

单词 封门别类

See also:


phylum or division (taxonomy)



External sources (not reviewed)

无论是排气管还是门封条, 福伊特工业服务公司均能提供 类 商 品 的全面工程解决方案,而我们的专长是车轮与轮胎装配。
Whether it be exhausts or door seals, Voith Industrial Services provides fully engineered [...]
solutions across a range of commodity group and specializes in wheel and tire assembly.
封锁对古巴类发展 的社会、经济和社会层面产生了普遍影响, 别 是 影响 古巴人口中最弱势的社会经济群体。
The impact of the embargo is pervasive in the social, economic and environmental dimensions of human development in Cuba and, in particular, affects the [...]
most vulnerable socio-economic
groups of the Cuban population.
类别的大 多数人在维持生计的农业 门工 作
Most people in this category work in the subsistence agriculture sector.
解释说类 系统具有封闭性 ,即访问这些系统须事先接受 别 载于 Bolero 规则全集和 ESS Databridge 服务和用户协议的合同条款。
It was explained that such systems were closed in nature, i.e. access to those was subject to previous acceptance of contractual terms contained, respectively, in the Bolero [...]
Rulebook and the
ESS-Databridge Services & Users Agreement.
采用文化周期的概念可以超越简单的 门别类, 弄 清文化生产和文化活动是如何开展的。
The culture cycle approach is an aid for conceptualising how cultural production and activities actually take place and goes beyond a simple grouping of domains.
[...] 数群体有实际意义的协商情况下作出,应当是透明的,应当得到显现出当前不平 等情况的门别类数据的支助。
Decisions on policy choices should be made in meaningful
consultation with minority groups, be transparent and be
[...] supported by disaggregated data demonstrating [...]
existing inequalities.
加共体国家欢迎秘书长关于与中等收入国家的 发展合作的报告(A/66/220),但同时对报告没有提 及以下现实情况表示失望:类别中 的小岛屿发展 中国家开放、脆弱、负债累累,贫困现象严重,需 要国际社会提供包括减免债务、优惠等援助,以及门用于 增加经济和发展空间的援助,以解决它们 的处境。
While welcoming the Secretary-General’s report (A/66/220) on development cooperation with middleincome countries, CARICOM States were disappointed that it did not refer to the fact that
the small island
[...] developing States in that category were open, vulnerable and heavily indebted, with deep and intractable pockets of poverty, and required assistance from the international community, including debt relief, concessions and assistance specifically [...]
tailored to increase economic and
developmental space, in order to cope with their situation.
切勿让本表接近磁性医疗装置(磁性项链,磁性橡 ⽪圈等)或冰箱的磁门封,⼿袋的磁性扣,移动电话的扬声器,电磁烹饪装置等。
Do not allow the watch to come into close proximity to magnetic health devices (magnetic necklaces, magnetic elastic
bands, etc.) or the magnets used
[...] in the latches of refrigerator doors, clasps used in [...]
handbags, the speaker of a cell phone,
electromagnetic cooking devices and so on.
该构想规定,将最低工资的设定由通过总统令进行改为通过政府决定进 行,修正薪酬等级制度,生产性经济 门 雇 员 适用 8 级制,财政预算机构雇员适 用“单级薪酬制”,为每一薪类别 设 定薪酬等级,以确保雇员薪酬根据个人业绩 存在差异,按每月津贴办法设定承担公共责任的人员的薪酬,作为唯一形式的薪 酬,国家通过社会对话解决薪酬问题。
The Concept stipulates the switch from setting the minimal salary through Presidential Decree to its setting by Government Decision, amendment of the grades system of remuneration with the application of a 8 step
gradation for employees
[...] of the production sector of economy and the Single Grades Remuneration System for the employees of the budgetary institution by setting remuneration grades for each remuneration category to ensure differentiation [...]
of employees’ remuneration according
to individual performance and setting remuneration to persons with public responsibilities on the basis of monthly allowances as the only form of remuneration, state regulation of remuneration through the means of social dialogue.
