单词 | 导致死亡 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 导致死亡 —result in deathless common: lead to death See also:致死 adj—lethal 致死—deadly 死亡 n—death n • deaths pl • mortality n • fatal n • grave n 死亡 v—die v • end up v
不遵循本警告将导致死亡、 重伤或财产损失。 graco.com | Failure to follow this [...] warning can result in death, serious injury, [...]or property damage. graco.com |
此外,肾脏疾病、糖尿病、肠胃疾病及神经系统疾病和精神疾病发病率正 在增加,关于这类疾病导致死亡的报 告增加。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, incidences of renal diseases, diabetes, gastro-intestinal diseases and [...] diseases of the nervous system and mental disorders are on the increase, [...] with increasing deaths reported from such [...]diseases. daccess-ods.un.org |
其后果可能是 重伤,严重时还可能会导致死亡。 highvolt.de | This can result in [...] serious , even lethal bodily injuries. highvolt.de |
血液和血浆涌进消化道, [...] 消化道的微生物被转移到血液中,并扩散到身体各个部位 , 导致死亡。 daccess-ods.un.org | Blood and plasma pour into the digestive tract, [...] the microbes that are in that tract are transferred to the blood and spread to all [...] parts of the body, leading to death. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管官方统计数据 尚未公开,但良心犯和普通罪犯所处的条件可 能 导致死亡。 daccess-ods.un.org | While official statistics have not been made [...] available, it appears that both prisoners of conscience and regular prisoners are subject to [...] conditions that lead to death. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果犯罪导致受害者的健康严重受损,健康紊乱持续起码六个月 或 导致死 亡,就不论是蓄意犯罪还是过失犯罪,都支付补偿。 daccess-ods.un.org | Compensation is paid both in case of [...] intentional crimes and crimes of negligence [...] if the crime resulted in serious damage to victim’s health, a health disorder lasting for at least six months, or death. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果座位过于笔直,婴儿的头部会向前 倾,进而压迫呼吸道导致死亡。 tuv-sud.cn | If seat is too upright, infant’s head can drop forward, compress [...] the airway, resulting in DEATH. tuv-sud.cn |
如果不遵守安全安装和保养过程,则可 能 导致死亡 或 重 伤。 foodproducernews.com | Failure to follow safe installation and servicing procedures [...] could result in death or serious injury. foodproducernews.com |
设备误用危险 误用会导致死亡或严重的伤害。 graco.com | EQUIPMENT MISUSE HAZARD [...] Misuse can cause death or serious injury. graco.com |
遗憾的是,在苏尔特、班尼瓦里和塞卜哈,这些 人没有这样做,冲突的最后几周 导致死亡 和 重伤人数 增加,加重了平民痛苦、流离失所和破坏程度。 daccess-ods.un.org | Regrettably, in Sirte, Bani Walid and Sabha, they did not do [...] so, and the final weeks of conflict [...] added to the toll of deaths, serious injuries, [...]civilian suffering, displacement and destruction. daccess-ods.un.org |
长时间坐着不动或躺着不动时,腿部的静脉出现血栓(深部静脉血栓),血 栓移动到肺部堵塞血管(肺栓塞)则可能 会 导致死亡 的 病 症。 tokyo-icc.jp | If the clot moves to the lung and blocks the blood vessel (pulmonary thrombosis → [...] pulmonary embolism), death can result. tokyo-icc.jp |
关于酷刑导致死亡,委 员会听取的证词表明,很多被拘留者遭到毒打、酷 刑,或受到侵犯人的尊严的待遇,目的是提取有关他们自己或其他人的言行的供 词。 daccess-ods.un.org | As regards torture resulting in death, the accounts heard [...] by the Commission show that numerous detainees were beaten, tortured [...]or treated in a manner that violated their human dignity, in order to extract information or confessions regarding their own or other peoples’ actions or words. daccess-ods.un.org |
如严重抢劫导致死亡或重 大身体或健康伤害,可判处不超过 21 年监禁。 daccess-ods.un.org | If an aggravated robbery has resulted in death or considerable [...] injury to body or health, imprisonment for a term not exceeding 21 years may be imposed. daccess-ods.un.org |
在此也应当感谢秘书长提交出色和相关的报告 (A/65/797)介绍防治艾滋病毒/艾滋病斗争状况,并 [...] 向秘书长保证我们全力支持他提出的实现无新的艾 滋病毒感染、无歧视、无艾滋病 导致死亡 的 宏 伟愿景。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is also appropriate here to thank the Secretary-General for his excellent and relevant report (A/65/797) on the status of the fight against HIV/AIDS and to assure him [...] of our full support for his ambitious vision of zero new HIV infections, zero [...] discrimination and zero AIDSrelated deaths. daccess-ods.un.org |
不过,艾滋病仍然是在非洲导致死亡 的 首 要 原因,也是世界各地育龄妇女死亡的主要原因。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, AIDS continues [...] to be the leading cause of death in Africa and the primary cause of death among women [...]of reproductive age worldwide. daccess-ods.un.org |
