue to humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, counter-piracy, counterterrorism, and more.
那里有许多古老的文化古迹:了石头雕刻的Kunvanshanskih岩石 将军 的 悬 崖,徐福殿...的照片有是也充满了惊人的美丽和美丽如画的地方:山的鲜花和水果,湾Fenshuvan,石,海,海湾瀑布张家界捕鱼...广大定量的旅游目的地和海滩...相结合的开放性和水疗中心,和一个古老神秘的迷人的城市。
There are many ancient cultural monuments: the
stone carving on the Kunvanshanskih
[...] rocks, pictures of generals on the cliffs, [...]
the temple of Xu Fu ... There is also full
of stunningly beautiful and picturesque locations: Mountain of Flowers and Fruit, Bay Fenshuvan, Stone-sea fishing in the Gulf Falls Zhangjiajie ... The vast quantitative tourist destinations and beaches ... stunning city that combines the openness and the spa, and an ancient mystery.
美国地区法院和哥伦比亚特区上诉法院显然也考虑到类似的因素,所以确认亚阿隆(Ya’a lo n) 将军在以色列武装部队军事行动受害人提起的民事诉讼中享有豁免权。
The United States District Court and Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia were apparently guided by similar considerations in
recognizing General Ya’alon’s immunity from a civil suit brought by
[...] the victims of military actions by the [...]
Israeli armed forces.
霍尼格伯格在拉合尔生活了大约 15 年,他的早期患者包括旁遮普的大君兰吉特·辛格 (Ranjit
[...] Singh),以及大君的军事顾问让·弗朗索瓦·阿拉德(Jean François Allard)将军的儿子。
Honigberger spent some 15 years in Lahore, where his early
patients included Maharaja Ranjit Singh of Punjab and
[...] the son of the Maharaja’s military advisor, General [...]
Jean François Allard.




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