譬如,各地有 700 多个提供心理和医 学社会援助的儿童教育机构,61 个封闭式专门教育 机构和 35 个开放式专门教育 机构(针对有违法和反社会行为、需要特殊教育和专门辅导的未成年人),约 70 所士官武备学校和寄宿制士官武备学校,1 900 多个针对有能力限制儿童的专门 (校正)教育机构,以及普通教育和其他教育机构为 类 儿 童开办的校正班。
The regions have more than 700 schools for children in need of psychological
and social assistance,
[...] 61 special closed educational facilities and 35 special open educational facilities (for children who have committed offences and antisocial acts and require special teaching conditions and a special educational approach), some 70 cadet academies and boarding schools and more than 1,900 special educational institutions for children of limited learning capacity (and also a network of special classes (groups) for such children in general [...]
education and other schools).
欧洲 禁止酷刑委员会说,每个警察局均以十种语言提供各种 门别类 的 信息资料单, 并注意凡走访的警察单位条件都有了改善。
The Committee had observed that laminated information sheets were available at all police stations in ten languages and noted improvements of the conditions at the police establishments visited.
根据大会第 64/243 号决议第 41 段关于列入有关预算外资源的明确而具体的资料、以便把自愿
[...] 捐款和摊款同各种方案支助费用相区分的要求,已对非经常预算资源的列报内容进行修改,以 进一步门别类和确定此类资源。
In light of the General Assembly’s request in paragraph 41 of its resolution 64/243 to include clear and specific information on extrabudgetary resources in order to make a distinction between voluntary and assessed contributions, and programme support costs,
the presentation of non-regular budget resources has been modified so as to
[...] further segregate and identify such resources.
[...] 叙利亚戈兰居民私有财产的做法,掠夺其自然资源, 包括水资源,并在整个戈兰和巴勒斯坦建立定居点, 利用水资源作为一种对戈兰的叙利亚人民施加压力 的手段,用推土机摧毁他们的土地,将他们的果树 连根拔起,在经济上对他们实封锁 , 对他们别 是农业工人强行征收重税。
The report also confirmed once again Israel’s continuing practice of confiscating the private property of Syrian citizens in the occupied Golan, plundering its natural resources, including water resources, and creating settlements throughout the Golan and Palestine, using water as a means of exerting pressure on the Syrian population of the Golan, bulldozing and destroying their
land, uprooting their
[...] fruit trees, blockading them economically and imposing exorbitant taxes on them, particularly on agricultural [...]
然而,这并不等于封锁对外部门的影 响的强度和持久性降低,而是恰恰相反。
However, this does not mean that
[...] the embargo’s impact on the external sector has remained [...]
undiminished; in fact the contrary is true.
理事机构秘书处正在努力设法进一步实现合理化和节约,重点放在两个领域:(i) 依照 执行局第一八九届会议的决定,致函所有会员国,请它们自愿放弃其依然有资格领取的差旅 费和日补贴并为语言费用捐款;在 2013 年大会的筹备期间,还将向所有会员国发出 封类 似信函,请会员国提供援助,为最不发达国家代表参加会议以及语言服务捐款;(ii) 加大了 对文件编制的限制,按照联合国的做法逐步引入文件(甚至是报告)的绝对最长篇幅为¬1215 页的规定。
GBS is working on further attempts at rationalization and economy, focusing on two main areas: (i) in line with the Board’s decision at its 189th session, a letter has been sent to all Members requesting them to forego on a voluntary basis travel and DSA payments to which they are still entitled, as well as to contribute to language expenses; a similar letter will be sent to all Member States in the run-up to the General Conference in 2013 requesting Member States’ assistance to contribute to the cost of participation by LDC representatives in the Conference and to language services; (ii) documentation restrictions have been tightened, with a gradual introduction of an absolute document maximum length, even for reports, of 12-15 pages, as practiced in the United Nations.
