

单词 封建主




See also:


system of enfeoffment

bestow a title
surname Feng

External sources (not reviewed)

在 这 个 民 主 专 政 下封 建 主资 本 主 义 的 残 [...]
余 将 会 被 扫 除 ﹐ 无 产 阶 级 会 组 织 起 来 ﹐ 不 断 壮 大 。
Under this democratic
[...] dictatorship, remnants offeudalism and capitalism [...]
would be wiped out and the proletariat would organize itself and grew stronger.
本 文 会 先 讨 论 废封 建 主措 施 , 之 後 解 释 [...]
此 等 措 施 如 何 为 随 後 的 经 济 及 军 事 现 代 化 铺 路 。
In this essay, I will first talk about
the measures carried out concerning with
[...] the abolition offeudalism,thenexplain [...]
how these measures prepared the ground for
Japan’s subsequent economic and military modernization.
就 如 一 位 历 史 学 家 曾 说 , 在 市 场 经 济 的
[...] 贪 污 风 气 影 响 下封 建 主失 去 对 所 有 封 [...]
建 阶 级 的 控 制 。
As a historian said, “Feudalism was losing its [...]
grip on particularly all feudal classes the corrupting influence of a market economy.
封 建 主致 中 央 政 府 的 建 立 , 及 有 [...]
助 明 治 日 本 实 现 经 济 及 军 事 现 代 化 。
The abolitionof feudalism ledto the creation [...]
of a centralized government and contributed to the economic and military modernization of Meiji Japan.
不 过 ﹐亚 历 山
[...] 大 二 世 在 位 期 间 ﹐封 建 主束 了 ﹐并 开 始 了 [...]
早 期 的 资 本 主 义 阶 段 。
Though Alexander II’s period was marked by the
[...] end of thesemi-feudalism and thestart [...]
of an early capitalists stage, as witnessed
by the increase in mileage of railway which led to the growth of industry, the increase in banking and credit facilities.
[...] 定了废除令,正式的《土地限制法令》旨在限制土地的集中,但在有些邦封建 主土地所有权模式仍然存在。
In some States, feudalistic
[...] patternsof land ownership persist,despite [...]
legal abolition and the official Land Ceilings Act
that aimed to limit land concentration.
十 七末到十九世纪,他们的祖先为了逃避残暴封建荒而 逃到中国。
Their ancestors migrated from the Korean
peninsula as peasants fleeing from
[...] their oppressivefeudallandlords or famine from the [...]
late seventeenth century through to the nineteenth century.
W.G. Beasley 指 出 这 是 幕 府 前 所 未 有 的 举 动 , 它 令 幕 府 的
[...] 专 制 传 统 被 打 破 ,封 建参 与 政 策 决 定 。
To ask daimyo's opinion, as W.G. Beasley points out, was unprecedented step in the Shogunate rule
by which the tradition of the Bakufu autocracy had
[...] broken down andthefeudal lords becameinvolved [...]
in the policy-making.
A long time ago, but are cut away to samurai was a man across the
[...] front ofthefeudal lord's procession through [...]
the highway Saikoku, was safe without
incident and come to a sudden realization.
在联盟的主持下,2010 年 11 月 11 和 12 日在亚的斯亚贝巴举办了一个关于 宗教容忍、传统冲突解决办法封建主研讨会,作为埃塞俄比亚对联盟工作 的支持。
Under the auspices of the Alliance, a seminar on religious tolerance, traditional conflict resolution and federalism was held on 11 and 12 November 2010 in Addis Ababa, as a contribution of Ethiopia to the Alliance.
拿破仑法典》迅速取代封建截然不同的法律体系,罗 马-日耳曼法律传统在整个欧洲和世界其他地区扩展柱之一。
The Napoleonic Code took the place of the disparate legal systems of feudal times and became one of the major pillars of the expansion of the Romano-Germanic [...]
legal tradition
throughout Europe and the rest of the world.
这种长久以来的他者属性造成了亚洲的焦虑,它随着19世纪末亚封建相继瓦解、殖断扩张、现代民族国家艰难建立的风云动荡,贯穿于近百年的亚洲历史之中。以中国和土耳其这两大东方帝国为例,它们在追寻自己的现代性的过程中几乎同步并具有惊人的相似性:清王朝与奥图曼王朝差不多在同一时间崩溃,孙中山和凯末尔(Mustafa [...][...]
Kemal Ataturk)也差不多在同一时间崛起,他们都是坚定的西化论者,对长期积弱的国家忧心忡忡,为了学习和追赶西方,他们亲手缔造了各自国家的共和政体。
This long-standing attribute of the Other has resulted in Asian
anxiety; it was present
[...] throughout nearlyacentury of Asian history, as Asia lived through changes [...]
and turbulences from
the end of the nineteenth century onwards –the successive collapse of feudal monarchies, the continuous expansion of colonialism, the arduous establishment of modern nation-states, etc. Take the two Eastern empires, China and Turkey, for example, they almost coincided and shared astonishing similarities in the process of looking for their own modernity: the Chinese Qing dynasty and the Turkish Ottoman dynasty fell at about the same time, and Sun Yat-sen and Mustafa Kemal Ataturk emerged at roughly the same moment; both people were firm advocates of westernization, were deeply worried for their chronically weak countries, and in order to learn from the West and to catch up with it, they established a republican regime in their own country.
