

单词 封闭

封闭 noun ()

closure n





Closed Game
Double Queen Pawn Opening (chess)

See also:

bestow a title
surname Feng


shut v
obstruct v

stop up

External sources (not reviewed)

封闭的环 境中利用转基因微生物法》调节 封闭 的 环 境中安全利用转 基因微生物事宜,目的是保护工人的健康和环境。
The Use in Closed Environment of Genetically Modified Micro-organisms Act regulates the safe use of genetically modified microorganisms in a closed environment [...]
with the aim to protect
the health of workers and the environment.
拟定专家名单的目的并非是为了设立任 封闭 型 的 专家组 或者专家组的其他平行或附属机构。
The development of the list of experts is not intended
[...] to create any closed-ended expert [...]
group or other parallel or subsidiary bodies of the expert group.
委员会建议缔约国采取措施禁止促销烟草产品并制订立法确保所 封闭 的 公 共环 境完全无烟草。
The Committee recommends that the State party take measures to ban the promotion
of tobacco products and enact legislation
[...] to ensure that all enclosed public environments [...]
are completely free of tobacco.
封闭式气流控制 器组件在主气源处于 “ 关闭 ” 位置时不会运行。
The Enclosed Air Controls will [...]
not operate when the main air supply is in the Off position.
封闭了 5 个珊瑚区,进一 步工作的目标是界定需要特别保护的地区以及提议增加禁止所有触底捕捞渔具 [...]
In Iceland, five coral
[...] areas had been closed and further work [...]
was aimed at defining areas that needed special protection,
as well as proposals for additional areas to be closed for all bottom contacting fishing gears.
[...] 可以成为防范虐待的一种保障,在 封闭 的 环 境中虐待行为往往大量增加。
Moreover, the ability to communicate
with family and friends can be a safeguard against ill-treatment, which tends to
[...] flourish in the most closed environments.
防止酷刑 小组委员会对于封闭空间 里使用刺激性气体持严重的保留意见,因这可能存在 健康风险和引发不必要的痛苦。
The SPT has serious reservations about the use of irritant gases in confined spaces, as it may entail health risks and cause unnecessary suffering.
卸下湿杯盖 (目前仅限封闭式湿杯)。
Remove wet cup
[...] cover (present on enclosed wet cups only).
法国采用的封闭循环,在最大程度上实 现了铀的重复利用,使废物减少到最低程度,并乐 [...]
Her country employed a closed cycle that recycled [...]
a maximum amount of uranium and minimized waste, and would be happy to
put its reprocessing facilities at the disposal of other States.
又深为关切以色列在包括东耶路撒冷在内整个巴勒斯坦被占领土上实行阻 碍人员和货物,包括医疗和人道主义人员及货物,自由流动 封闭 政 策 ,严厉设 限和施行准证制度,并深为关切由此而来对巴勒斯坦人民人权的侵犯和对巴勒斯 坦人民社会经济状况的不利影响,这一状况特别是在加沙地带依然造成严峻的人 道主义危机
Expressing deep concern also about the Israeli policy of closures, severe restrictions, and a permit regime that obstruct the freedom of movement of persons and goods, including medical and humanitarian personnel and goods, throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and about the consequent violation of the human rights of the Palestinian people and the negative impact on their socio-economic situation, which remains that of a dire humanitarian crisis, particularly in the Gaza Strip
其有两个主要来源封 闭环境的繁育或野外捕捞。
They may originate from two principal sources: from captive breeding programmes, or caught from the wild.
而且,与封闭式框 架协议中所处的地位不同,如下文本条第(6)款的指导意见 [...]
所解释,递交具响应性提交书的所有供应商或承包商在符合条件的前提下都有 资格加入框架协议。
Also by contrast with
[...] the position in closed framework agreements, [...]
and as is explained in the guidance to paragraph (6)
of the article below, all suppliers or contractors presenting responsive submissions are eligible to join the framework agreement, provided that they are qualified.
密尔沃基市的部分废水系统使用的是一种厌氧消化器,该消化器中的细菌和被称为古细菌的其他微生物可以分 封闭 池 内 的污水。
Part of Milwaukee’s wastewater
system uses an anaerobic digester where bacteria and other microbes, known as
[...] archaea, digest sewage in enclosed tanks.
如果变压器在自身油箱中干燥,由 于整个干燥过程中开关头的盖板一 直封闭,所以开关油箱内部必须 用连管接上真空。
If the transformer is to be dried in its own tank, the interior of the diverter switch oil compartment must be
connected to vacuum by a connecting pipe, as the on-load
