单词 | 对称 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 对称 adjective —asymmetric adjasymmetrical adj对称 noun, plural —symmetries plExamples:不对称 adj—asymmetrical 不对称 n—asymmetries pl 对称破缺—symmetry breaking (physics)
阿拉木 [...] 图行动纲领》是一项关键工具,可实现各成员国和 国际金融与发展机构之间更公平、更公正的关系, 以便克服因地理位置造成的不对称。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Almaty Programme of Action was a crucial tool for achieving a fairer and more equitable relationship between Member States and [...] international financial and development institutions, so as [...] to overcome the asymmetry imposed by geographical [...]situations. daccess-ods.un.org |
他进一步指出,各种族 群之间的不对称在数 代人之间越积越多,需要把区别对待视为实现公平的必要阶 段。 daccess-ods.un.org | He further made the [...] point that the asymmetry between racial [...]groups had accumulated incrementally over generations and that [...]differentiation needed to be considered as a necessary phase to achieve equity. daccess-ods.un.org |
此 外,施加的任何限制必须符合合理的目的,并必须在采用的手段与争取到达的目 的两者之间维持合理的对称关系。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, any limitation imposed has to pursue a [...] legitimate aim and keep a reasonable [...] relationship of proportionality between the means [...]employed and the aim sought to be achieved. daccess-ods.un.org |
规则明确的受监 [...] 管的贸易、充分认识各国能力和潜力的 不 对称 性并 加以真实的评估对世界经济都至关重要。 daccess-ods.un.org | Regulated trade with clear rules, a [...] recognition of asymmetries and a real assessment [...]of each country’s capacities and potential [...]were essential for the world’s economies. daccess-ods.un.org |
缸体是对称的,因此哪一端都可朝上。 graco.com | The cylinder is symmetrical so either end [...] can be the top. graco.com |
该病好发于手、腕、足等小关节,尤其是在关节软骨,反复发作, 呈 对称 分 布。 cn.iherb.com | Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that causes the immune system to begin attacking tissues, especially cartilage in the joints. iherb.com |
为追求优良的操作性及切屑的排出性,对于主轴采用了双刀 塔 对称 的 对称 结 构 、立式床身结构等。 moriseiki.com | In order to achieve excellent operability and chip disposal, [...] we used a symmetrical structure, in which the turrets are symmetrical in relation [...]to the spindle, and the bed is vertical. moriseiki.com |
我们的看法是地区和双边协议的优越性比制订多边标准要少得多。在多边标准中,虽然发 达国家和发展中国家谈判能力依然不 对称 , 但 数量上的优势和构建联盟的能力弥补了这一 点。 iprcommission.org | In our judgement, regional and bilateral agreements are much less preferable to the setting of multilateral standards, where the negotiating capabilities of [...] developed and developing countries [...] although remaining asymmetrical, are counterbalanced [...]by numerical advantage and the ability to build alliances. iprcommission.org |
贸发会议的培训法官方案研究信息不 对称 问 题 ,参加课程的法官 们作出了积极的反馈,高度评价对竞争案件经济分析的讨论。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNCTAD’s training-of-judges programmes address the problem of [...] information asymmetry, and the judges [...]who participated in the courses have provided [...]positive feedback and have appreciated the discussions on the economic analysis of competition cases. daccess-ods.un.org |
HUBER+SUHNER BNO双轴连接器是双插针卡口连接器(与 BNC 的卡口锁止机制相同),用于具有 75 Ω 到 130 Ω 阻抗的对称双导体电缆中。 hubersuhner.com | HUBER+SUHNER BNO twin connectors are two pin bayonet coupled (same bayonet locking mechanism as BNC) connectors for use with balanced twin-conductor cables with 75 Ω to 130 Ω impedance. hubersuhner.com |
在这一方面,我希望重申巴勒斯坦的坚定立场,占领国和被占领人民之间绝 对没有任何对称性或相称性,因此,我们拒绝任何将占领国以色列对巴勒斯坦人 民所实施的军事侵略和犯罪与巴勒斯坦方面可能实施的行动等同起来的做法。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this regard, I wish to reiterate Palestine’s firm position that there is absolutely no symmetry or proportionality between the occupying Power and the occupied people and thus our rejection of any equating of the military aggression and crimes committed by Israel, the occupying Power, against the Palestinian people with actions that may have been committed by the Palestinian side. daccess-ods.un.org |