这十个部分按现代医疗术语讨论了以下主题:(1) 解剖学、生理学以及已知的性格、体液和要素;(2) [...] 一般病理生理学(包括一个描述脉搏类型的章节和一个关于 可 导致死亡 的 原 因的章节);(3) 卫生与营养(包括单独介绍儿童疾病、老人疾病以及特别介绍旅游期间容易感染的疾病的章节);(4) [...] [...] 诊断和预后;(5) 发烧及其分类;(6) 治疗(当时的医生参阅最多的内容);(7) 感染性疾病;(8) 皮肤疾病;(9) 毒理学;(10) 药理学。 wdl.org | In current medical terminology, the ten parts discuss the following topics: (1) anatomy, physiology and knowing temperaments, humors, and elements; (2) general pathophysiology (including a chapter [...] describing the kinds of pulses and a [...] chapter on causes of death); (3) hygiene and [...]nutrition (including separate chapters [...]on diseases of childhood, of age, and especially diseases contracted while traveling); (4) diagnoses and prognoses; (5) fever and its classification; (6) treatments (the volume of the encyclopedia most sought after by physicians of the period); (7) infectious diseases; (8) skin diseases; (9) toxicology; and (10) pharmacology. wdl.org |
现在已加强了监测,腹泻导致死亡的 人数稳步下降,自 1992 年以来病死率低于 1。 daccess-ods.un.org | Surveillance has now been strengthened and [...] diarrhoeal deaths have declined steadily, with case-fatality rates below [...]1 since 1992. daccess-ods.un.org |
更高浓度的汞蒸汽可对口、呼吸道和肺元素造成损 伤,还会由呼吸衰竭导致死亡。 zeromercury.org | At higher concentrations, mercury vapour can cause damage to the mouth, respiratory tract and [...] lungs, and can lead to death from respiratory [...]failure. zeromercury.org |
指引前往避难所) [...] (2) 如在车内长时间不动,腿部会产生血栓,血栓堵塞在肺部的话可能 会 导致死亡。 tokyo-icc.jp | (2) If you stay in your car for a long time, blood can form clots in your legs, and there [...] is a danger of death if this blocks [...]the lungs. tokyo-icc.jp |
根据美国疾病预防和控制中心资料显示:在美国,溺水是造成1至14岁儿童意外伤害 并 导致死亡 的 第 二大因素。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | In the United States, fatal drowning remains the second leading [...] cause of [...] unintentional injury-related death for children ages [...]1 through 14 according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
指示潜在危险或未按预期使用的情况,若不避免,将可 能导 致死亡或重伤。 leica-geosystems.be | Indicates a potentially hazardous situation or an unintended use which, if not [...] avoided, will result in death or serious injury. leica-geosystems.be |
7.疾病与海洋生物的大量死亡 [...] 鱼类、贝类、海洋哺乳动物、海龟和海鸟的大批死亡和陷入困境(一般 会 导致死亡 ), 与 疾病、寄生虫病、有害藻类水华、低氧、溢油、淡水的调离和气候变化等有关。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The latter often employ models similar to LMR models. unesdoc.unesco.org |
又深为关切 又深为关切 又深为关切 又深为关切早孕和早育及获得性保健和生殖保健,包括熟练助产护理和产科 急诊等方面的机会有限,导致高比例的产科瘘管病患病率及孕产死亡率和发病率, 而且造成妊娠和分娩期间的并发症,常 常 导致死亡 , 尤 其是对少妇和少女而言, 确认 确认 确认 确认在消除童婚和逼婚方面取得进展可对有关女孩教育、孕产妇健康和儿童 健康方面的指标产生积极影响,从而有助于实现千年发展目标 daccess-ods.un.org | that progress towards ending child and forced marriages can have a positive impact on indicators related to girls’ education, maternal health and child health, thereby contributing to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals daccess-ods.un.org |
该符号表⽰如果忽视或不正确操作可能 会 导致 死亡或严重伤害。 ricoh.com | This symbol indicates [...] matters that may lead to death or serious injury [...]if ignored or incorrectly handled. ricoh.com |
冠心病事件和脑卒中会突然发生,如果未得到及时救治 会导 致死亡。 world-heart-federation.org | Heart attacks and strokes can strike [...] suddenly and can be fatal if assistance [...]is not sought immediately. world-heart-federation.org |
导致死亡的事件包括: 1 月 1 日,Misseriya 人和 Nawaiba [...] 人的武装团伙在 Terej 市场(西达尔富尔)由 于欠债发生争端,触发冲突,导致一人死亡(Nawaiba 人)和四人受伤(三个 Misseriya 人,一个 Nawaiba [...]人);2 月 22 日,农民与牧民由于盗窃牲畜的指控 在北达尔富尔的 Sani Karo 附近爆发冲突,致使五人死亡。 daccess-ods.un.org | These were the result of a clash between [...] armed groups of Misseriya and Nawaiba in Terej market, Western Darfur, on 1 January, [...]following a dispute over outstanding debt, which resulted in the death of one person (Nawaiba) and injury to four others (three Misseriya and one Nawaiba), and a clash between farmers and pastoralists near Sani Karo, Northern Darfur, on 22 February, which was triggered by allegations of livestock theft, that resulted in the deaths of five persons. daccess-ods.un.org |
此次会议的主要目标是,审查导致死 亡率大 幅上升的危机的最新证据和解释,并开始讨论当前有关这一问题的知识能够 如何帮助编制联合国死亡率估计数。 daccess-ods.un.org | The main objective of the meeting was to review the state of the art with regard to evidence and understanding of crises that cause significant rises in mortality levels and to initiate a discussion on how current knowledge on this issue can inform the preparation of the United Nations mortality estimates. daccess-ods.un.org |
在空气质量类似北京的城市长期生活(超过6年),和在空气高度纯净的城市长期生活相比,因污染 而 导致死亡 的 风险会增加32%-49%;洛杉矶市的风险增加值为16%,巴黎和旧金山的风险增加值分别为20%和13%。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Living long -term (more than six years) in a city with air similar to [...] Beijing gives you a 32-49% increased risk of [...] pollution-related death than living in a [...]city that has perfectly clean air. beijing.ufh.com.cn |