

单词 封闭性开局

See also:




close down
seal off

封闭 v

seal v
enclose v

开局 n

openings pl

External sources (not reviewed)

由于具有闩锁性机制 ,因此可通过应用 封 装 顶 面垂直的南北磁场 开 启 和 关 闭开 漏 输 出,通常适合于使用“轴上”多极环形磁铁的旋转应用。
With latching magnetic behavior, the open drain output is switched ON and OFF by applying south and north magnetic field [...]
perpendicularly to the package top side-- typically the case with rotary
applications using "on-shaft" multi-poles ring magnet.
该法 案规定,开放式 设施可准许其囚犯享有与家人共处的时间 封闭 式 设施必须预 留一间单人牢房,供按有关条款安排的配偶定期探监时使用。
Under the bill,
[...] inmates in semi-open facilities may be given permits to spend time with their families and a cell must be set aside in closed facilities [...]
for regular spousal visits
that are to be organized in accordance with the relevant regulations.
这座城市的生活既是国际的,也是德国的;既 开 放 的 ,也 封闭 的 ;既 性 的 天 下,也是女 性的市场;既是精神的历史的崇高,也是金钱的肉欲的腥臭;既是长远的生活打算,也是暂时的兴奋孤独。
Life in this city is both international and
[...] distinctively German; both open and inward-looking; it is both a men’s world, and [...]
a women’s market; you can
feel its history and culture, but also the stench of lust for money; there are long term life plans, and also momentary passions and loneliness.
以色列继续对加沙地带实行不公正的封锁,并对 在巴勒斯坦各地实封闭和限制巴勒斯坦人通行的 政策,这是导致该区域紧张局势加剧的重要原因,以 色列全然不顾国际社会一再发出呼吁,特别是秘书长 在许多报告中并通过自己的努力敦促以色列 局解 除封锁,并使在该地开展工 作的国际机构与组织能 够在其重建努力中以及在向加沙平民提供基本必需 品方面取得进展。
This is despite repeated calls from
[...] the international community, notably from the Secretary-General in numerous reports and through his efforts to urge the Israeli authorities to lift the blockade and enable the international bodies and organizations working in this area to make progress in their reconstruction efforts and in providing for the [...]
basic needs of the civilian population in Gaza.
局主席在致闭幕词 时感谢与会者在会议期间 开 高 质 量的讨论,并本 着对话和伙伴精神取得的成果,突出了协调人在通过决定方面的建 性 参 与
In her closing remarks, the President thanked the participants for the excellent quality of the discussion during the session and the results achieved in a spirit of dialogue and partnership, highlighting the constructive engagement of [...]
the facilitators in the adoption of the decisions.
两层密封材料在横纵两个方向上,每间隔50m时斜穿插至一起,焊粘于塑料网上,以形成一块块气 性 好 的 封闭 隔间
The two membranes are connected every 50
m in both longitudinal and lateral directions by
[...] diagonally welded plastic webs to form air-tight sealing compartments.
a) 和平或战争时代的敌对或战争行为,包括阻击、抗击或防卫实际、迫近或预期的攻击; b) 和平或战争时代使用原子裂变或放 性 武 力 的战争武器; c) 暴动、叛乱、革命、内战、篡夺权力,或者政府当局为阻击、抗击或防卫这类事情发生所采取的行动,检疫或海关条例规定的 封 或 毁 灭, 政府或公共局命令的查封或没 收,禁运或非法运输或贸易的风险; d) 在重新占有或者交还保险车辆之后发生;或者 e) 在美国或加拿大境外发生。
Any loss resulting from total loss to the covered vehicle caused by or resulting from any of the following causes are specifically excluded: a) hostile or warlike action in time of peace or war, including action in hindering, combating, or defending against actual,
impending or expected
[...] attack; b) any weapon of war employing atomic fission or radioactive force, whether in time of peace or war; c) insurrection, rebellion, revolution, civil war, usurped power, or action taken by governmental authority in hindering, combating or defending against such occurrence, seizure or destruction under quarantine or customs regulations, seizure or confiscation by order of any government or public authority, risks of contraband [...]
or illegal transportation
or trade; d) occurring after covered vehicle has been repossessed or placed in repossession; or e) occurring outside of the United States or Canada.
