

单词 对...表示怀疑

表示怀疑 verb

query v

See also:

表示 adj

expressed adj
indicated adj

怀疑 adj

suspected adj
sceptical adj
doubtful adj

怀疑 n

scepticism n
question n

怀疑 (...) v

dispute sth. v
suspect v
challenge v

External sources (not reviewed)

不少人无疑对此表示怀疑,但 我们必须面对现 实:在我看来,不控制或掌握摩加迪沙,如何避免索 [...]
Many will no doubt be sceptical, but let us face [...]
the reality that, without capturing or prevailing in Mogadishu, I cannot
see how we can avert the possibility of Somalia plunging into an avoidable disintegration.
[...] 据案卷材料,可以说缔约国有关当局对审查风险问题给予了应有的注意,在程序 上和案情上都提供了保障对此 表示怀疑 或 认为委员会在确定事实和证据方面应 取代无能的国家当局,都是不适宜的。
I believe that the information in the case file makes it clear that the relevant State authorities gave due consideration to the issue of risk, invoking
procedural and substantive safeguards,
[...] and it is unseemly to doubt that or to consider [...]
that it is for the Committee to replace
inefficient State authorities in order to establish the facts and evidence.
然而,有对相称的要表示怀 疑。
Doubts were, however, expressed concerning the requirement [...]
of proportionality.
Israeli procrastination
[...] in that regard raises doubts as to its real intentions.
另外一些委对加上“仅”一 表示怀疑。
Other members expressed doubts as to the inclusion of [...]
the word “only”.
对全球行 动计划的作表示怀疑,认 为各会员国应更加努力 在国家范围内预防人口贩运、追捕罪犯、保护受害 者。
The United States of America was sceptical about the usefulness of a [...]
global plan of action and believed that States should
do more at the national level to prevent trafficking, punish the traffickers and protect the victims.
几位成员对此刻进行新的评价的效 表示怀疑 , 要 求 对 其 理 由提供更多的信息。
Several members questioned the utility of the new evaluation [...]
at this point and requested more information on the rationale behind it.
发达国家必须为他们的行为负责并采取各项措 施,消除这场危机造成的影响,但是若干代 对 于 这 些国家是否认识到了他们有 这些责表示怀疑。
The developed countries must take responsibility for their actions and take measures to
undo the effects
[...] of the crisis, but several delegates expressed doubt about whether such countries were [...]
even aware of those responsibilities.
过去,编制规划方面的 信息有时被认为是浪费时间,有些工作人 对 以 往 制定的主要供中央 部门使用的详细和分阶段工作规划的价 表示怀疑。
Preparing planning information was sometimes
considered a waste
[...] of time in the past, and some staff expressed scepticism about the value in the past of preparing detailed and phased [...]
work plans primarily for central use.
定居点是非法的,使人们有理对两 个 国家解 决办法的可行表示怀疑,并 损害最终地位问题。
Settlements are illegal, they cast doubt on the viability of the two-State solution [...]
and prejudice the final status issues.
在这方面,一些委员都认为普遍存在着不愿接受根据接受某一协议的暗示 放弃,但还有一些委员对特别报告员在报告中的声 表示怀疑 , 特 别报告员声 称说,国家同意受国际协议的约束,规定对严重国际罪行的普遍管辖,或者将豁 [...]
In this regard, while some members agreed that there was a general reluctance to accept an implied waiver
based on the
[...] acceptance of an agreement, some doubts were expressed by others regarding the assertion [...]
by the Special Rapporteur
in his report that State’s consent to be bound by an international agreement establishing universal jurisdiction for grave international crimes or precluding immunity did not imply consent to the exercise of foreign criminal jurisdiction in respect of its officials, and therefore waiver of immunity.
一位发言者说, 虽然本国政府同意需要对规范和标准进行审议,评估是否需要使其与新的现实 保持一致,以便提供的技术援助更加重点突出,但 对 委 员会是否可以做更多 工表示怀疑。
One speaker said that although his Government had agreed on the need to take stock of the standards and norms in order to assess whether they needed to be brought in line with new realities, with a view to the