[...] 在没有任何合法理由的情况下将 10 000 名巴勒斯坦 人拘押在以色列监狱和拘留所中;无视国际法院的咨 询意见,持续离墙;违反安全理事会 第 1860(2009)号决议和大会第 ES-10/18 号决议,对 加沙地带实行严在西岸设置障碍和检查站; 以色列内阁规定犹太人作出效忠宣誓,以孤立以色列 境内的以色列籍阿拉伯人口;以色列议会最近的立法 [...]
的苛刻条件,但通过全民投票或经议会三分之二多数 通过则除外;以及由于时间关系,我们不能一一列举 的其他许多违法行为。
Israel’s violations of international law, human rights law and international humanitarian law have been increasing, as manifested by many practices, such as the detention of 10,000
Palestinians in
[...] Israeli jails and detention facilities without any legal grounds; thecontinuedconstruction ofthe racist separation wall, in defiance of the advisory opinion of the International [...]
Court of Justice;
the tight siege of the Gaza Strip, contrary to Security Council resolution 1860 (2009) and General Assembly resolution ES-10/18; the barriers and checkpoints in the West Bank; the Jewish loyalty oath instituted by the Israeli Cabinet to isolate the Arab-Israel population in Israel; the recent Knesset legislation setting stringent new conditions on any withdrawal from the occupied Arab territories annexed to Israel except through a referendum or the approval of a two-third majority of the Knesset; and many other violations that time will not permit us to list.
在重申南非谴责以色列持续进正在进行隔离扩大以色列定居点的同时, 他也再次呼吁以色列停止扩大在西岸的定居点,停 止拆毁西岸以及东耶路撒冷的巴勒斯坦人的家园, 这些都严重损害了西岸和加沙的社会和经济结构, 增加了失业、贫困和对人助的依赖,并直 接影响到享受经济和社会权利。
Reiterating South Africa’s condemnation of
[...] the continuing blockade, the ongoingconstruction of the separation wall and the expansion of Israeli settlements, he also again called on Israel to cease expansion of settlements in the West Bank and its demolition of Palestinian homes there and in East Jerusalem, which were severely damaging the social and economic structures of the West Bank and Gaza, increasing unemployment, poverty and reliance on humanitarian assistance [...]
and directly affecting
the enjoyment of economic and social rights.
在同及塞拉利昂政府就审查第 1171(1998)号决议第 4 段规定的向塞拉利昂运送武器或相关物资的通知要求提出并告知塞拉利 昂常驻代表,委员会成员认为,就武器禁运的未来作出决定属于安全理事会的职 权范围,因此委员会决定将常驻代表的信转递安全理事会主席,并提请特别关注 就第 1171(1998)号决议规定的通知要求提出
In the same letter, and in connection with the Government of Sierra Leone’s suggestion regarding the review of the notification requirements for the delivery of arms or related materiel to Sierra Leone set out in paragraph 4 of
[...] [...] resolution 1171 (1998), the Chairman informed the Permanent Representative of Sierra Leone that the members were of the view that decisions on the future of the arms embargo fall within the purview of the Security Council, and that the Committee had therefore decided to convey the Permanent Representative’s letter to the President of the Security Council, drawing particular attentionto the suggestionsrelatedto the notification requirements set out in resolution 1171 (1998).
还要解决主建面的软 性问题,例如选举环境、法治、尊重多样性、和平调解争端、以及接受选举结 果。
There is also a need to address
[...] soft issues in democracy building,such aselection [...]
context, the rule of law, respect for
diversity, peaceful mediation of conflicts, and acceptance of election results.
不 论 是 尊 王 攘 夷 的 学 者 、 激 进
[...] 官 僚 或 是 忠 於 朝 廷 的 人 , 此 等 人是 来 自 武 士 阶 级 , 这 阶 级封 建的 崩 溃 及 新 制 度 的 成 立 扮 演 了 [...]
极 重 要 的 角 色 。
These men, whether they were Sonno-Joi intellects, activists-bureaucrat or loyalists came mostly from
the samurai, the class which played
[...] such an important part in the breakdownof the feudal system and the establishment of the new one.
[...] S/2012/238,其中 载有 4 月 19 日秘书长给安全理事
I wish to draw the attention of Council members to document
S/2012/238, which contains a letter dated 19 April from the Secretary-General
[...] addressed tothe Presidentof theSecurity [...]
3月19日,在福建省残联领导陪同下,特奥会东亚区总裁顾抒航来到市永定县,探望赖静和母亲李雪珍,带去全球400万特奥运动员和他们父母的祈祷,以及特奥姆•施莱佛的鼓励信函 ,信中提到“有时我们不得不和过去告别,甚至和生命告别,从某种程度上来说,这的确是无奈的事情。
Mary brought an inspiring letter written by Dr. TimothyP. Shriver, Chairman and CEO of Special Olympics, on behalf of 4 million athletes and their parents all over the world to [...]
Lai Jing and her mother.
Moreover, he is also a modest gentleman
