

单词 射击比赛

See also:

比赛 n

competition n
match n
game n

External sources (not reviewed)

例如,《联合国打击跨国 有组织犯罪公约关于打击非法制造和贩运枪支及其零部件和弹药的补充议定书》 在关于进出口和过境许可或核准制度的一般要求的条款中规定,对用于打猎射 击比赛等可予核查的合法目的临时进出口,缔约国可实行简化程序。
As an example, the Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Their Parts and Components and Ammunition, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, stipulates in its provisions on general requirements for export, import and transit licensing or authorization systems that States parties may adopt simplified procedures for temporary import and export for verifiable lawful purposes such as hunting and sport shooting.
阿他击反对赛马场 可能会特别注意到它,是非常残酷的现代谴责在其对本 比赛 马 匹 战车参与了。
A diatribe against he Hippodrome may be especially noted, for it is very modern in its denunciation of the cruelty to the horses which was involved in the chariot races.
最近更新时间: 2012/12/13 // 2012年12月1日至9日,中国人民解放军代表中国在广州举办了第47届国际军 射击 世 界锦 标 赛。
Last updated: 13/12/2012 // People’s Liberation Army and China hosted the 47th World Military Shooting Championship in Guangzhou from 1st to 9th December 2012.
将两次堆垛试验获得的数据与单一施主物品校 射击 获 得的数据,或与计算 得出的施主物品爆炸压力进比较, 可有助于评估受主物品的反应水平。
Comparing data from the two stack test trials to data from a single donor calibration shot, or to a calculated donor detonation pressure, can be useful in assessing the response level of acceptors.
弗莱尔塔克商学院访问罗宾和小约翰解释说,约翰王子举办 射 箭 比赛 , 获胜者将获得一个吻女仆玛丽安。
Friar Tuck visits Robin and Little
John, explaining that Prince John is
[...] hosting an archery tournament, and the winner [...]
will receive a kiss from Maid Marian.
在卡佩罗的指教下,他们成功地在最近 2 场 比赛 中 击 败 瑞 士队,并且最近一次是在瑞士的主场。
Under the coaching of Fabio Capello, they managed [...]
to defeat Switzerland the last 2 times they met, and the most recent one
was in Switzerland’s own turf.
末底改和里格比必须在梯比赛中击 败 的 选手,同时确保持久性有机污染物是安全的。
Mordecai and Rigby must beat the wrestlers in the ladder match while making sure Pops is safe.
这种虐待有多种方面,包括对身体各部位的拳打脚踢,或用武 器殴打,以及击、烧伤、用辣椒液 射 或 用塑料袋造成窒息。
The mistreatment consisted, inter alia, of punches or kicks to different parts of the body
or blows with
[...] weapons, as well as electrical shocks, burns, spraying with pepper [...]
gas, or suffocation with plastic bags.
当天招募的 150
[...] 人全都立刻发了武器,还向他们演示了如 射击 , 并 强迫他 们参加 Mushaki 的战斗。
All 150 men recruited on that day had immediately been handed a weapon, shown how to shoot and
[...] forced to fight in the combat at Mushaki.
27”和“45”两个数字代表着齐达内职业生涯两场重 比赛 中 的 射 门 得 分时间。
The “27” and the “45” stand for the minutes of play in which Zidane scored arguably the two most important goals of his career.
参加世界军射击锦标赛的挪威军 射击 队 与 挪威驻华武官特隆德•卡尔萨斯(Trond Kaalsaas)上校及挪威驻华使馆二等秘书米可兰(Tor [...]
Vidar Mykland)在广州运动员指定宾馆大堂。
The Norwegian
[...] Team to the World Military Shooting Championship together with [...]
the Norwegian Defence Attaché to China, Colonel
Trond Kaalsaas and 2nd Secretary Tor Vidar Mykland from the embassy in Beijing in the lobby of the designated athletes’ hotel in Guangzhou.
穆里尔·蒂普顿先生在前面犯了错,并且 射击 她 , 却没有意识到,她已经退休前一段时间,也意外,Moseby先生在酒店打破了花瓶。
Muriel makes a mistake in front of Mr.
[...] Tipton and he fires her, not realizing that she had already [...]
retired some time ago, also Mr.
Moseby accidentally breaks the vase in the hotel.