[...] tap-changer cover remains closed during the [...]
entire drying process.
又深为关切以色列在包括东耶路撒冷在内整个巴勒斯坦被占领土上实封 闭政策 ,施加严重限制和设立检查站,其中几处已有形同常设过境点的建筑物; [...]
实行许可证制度;所有这些行动阻碍人员和货物,包括医疗和人道主义货物的自 由流动,并深为关切由此而来对巴勒斯坦人民人权的侵犯和对巴勒斯坦人民社会
经济状况的不利影响,这一状况是在加沙地带依然造成人道主义危机,同时表示 注意到该地出入情况方面的最新事态
Expressing deep concern also about the
[...] Israeli policy of closures and the imposition [...]
of severe restrictions, checkpoints,
several of which have been transformed into structures akin to permanent border crossings, and a permit regime, all of which obstruct the freedom of movement of persons and goods, including medical and humanitarian goods, throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and about the consequent violation of the human rights of the Palestinian people and the negative impact on their socio-economic situation, which remains that of a humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip, while taking note of recent developments with regard to the situation of access there
该法 案规定,半开放式设施可准许其囚犯享有与家人共处的时间 封闭 式 设施必须预 留一间单人牢房,供按有关条款安排的配偶定期探监时使用。
Under the bill, inmates in semi-open facilities may be given permits to spend
time with their families and a cell must be
[...] set aside in closed facilities for [...]
regular spousal visits that are to be organized
in accordance with the relevant regulations.
我们的沟通系统CLICS(封闭式突 发事件沟通系统)帮助我们在整个集团范围内及时统计和分析与安全、健康和环境有关的事件。
For this reason, we maintain a communication system
[...] known as CLICS (Closed Loop Incident Communication [...]
System), which helps us record
real-time data on incidents anywhere in the company that are relevant to the environment, health and safety.
因 18 个月的封锁和自 1990 年代初就实行的严封闭和限 制通行而已经变得极端贫困的加沙巴勒斯 坦人民,被战后空前严峻和艰难的局面逼到了人类痛 [...]
Already pauperized by
[...] an 18-month blockade and a tight regime of closures and restrictions [...]
on movements that date back to
the early 1990s, the Palestinian population in Gaza has been driven to the limit of human suffering by the unprecedented aggravation and hardship in the aftermath of the war.
在千年发展目标基金 指导委员会审查并批准联合国国家工作队的概念说明之后,暂拨款 800 万美元用于名为“改 善波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那的文化谅解”的方案,并拨款 300 万美元用于名为“阿尔巴尼亚的 文化变革:封闭到参与”的项目。
Following the MDG-F Steering Committee review and approval of the United Nations Country Team’s concept notes, the amount of $8 million was tentatively allocated for a programme entitled: “Improving Cultural Understanding in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, as well as the amount of $3 million for a programme entitled “Albania’s Cultural Transformation: From Isolation to Participation”.
在欧 盟和欧洲自由贸易联盟所属的实施了该准则的国家里,本仪表允许无 限制用封闭容器的内部和外部,这些国家包括:奥地利,比利时, [...]
保加利亚,德国,丹麦,爱沙尼亚,法国,希腊,英国,爱尔兰,冰 岛,意大利,列支敦士登,立陶宛,拉脱维亚,卢森堡,马耳他,荷
兰,挪威,波兰,葡萄牙,罗马尼亚,瑞典,瑞士,斯洛伐克,斯洛 文尼亚,西班牙,捷克共和国和塞浦路斯。
It is approved for unrestricted use inside
[...] and outside of closed vessels in countries [...]
of the EU and EFTA that have implemented
this standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, France, Greece, Great Britain, Ireland, Island, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Czech Republik and Cyprus.
以色列继续对加沙地带实行不公正的封锁,并对 在巴勒斯坦各地实封闭和限 制巴勒斯坦人通行的 政策,这是导致该区域紧张局势加剧的重要原因,以 色列全然不顾国际社会一再发出呼吁,特别是秘书长 在许多报告中并通过自己的努力敦促以色列当局解 除封锁,并使在该地区开展工作的国际机构与组织能 够在其重建努力中以及在向加沙平民提供基本必需 品方面取得进展。
This is despite repeated calls from the international community, notably from the Secretary-General in numerous reports and through his efforts to urge the Israeli authorities to lift the blockade and enable the international bodies and organizations working in this area to make progress in their reconstruction efforts and in providing for the basic needs of the civilian population in Gaza.
