单词 | 封港 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 封港 —seal off a portSee also:封—grant • confer • surname Feng • bestow a title
但是,報告卻有意無意的提及港台,封 殺港台過渡至新公司的可能性,明顯是自相矛盾的。 legco.gov.hk | However, by accident or design, the report has raised the issue of RTHK and ruled out the possibility of its transition to the new corporation. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 封閉本港水域的任何範圍;及 船舶及港口管理條例現時規定,海事處處長為管制海㆖航行情況,可以在某個時 [...] 間向某㆒艘船發出特別指示。 legco.gov.hk | At present, the [...] Shipping and Port Control Ordinance [...]provides that the Director of Marine may give specific directions for [...]the control of navigation only to one particular vessel at a time. legco.gov.hk |
因此,再次呼吁联合国对索马里实施禁飞区 , 封 锁 其 港 口 , 并部 署联合国行动,帮助稳定该国并支持其重建。 daccess-ods.un.org | It therefore reiterated its call to the United [...] Nations to impose a no-fly zone [...] on Somalia, to blockade its seaports, and to deploy United [...]Nations operations to help stabilize [...]the country and support its reconstruction. daccess-ods.un.org |
冰封的大洋航线,港口内 的冰—冬季对于船主来说通常是一个很大的问题。 voith.com | Ice-covered shipping lanes, ice in port - winter generally [...] is a great concern to many shipowners. voith.com |
(a) 香港郵政署現時每日處理的塑膠信封 數量 香港郵政署現時每日處理的塑膠信封 數量 香港郵政署現時每日處理的塑膠信封 數量 香港郵政 署現時每日處理的塑膠信封數量;及 ;及 ;及 ;及 legco.gov.hk | (a) of the volume of plastic envelopes currently handled each day by the territory's Post Offices; and legco.gov.hk |
我拿到的這 封信是港鐵在4 月 19日發給傳媒的 ⎯⎯ 我當然不會讀出來,這麼 長,否則我便沒有時間發言了 ⎯⎯ 信中表示,如果傳媒報道一些港 鐵負面的消息 ⎯⎯ 所涵蓋的範圍是很廣闊的,包括港鐵的產品、服 務和物業項目,以及港鐵在香港和全世界的任何東西,只要觸及這些 便是犯上死罪 ⎯⎯ 或作出這方面的報道,港鐵便有權抽起廣告。 legco.gov.hk | Of course, I will not read out the whole letter, it is really long; if I read it out, I will not have enough time to speak. It is said in the letter that if the press media reported negative news about the MTRCL, the scope was broad, including products, services and real estate projects of the MTRCL, and anything owned by the MTRCL in Hong Kong and overseas, a death sentence would be imposed, that means the MTRCL reserved the right to cancel its advertisements placed in the press media. legco.gov.hk |
如果翻看歷史書,在 1984 年,當時的國家主 席趙紫陽親筆寫了一封信給香港大 學( “ 港 大 ”)學生會,他清楚說明了他 對香港人的民主訴求的回應,那便是實行民主是理所當然的。 legco.gov.hk | If we look at the historical records, in 1984, the State President at that time, Mr ZHAO Ziyang, wrote a letter personally to [...] the student union of the [...] University of Hong Kong and stated his response to Hong Kong people's [...]aspiration for democracy clearly, [...]that is, it was only a matter of course to put democracy into practice. legco.gov.hk |
2008年5 [...] 月,周勇军从海外以Wand 的名义写了三封信给香港恒生银行, 要求向另外两家银行转款六百万美元。 daccess-ods.un.org | In May 2008, Zhou Yung Jun sent from abroad three [...] letters to the bank Hong Kong Heng Sheng on behalf [...]of Wand, with the purpose of transferring [...]6 million US dollars to two different banks. daccess-ods.un.org |
2011 年 [...] 1 月 20 日,联科行动特派团联合分析小组的一处消息来源从阿比 让海港报告,科特迪瓦宪兵封锁了港 口 区 并从停靠在 17 号码头的一艘轮船上卸 货。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 20 January 2011, a UNOCI Joint Mission Analysis [...] Cell source reported [...] from Abidjan seaport that the Ivorian gendarmerie had sealed the port area while [...]unloading a cargo from a vessel docked at Quay 17. daccess-ods.un.org |
接 着,卻沒說明港台將來的角色,令人覺得他們有不可告人的政治目的,亦不 知是否欲封殺和“陰乾”港台。 legco.gov.hk | And it has then avoided to identify the future role of RTHK, [...] giving people the impression of having an ulterior political motive, and the [...] suspicion of smothering and "drying up" RTHK. legco.gov.hk |
