单词 | 射中 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 射中—shoot at a targetExamples:中子射线摄影—neutron radiography See also:射v—launchv 射—allude to radio- (chemistry)
这一 点我可以用我在位于约旦的中东实验科学和应用科学发展同步辐 射中心( SESAME)的个人经验证 明。 unesdoc.unesco.org | I can vouch for this from my personal experience with SESAME – the Centre for Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East – located in Jordan. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在需要大量新闻报道的时期,还将把 6 名技术员分派到发射中心。 daccess-ods.un.org | The six Technicians would also be assigned to the transmission centres during periods requiring extensive news coverage. daccess-ods.un.org |
辐射中毒会导致癌 症、皮肤病以及其他严重的健康问题。 hesperian.org | Radiation poisoning can cause [...] cancer, skin diseases, and other serious health problems. hesperian.org |
另一名妇女的背部因橡胶子弹射中而青肿。 daccess-ods.un.org | Another woman was bruised on her back by from rubber bullets. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 Duma 镇,一名平民妇女 [...] Ramziyah al-Sifr 被不明身份的凶手射中肩部。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the town of Duma, a civilian woman, Ramziyah al-Sifr, [...] was shotin theshoulder by [...]an unknown assailant. daccess-ods.un.org |
暴露于超过 5 000 拉姆的辐射中会摧毁控制诸如大脑和心脏等敏感器官的神 经信号,从而导致死亡。 daccess-ods.un.org | Exposure to more than 5,000 rem destroys the nerve signals that control such sensitive organs as the brain and the heart and thus leads to death. daccess-ods.un.org |
在以下项目中也达成了类似的目标协定:乌克兰和巴西关于从阿尔坎塔拉发射 中心发射“旋风号”运载火箭的项目,以及俄罗斯联邦和法国关于从圭亚那航天中心发射“联盟-ST 号”运载火箭的项目。 daccess-ods.un.org | Similar target agreements were concluded between Ukraine and Brazil for the project of the launch of the Tsyklon launch vehicles from the Alcântara Launch Centre and between the Russian Federation and France for the launch of the Soyuz-ST launch vehicles from the Guiana Space Centre. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这次会议上,与会者讨论了在 Alcântara 发射中心为旋风-4 号运载火箭建立巴西—乌克兰联合发射综合设施的可能性。 daccess-ods.un.org | During the meeting, the participants discussed the possibility of constructing a joint Brazilian-Ukrainian launch complex for the Cyclone-4 carrier rocket at the Alcântara Launch Centre. daccess-ods.un.org |
亚美尼亚和俄罗斯一道提供技术帮助,教科文组织和其它机构提 供资金对其进行了拆卸,暂存柏林,随后运往约旦,目前正在制定计 划,一旦最后的资助办法确定下来,就在约旦选定的地点修建新的同 步辐射中心并使之运行起来。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It was dismantled with technical support from Armenia and Russia and with funds provided by UNESCO and others, placed in storage in Berlin, and then shipped to Jordan. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这里是NASA发射中心,你可以到发射地参观,会见老航天员,接受航空训练,看巨大的陨石,甚至可以看到真实的航天飞船发射。 abgcorp.com | Here at NASA’s launch headquarters, you can tour launch areas, meet veteran astronauts, train in spacecraft flight simulators, see enormous rockets, and even see a live launch. abgcorp.com |
(20Hz-400Hz)这个可调的滤波器去掉了早期反射中的低频成分。 tcelectronic.com | (20Hz - 400Hz) This adjustable filter removes low [...] frequencies for the Early Reflections. tcelectronic.com |
来自地球物理学和天文学研究所和里亚斯特天文台的 Basovizza 射电天文台 的研究人员们研究了 237 起太阳射电辐射中的脉 冲结构,并且描述了在 2001 年 9 月 9 日太阳闪焰之前观测到的两种不同的脉冲类别。 oosa.unvienna.org | Researchers from IGA and the Basovizza Radio Astronomy Station of the Trieste Astronomical Observatory in Italy studied pulsating structures in solar radio emission at 237 megahertz and described the two different types of pulsation observed prior to the solar flare of 9 September 2001. oosa.unvienna.org |
积分球用于在漫反射中测量 固体和糊状物。 bruker.com | Integrating Sphere for measuring solids and pastes in diffuse reflection. bruker.com |
在 Nabk 镇,卡车司机 Khalid al-Dandi(1979 年生于 Tartus)在国际公路上 被武装人员追赶时在 Homs 的 Shamsain 休息站附近被射中右手和右脚,随后他被 快速送到 Nabk 医院。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the town of Nabk, the driver of a truck, Khalid al-Dandi (born 1979 in Tartus), was rushed to the Nabk hospital after having been shot in the right hand and foot near the Shamsain rest stop in Homs while being pursued by armed menon the international highway. daccess-ods.un.org |