两层密封材料在横纵两个方向上,每间隔50m时斜穿插至一起,焊粘于塑料网上,以形成一块块气密性好 封闭 隔间
The two membranes are connected every 50
m in both longitudinal and lateral directions by
[...] diagonally welded plastic webs to form air-tight sealing compartments.
然而,重封 闭式框 架协议第一阶段的激烈竞争,意味着应当对适用公开招标的除外情形进 [...]
行认真审查,尤其要考虑到框架协议程序中存在的不利于竞争的风险以及适合 框架协议的采购类型(关于有哪些风险,见上文本章介绍第**段 [**超级链 接**])。
However, the importance of rigorous competition at
[...] the first stage of closed framework [...]
agreements means that the application of exceptions
to open tendering should be carefully scrutinized, particularly in the light of the competition risks in framework agreements procedures and types of purchases for which framework agreements are appropriate (as to which, see paragraphs** of the Introduction to this Chapter above [**hyperlink**]).
27 在另一方面,工业界有人认为,如果实施更为强硬的著作权措施,那 封闭 源 码所有权产 品的开发者可能会更愿意使发展中国家的软件开发者获得源码。
As another practical measure, more widespread use of the various open source software26 products, where source code is made available unlike proprietary software, may be considered.27 Alternatively, some in
industry argue that with stronger copyright
[...] enforcement, closed source proprietary [...]
developers may be more willing to make
source code available to software developers in developing countries.
因为有载分接开关头的盖子在整个干燥过程中保封 闭状态 ,所以如要变压器在自身油箱中干燥,就必须 通过连接管将有载切换开关油室的内腔和真空相连。
If the transformer is to be dried in its own tank, the interior of the diverter switch oil compartment must be connected to vacuum by a connecting pipe, as the cover of the on-load tap-changer head remains closed during the entire drying process.
尽管在 1996 年至 2001 年间城市的贫困率有所降低(贫困率从 41.4 %降至 22.1 %),在一些城市的街区贫困仍表现 封闭 、 基 础设施不足、失业和就业不 足,主要波及年轻人。
Despite a decline in the urban poverty rate from 41.4 per cent in 1996 to 22.1 per cent in 2001, poverty in various city quarters is still synonymous with isolation, inadequate infrastructure, unemployment and underemployment, and affects especially the young.
[...] 继续在包括东耶路撒冷在内的整个巴勒斯坦被占领土上不断开展军事行动和奉封闭和严 格限制人员和货物包括人道主义人员和粮食、医护用品、燃料及其他必 [...]
响,而这种状况特别在加沙地带仍构成为严重的人道主义危机,由于以色列对整 个平民人口施加集体惩罚,强制实行封锁和围困措施,该处的艰苦情况继续恶 化,痛惜以色列在 2008 年 12 月 27 日对加沙地带发动军事侵略,造成大量平民
Expressing grave concern further about continuing Israeli military operations and the continuing Israeli policy of closures and severe restrictions on the movement of persons and goods, including humanitarian personnel and food, medical, fuel and
other essential supplies, via the imposition
[...] of crossing closures, checkpoints [...]
and a permit regime throughout the Occupied
Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the consequent negative impact on the socioeconomic situation of the Palestinian people, which remains that of dire humanitarian crisis, particularly in the Gaza Strip, where grave hardships continue to mount as a result of Israel’s imposition of a blockade and siege as collective punishment of the entire civilian population
这座城市的生活既是国际的,也是德国的;既是开放的,也 封闭 的 ;既 是男性的天下,也是女 性的市场;既是精神的历史的崇高,也是金钱的肉欲的腥臭;既是长远的生活打算,也是暂时的兴奋孤独。
Life in this city is both international and distinctively German; both open and inward-looking; it is both a men’s world, and a women’s market; you can feel its history and culture, but also the stench of lust for money; there are long term life plans, and also momentary passions and loneliness.
教科文组织坚持不懈地开展安全领域的活动,聘用的专业队伍几乎是在“ 封闭 ”的状态下工作,以便在翻修楼区最有效地履行职责。
UNESCO is relentlessly pursuing its efforts in the area of security, using specialized teams working in nearly permanent “tight flow” conditions to fulfil their duties most effectively in buildings that are constantly under renovation.




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