

单词 射击

射击 ()

fire (a gun)



shooting match



射击场 n

shooting ranges pl
rangeAE n


shoot at enemy planes
anti-aircraft fire

See also:


launch v

allude to
radio- (chemistry)


strike v

External sources (not reviewed)

当天招募的 150
[...] 人全都立刻发了武器,还向他们演示了如 射击 , 并 强迫他 们参加 Mushaki 的战斗。
All 150 men recruited on that day had immediately been handed a weapon, shown how to shoot and
[...] forced to fight in the combat at Mushaki.
[...] 了一名警察,夺取了他的手枪并用这支手枪向第二名警 射击。
He shot one of the policemen dead at short range, seized that policeman’s
[...] pistol and fired with it at [...]
the second policeman.
安全部队担心建筑物可能受到冲击和抢劫,经常对示威者开 火;在一些情况下个人明显成为目标或遭 射击。
Security forces, fearing that the buildings might be attacked and ransacked, often fired on demonstrators; in some cases individuals were apparently targeted and shot.
有鉴于过去数日来叙利亚局势的升级,安全局势 日益严峻和危急——这些升级表现在持续的暴力行 径和相互击和射击,导 致许多平民丧生,显然是叙 利亚政府提高了所谓的安全措施等级所致,它彻底违 背了它在阿拉伯行动计划以及阿拉伯叙利亚共和国 与阿拉伯国家联盟 2011 年 12 月 19 日签署的有关阿 拉伯联盟驻叙利亚观察员特派团任务授权的议定书 中所做的承诺。
The security situation is increasingly grave and urgent in light of the escalation that Syria has witnessed in the past few days — the ongoing acts of violence, the shelling and firing and counter-shelling and counter-firing that have felled many innocent civilians in the Syrian Government’s clear resort to an escalation of the so-called security option, in complete contradiction of the commitments it took on in the Arab plan of action as well as in the protocol signed by the Syrian Arab Republic and the League of Arab States on 19 December 2011, on the mandate of the League’s observer mission in Syria.
理想的情况下用新的EOS反叛T3i配对,新的闪光灯320EX使反射闪光六个职位,包括天花板反弹的垂直拍摄,和后墙上 射击。
Ideally paired with the new EOS
Rebel T3i, the new Speedlite 320EX enables
[...] bounce flash shooting with six positions [...]
including ceiling bounce for vertical
shooting, and rear-wall bounce.
2011 年 3 月 8 日当地时间 16 时许,亚美尼亚武装部队从被其占领的阿格达 姆地区沙克拉尔村中的阵地开射击 , 造 成阿格达姆地区奥尔塔加尔万村正在家 中院内与其他儿童玩耍的村民法利兹·巴达洛夫(2002 年出生)头部中弹,他在送 往医院的途中死亡。
On 8 March 2011 at about 1600 hours local time, Armenian armed forces opened fire from positions in the occupied village of Shykhlar in the Agdam district of the Republic of Azerbaijan. As a result of this, a resident of the village of Orta Garvand in the Agdam district, Fariz Badalov, born 2002, who at the time was playing with other children in the yard of his home, received a bullet wound to the head and died on the way to hospital.
据北达尔富尔州检察长表示,尽管收到了受害者家属的投诉,但检 察长办公室已决定不对警方提出指控,理由是警方在受到来自人群中的开枪袭击 之后为自卫才朝人群开射击。
According to the Northern Darfur Prosecutor, despite complaints from the families of the victims, his office has decided not to press charges against the police on the grounds that the police fired in the direction of the crowd in self-defence, after having been being shot at from that direction.
本标准适用于射击运动 中使用的飞碟靶。
This technical requirement shall apply to clay pigeons used in shooting sport.
穆里尔·蒂普顿先生在前面犯了错,并且 射击 她 , 却没有意识到,她已经退休前一段时间,也意外,Moseby先生在酒店打破了花瓶。
Muriel makes a mistake in front of Mr.
[...] Tipton and he fires her, not realizing that she had already [...]
retired some time ago, also Mr.
Moseby accidentally breaks the vase in the hotel.
[...] 事会通过一项决议,要求各方——我重复一遍,各方 ——立即停射击,保护叙利亚人民,并支持阿拉伯 [...]
We therefore believe that the first priority now is for the Security Council to adopt a resolution demanding that
all parties — I repeat, all parties —