以郵寄方式發出的任何通知應視作於載有該通知之 信 封 或 密 封封 套 投入 香港境內 郵局翌日送達;而證明載有有關通知之信封或密封封套已繳足郵 資、填妥地址且投入郵局,將足以證明有關通知已送達;而由秘書或董事 會委任之其他人士就載有有關通知之信封或密封封套已填妥地址且投入 [...] 郵局而簽署之書面證明書,將為最終證明。 mmg.com | Any notice sent by post shall be deemed to have been served on [...] the day following that [...] on which the envelope or wrapper containing the same is put into a post office situated within Hong Kong, and in proving [...]such service, it shall [...]be sufficient to prove that the envelope or wrapper containing the notice was properly prepaid, addressed and put into such post office and a certificate in writing signed by the Secretary or other person appointed by the Board that the envelope or wrapper containing the notice was so addressed and put into such post office shall be conclusive evidence thereof. mmg.com |
主席女士,我要指出的是,民主黨提出的港台轉型,並不是要求 將 港台 原封不動地改為香港公共 廣播公司,而是希望港台能夠在過渡中慢慢轉變, 以適應新環境。 legco.gov.hk | Madam President, I wish to point out that the transformation of RTHK proposed by the Democratic Party does not mean the conversion of RTHK into Hong Kong Public Broadcasting Corporation in its original state. legco.gov.hk |
9.强调必须大力推动有效实施第 [...] 1907(2009)号决议;呼吁联合国安全理事 会制裁委员会立即按要求指定相关的厄立特里亚军事和政治领导人及其他人员 [...] 和实体,以便有效落实制裁制度,并敦促安全理事会迅速采取行动,落实其早先 提出的实行禁飞区和封锁海港的要 求,以防止外国团伙进入索马里,防止向叛军 提供后勤和其他支持 daccess-ods.un.org | STRESSES the need to pursue vigorously the effective implementation of Resolution 1907 (2009); CALLS UPON the UN Security Council Sanctions Committee to urgently designate the relevant Eritrean military and political leaders and other persons and entities as required, to allow for an effective sanctions regime to be implemented, and URGES the Security Council to speedily act on its earlier [...] request for the imposition of a no-fly [...] zone and the blockade of sea ports to prevent the [...]entry into Somalia of foreign elements [...]and the supply of logistical and other support to the insurgency daccess-ods.un.org |
香港郵政發行小版張及紀念封,旨 在紀念 香 港 運 動 員在倫敦2012殘疾人奧運會的成就,並祝願香港殘疾人運動持續發展,運動員能續創佳績,為港爭光。 hongkongpoststamps.hk | Hongkong Post is pleased to issue a mini-pane and a souvenir cover to commemorate the accomplishments of the Hong Kong delegation [...] at the London 2012 Paralympic [...]Games and to convey best wishes for sustainable development of local paralympic sports and the athletes' every success in future, bringing glory to Hong Kong. hongkongpoststamps.hk |
本公告由海事處處長("處長")根據《船舶及港口管制條例》 (第 313 章 )第 [...] 16B條及《商船(本地船隻)條例》(第 548章 )第 26條訂 立,指明將於2009年 [...] 12月 5日某些期間內,因第五屆東亞運動會開 幕典禮而封閉的在香港維多利亞港中 央 部分的水域範圍,除2類指 明的船隻之外,任何船隻均不准在該等期間進入該等水域範圍。 legco.gov.hk | It specifies the areas of the waters [...] at the central part of the [...] Victoria Harbour of Hong Kong to be closed to all vessels except [...]two specified classes of vessels [...]for certain periods on 5 December 2009 for the opening ceremony of the Fifth East Asian Games. legco.gov.hk |
任何通告或其他文件若以郵遞方式寄出,則在載有任何通告的 信 封 投 進 位於 香港以內 的郵政局後視為已送達論,且在送達後得視為足夠證明證實載有該通告 或文件的信封已經妥為投進郵政局內,以及由秘書或高級職員簽署的證明書證明 [...] 載有該通告的信封已經註明地址及投進郵政局內,即屬不可推翻的憑證,。 vitasoy.com | Any notice or other document, if served by post, shall be deemed to [...] have been served at the [...] time when the envelope containing the same is put into a post office situated within Hong Kong; in proving [...]such service it shall [...]be sufficient to prove that the envelope containing the notice or document was properly addressed and put into such post office and a certificate in writing signed by the Secretary or other officer of the Company that the envelope containing the notice was so addressed and put into the post office shall be conclusive evidence thereof. vitasoy.com |