2009年7月11日至16日,不结盟运动第十五届首脑会议在埃及沙姆沙 伊赫举行,各国国家元首或政府首脑通过了一项关于必须结束美利坚合 众国对古巴经济、商业和金封锁的 特 别 声 明,除其他外,“表示对这 种具有域外效力的单方面政策不仅长期存在而且在遭到极大多数国家 反对的情况下仍在继续感到关切”,并敦促尽快结束这种政策。
At the fifteenth summit of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries, held in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, from 11 to 16 July 2009, the Heads of State and Government adopted a Special Declaration on the necessity of ending the
economic, commercial
[...] and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba wherein, inter alia, “They express [...]
their concern
over the continuation of that long-standing unilateral policy with extraterritorial effects, even after it has been consistently rejected by the overwhelming majority of States” and call for its immediate end.
(p) 继续监测最不发达国家在达到脱离( 最不发达国类别) 门槛方面取得的 进展,以便明确今后的挑战,设法与最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家和小岛屿发 展中国家高级代表办事处协调,在国家和国际两级采取行动。
(p) Continue to monitor progress of LDCs towards graduation thresholds with a view to identifying challenges ahead for action at national and international levels in coordination with the Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States.
委员会还遗憾的是,仍然没有关于寻求庇护儿童和难民儿童以及关 于国内和国家间收养的门别类的数 据。
The Committee also regrets that disaggregated data on asylum-seeking and refugee children and on domestic and intercountry adoptions is still not available.
委员会建议缔约国提供按受害者年 龄、性别和民族或族裔血统门别类 开 列 的所报告的仇恨罪、对罪行的起诉、对 罪责的判决和所作出的惩处的数量和性质的最新统计数据。
It recommends that the State party provide updated statistical data on the number and nature of reported hate crimes, prosecutions, convictions and sentences imposed on perpetrators, disaggregated by age, gender and national or ethnic origin of victims.
还有人指出,没有必要进一步 门别类 , 特 别是鉴于解释性声明是否是保留 是根据“保留”一词的客观定义来决定的。
It was also pointed out that there was no need
[...] for further categorization, particularly since the determination [...]
of whether an interpretative
declaration constituted a reservation was based on an objective definition of the term “reservation”.
在对老年 人享受健康权方面制定更全面的方式过程中,收集并分析有关不同群体的 门别 类的数据并拟订适当策略是很重要。
In developing a more comprehensive approach to the enjoyment of the right to health of older persons, it is important to both collect and analyse disaggregated data and develop appropriate strategies for diverse groups.
2006 年 1 月 11 日,科学技术部颁布了第 05/2006 的
TT-BKHCN 号公告, 为与辐射有关的活动进行通知、登记和发放许可证提供了指导;2006 年 6
[...] 月 7 日颁布了第 13/2006/CT-BKHCN 号指示,以加强国家对放射源 安全和安保的管理;2007 年 8 月 31 日颁布了第 17/2007/QD-BKHCN 号指 示,公布了出于安全要求,将放射源 门别类 的 规 章。
The Ministry of Science and Technology issued Circular 05/2006 TT-BKHCN, dated 11 January 2006, providing guidance on the procedures of notification, registration and licence issuance to radiation-related activities; Directive No. 13/2006/CT-BKHCN dated 7 June 2006 on the enhancement of State management of safety and security of
radioactive sources; and
[...] Decision No. 17/2007/QD-BKHCN dated 31 August 2007, on the promulgation of the Regulation on categorizing radioactive [...]
sources for security requirements.
[...] 受歧视,诸如先前那些将残疾人驱离街道,把他们关押在 类封 闭 收 容院内的做 法,需要采取可持久的行动,确保残疾人的康复和重新融入社会,并得到充分的 [...]
Yet, due to the consequences of prolonged discrimination, such as the previous practices of keeping the streets clear of
persons with disabilities and locking them
[...] up in various closed wards, such persons [...]
need sustained action to ensure their
recovery and social reintegration, with adequate supports.