然而,楼房局、封闭性和场所保护以及该场所零散的国家安全 部门人员,使伙伴国家的官员能够不受国家安全部的控制而采取行动,自行 决定如何使用基础设施。
The persons
[...] who gave testimony to the Committee deny any preconditions for and possibilities of holding and interrogating [...]
… However, the layout of the building, its enclosed nature and protection of the perimeter as well as fragmented presence of the SSD staff in the premises allowed for the performance of actions by officers of the partners without the control of the SSD and use of the infrastructure at their discretion.
允许设置空间的样式、局以及关闭 和 开 启 某些功能,功能 性 化 命 名等
style, layout, and some features off and on, naming
在 1 月 26 日 2011 年会议第二次全体会议上,联合国秘书长潘基文先生发表
[...] 坛所取得的成就,论述了其作用和职能,并提出了为打破长期存在的 局 , 开始 实质性工作 而可以探讨的备选方案,包括在 2011 年会议开始时以协商一致通过 [...]
At the second plenary meeting of the 2011 session on 26 January, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Ban Ki-moon, delivered an important message (CD/PV.1199) in which he, inter alia, reflected on the accomplishments of the Conference as the world’s single multilateral disarmament negotiating forum, its role and its function, and suggested options
that could be explored to break
[...] the longstanding deadlock and to start substantive work, including [...]
through the adoption by consensus
of a programme of work, early in the 2011 session.
关于“区域”,国际海底管局开展 了 与勘探和开发非生物资源有关的能力建 设活动/举措,包括举办讲习班,探讨深海海底矿物开采的科 性 、 这 种勘探对环境 的影响以及各种科研机构收集的资料和信息如何标准化及与成员国共享问题。
With respect to the Area, the
[...] International Seabed Authority undertakes capacity-building activities and initiatives relating to the exploration and exploitation of non-living resources, including through workshops on the scientific and technical nature of deep-seabed [...]
mining of minerals, the
environmental impacts of such exploration and how the data and information collected by the various scientific institutions can be standardized and shared with its member States.
27 在另一方面,工业界有人认为,如果实施更为强硬的著作权措施,那 封闭 源 码 所有权产 品开发者 可能会更愿意使发展中国家的软件开发者获得源码。
As another practical measure, more widespread use of the various open source software26 products, where source code is made available unlike proprietary software, may be considered.27 Alternatively, some in industry argue
that with stronger copyright
[...] enforcement, closed source proprietary developers may be more [...]
willing to make source code
available to software developers in developing countries.
因 18 个月的封锁和自 1990 年代初就实行的严封闭和限 制通行而已经变得极端贫困的加沙巴勒斯 坦人民,被战后空前严峻和艰难局 面 逼 到了人类痛 苦的极限。
Already pauperized by an 18-month blockade and a tight regime of closures and restrictions on movements that date back to the early 1990s, the [...]
Palestinian population in Gaza has been
driven to the limit of human suffering by the unprecedented aggravation and hardship in the aftermath of the war.
难民署也在与世界银行和苏丹东部 局 合 作 ,以封闭的难 民营改造成可维持的村庄并促进自力更生的机会。
The Office was also working with the
[...] World Bank and the authorities in Eastern Sudan to transform closed camps into [...]
viable villages and promote self-reliance opportunities.
教科文组织坚持不懈开展安 全领域的活动,聘用的专业队伍几乎是在“ 封闭 ”的状态下工作,以便在翻修楼区最有效地履行职责。
UNESCO is relentlessly pursuing its efforts in the area of security, using specialized teams working in nearly permanent “tight flow” conditions to fulfil their duties most effectively in buildings that are constantly under renovation.
直到1995 年春,因采供血感染艾滋病被曝光, 局 才 关 闭 了 所 有商 性 血 站 ,并 开 始 授 权使用经过热处理 的血浆。61 尽管如此,当局承认国的血液供应并不安全。
It was not until HIV infections through the blood supply began
to come to light, in