国际移徙主要是国际体系当中的不 对称 现 象所导致,只要不 更公平地分配个人机会和发展机会,加以纠正,国际移徙就将继续存在。 daccess-ods.un.org | International migration is largely a [...] consequence of the asymmetries in the international [...]system and will persist as long as [...]they are not corrected through a fairer distribution of individual and development opportunities. daccess-ods.un.org |
朴实的外表下暗藏着令人惊喜的功能与效果:由一个恒温龙头、两个开关阀及一个 不 对称 花洒 喷头组成的雅生·奇特里奥 M淋浴解决方案提供无限可能。 hansgrohe.com.cn | A reserved exterior harbours a refreshing function and effect: the Axor Citterio M shower solution [...] comprising a thermostat, two shut-off [...] valves and the asymmetrical shower head is [...]only one of many possible combinations. hansgrohe.hr |
发展中国家,特别是受 [...] 知识产权保护产品的贫穷消费国的谈判地位较低,发达国家与发展中国家的基本 不 对称关 系的最终根源是他们的经济实力。 iprcommission.org | There is a [...] fundamental asymmetry in relationships [...]between developed and developing countries, based ultimately on their relative economic strength. iprcommission.org |
使用 SMPS 使功放完美调节的 对称电源 电压比传统功放的电源更加稳定和高效。 camcoaudio.com | Using SMPS, the [...] seamlessly regulated symmetrical supply voltages [...]of the power amplifier are more stable and efficient than [...]the power supplies used in conventional amplifiers. camcoaudio.com |
此外,保留国遵从它提出保留的那项条约规定、采 取 对称 行 动 , 也不一定验证所拟议的推定,因为各国可能出于涉及其内部部门分配的某些原因 而需要作出保留,但实践中一般仍遵从有关义务。 daccess-ods.un.org | Further, even actions by a reserving State to act consistently with a treaty provision on which it has formulated a reservation do not necessarily validate the proposed presumption, as States may take a reservation for certain reasons related to their internal allocation of authorities, but in practice still generally act consistently with the relevant obligations. daccess-ods.un.org |
鉴于有报道称对指称强迫绝育案件的一系列 起诉现已中止,而当局却否认公立医院中存在强迫施行绝育手术情况,这不能不 令人担忧。 daccess-ods.un.org | The authorities’ denial of cases of forced sterilizations in public hospitals was worrying in the light of reports of a series of halted prosecutions into cases of alleged forced sterilizations. daccess-ods.un.org |
肖特基势垒整流二极管 - AVX [...] 的肖特基整流二极管采用独特的无引线芯片封装技术,取消了引线框架线键合,从而使芯片上 下 对称 , 减少了安装问题,提高了传热和电流处理能力(与 [...]SOD 器件比较)。 digikey.cn | Schottky Barrier Rectifier Diode - AVX's Schottky rectifier diodes offer unique lead-less chip packaging technology which [...] eliminates the lead frame wire bond to give the [...] chip top-bottom symmetry for fewer mounting [...]problems, better heat transfer, and [...]current handling capability (compared to SOD devices). digikey.ca |
这种交流对于我国来说特别重要, 因为土耳其位于各种常规威胁和非 对称 威 胁 的交汇 点,这些威胁笼罩着从巴尔干到中东、从黑海到地中 [...] 海、从高加索到中亚的广大地区。 daccess-ods.un.org | This exchange has proven to be particularly important for my country, since Turkey is [...] situated at the crossroads of a host of [...] conventional and asymmetrical risks and threats [...]dominating a vast geography ranging [...]from the Balkans to the Middle East, from the Black Sea and the Mediterranean to the Caucasus and Central Asia. daccess-ods.un.org |
其中大多数归功于康采维奇,从1994年他最初提出了同调镜 像 对称 猜 想 开始,他不但重新回顾了最初的构想,而且对“什么是镜 像 对称” 这 个数学问题给出了更清晰的概念性的回答。 shawprize.org | Many of these are due to Kontsevich, who, [...] beginning with his 1994 [...] “homological mirror symmetry conjecture”, keeps revisiting the original formulation to provide clearer conceptual answers to the mathematical question “What is mirror symmetry? shawprize.org |
委员会还注意到提 交人的如下诉称:对他的关押采用的是与他最初刑期相同的监管制度。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also notes that the author’s claim that he was detained under the same prison regime as for his initial prison term. daccess-ods.un.org |
这证明了声称对朝鲜 民主主义人民共和国“不怀敌意”的美国政府在言词和 行动上大相径庭。 daccess-ods.un.org | This points to the unjustifiable discrepancy between the words and the deeds of the United States administration that claims to have “no hostile intent”. daccess-ods.un.org |