周末活动通常是在海中游泳或冲浪、参加或观看体 比赛 、 同 朋友们一起烧烤,以及陪家人共度闲暇时光。
A typical weekend may include a swim or surf in the ocean, participation or attendance at a sporting match, a barbecue with friends and spending time with family.
在联合国教育促进可持续发展十年的框架内,教科文组织拉巴特办事处与领土整 治、环境和水资源部联合组织了一个摄 比赛。
As part of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, the UNESCO Office Rabat held a photography competition, in cooperation with the Ministry of Planning, Environment and Water.
通过海 报,主题墙报、绘比赛及主 题班会多种形式向 孩子们宣传环保理念。
Ltd. has launched an environmental awareness campaign by means of poster, theme wall
[...] newspaper, drawing contest, and theme class [...]
meeting, etc.
[...] 解澳大利亚的艺术和遗产(参见“文化”部分);您还可以参加充满浓郁的澳大利亚气息的节日,如每年夏季在全国各地海滨举行的冲浪救 比赛 等。
Enjoy endless walks along endless beaches; go people watching at fantastic markets; learn about Australia's art and heritage at excellent free galleries and museums (see the Culture section); or attend some
typically Australian festivals, like the
[...] surf life-saving competitions on beaches all [...]
around the country during summer.
有鉴于过去数日来叙利亚局势的升级,安全局势 日益严峻和危急——这些升级表现在持续的暴力行 径和相互击和射击,导 致许多平民丧生,显然是叙 利亚政府提高了所谓的安全措施等级所致,它彻底违 背了它在阿拉伯行动计划以及阿拉伯叙利亚共和国 与阿拉伯国家联盟 2011 年 12 月 19 日签署的有关阿 拉伯联盟驻叙利亚观察员特派团任务授权的议定书 中所做的承诺。
The security situation is increasingly grave and urgent in light of the escalation that Syria has witnessed in the past few days — the ongoing acts of violence, the shelling and firing and counter-shelling and counter-firing that have felled many innocent civilians in the Syrian Government’s clear resort to an escalation of the so-called security option, in complete contradiction of the commitments it took on in the Arab plan of action as well as in the protocol signed by the Syrian Arab Republic and the League of Arab States on 19 December 2011, on the mandate of the League’s observer mission in Syria.
该剧显示,之前公主CELESTIA规则,三 比赛 的 小马没有和睦相处。
The play shows that before Princess Celestia’s
[...] rule, the three races of ponies did [...]
not live in harmony.
互联网上 可以看到格鲁吉亚士兵在进攻南奥塞梯村庄和首府 时拍摄的手机照片,照片中显示了他们旨在专门消 灭平民的种种手段,在一段众所周知的 YouTube 视 频中,一名格鲁吉亚士兵一边破口大骂,一边不停 地向屋射击。
Cell phone photographs taken by Georgian soldiers as they advanced on South Ossetian villages and the capital were available on the Internet, showing their methods, which were aimed specifically at wiping out civilians, and there was a well-known YouTube video which showed a Georgian soldier firing non-stop into homes while uttering a string of profanities.
今年的巴西SALEX展共吸引了五十多家厂商,展出屏幕类游戏、水上娱乐设备 赛 车 游戏 、 射击 游 戏 、篮球机、保龄球设备、彩票类游戏、儿童骑乘台、主题乐园设施以及零配件等相关产品,并以益智类机台以及户外娱乐设施作为展出主轴,约吸引了二千左右的参观人次。
As far as the general situation of this year's SALEX is concerned, the show floor was smaller, the number of exhibitors was fewer, the transportation to the exhibition center was less conveniently arranged, and the location as less ideal if compared with other famous international game machine shows such as the E3 Expo, JAMMA Show, and so on.
2011 年 3 月 8 日当地时间 16 时许,亚美尼亚武装部队从被其占领的阿格达 姆地区沙克拉尔村中的阵地开射击 , 造 成阿格达姆地区奥尔塔加尔万村正在家 中院内与其他儿童玩耍的村民法利兹·巴达洛夫(2002 年出生)头部中弹,他在送 往医院的途中死亡。
