

单词 寻思

See also:


think v


External sources (not reviewed)

您是否曾寻思表面 搭载的不同表盘有什么用途?
Have you ever wondered what the extra dials inside a watch face are?
瑞士寻思, 解决办法是否不在于维持准则草案 4.5.2 的推定,而在于减少认为提出保留者的 [...]
[...] also wonders whether a solution [...]
could be found in maintaining the presumption of proposed guideline 4.5.2, but
at the same time reducing the degree of plausibility required for considering that the intention of the reservation’s author has been established.
于是我们开寻思在这 一片原野之中办一个芬兰顶级设计展的各种方案。
We started to brainstorm ideas for a top Finnish design exhibition in the middle of the wilderness.
教科文组织本身的存在、它创建时提出的使命、它的文化与和平理想,凡此种种,都 是在普寻求哲学的思想。
The very existence of UNESCO, its underlying tasks and its ideals of culture and peace are linked to the universal quest of the philosophical spirit.
化学部的主要活动,寻找有意思的 研 究课题,进行研究。
Our activity is to find an interesting theme and to conduct a research including an open experiment.
大会本次对话会对于帮助我们开思 考 并 寻求 采取措施恢复与大自然的和谐相处来说,至关重要。
This dialogue in the General Assembly is crucial in helping
[...] us begin to think about and seek measures [...]
to restore harmony with nature.
[...] 但政府审查或禁止陈规定型或不宽容内容的言论只 能迫使仇思想寻找其他表达方式。
Hateful or discriminatory speech would wither in the face of public scrutiny, while, in contrast, Government censorship or prohibition of speech based on
stereotypical or intolerant content would only
[...] force hateful ideology to find new and [...]
alternative ways in which to manifest.
因此,联合国系统思考和寻求发 展筹资的创新性共同办法方面具有重要的作用。
Along these lines, the United Nations system plays a crucial role in the consideration of and search for joint and creative solutions for financing for development.
除了领导机构的指示之外,第三备选方案所包括的建议内容还参照了总干事为在本组 织行动和工作方法方面思广益、寻 求 新 的 思 想 和 建议而成立的各专题组提出的建议,特别 是负责思考如何优化本组织运行机制,提高总部外机构的效率和效益,加强它们的整体性, 改进它们的质量和可视性等问题的第 1 专题组的建议。
In addition to the guidance given by the governing bodies, the proposals in Option 3 are also based on the recommendations of the task forces convened by the Director-General to come up with new ideas and input on the action and working methods of the Organization, and in particular, those of Task Force I which focused on optimizing UNESCO’s operations and on how to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, coherence, quality and visibility of the field network.
鉴于全世界的私有银行正在通 过公共资金被国有化,应再一次认 思 考 , 以 寻求 提 供能力的国家与有效的社会市场之间适当结合的 [...]
As private banks around the world were being nationalized with
[...] public money, serious thought should again be given [...]
to finding an appropriate mix between
an enabling State and an effective social market.
此外,富裕国家应重思考针对寻求 避难者、 难民和移民的限制性——有时是明显歧视性——的 政策。
In addition, affluent
[...] countries should rethink restrictive — and, in some cases, overtly discriminatory — policies that targeted asylumseekers, refugees and [...]
通过第一次非正思考, 得出了三位作家之间的五大共性主题:(i)教学在其作品中的 地位,特别是教育、试验和学习的方式;(ii)努 寻 求 人 与环境和谐的新契约之天性;(iii)通 过与各种形式的知识的对话,推动科技进步;(iv)以人权与民主应对殖民主义、歧视和政 治、经济、社会和文化方面的排斥现象以及(v)艺术,特别是诗歌,是人与自然,人与其同 类之间和解的理想方式。
Five major themes of convergence between these three authors were identified during that first informal reflection process: (i) the place of pedagogy in their work, especially through education, experimentation and learning; (ii) nature, in the form of the desire for the search for a new covenant of solidarity between humanity and its environment; (iii) scientific and technological progress, enriched by dialogue with all forms of knowledge; (iv) human rights and democracy in response to colonialism, discrimination and political, economic, social and cultural exclusion; and, lastly (v) art and, in particular, poetry as a form of unique mediation between people and nature, and between individuals and their fellows.