provision of more focused technical
[...] assistance, he expressed doubt as to whether much more could be done by the Commission.
例如, 他们就本专题而言是否应该将属人豁免扩大到外交部长和其他高级官员的问表 示怀疑,认 为这个问题仍然是一个未决问题,并证明有一种扩张的方法,恐怕会 引对委员 会的批评,即在呼吁限制豁免,加强问责和减少犯罪不究的时刻,委 员会却要扩大豁免。
For instance, doubt was expressed regarding whether immunity ratione personae should be extended to the foreign minister on the one hand and other high-level
officials on the
[...] other for the purposes of the topic, viewing the matter as a still open question, and evidencing an expansive approach, raising the spectre of criticism [...]
that the Commission
wished to expand immunity at a time when there was demand for limited immunity, more accountability and less impunity.
其他委对在本 届会议修改《规则》是否适 表示怀疑。
Other members doubted that it was desirable to amend the Rules of Procedure at the current session.
[...] 有自然资源,该主题事项需要更广泛的考察,但也表示有兴趣关注委员会的工作, 并为今后对该主题的考察提供支持;有的则保留关于结果的判断,期待在共有自 然资源工作组范围内编写的研究, 对 该 专题是否已具备编纂法规的成熟条表 示怀疑。
Some delegations were non-committal, either limiting themselves to noting that the subject matter required a more in-depth examination, given that oil and gas were natural resources that were frequently shared, while also expressing their interest in following the work of the Commission and providing support in the context of a future examination of the subject; or reserving judgement on the outcome and looking forward to the study to be prepared in the context of the Working
Group on shared natural
[...] resources, while nevertheless expressing doubts as to whether the topic was ripe for [...]
在这方面,有些委表示怀疑的是 :在不 援引一名官员的属事豁免或者除三巨头以外的官员的属人豁免之后,在诉讼阶段 [...]
In this regard, some members doubted that following the [...]
non-invocation of immunity ratione materiae of an official or immunity
ratione personae of an official other than the troika, immunity may be invoked when the proceedings were in the appeal stage.
因此,工作人员或许对道德操 守办公室提供切实保护的能 表示怀疑。
As a result, staff may be sceptical about the ability of the Ethics Office to provide [...]
meaningful protection.
关于从刑法典中删除任何巫术罪的提法,该代表 表示 , 巫 术是中部非洲 的现实,政府考虑了培对被怀疑实 施 巫术的妇女行使暴力的典狱长,并制定宣 传方案,纠正民众和司法系统的行为。
The Government envisaged training
[...] prison wardens who committed violence against women suspected of witchcraft and developing sensitization programmes [...]
to modify behaviours
of the population and of the justice system.
但是,对推动 WIPO-2 建议整体的各项方表示怀疑 的同时,信中表示,在保护政府间组织名称和缩略语方面有可能取得进展,因为国际法中已有现成的 依据。
However, while expressing doubts about the options for moving forward with the WIPO-2 Recommendations as a whole, the letter indicated that progress [...]
might be possible
with regard to the protection of names and acronyms of IGOs for which an established basis exists in international law.
另外一些人则担心它是否会限 制人们对研究成果的使用及利用,同时怀疑公共部门中研究项目的优先性可能会被扭曲,对专利 数量的增长是否意味着技术转让的加 表示怀疑。
For others, it raises concerns about the possible restriction of access to research findings or their utilisation by others; the possible distortion of research priorities in the
public sector, and as to
[...] whether the increase in patenting is a valid indicator of the acceleration of technology transfer.
半数的国内受访对资源 出口国以及采掘类公司 所公布的向政府支付资金信息的可靠 表示怀 疑。
Half of Chinese respondents questioned the reliability of the government payment information published by both host governments [...]
and extractive companies.