On 8 March 2011 at about 1600 hours local time, Armenian armed forces opened fire from positions in the occupied village of Shykhlar in the Agdam district of the Republic of Azerbaijan. As a result of this, a resident of the village of Orta Garvand in the Agdam district, Fariz Badalov, born 2002, who at the time was playing with other children in the yard of his home, received a bullet wound to the head and died on the way to hospital.
[...] 了一名警察,夺取了他的手枪并用这支手枪向第二名警 射击。
He shot one of the policemen dead at short range, seized that policeman’s
[...] pistol and fired with it at [...]
the second policeman.
此外,我们将会与一所社会企业共同举办一项教育活动 计划,期望透过工作坊、体验活动及学 比赛 , 让 学生和青少年对残疾人士的不 同能力有着正确认识,并学习尊重差异和残疾人士的固有尊严,从而培养无歧视 的文化,并鼓励他们共同建立无障碍的社会。
In addition, we will organise an education programme jointly with a social enterprise with a view to enabling students and youths to have a correct understanding of various capabilities of persons with disabilities, and learn to respect differences and the inherent dignity of persons with disabilities through interesting workshops, experiential activities and inter-school competitions, so as to foster a discrimination-free culture and encourage them to work together to create a barrier-free society.
更具特色的仍然是饶的巴勒斯坦当代河Johanan查看:所有由先知所承诺的未来幸福只是指救世主的时候,而在这方面的商店是为在世界上是正义来说:“没有你的眼睛也看见旁边,阿神”(以赛亚lxiv 3 [影音4]苏贝34B条;比赛,但 是,前河第四十五,在年底,根据该神展示给。
More characteristic still is the view of Rab's Palestinian contemporary R. Johanan: All the bliss for the future promised by the Prophets refers only to the Messianic time, whereas in regard to that which is in store for the
righteous in the world to come it is said:
[...] "No eye hath seen it beside thee, O God" (Isa. lxiv. 3 [AV 4]; Ber. 34b; comp.
这个方案包括:(a) 设置建立两性平等奖,这是一 项针对中等教育、高等教育学生和研究生的科学著作和论 比赛 , 最 近一次公比赛有近 5 000 名学生参加;(b) 两性平等、妇女、女权运动调查研究公报;(c) 全国调查研究中心和团体讨论会——思考两性平等与科学。
The Programme includes: (a) the Building Gender
Equality Prize, a set
[...] of essays and scientific articles targeting secondary school, university and graduate school students; the latest version [...]
was read by some
5,000 students; (b) the gender, women’s and feminist studies research bulletin; and (c) the National Research Communities and Groups Meeting: Considering Gender and the Sciences.
哥伦比亚代表团说,哥比亚加强了 击 犯 罪 和一切形式的暴力行为的 工作; 颁 布了新 的 立法,制定了防止执法官员 [...]
侵犯人权的新 做 法 ,包括须 对所收 到 的 指 控 公开负责。
The delegation said Colombia
[...] had strengthened its fight against crime and all forms [...]
of violence; that new legislation has
been enacted and new practices to prevent violations by law enforcement officials have been developed, including public accountability for complaints received.
据北达尔富尔州检察长表示,尽管收到了受害者家属的投诉,但检 察长办公室已决定不对警方提出指控,理由是警方在受到来自人群中的开枪袭击 之后为自卫才朝人群开射击。
According to the Northern Darfur Prosecutor, despite complaints from the families of the victims, his office has decided not to press charges against the police on the grounds that the police fired in the direction of the crowd in self-defence, after having been being shot at from that direction.
[...] 事会通过一项决议,要求各方——我重复一遍,各方 ——立即停射击,保护叙利亚人民,并支持阿拉伯 [...]
We therefore believe that the first priority now is for the Security Council to adopt a resolution demanding that
all parties — I repeat, all parties —
[...] immediately cease firing, protect Syrians [...]
and support the Arab plan of action for a
peaceful political settlement of the crisis.




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