因此,各国需要解思想,寻找防止危机爆发的最 有效办法,如果发生危机,它们应该能够通过采取有效的政策和干预措施,例如 反周期宏观经济政策、就业保障计划、提供现金和普遍实行社会保护,来更好地 应对危机。
Therefore countries need to think boldly about the most effective ways to prevent the outbreak of crises, and if they do occur, countries should be able to manage them better with effective policies and interventions, such as countercyclical macroeconomic policies, employment guarantee schemes, cash transfers and universal social protection.
这 是 痴 迷 于 物 质 享 受 者 的 结 局, 那 么 那 些 完 全 控 制 和 掌 握 了 心 神思 想 的寻 求 者 又 如 何 呢?
This is the fate of the worshipper who is attached to sensual objects. But what is the lot of the seeker who has mastered his mind and heart?
此外,在教科文组织总干事的推动下,与国际艺术界一道进行 思 考 , 以改善 寻 找来 源、伦理、归还过程和认识国际法律框架方面的作法和宣传。
Furthermore, at the urging of the Director-General of UNESCO, discussions are under way with the international art world in order to improve practices and awareness raising in such areas as provenance investigations, ethics, restitution procedures and knowledge of the international legal framework.
[...] 女士欢迎最后辩论的全体参与者,并向他们提出了一项挑战 ——为维护各方共同利益,突思维 定势 , 寻 求 并 采取新的、更好的合作方法。
Ms. Sommaruga welcomed all participants at the concluding debate and left
them with a challenge — to think “out
[...] of the box” and to seek, find and implement new [...]
and better ways of working together
for the sake of their common interests.
That said, when people feel that they are too tightly bound by rules, they naturally start looking for ways to get around them.
根据前一个两年期中发起的倡议,教科文组织鼓励对信息社会的挑战和最终目标 进行全思考,同时寻求促进在应用信息与传播技术方面的国际合作以取得教科文组 [...]
Pursuing the initiatives launched in the previous biennium, UNESCO stimulated global reflection on the
challenges and ultimate goals of the
[...] information society, while seeking to promote international [...]
cooperation in the application
of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for development in all its fields of competence.
今天,国际社会必思考如何为寻求 中 东和平提
Today, the
[...] international community must think about how to provide [...]
new impetus to the search for peace in the Middle East.
目前,科学家、知识分子和其思想 家都 在 寻 找 衡量福祉的尺度。
At present, scientists,
[...] intellectuals and other thinkers are looking into measures [...]
of well-being.
秘书处还与安全理事会成员国和其他会员国密切联系,处理联合国维和行动 普遍存在关键能力缺口的根本原因,通过非常 思 维 寻 求 新 的创造性解决办法。
The Secretariat is also closely involved with the Security Council members and other Member States to address the root causes of this critical capability gap across United Nations peacekeeping operations, thinking “outside the box” for new and innovative solutions.
目前正在进行采购寻找一 个主要承包 商负责土地核证无雷,和一个排雷方案办公室提供质量控制和保证及社区建立信 [...]
Procurement processes are now under [...]
way for a main contractor to undertake this land release and a Demining Programme Office
to provide quality control and assurance, and community confidence building measures.
[...] 方面,并需求新的途径,水行业也不例外, 思 路 和 寻 求 可持续方法的紧迫感随处可 见,甚至是在过去认为水资源很充足的地方。
As countries try to reduce emissions of the greenhouse gases that are driving climate
change, all aspects of national life are being
[...] scrutinised and new approaches sought – the water [...]
sector is no exception.
理事会正寻求问 题的短 期解决办法,但需要找到普遍定期审议资金问题的长期解决办法,避免采取临时 [...]
While searching for a solution to [...]
the problem in the short term, the Council needed to also find a long-term solution to