[...] immediately cease firing, protect Syrians [...]
and support the Arab plan of action for a
peaceful political settlement of the crisis.
频繁使用枪支后,推荐用于储藏前的封存处理或 射击 后 的 保养处理。
It is used to take care of arms after shooting and prepare them for storage.
互联网上 可以看到格鲁吉亚士兵在进攻南奥塞梯村庄和首府 时拍摄的手机照片,照片中显示了他们旨在专门消 灭平民的种种手段,在一段众所周知的 YouTube 视 频中,一名格鲁吉亚士兵一边破口大骂,一边不停 地向屋射击。
Cell phone photographs taken by Georgian soldiers as they advanced on South Ossetian villages and the capital were available on the Internet, showing their methods, which were aimed specifically at wiping out civilians, and there was a well-known YouTube video which showed a Georgian soldier firing non-stop into homes while uttering a string of profanities.
将两次堆垛试验获得的数据与单一施主物品校 射击 获 得 的数据,或与计算 得出的施主物品爆炸压力进行比较,可有助于评估受主物品的反应水平。
Comparing data from the two stack test trials to data from a single donor calibration shot, or to a calculated donor detonation pressure, can be useful in assessing the response level of acceptors.
抵消因素如下:减少 151 800 美元,因为中断了 2010-2011 两年期为装修维也纳射击场 而 核准的一次性经费;减少 1 540 万美元,因为停止了经大会第 64/243 号决议批准的 2010-2011 两年期为在内罗毕、亚的斯亚贝巴和贝鲁特落实标准化出入控制项目第二阶段 核定的一次性经费。
Those increases are offset by a reduction of $151,800, representing the discontinuation of the onetime provision approved in the biennium 2010-2011 for the fit-out of the shooting range in Vienna; a reduction of $15.4 million, representing the discontinuation of the one-time provisions approved in the biennium 2010-2011 for the implementation of PACT II in Nairobi, Addis Ababa and Beirut, as approved by the General Assembly in its resolution 64/243.
您还可以选择在超大液晶屏幕上尝试高拟真保龄球游戏及土耳 射击 游 戏
Large screens with animated Ten Pin Tour and Turkey Shoot complete the ambiance!
在 2009 年土著问题常设论坛上,巴布亚新几内亚的矿业公司的安保人员被 指控在波格拉矿山对土著人射击和 焚 烧当地民众的房屋,该矿山是由巴里克黄 金公司控制和经营的。
In Papua New Guinea, mining company security personnel were accused at the 2009 Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues of firing upon indigenous peoples and burning the houses of local people at the Porgera mine, which is controlled and operated by Barrick Gold.
在 8 月 29 日第 5 次会议上,审查大会听取了来自加蓬的国际禁止小武器行 动网射击运动前景世界论坛、体育运动枪械及弹药制造商协会、全国枪支协会、 第二修正案基金会和军用小武器咨询委员会代表的发言。
At its 5th meeting, on 29 August, the Conference heard statements by representatives of the International Action Network on Small Arms from Gabon, the World Forum on the Future of Sport Shooting Activities, the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute, the National Firearms Association, the Second Amendment Foundation and the Defense Small Arms Advisory Council.
联合国 负责在特派团责任区或另一适当地点提供一 射击 场 (须遵循该国政府和联 合国之间的双边协定)。
The United Nations is responsible for providing a firing range in the mission area of operations or at a suitable alternative location (subject to a bilateral agreement between the Government and United Nations).
Linatex射击防弹 屏可自由悬挂,仅需在顶部固定即可——这是最大限度地发挥其效力的必要因素。
The Linatex target backing hangs freely, [...]
it is secured only at the top, which is necessary to maximise its effectiveness.
雷神之锤III 是由id
[...] Software 采用id Tech3 引擎制作的多人连线第一人射击游 戏 (FPS)。
Quake III Arena or Quake 3, abbreviated as Q3A or Q3, is a
[...] multiplayer first-person shooter computer and video game.
例如,《联合国打击跨国 有组织犯罪公约关于打击非法制造和贩运枪支及其零部件和弹药的补充议定书》 在关于进出口和过境许可或核准制度的一般要求的条款中规定,对用于打猎射 击比赛等可予核查的合法目的临时进出口,缔约国可实行简化程序。