[...] spring 1995, that authorities closed all commercial plasma centers, and began to mandate heat-treatment of plasma.6 Even then, though, authorities acknowledged that the safety of China’s blood supply was not secured.7 Illegal underground [...]
blood collection
centers have continued to do their work in the countryside, fueled in part by the profit that can be made as a result of the high demand and short supply in the market for blood.
B 组份配料阀 将间性开启和关闭,每转 0.5-1.0 秒钟表示平衡 正常。
Component B dose
[...] valve will cycle on and off; one cycle every 0.5 [...]
– 1.0 seconds indicates proper balance.
解决城市可持性和适 应能力的关键,是发展基础设施规划、技术以及以封闭循环 ”或“循环代谢”系统的形式发挥作用的系统。
The key to
[...] addressing the sustainability and resilience of cities is to develop infrastructure planning, technology and systems which function in “closed loop” or “circular [...]
metabolism” systems.
防止酷刑 小组委员会对于封闭空间里使用刺 性 气 体持严重的保留意见,因这可能存在 健康风险和引发不必要的痛苦。
The SPT has serious reservations about the use of irritant gases in confined spaces, as it may entail health risks and cause unnecessary suffering.
而且,与封闭式框 架协议中所处的地位不同,如下文本条第(6)款的指导意见 所解释,递交具响性提交 书的所有供应商或承包商在符合条件的前提下都有 资格加入框架协议。
Also by contrast with the position in closed framework agreements, and as is explained in the guidance to paragraph (6) of the article below, all [...]
suppliers or contractors
presenting responsive submissions are eligible to join the framework agreement, provided that they are qualified.
(c) 确保在精神治疗设施对心理疾病患者进行适当的治疗和照料,并对这封闭性治疗 进行定期审查和有效的司法管制。
(c)To ensure adequate treatment and care in psychiatric facilities for mental health patients, as well as periodic review and effective judicial control of confinement.
大会高级别会议的六次全体会议、一般性辩论各次会议、和评估在处理小岛 屿发展中国家脆性方面 的进展情况的高级别审 开闭 幕 式会议以及作为对国 际生物多性年的贡献的高级别会 开闭 幕 式 会议均将在大会堂举行。
The six plenary meetings of the High-level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly, the meetings of the general debate and the opening and closing plenary meetings of
both the high-level review
[...] to assess progress made in addressing the vulnerabilities of small island developing States and the high-level meeting as a contribution to the International Year [...]
of Biodiversity
will be held in the General Assembly Hall.
(ii) 倘以郵遞方式寄發,於載有該通告或文件之信封或封套投入設於香港 境內之郵政局之下一個工作天,須被視為已送達、交付或寄發,而載 有該通告或文件並已妥為付訖郵資、填寫正確地址及投入上述郵政局 之封或封套( 倘由香港寄往香港境外,則為航空郵件)足以證明該 信封或封套已送達;經由秘書或董事會委任之其他人士簽署證明書, 表明該通告或文件之信封封套已妥為付訖郵資、填寫正確地址及投 入上述郵局,即具為決性憑證; (iii) 倘以報章廣告方式公佈,於通告或文件在香港流通之一份英文報章及 一份中文報章刊登當日,須被視為已送達、交付或寄發
(ii) if sent by post, shall be deemed to have been served, delivered or sent on the working day following that on which the envelope or wrapper containing the same is put into a post office situated within Hong Kong and in proving such service it shall be
sufficient to prove that the envelope or wrapper containing the notice or document was properly prepaid,
[...] addressed and put into such post office (airmail if posted from Hong Kong to an address outside Hong Kong) and a certificate in writing signed by the Secretary or other person appointed by the Board that the envelope or wrapper containing the notice or document was so properly prepaid, addressed and put into such post office shall be [...]
conclusive evidence thereof
在听取了主管 维持和平行动助理秘书长的开通报 后,安理会就 《全面和平协议》有关问题和达尔富尔人道主 局势 进闭门磋商。
After open briefings by the Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, the Council went into closed consultations on questions related to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and the humanitarian situation in Darfur.