首先选取“总分”数据的单元格区域H4-H13,然后单击菜单中的“插入/名称/定义”,在弹出“定义 名 称 ” 对 话 框 中的“当前工作簿名称”一栏中输入或修改名称为“总分”,在“引用位置”一栏中显示刚才选取的单元格区域H3-H16(当然也可以单击其右侧的“折叠按钮”重新选取单元格区域),然后按“确定”退出。 oapdf.com | First, select the "Total" data range of the H4-H13, and then click menu "Insert/Name/definition of" in the pop-up "the definition of the name" dialog box that "the current workbook name" column input or modify the name to "Total" in the "reference position" column shows the range just select the H3-H16 (of course, you can click to the right of the "collapse button" re-select the range), and then press "OK" to exit. oapdf.com |
马来西亚-越南联合提交的文件实质上将南海南部分给 了这两个国家,而菲律宾也称对该地区部分区域拥有主 权,中国则称对该地 区的绝大部分拥有主权。 crisisgroup.org | The Malaysia-Vietnam joint submission effectively split the southern [...] section of the South China [...] Sea between the two nations, an area also claimed in part by the Philippines and in large [...]part by China. crisisgroup.org |
19.9 至于对正在进行的试点项目是否得到正确地评估的问题,秘书处代表答 复 称 , 对项 目 进行评估的时间为时过早,但将对这些项目进行紧密跟综和严密监测,教育部门也确保他 们将根据各自项目的目标来传播其结果。 unesdoc.unesco.org | 19.9 As regards the question on whether the ongoing pilots have been properly evaluated, the response was that it is too early for evaluation but that the projects are closely followed up and monitored, and that the Education Sector is making sure that they deliver on the results stated in the objectives of the respective projects. unesdoc.unesco.org |
倡导和完成产业标准能够对消费者产生巨大的利益,包括鼓励创新、统一 产品、互操作性、提高产品寿命、降低标准产品的开发费用、效率、消费者选 [...] 择、通过专家对相互竞争解决办法的比较而 据 称对 消 费者提供更高质量的产品、 由于降低了标准化产品进入市场壁垒而增加了竞争,降低将产品引入特定市场的 [...]营销成本,有利于公共健康和安全。 daccess-ods.un.org | The promotion and completion of industry standards can provide significant benefits for consumers; these include incentives for innovation, product uniformity, interoperability, longer-life products, lower development costs for [...] standards-based products, efficiency, [...] consumer choice, allegedly higher-quality [...]products for consumers as a result of expert [...]comparisons of competing solutions, increased competition because of lower barriers to entering a specific market with standardized products, lower marketing costs for bringing products to a particular market, and the fostering of public health and safety. daccess-ods.un.org |
1975年,西班牙结束对西撒哈拉的统治,此后,摩洛哥和波利萨里奥阵线之间爆发战斗,摩洛哥 声 称对 领 土拥有主权,波利萨里奥阵线则谋求举行全民投票 ,为西撒哈拉人民争取自决权。 un.org | Following the end of Spanish administration over Western Sahara in 1975, fighting erupted between Morocco, claiming sovereignty over the territory, and the Frente POLISARIO, seeking a referendum for self-determination of the people of Western Sahara. un.org |
冈比亚还报告称,它 继 续开展合作,在受影响地区的社区进行雷险教育,而且拥有一支训练有素、装备 完善的人道主义排雷队,时刻准备应 对 任 何 紧急情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | Gambia also reported that it continues in collaborate to deliver mine risk education in communities in the affected areas and has a well trained and fully equipped humanitarian demining team which is always ready to respond to any [...] emergencies. daccess-ods.un.org |
同样,《日内瓦进度报告》也回顾称 , 缔 约国还在卡塔赫纳首 脑会议上强调,如果没有可持续的筹资方法,支助股只能大幅减少提供的服务, 这无疑将对执行进程产生不利影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | As well, the Geneva Progress Report recalled that at the Cartagena Summit, the States Parties also highlighted that, without a sustainable means of financing, the ISU will have to drastically reduce its service offerings, which no doubt would adversely affect the implementation process. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管他们尚未声称对此举 正式负责——这恰好 说明那些卷入者的本性——众所周知,责任人正是目 [...] 前的军队领导人,具体来说是以武装部队参谋长 Antonio Indjai 中将为首的军队领导人。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although [...] they have not claimed official responsibility [...]for this action — a perfect illustration of the nature of those involved [...]— as is well known to all, the current military leadership are the perpetrators, headed specifically by the Chief of Staff of the armed forces, Lieutenant General Antonio Indjai. daccess-ods.un.org |