the question of resources for the universal periodic review process to avoid ad hoc measures, which risked undermining the principle of equal treatment for all States.
大会在同一决议第五节第 11 段中请秘书寻求更加有效的战略,及时填补 所有工作地点现有和未来的语文员额空缺,表示注意到秘书长关于会议时地分配 [...]
办法的报告(A/63/119 和 Corr.1)第 92 段,又请秘书长尽早举行该段提及的语文
工作人员竞争性征聘考试和 2009 年后的其他考试,以便及时填补所有工作地点 现有和未来的语文员额空缺,并向大会第六十四届会议通报这方面的努力。
In section V, paragraph 11, of the same resolution,
[...] the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to seek a more effective [...]
strategy to fill current
and future language post vacancies at all duty stations in a timely manner, took note of paragraph 92 of the report of the Secretary-General on the pattern of conferences (A/63/119 and Corr.1), and also requested the Secretary-General to hold the competitive examinations for the recruitment of language staff referred to in that paragraph, as well as other examinations beyond 2009, well in advance so as to fill current and future language post vacancies at all duty stations in a timely manner, and to inform the Assembly at its sixty-fourth session of efforts in that regard.
即使在这种情况中,为了使在国家继承之日之前未来得及反对保留的国家 或国际组织能够反对,那么维持领土范围已经扩大的保留必然会打破条约的平 衡:这正是这一例外的狭义思,即 仅涉及保留的领土范围的扩大“使保留的实 施条件发生根本的改变”的情况。
Even in such a situation, in order for a State or international organization that has not objected in time to the reservation prior to the date of the succession of States to be able to object to it, it would be necessary that the maintenance of the reservation the territorial scope of which has been extended should upset the balance of the treaty: that is the sense of the restrictive formulation of this exception, which covers only those situations in which the territorial extension of the reservation “radically changes the conditions for the operation of the reservation”.
会议建议,缔约国思考如 何使各方能够就请求 开展必要的深入分析和讨论,以确保提出高质量的请求仍然是规范做法。
It was suggested that the States Parties reflect on how they can enable the necessary in-depth analysis and discussion of the requests in order to ensure that high quality requests continue to be the norm.
(25) 讨论还围绕编制文件 33 C/5 应考虑的其他一些问题进行:因特网时代的言论自由;记者的安 全;制订利用信息的指导原则;关于公有信息的政策;图书馆和档案馆在建设知识社会中的作用 (还建议将其作为部门间合作的新专题);继续把世界记忆计划作为旗舰活动;关于使用开放源软 件思考和 指导原则;传播和信息的能力建设以及媒体专业人员的培训;公共广播事业;发展社区 多媒体中心;开发多种多样的和多语言的本地内容。
(25) The debate also highlighted other themes which should be taken into account in the preparation of document 33 C/5: freedom of expression in the Internet age; safety of journalists; development of guidelines for access to information; policies on public domain information; the role of libraries and archives in building knowledge societies (also proposed as a theme for new intersectoral cooperation); continuation of the Memory of the World Programme as a flagship activity; reflection and guidelines on the use of open source software; capacity-building in communication and information and training of media professionals; public service broadcasting; development of community multimedia centres; and development of diverse and multilingual local content.
全球文化多样性联盟》也寻求纳入国家一级的传统技能开发计划, [...]
以此作为促进文化遗产及在各地区开展文化产业方面的研究,从而提供可靠并与政策相关的 资料数据。
The Global Alliance for Cultural
[...] Diversity should also seek to include traditional [...]
skills development programmes at the
national level, also as a tool to promote cultural heritage, and to undertake research on cultural industries in the various regions with a view to generating reliable and policyrelevant data.




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