工发组织认为泡沫塑料行业的 消费量分布在大量中小型企业,并且从其结构来看难以在泡沫塑料行业实现持续削减量, 因对 2015 年之前在行业实现持续削减 表示怀疑。
UNIDO advised that the consumption in the foam sector is distributed among a high
number of small and
[...] medium-sized enterprises, and expressed doubt that sustainable reductions could be achieved by 2015 in a sector as difficult as the foam [...]
sector in terms of its structure.
以色列对撤出 14 B 区采取拖延行动,迫使黎巴对以色 列承诺执行这项决 议的诚意和安全理事会迫使以色列结束占领的程 表示怀疑。
Israel’s procrastination with regard to withdrawal from the area known as 14B compels us to question the sincerity of Israel’s commitment to implementation of that resolution and the extent to which the Security Council is capable of obliging that country to end its occupation.
秘书对氟氯 烃消费量的快速增长以及已安装设备的数 表示怀疑 , 按此数量计 算,巴林每户安装的窗式空调机的数量平均为 6.5 台。
The Secretariat queried the rapid growth in HCFC consumption and the number of installed equipment, resulting [...]
in an average
of 6.5 units of window AC per household.
虽然有人指出,关于条约监测机构评估保留允许性的准则草案填补了 1969 年《维也纳公约》存在的空白,但也有 对 在 《实践指南》中涉及就条约监督机 构的权力向各国提出的建议是否恰 表示怀疑。
While it was indicated that the draft guidelines on the assessment of the permissibility of reservations by treaty monitoring bodies filled an existing gap in the 1969 Vienna Convention, doubts were
raised as to the
[...] appropriateness of addressing, in the Guide to Practice, recommendations to States regarding the competences of treaty monitoring bodies.
有代表对是否需要保留提及“新独立国家”的条 表示怀疑 , 也 有代表团 认为,第 5 部分没有考虑适用白板规则的分离国所采取的立场。
While some doubts were expressed as to the continued need for provisions referring to “newly independent States”, the view was also expressed that Part 5 did not consider the position taken by separating States having applied the clean slate rule.
关于最后成果的形式,一些委对制 订可能随后被纳入一项公约的条款草 案的做表示怀疑;建 议拟订准则或原则草案,说明最佳做法。
As to the form of the final product, some members thought it doubtful that it lent itself to the framing of draft articles that might then be incorporated into a convention; the idea of drawing up draft guidelines or principles enunciating best practices was suggested.
一位代表一个区域集团发言的代表回顾了2009 年在德班审评会议对德班 宣言和行动纲领进行的全面审评,并就 对 制 定 一份宣言作为德班宣言和行动纲 领十周年纪念的一项成果文件是否有额外的价 表示怀疑。
A delegate speaking on behalf of a regional group recalled that a
[...] review of the DDPA had been undertaken in 2009 at the Durban Review Conference and, in this regard, expressed doubt about the added value of the formulation of a declaration as an outcome document of the commemoration [...]
tenth anniversary of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action.
其它几个会员 国对注重多国需求的努表示赞赏, 但 对 最 近 开展的一些制定战略的工作能否取得成果提出 了疑,因 为他们认为,其中很多战略计划没有全面反映会员国的需求或者没有体现现有的 地区和分地区的协调机制。
Several other Member States, while appreciating efforts to focus on cluster needs, questioned the results of strategic formulations [...]
undertaken in the recent past, many
of which did not, in their opinion, reflect the full range of Member States’ needs or existing regional and subregional coordination mechanisms.
第二位发言对地平 线扫描简报 会的效用表示同意,而第三位发言者则仍 表示怀疑 , 除非这些简报会的重点是 安理会议程上没有的事项,而且是安理会成员所愿意听取的,而不是就议程项目 宣读意见。
A second speaker agreed on the
usefulness of the
[...] horizon-scanning briefings, while a third expressed continuing scepticism unless the briefings focused on matters that were not [...]
on the
Council’s agenda and the members were willing to listen rather than simply pronounce on the items.




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