(ii) 倘以郵遞方式寄發,於載有該通告或文件之 信 封 或 封 套 投 入設於 香港 境內 之郵政局之下一個工作天,須被視為已送達、交付或寄發,而載 有該通告或文件並已妥為付訖郵資、填寫正確地址及投入上述郵政局 之信封或封套(倘由香港寄往香港境 外 ,則為航空郵件)足以證明該 信封或封套已送達;經由秘書或董事會委任之其他人士簽署證明書, 表明該通告或文件之信封或封套已妥為付訖郵資、填寫正確地址及投 入上述郵政局,即具為決定性憑證; (iii) 倘以報章廣告方式公佈,於通告或文件在香港流通之一份英文報章及 一份中文報章刊登當日,須被視為已送達、交付或寄發 shuntakgroup.com | (ii) if sent by post, shall be deemed [...] to have been served, delivered or sent on the working day following that on which the envelope or wrapper containing the same is put into a post office situated within Hong Kong and in proving such service it shall be sufficient to prove that the envelope or wrapper containing the notice [...]or document was properly [...]prepaid, addressed and put into such post office (airmail if posted from Hong Kong to an address outside Hong Kong) and a certificate in writing signed by the Secretary or other person appointed by the Board that the envelope or wrapper containing the notice or document was so properly prepaid, addressed and put into such post office shall be conclusive evidence thereof shuntakgroup.com |
亦有委員指出,由於政府建議每名旅客最多只可攜帶19支免稅香 煙,但仍然准許入境免稅店售賣20支裝的香煙,入境旅客可能未知新規 例的實施,卻把在入境範圍的免稅店購得的未 開 封 香 煙 帶入 香 港 , 以致 觸犯法例。 legco.gov.hk | A member has also pointed out that as the Government proposes to cap the maximum number of duty-free cigarettes allowable for each passenger at 19 sticks while still allowing the sale of 20-stick cigarette by inbound Duty Free Shops (DFS), those incoming passengers who are unaware of the new limit may inadvertently breach the law by carrying an un-opened packet of cigarette bought from these inbound DFS. legco.gov.hk |
不過,這只是早年港府的封閉和 腐敗,但我們 今日的政府,為何仍要處處包庇黃維則堂,立法保障早年政府錯誤給予他們的特權? legco.gov.hk | I wonder why the present [...] Government still harbours the WWTT and even [...]enacts laws to protect the prerogatives mistakenly [...]granted to them by the Government in the early days. legco.gov.hk |
另外,文章亦指出,非典型肺炎事件反映了「(特區政府的)管治班子愈來 愈 封 閉 」 ,令 香 港 「 失 去了本來的優勢」,並強調只有政府官員果斷開放,配合社會各界求真求知的精神,方可帶領香港走出陰霾,立足世界。 hkupop.hku.hk | Besides, the article criticized that "(the HKSAR Government's) leading team (was) becoming more and more conservative and old-fashioned" as reflected by its handling of the calamity, such that Hong Kong has "lost the advantages we once owned". hkupop.hku.hk |
例 如 , 我在提 出 議 案時仍未知 道 , 巧 合 地 TIME [...] Magazine 在 12 月 13 日 便 拿 了 香 港 的 照 片 作 封 面,這 只 是 早兩天 的事情。 legco.gov.hk | For example, unknown to me when I proposed the [...] motion and by sheer coincidence, the Time magazine published [...] a picture of Hong Kong on the cover of its 13 December issue. legco.gov.hk |
把具 有防病 治 病 卓 越 功能, 並 且 是 許 多 港 人 [...] 樂 於 接 受 的 中 醫 藥 , 排 斥 於公共醫 護 架 構 之外, 不 僅 會 造 成 了 本港醫 療 制 度 的 封閉, 而 且 亦不符 合港情。 legco.gov.hk | Given the superb efficacy and wide acceptance of Chinese medicine, it would be a [...] closed-door policy to exclude Chinese medicine from [...] the public health care system not in keeping with the situation of Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
時 代 雜 誌 》 亞 洲 版 最 近 選 用 了 一 幅 霧 鎖 維港的 照 片 作為封 面 , 顯 示在污 染 嚴重的 日子, 維港的 能 見 度 非 常低。 legco.gov.hk | The Asian edition of the Time magazine has [...] featured a photograph of a [...] foggy Victoria Harbour to highlight the cover story of a current issue, indicating that the visibility in the Harbour is very low on [...]certain days when the [...]air pollution is most serious. legco.gov.hk |