变身演员或是模特的梦幻场景从镜子、橱窗和玻璃门的映 射中显现。 ba-repsasia.com | The fantasies of becoming an actress or a model [...] are seenas reflectionsin mirrors, [...]windows, and glass doors. ba-repsasia.com |
现在列印的城市地图、 国家或位置可以是任何材料: 塑胶、 木材、 玻璃、 办公室地图上映射中,映射业务信用卡...您的零售商的位置的地图。 g-sochi.ru | Now print the map of the city, country or location can be on any material: map on plastic, wood, glass, Office maps, map business credit cards ... Map of the location of your outlets. g-sochi.ru |
反弹》是一个在台球台上玩的迷你游戏,目的是要在一次发 射中得到最多的撞击。 pepere.org | Rebounds is a mini game which takes place on a billiards board. pepere.org |
他们的家被冲走了,他们失去了最爱的亲人,在废墟和辐 射中生活了两个多月。 shanghaibiennale.org | Their houses were washed away, they lost loved ones, and they have lived amongst [...] destructionand radiation forover two months. shanghaibiennale.org |
比如,在拍摄一位模特走向玻璃门的场景,映 射中的大楼实际上离开拍摄地点3个街区。 ba-repsasia.com | For example, in the shot of the woman walking towards a glass door, the buildings in the reflection were actually three blocks down from where the model was captured. ba-repsasia.com |
我们代表团对包括酒泉卫星发射中心在内的与中国载人航天有关的设施进行了全面参观, 并会见了相关的中国高级政府官员。 embassyusa.cn | Our delegation conducted a very comprehensive visit to Chinese human spaceflight related facilities including the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center and conducted meetings with relevant senior officials in the Chinese government. eng.embassyusa.cn |
这些来自泰国的年轻女子在别的锦标赛中都是最具实力的竞争者。他们在这场比赛中甚至控制住自己不去 射中球门。 specialolympics.org | These young women from Thailand, who in other tournament matches were the toughest competitors on the pitch, even held back on scoring. specialolympics.org |
按照古代的风俗习惯两侧站着一些人唱着民歌,除了对 射中的箭欢呼之外,还要用手势表示所射箭偏离的方向和所得成绩。 juulchin.com | In accordance with ancient custom, several men stand on either side of the target singing a folk song (uuhai) to clear the contestants and then use hand signals to indicate the results. juulchin.com |
世界各地的射击场已选定Linatex作为保护射击者免受流弹 射中危险的永久器械。 zs.weirminerals.com | Shooting ranges throughout the world have selected Linatex as a permanent fixture to safeguardshooters againstdangerous ricochets. weirminerals.com |
总参谋长阿什肯纳奇在特克尔委员会 2010 年 8 月 11 日在以色列举行的听证中提到,一名士 兵被“一活动分子射中腹部”,同时,“在搏斗过程中,5 名士兵被刺伤、击伤和射伤”。 daccess-ods.un.org | In his testimony to the Turkel Committee, held in Israel on 11 August 2010, Chief of General Staff Ashkenazi refers to one soldier being “shot in his abdomen by one of the activists” and that “in the course of the battle, five soldiers [were] wounded by stabbings, blows and shooting”. daccess-ods.un.org |
巴西和乌克兰正在尽最大努力建立两国共有的公司 Alcantara Cyclone Space (ACS),该公司是根据 2003 年签署的一项协定创立的,将负责利用 Alcantara 发射中心发射由乌克兰开发的运载火箭 Cyclone-4,该发射中心因接近赤道而成 为首选之地。 oosa.unvienna.org | Brazil and Ukraine are concentrating their best efforts on setting up a bi-national company, Alcantara Cyclone Space, which was created by a treaty signed in 2003 and will be in charge of the exploitation of the Alcantara Launch Centre, a privileged site because of its proximity to the Equator, through the launching of the Cyclone-4 vehicle developed by Ukraine. oosa.unvienna.org |
李广箭法很好,他以为老虎一定中箭身亡,于是走近前去,仔细一看,未料被 射中的竟是一块形状很像老虎的大石头。 chinesestoryonline.com | To his surprise, however, when he and his followers came over to check his prey, they found there was no tiger at all; his arrow was deeply shot into a big stone which resembles the shape of a crouching tiger, only the feather on the end of the arrow remaining outside. chinesestoryonline.com |
本文使用多材质射出成型之齿轮模型进行 分析:第一射的模型如图 1 所示,第二射的模型 如图 [...] 2(a),并以第一射的射出件作为第二射中央的塑胶嵌件(图 2(b))。 moldex3d.com | If the material of the first shot is fiber-reinforced, its fiber orientation should be considered into [...] analyzing the warpage of the second shot. moldex3d.com |
世界空间观测站将包括一个超出各大空间机 构正常规划范围的卫星观测站 在世界空间观测站 的规划和发射中采纳新的办法之后 可以显着地减 少成本 大大有利于目前尚无空间能力的国家参与 空间科学研究 这样一个空间观测站将有助于今后 大力开展空间科学活动 neutrino.aquaphoenix.com | The new approach incorporated into the planning and launching of the world space observatory could result in significant cost savings as well as facilitate to a considerable decree the participation in the space sciences of currently non-“space-faring” nations. neutrino.aquaphoenix.com |