


allude to
radio- (chemistry)








External sources (not reviewed)

根据论坛结果制订了确定物最危 险地区的“路线图”以及保证其安全的行动计划。
The forum led to the drafting of a road map identifying the most
[...] dangerous areas with radioactivewaste and a [...]
plan of action to ensure their safety.
新增开支主要与我们於去年下半年所星引致之在轨保险有 关。
This increase was related substantially to in-orbit insurance incurred for our new satellite, launched in the second half of last year.
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、 动植物健康问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析和加强基层 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) 食品
标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) 设立一个食物链管理框
[...] 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情 况,以及对核胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 [...]
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national ability to monitor, diagnose, report and respond to pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, food
safety threats and emergencies, as well
[...] as nuclear and radiologicalthreatsand emergencies; [...]
and the organization of international
forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.
这种虐待有多种方面,包括对身体各部位的拳打脚踢,或用武 器殴打,以及电击、烧伤、用辣椒液 塑料袋造成窒息。
The mistreatment consisted, inter alia, of punches or kicks to different parts of the body or blows with weapons, as well as electrical shocks, burns, spraying with pepper gas, orsuffocation with plastic bags.
大会第六十四届会议请科学委员会继续进行其工作,包括进行重要的活动, 以增加对一切来源之电离影响和危险的认识;请科学委员会下届会议继 续审查电离 的各项重要问题,并就此向大会第六十五届会议提出报告; 并决心资源分配一旦确定,便在科学委员会第五十七届会议后,但不迟于大会第 六十四届会议结束前,就委员会的组成作出决定(第 64/85 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly requested the Scientific Committee to continue its work, including its important activities to increase knowledge of the
levels, effects and risks of
[...] ionizing radiation from all sources; requested the Scientific Committee to continue at its next session the review of the important questions in the field of ionizing radiation and to report [...]
thereon to the Assembly
at its sixty-fifth session; and resolved to take a decision on the membership of the Scientific Committee once a decision on resource allocation had been made and after the fifty-seventh session of the Scientific Committee but no later than the end of the sixty-fourth session of the General Assembly (resolution 64/85).
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Additional tools include an image editor, integrated screen capture, a unique user interface screenshot markup tool, a popup help designer and help context id mapping Add-in for Visual Basic, integrated task management, a customizable content helper library (for automating the creation of common help content) all add up to the only Help Authoring toolset you will ever need.
(b) 其次,《热核实验堆协定》规定,所赋予的特权和豁免不得减损或影响 热核实验堆组织、总干事和工作人员遵守《热核实验堆协定》第 14 条所载条例
[...] 的义务,这些条例即东道国在公共和职业卫生和安全、核安全、、许 可、核物质、环境保护及防止恶意行为等领域适用的国内法律和条例。
(b) Secondly, the ITER Agreement establishes that the privileges and immunities granted shall neither diminish nor affect the duty of the ITER Organization, the Director-General and members of staff to comply with the regulations set out in article 14 of the ITER Agreement, namely, applicable national laws and regulations of the host State in the fields of
public and occupational health and safety,
[...] nuclear safety, radiationprotection, [...]
licensing, nuclear substances, environmental
protection and protection from acts of malevolence.
禁令涵盖的食品如下: a) 所有水果和蔬菜; b) 所有奶类、奶类饮品及奶粉;以及 c) 所有冷冻或冷藏野味、肉类和家禽、禽蛋,以及活生、冷冻或冷藏水产品,除
[...] 非附有日本主管当局所签发的证明书证明有关食物的并没有超出食 品法典委员会的标准。
Food items covered in the prohibition order included the a) all fruits and vegetables; b) all milk, milk beverages and dried milk; and c) all chilled or frozen game, meat and poultry, poultry eggs, and live, chilled or frozen aquatic products unless accompanied by a certificate issued
by the competent authority of Japan
[...] certifyingthat the radiationlevels donot exceed [...]
the standards laid down by the Codex.
[...] 了其病历手册,其中记载他请求进行爱克斯光检查,因为腹部持续疼痛 部和臀部左侧;在手册中没有记录答复,只有囚犯的坚持要求。
Another showed his healthcare booklet in which he
requests an X-ray because of persistent pain in
[...] the abdomenradiating to theback [...]
and left hip; no response was noted in the
carnet other than the prisoner’s insistence.
由於重新安排的 未能提供充足时间 ,於一旦首次成功时 ,可以重新建造 及再次,本公司继续探讨各种方案 ,以确保对客户提供的服务不会间断 。
As this rescheduled launch date may not provide sufficient time for such a re-build and re-launch in the event of an unsuccessful first launch, the Company continues to explore options to ensure the continuity of service to its customers.