As an example, the Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Their Parts and Components and Ammunition, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, stipulates in its provisions on general requirements for export, import and transit licensing or authorization systems that States parties may adopt simplified procedures for temporary import and export for verifiable lawful purposes such as hunting and sport shooting.
无法防止粒子射击,杜 克选择重新编程的目标坐标,导致定向能武器开火自己的位置。
Unable to prevent the firing of the particle cannon, Duke elects to reprogram the targeting coordinates, causing the directed-energy weapon to fire on its own location.
馆内的展览充满趣味,访客可随着卡拉OK高唱与森林有关的歌曲;又可玩电脑游 射击 麋 鹿,从而认识不同类型的芬兰森林。
A state-run project, the museum gives visitors the opportunity to perform karaoke songs about the woods, hunt virtual moose and learn about different kinds of forests.
军方想把海军陆战队的实射击场建 在 Pagat 村附近的一块查莫罗祖传 土地上,但未能得到关岛政府的必要支持,因这块经联邦政府登记的考古遗址对 岛屿的许多居民具有深远意义。
The military has been unable to get the support it needs from the Guam Government to place Marine live-fire ranges on ancient Chamorro land at Pagat Village, a federally registered archaeological site that holds deep meaning for many inhabitants of the island.
今天,我的角色,巴西银行,我们有一 射击 之 星 (烛台的模式)是没有得到证实和标准的运动,反对无效后发布了一段视频。
Today I posted a video about the roles ON Bank of Brazil,
[...] where we have a shooting star (candlestick [...]
pattern) that was not confirmed and after
the movement against the standard is invalidated.
[...] 迷彩服并蒙面的警察搭乘一辆皮卡冲过来向示威人群发射催泪瓦斯,并从背后大 约 20 米远的地方向他们开射击。
As to the other wounded man, his companions said they were in Alto de en Medio when a group of masked police in camouflage uniforms on a
pickup truck came by, spraying tear gas at the
[...] demonstrators, and fired at them from [...]
behind at a range of around 20 metres.
与测量约10倍,从一个点射击照相 机单个像素传感器的像素较大,反叛T3是能够吸收更多的光与低噪音,非常适合在光线昏暗的情况下捕捉高品质的图像。
With individual pixels measuring roughly 10x larger than a pixel from a point-and-shoot camera sensor, the Rebel T3 is able to absorb more light with less noise, making it ideal for capturing high-quality images in dimly lit situations.
所以我们可以在铁路 (这在方向盘上的行为)、 疲劳的探测器、 向导长灯、 氙气大灯、 LED 尾灯、 雾灯与光旋转中添加向导维护,前面座位和后方加热,电动调节前排座椅、 防盗、 系统的高功率音响与低音炮,GPS
导航系统报警助理的半独立泊车、 无钥匙起动器、 装饰面料和皮革、 阿尔坎塔拉和皮革和完全的皮革、 更多的抽屉和存储和照明解决方案,网络的行李,遮阳后保险杠、 镀铬外墙 (为窗口)
[...] 包,18"铝合金轮毂、 培训体射击、 挡风、 玻璃屋顶和当然油漆金属 [...]
So we can add Wizard maintenance in rail (which acts on the steering wheel), the detector of fatigue, the wizard long lights, xenon headlights, the LED rear lights, fog lights with light rotation, front seats and rear heated, power-adjustable front seats, anti-theft, system of high power sound with subwoofer, GPS navigation system alarm, Assistant of semi-autonomous parking, starter keyless, upholstery fabric and leather, alcantara and leather and entirely of leather, more drawers and storage and lighting solutions, networks for luggage, sunshade rear bumper, chrome
exterior (for Windows) package, 18 "alloy wheels,
[...] train sports shooting, athermic windscreen, [...]
roof of glass and of course paint
metallic (among other things).
台北,台湾 -2011年11月4日--曜越科技旗下首屈一指的电竞品牌事业处Tt eSPORTS电竞数字专用耳机震撼者一号(SHOCK One)首次与穿越火线(Cross Fire,简称CF)连手合作企图再度打 射击 游 戏 高峰。
November 9th, 2011 - Taipei, Taiwan – Tt eSPORTS, a sub-division brand of Thermaltake, is excited to publicly announcing the first debut join-force partnership with Cross Fire (CF), a FPS game created by South Korean game developer NEOWIZ.




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