然而,重封 闭式框 架协议第一阶段的激烈竞争,意味着应当对适用 开 招 标的除外情形进 行认真审查,尤其要考虑到框架协议程序中存在的不利于竞争的风险以及适合 框架协议的采购类型(关于有哪些风险,见上文本章介绍第**段 [**超级链 [...]
However, the importance of rigorous
competition at the
[...] first stage of closed framework agreements means that the application of exceptions to open tendering should be [...]
carefully scrutinized,
particularly in the light of the competition risks in framework agreements procedures and types of purchases for which framework agreements are appropriate (as to which, see paragraphs** of the Introduction to this Chapter above [**hyperlink**]).
(i) 联合国系统内的合作
[...] “和平过渡、巩固和平及预防冲突” 部门小组旨在协助该国局开展清 查、分析、评估和 咨询行动;“教育” 部门小组包括联合国系统各机构、非政府组织和各部委代表,负责向 [...]
的指导方针,就实施防治艾滋病毒/艾滋病的国家战略提出建议;关于传播问题的部门小 组,旨在通过编写半年期《简讯》来广泛传播信息。
The coordinating body is made up of four sectoral groups, each one led by an agency of the United Nations system: the “Transition, peace-building and
conflict prevention” group aims to
[...] assist the national authorities in developing information [...]
gathering, analytical, evaluation
and advisory activities; the “Education” group includes agencies of the United Nations system, NGOs and representatives of ministries, and has carried out awareness-raising activities for the general public; the technical team of the United Nations thematic group on HIV/AIDS, acting on the basis of guidelines set by executive heads, makes proposals on the implementation of national strategies to combat HIV/AIDS; the “Communication” group, aims to disseminate information widely by means of a biannual news bulletin.
为了扩大教科文组织有关不同文明之间对话的活动,战略规划编 局开 展 了 许多活 动,其中包括:建立一个全球(互联网基的电子)网络,使各主管组织、研究机构以及研究 [...]
人员、哲学家和知识分子都参与进来;出版科学论文及政策论文和在教科文组织的“系列对 话”中的发言;在各种国际会议上介绍教科文组织参与不同文明之间对话的情况;共同组织
和主办关于不同文明之间对话方面的会议和活动(见文件 166EX/5,第一部分:决定 164EX/7.1.3- 《总干事关于教科文组织参与实施不同文明之间对话全球议程情况的报 告》)。
In order to broaden the basis of UNESCO’s activities pertaining to the
dialogue among civilizations, a number of
[...] activities were undertaken by BSP, including: [...]
the setting up of a global (electronic,
Internet-based) network, involving competent organizations and research institutions as well as individual researchers, philosophers and intellectuals; the publication of scientific and policy-relevant papers and speeches in UNESCO’s “Dialogue Series”; presentations at international conferences and meetings on UNESCO’s involvement in the dialogue among civilizations; and the co-organization and sponsorship of international conferences, meetings and events on the dialogue among civilizations (see document 166 EX/5, Part I: 164 EX/Decision 7.1.3 – Report by the Director-General on UNESCO’s contribution to the implementation of the Global Agenda for Dialogue among Civilizations).
我们也重申,需要立即结束对加沙 巴勒斯坦人民的压性封锁,需要重 开 放 所 有过境 点、需要重建加沙,以及需要国际社会保证防止以色 列再次破坏将要重建的机构和基础设施。
We also reiterate the need for an immediate end to
[...] the oppressive blockade against the Palestinian people in Gaza, for the reopening of all crossings, [...]
for the reconstruction
of Gaza and for international guarantees to prevent Israel from demolishing again the facilities and infrastructure that are to be rebuilt.
因为有载分开关头 的盖子在整个干燥过程中保封 闭状态 ,所以如要变压器在自身油箱中干燥,就必须 通过连接管将有载切换开关油室的内腔和真空相连。
If the transformer is to be dried
[...] in its own tank, the interior of the diverter switch oil compartment must be connected [...]
to vacuum by a
connecting pipe, as the cover of the on-load tap-changer head remains closed during the entire drying process.




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