保障边界安全意味着防扩 散;它意味着将各种威胁门别类; 它 还意味着威胁被 控制在当地,防止其扩散,使其更容易被消除。
Secure borders means non-proliferation; it means the compartmentalization of threats; and it means that threats are localized and their spread is prevented, making them much easier to overcome.
如同我在 2011 年 3 月 19 日、2011 年 2 月 23 日、2011 年 2 月 9 日、2011 年2月1日、2010 年 12 月 21 日和 2010 年 12 月 9 日给安全理事会的前封信中 特别指出 ,从加沙地带发动的这种攻击构成明显违反国际法的行为,必须以最严 肃的态度加以处理。
As I highlighted in previous letters to the Security Council dated 19 March 2011, 23 February 2011, 9 February 2011, 1 February 2011, 21 December 2010 and 9 December 2010, such attacks emanating from the Gaza Strip constitute a clear violation of international law and must be addressed with the utmost seriousness.
安理会是根 据其暂定议事规则第 2 条和 2010 年 5 月 31 日土耳其 常驻联合国代表的信和 2010 年 5 月 31 日黎巴嫩常驻
[...] 代表给安全理事会主席的信开会的,这 封 信 将 分别 作为文件 S/2010/266 和 S/2010/267 [...]
The Council is meeting in accordance with rule 2 of its provisional rules of procedure in response to a letter dated 31 May 2010 from the Permanent Representative of Turkey to the United Nations, and to a letter also dated 31 May 2010 from the Permanent Representative of
Lebanon addressed to the President of the Security
[...] Council, to be issued respectively as documents S/2010/266 [...]
and S/2010/267.
[...] 的和平之手,反而对西岸进行攻击,在杰宁和纳布卢 斯实施屠杀,对手无寸铁的巴勒斯坦人民实 封 锁, 专门杀害 妇女和儿童,亵渎宗教场所,改变耶路撒冷 的特征并使之犹太化,实行焦土政策、集体惩罚和大 [...]
Meanwhile, instead of reaching out to the Arab hand outstretched in peace, Israel responded by attacking the West Bank and carrying out the
Jenin and Nablus
[...] massacres, enforcing a blockade on the defenceless Palestinian people, and by specializing in killing women [...]
and children, desecrating
places of worship, changing the character of Jerusalem and Judaizing it, carrying out a scorched-earth policy and collective punishment and mass arrests and building settlements and constructing the racist separation wall on occupied Palestinian lands.
警察机构将化学、生物、辐射、核和爆炸的威胁 门别类 , 重 点是收集和评 价可证明调查结果的关于所涉化学、生物、辐射、核和爆炸材料的执法信息、情 [...]
Police organizations that have categorized the CBRNe threat [...]
have focused on collecting and evaluating law enforcement information,
intelligence service information, forensic information about the CBRNe material in question and forensic information that supports the investigation.
[...] 报告问题,包括经修订的《气候公约》附件一报告指南增加 门 、 类别 和 气体的 覆盖范围以及报告格式表的进一步发展问题的决定。
The SBSTA may wish to prepare elements for a decision by the COP at its sixteenth session on reporting issues, including an increase in coverage by the
revised UNFCCC Annex I reporting
[...] guidelines in terms of sectors, categories and gases, as well [...]
as on further development of the reporting format tables.
没有一个 政府可以僭取权利将其他国家在反恐方面采取的行 动门别类,更 何况是一个采用双重标准、拒绝起诉 诸如路易斯·波萨达·卡里略斯等对古巴和本半球其 他国家犯有骇人听闻的恐怖罪行并供认不讳的肇事 者并让他们逍遥法外和参加政治活动的政府。
No Government can arrogate
[...] the right to categorize the actions of other nations with regard to terrorism, especially not a Government [...]
of double standards
that refuses to prosecute confessed perpetrators of horrendous terrorist acts against Cuba and other countries of this hemisphere, such as Luis Posada Carriles, allowing them instead to roam free and participate in political activities.




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