以下 因素合在一起,对用作恐怖武器的便携式防空系统的威胁更具体地作了量化:必要 物资的供应情况;需求(恐怖分子寻求武器),以及潜在买家的经济手段;武器的能 力(便携式防空系统的设计尖端程度);武器各部件的运作状态(电池、自动 导引器和运作情况);正确操作武器的能力;以及接触到潜在目标的能力。
A combination of the following factors quantifies more specifically the threat of man-portable air defence systems used as a terrorist weapon: the availability of the necessary materiel; the demand (terrorists seeking weapons) and the economic means of potential buyers; the capacity and the range of the weapon (sophistication of design of the man-portable air defence systems); the operational
status of the
[...] weapon’s various components (functionality of the batteries, seekers andlaunchers); theability to operate the weapon properly; and the ability to access [...]
potential targets.
该事务的实际情况制定几乎可以在这些方面,但是,由于分歧组成,在大多数情况下,仅仅在某些句子的变种,还是在实际上有不同的作者,其中 ;虽 然许多这些偏差是由R.约拿和R.圣何塞,谁住在太巴列contemporaneously,教引,这一事实证明几乎假设有两种不同的Talmudim,一个由约拿和其他由何塞教授,它仍将是显而易见的,从上面提到的声明,即犹太法典中存在的一些明确的形式在整个amoraic时期,而且,而且,其最后节录了其他修改之前。
The actual condition of affairs can scarcely be formulated in these terms, however, since the divergencies consist, for the most part, of mere variants in certain sentences, or in the fact that there were different authors and transmitters of them; and although many of these deviations are cited by R. Jonah and R. Jose, who lived and taught contemporaneously at Tiberias, this fact scarcely justifies the assumption that there were two different Talmudim, one taught by Jonah and the other by Jose; it will nevertheless be evident, from the statements cited above, that the Talmud existed in some definite form throughout the amoraic period, and that, furthermore, its final redaction was preceded by other revisions.
减少核恐怖主义风险,从而保障所有易流失核材料的安全,使其不被用于 核恐怖主义,鼓励所有国家实施原子能机构关于核材料和核设施实物保护
[...] 的最新建议(INFCIRC/225/Rev.5),鼓励各方努力保障全,吁请各 国支持原子能机构《2010-2013 [...]
The Security Council underlines the importance for States to share best practices with a view to improved nuclear security practices to reduce the risk of nuclear terrorism, with the aim of securing all vulnerable nuclear material from such risks, encourages all States to implement the IAEA’s most current recommendations on physical protection of nuclear material and nuclear
facilities (INFCIRC/225/Rev.5), encourages
[...] effortsto secureradioactive sources, andcalls [...]
for States to support the IAEA Nuclear
Security Plan for 2010-2013 and to make voluntary contributions to the Nuclear Security Fund.
安全理事会要求朝鲜立即全面遵守安全 理事会第 1718(2006)号和第 1874(2009)号决议 为其规定的义务,包括:以完全、可核查和不可 逆的方式放弃所有核武器和现有核计划;立即停 止所有相关活动;不使用弹道导弹技术进行进一 步进行核试验,也不进行进一步挑衅。
The Security Council demands that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea immediately comply fully with its obligations under Security Council resolutions 1718 (2006) and 1874 (2009), including that it abandon all nuclear weapons and existing nuclear programmes in a complete, verifiable and irreversible manner; immediately cease all related activities; and not conduct any further launches that use ballistic missile technology, nuclear tests or any further provocation.
对 每 个配 一 个 独 特 的 相 关 码,可 以 使 多 个 对 话 共 享 同 一 频 谱。
By assigning a unique correlating code to each transmitter, several simultaneous conversations can share the same frequency allocations.
其他要着重指出的一些倡议包括:乳癌和子宫颈癌检查行动计划,该计划增 加乳房 X 线房活组织检查和病理性细胞检查的次数,和减少比较激烈的 [...]
切割外科手术治疗;乡村产科护理行动例如培训医生/护士紧急治疗能力,以及 鼓励正常分娩;镰刀型贫血症病患治疗国家方案,该方案特别着重生殖年龄妇女; 流动紧急治疗服务。
Other noteworthy initiatives include the Breast and Cervical
Cancer Screening Action Plan, which provided
[...] increased numbers of mammograms, breast [...]
biopsies and Pap smears and reduced the
number of radical, mutilating surgeries; field-level obstetrical care, such as training in emergency care for doctors and nurses and normal childbirth campaigns; the National Sickle-Cell Anaemia Carrier Treatment Programme, which focuses on women of reproductive age; and the Mobile Emergency Care Service.
这些零部件可能中并导致严重的人员伤 害或财产损失。
Parts could project through the air and result in serious injury or property damage.
执行局第一六二届会议收到了关于在教科文组织支持下建立同步中东实验科 学和应用科学发展(SESAME)的国际中心的这项建议的有关材料,一个是约旦常驻教科文 [...]
组织代表团所提交的一份解释性说明(文件 162 EX/49),其中建议将约旦作为该中心所在
地,另一个则是总干事的有关报告(文件 162 EX/49 增补件),其中对上述解释性说明作了 进一步的补充并介绍教科文组织参与有关项目的情况及所取得的主要成果。
Information on the proposal to establish an International
[...] Centrefor Synchrotron Light for [...]