who could not only open his mind
[...] to criticism but also take public supervision seriously rather than press it asother feudal rulersdid.
我还希望提请安理会成员注意文件 S/2010/250, 其中载有
[...] 2010 年 5 月 21 日乍得常驻联合国代表给安 全理事
I also wish to draw the attention of Council members to document S/2010/250, which contains a letter dated 21 May
2010 from the Permanent Representative of Chad to the United Nations
[...] addressed tothe Presidentof theSecurity [...]
在访问期间,工作组发现,非洲人后裔在葡萄牙面临的挑及他们 作为一个特定群体在葡萄牙国家政策和立法框架中得不到承认;其在历史上对 该国发展作出积极贡献得不到承认;没有按种族或族裔分列的定性和 定量的分类数据;贫困、获得教育、公共服务和就业机会不平等,以及在行政 和司法制度运作方面的歧视,形成恶性循环;存在种族貌相和警察暴力;在政 治和体制决策进程中代表不足,以及葡萄牙缺少针对非洲人后裔或其他少数群 体的具体措施或扶持行动政策。
During their visit, the Working Group found that the challenges faced by
people of African descent
[...] in Portugal related mainlytotheir lack of recognition as a specific group in the national policy and legal framework; the lack of recognition of their positive contribution throughout history totheconstruction and development [...]
of the country; the lack
of qualitative and quantitative disaggregated data by racial or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle of poverty, unequal access to education, public services, employment, as well as discrimination in the administration and functioning of the justice system; existence of racial profiling and police violence; underrepresentation in political and institutional decision-making processes, as well as the lack of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal for people of African descent or other minorities.
在同委员会的名义要求塞 拉利昂问题特别法庭依照第 1793(2007)号决议第 [...]
8 段的规定赞同列入名单个人 的旅行通知程序,而这一程序将仿照塞拉利昂问题特别法庭和安全理事会关于利 比里亚的第 1521(2003)号决议所设委员会根据安全理事会第
1688(2006)号决议 的规定,就涉及利比里亚的旅行禁令的类似豁免所商定的通知程序。
In the same letter, theChairman,on behalf of [...]
the Committee, sought the agreement of the Special Court for Sierra Leone
on notification procedures for the travel of listed individuals pursuant to paragraph 8 of resolution 1793 (2007), which would be modelled upon the notification procedures agreed between the Special Court for Sierra Leone and the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1521 (2003) concerning Liberia in connection with the similar exemptions to the travel ban concerning Liberia, as set out in Security Council resolution 1688 (2006).
他们表示严重关切因封锁造成的严重的社会经济状况和持续的人成的广泛物质匮乏、生活贫穷和苦难,此外还有军事侵略导致的大量创 伤和痛苦。
They expressed serious concern about the grave
[...] socio-economic conditionsandthe continuing humanitarian crisis dueto the blockade, which has caused [...]
widespread deprivation,
poverty and hardship in addition to the vast trauma and suffering inflicted by the military aggression.
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、 动植物健康问题的能(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析和加强基层 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) 食品 标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) [...]
设立一个食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情
况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 国际论坛讨论与粮食和农业相关的生物风险管理问题。
Specific activities that assisted
[...] countries in relation to terrorismtargeted at food products included: (a)capacity-building(trainingcourses, projects) concerning [...]
food safety,
animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national ability to monitor, diagnose, report and respond to pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.
谨随函转递 2011 年 3 月 14 日阿拉伯叙利亚共和国外交部长瓦利德·穆阿利 姆先生阁下给秘书长和安全理事内容涉及叙利亚公民 Majed Al Chaer 先生和 Fidaa Chaer 先生去年被以色列占领当局抓走和拘押以及最近对他 们的不公正判决(见附件)。
I have the honour to transmit herewith a letter from H. E. Mr. Walid Al-Moualem, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Syrian Arab Republic dated 14 March 2011, addressed
to the
[...] Secretary-General andthe President ofthe Security Council, regarding the capture and imprisonment of the two Syrian citizens, Mr.Majed AlChaer [...]
and Mr. Fidaa Chaer from
the Occupied Syrian Golan, by the Israeli occupation authorities last year and the recent issuing of unjust judgments against them (see annex).




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