如果我們繼續故步自封,再懷着大香 港 的 心態,今天談的甚麼 促進香港與泛珠合作,最終也是枉然。 legco.gov.hk | If we continue to restrain ourselves from making progress and maintain the big Hong Kong ego, the discussion on the promotion of co-operation between Hong Kong and the PPRD today will only end in vain. legco.gov.hk |
(b) 曾否測試本港封閉式 建築物㆗氡氣的含量 曾否測試本港封閉式 建築物㆗氡氣的含量 曾否測試本港封閉式 建築物㆗氡氣的含量 曾否測試本港封閉式 建築物㆗氡氣的含量;若然 ;若然 ;若然 ;若然,其含量會否影響大廈內的㆟ ,其含量會否影響大廈內的㆟ ,其含量會否影響大廈內的㆟ ,其含量會否影響大廈內的㆟ 的健康 legco.gov.hk | (b) any tests have been carried out to measure the radon gas concentration in artificially ventilated sealed buildings in the territory; if so, whether the concentration is at a level that may affect the [...] health of people inside such buildings; and legco.gov.hk |
因此, [...] 如果曾蔭權想做政治家,唯一的路便是彌補時代的缺憾,實現民主,讓 香港 遠離封建, 擺脫人治,走向現代,走向民主,讓香港人和 80 歲的老人均可 [...]看到普選的一天。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, if Donald TSANG wants to be a politician, the only thing he can do is to remedy the shortcomings of [...] our times by practising [...] democracy, so that Hong Kong can leave the feudal age and the rule [...]of man far behind and head towards [...]the modern age and democracy, such that Hong Kong people and the elderly person aged 80 can all see the advent of universal suffrage. legco.gov.hk |
在这一点上为我作证,如果基斯马尤 港 被 封 锁 , 青年 党 70%的力量将受到打击,因为该港口是青年党的主 [...] 要供给线,距离与肯尼亚接壤的国际边界仅约 70 公 里。 daccess-ods.un.org | I can assure you, Mr. President, and Ambassador Mahiga will [...] bear witness for me on this, that if the port of [...] Kismaayo were blockaded, 70 per cent of [...]the strength of Al-Shabaab would [...]be dealt a blow because it is the principal supply line and only about 70 kilometres from the international boundary with Kenya. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果我们把海军行动的额外 开支、区域国家旅游业的收入损失、 港 口 被 封 和 贸易 受阻的损失计入海盗行径的费用,更不用说原材料及 [...] 工业和其他货物的运输费的增加,那么总的费用确实 可观,并且在今后几年中将不可避免地继续上升。 daccess-ods.un.org | If we factor into those costs of piracy the additional costs for naval operations and the revenue losses to [...] the countries of the region associated [...] with tourism, blocked ports and impediments [...]to trade, to say nothing of the increase [...]in the cost of transporting raw materials and industrial and other goods, then the total costs are significant indeed — and will inevitably continue to rise in the coming years. daccess-ods.un.org |
由於《修訂公告》同時取消有關香港身份證持有人必須離港24小 時,才可獲得煙草免稅優惠的時間限制,有委員關注到,此修訂或會鼓 勵港人以“螞蟻搬家”的方式(即每次攜帶小量香煙每天多次進出 香 港 ), 攜帶未開封的免稅香煙進口作為走私香煙非法轉售。 legco.gov.hk | Given that the Amendment Notice also recommends lifting the 24-hour rule on time spent outside Hong Kong for entitlement to the duty-free concession on tobacco products, a member has expressed concern that the proposed change may encourage the carrying of duty-free cigarettes in un-opened packets for resale as illicit cigarettes in an "ants-moving" manner (that is, carrying a small quantity each time with frequent trips in and out of Hong Kong every day). legco.gov.hk |
中心人員會查驗供港蔬菜貨車的封 識是 否完整、檢查蔬菜和有關文件是否與付運蔬菜相符,以 及不論蔬菜來自哪個菜場或加工企業,抽取蔬菜樣本進行農 [...] 藥殘留測試。 legco.gov.hk | CFS officers will check [...] the integrity of the seals of vegetable vehicles, [...]examine the vegetables and verify whether the [...]accompanying documents tally with the consignments, and take vegetable samples for testing of pesticide residue, irrespective of which vegetable farm or collecting and processing establishment the vegetables come from. legco.gov.hk |