Experimental Science and Applications in the
Middle East (SESAME) under the auspices of UNESCO was conveyed to the Executive Board at its 162nd session through an explanatory note submitted by the Permanent Delegation of Jordan to UNESCO (162 EX/49), Jordan being the proposed State to host the Centre, as well as a report by the Director-General complementing the explanatory note and describing UNESCO’s involvement in the project and key achievements attained (162 EX/49 Add.).
[...] 器(检波器)、二极管、定向耦合器、前端模块、混合器件、基础架系统、混频器/解调 器、光耦合器、光隔离器、移相器、PLL(锁相环)/频综/VCO(压控振荡器)、功率分配器/合 [...]
The Company’s portfolio includes amplifiers, attenuators,
[...] circulators, detectors, diodes, directional [...]
couplers, front-end modules, hybrids,
infrastructure RF subsystems, isolators, lighting and display solutions, mixers/demodulators, optocouplers, optoisolators, phase shifters, PLLs/synthesizers/VCOs, power dividers/combiners, power management devices, receivers, switches, and technical ceramics.
在这方面,墨西哥与过去在安理会所做的一样, 再次表示对过去 19 天来发生的暴力深感关切,并谴 责以色列军队在加沙过度使用武力以及哈马斯从加 沙地带向以色列领土弹的行为,后者也造成 了平民人口的伤亡。
In this regard, as it has done before in the Council, Mexico reiterates its deep concern about the violence unleashed over the past 19 days and condemns the Israeli army’s excessive use of force in Gaza, as well as the launchingof rockets into Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip by Hamas, which has also resulted in deaths and injuries among the civilian population.
确保埃及遵守国际义务,包括防止非法或未经授权获取核材料的义务, 以及防止干预合法使用此类材料的义务,此类材料包括盗窃、虚报、威 胁、破坏和非法贩运等刑事犯罪活动所涉及的核材料和设施;确保安全 处理所有领域中各类电离以便保证对个人、社会和环境的保护, 并确保在核或、器具、设备和技术方面不开展任何活动,但监 管当局授权的除外。
To ensure compliance with Egypt’s international obligations, including the obligation to prevent the illegal or unauthorized acquisition of nuclear material; prevent interference with authorized uses of nuclear material and facilities arising from criminal activities such as theft, misrepresentation, threats, sabotage and illicit trafficking; and ensure the safe
handling of sources of
[...] ionizing radiation ofall types in all fields so as to guarantee the protection of individuals, society and the environment and to ensure that no activity is undertaken in connection withnuclear or radiation material,equipment [...]
and technologies, except
as authorized by the regulatory authority.
It allows developers to easily in the table insert, update , delete rows , but can also be extended to create a scalable image layer , this layer to create a full domain model , transparently mapping to database tables.
它特别 重视核废物管理和境的影响,并且认为, 处置或降级武器级材料、反应器转换、逐步保证高 [...]
浓缩铀库存的安全或消除高浓缩铀库存,以及促进 多边化的具有成本效益和政治中立的燃料循环,是 一些充满希望的时机。
It attached particular importance to
nuclear waste management and the environmental
[...] effectsof radiation and viewed as [...]
promising opportunities the disposal or downgrading
of weapons-grade material, conversion of reactors, gradual securing or elimination of highly enriched uranium stockpiles and promotion of a multilateral, cost-effective, politically neutral fuel cycle.
鉴于上述问题,且知悉塑料用户也面临着类似情况,工发组织同意秘书处的建议,即该国在做出关于适宜替代技 [...]
术的决定后,可提交一份涵盖第一阶段执行期间含 HCFC-141b 的预混多元醇总使用量的 泡沫塑料行业计划,以业务计划为其所分配的充足资金为限。
In light of the above and
[...] knowing that spray foamusers would [...]
face a similar situation, UNIDO agreed to the Secretariat`s
recommendation that the country could submit a foam sector plan covering the total use of HCFC-141b in imported pre-blended polyols during the implementation of stage I, after a decision on a suitable replacement technology has been made, and subject to sufficient funding being allocated in the business plan.
(b) 并包括(a)款(1)或(2)项内所提到的任何武器的任何部件,此 种武器经过设计或改造以减低武器造成的噪音或火 光的任何配件,以及任何利用炸药操作的电动工具、冲头、杆 柄或利用空气压力操作的任何扣钉枪;(c) 但不包括仅为而设计或改造的器具。
(b) and includes any component part of any weapon
mentioned in paragraph (a)
[...] (i) or (ii), any accessory to any such weapon designed or adapted to diminish the noise or flash causedby firing theweapon and any explosive-operated power tool, ramset, hilt or fire nail fastener operated by pneumatic [...]
pressure; (c) but does
not include an article designed or adapted solely to discharge a spear for spearing fish.




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