

单词 对症发药

See also:


suit the medicine to the illness
prescribe the right cure for an illness
correct diagnosis

External sources (not reviewed)

一个代表团建议更多地注意塔吉克斯坦最近 发 的 小 儿麻 症 、 由 药 物注 射引起的艾滋病毒/艾滋病病例数目上升以及教育青少年了解药物使用的危险,对本区域的儿童构成威胁。
One delegation recommended that increased attention
be paid to the recent
[...] outbreak of polio in Tajikistan, the rise in the number of HIV/AIDS cases resulting from drug injection, and educating adolescents on the dangers of drug use, a threat to the [...]
region’s children.
伪药造成公共健 康风险,可能带来严重的健康后果,如因 药 品 中 缺乏活性成分而增加患者的 痛苦,由于有毒素而带来严重或致命的 发症 , 还 可能导 对 国 家 保健系统缺 乏丧失信心。
They may have severe health consequences, such as increased
[...] suffering of patients owing to a lack of active ingredients in medication, severe or fatal complications resulting from the presence of toxins in the medication.
这些发现提示了一种可能性,即发 生 这 一变化时所产生的分子可能是生物标记物,这些生物标记物会反映病 对 治 疗 产生的可能的响应,或者它们可作为新的 症药 物 标 靶。
The findings hint at the
[...] possibility that the molecules produced during this change could be biomarkers that reflect a patient’s likely response to treatment or that serve as targets for new cancer drugs, according to the authors.
对于成年人、风险群体及慢性疾病患者的医疗服务,总体上包括评估健康 状况及风险因素,提供健康生活方式建议,检测健康问题及评估期临床分期,根 据病患情况对其进行医疗跟踪对患 有 多种 症 及 服 用多 药 物 的 病患进行关注 及跟踪,并根据情况,对其病症向 病患或其看护提供健康信息及建议。
In general terms, care for adults, risk groups and chronically sick persons consists of assessment of the state of health and risk factors, advice on healthy lifestyles, the detection of health problems and assessment of their clinical status, referral of patients for clinical follow-up appropriate
to their condition,
[...] care and follow-up for persons receiving more than one course of medicine or suffering from more than one illness and the provision of health [...]
information and
health advice on the illness, and the precise nature of the care required, to the patient or the carer as appropriate.
医学研究 – 合作研究项目促进了众多领域的发展,比如绘制大脑的神经元连接与大脑功能图以研究多发性硬化,研发治疗退行性疾病的革 药 物 , 并 对 新 研 发 的 糖 尿病及其前 症 状 的 药 物 进 行临床试验。
medical research – joint projects have led to advances in areas such as mapping brain connections and function for studying multiple sclerosis, innovative new therapeutic substances for degenerative conditions, and clinical trials of potential treatments for diabetes and pre-diabetes conditions.
对人类还缺乏这方面的研究[43, 44] ,但目前治疗症的药物多 产生副作用,比如 发 胃 溃 疡或心脏病问题,为了预防这种情 发 生 , 人们正积 对 白 藜 芦醇及其类似物展开进一步的研究。
43, 44] Human studies are lacking but given that the current drug options either have significant side effects such as stomach ulcers or heart problems, Resveratrol and its analogues are being actively pursued in [...]
further studies.
对药品提供专利保护的最发达 国家应当慎重考虑如何利用《多哈宣言》修订本国的 立法。
Those LDCs which already provide pharmaceutical protection should [...]
consider carefully how to amend their legislation to take
advantage of the Doha Declaration.
最后,哥伦比亚政府再次重申,它已决定继续采 取有效措施,以便监测和评估疫情发展,防止疫情蔓 延,促进及早诊断,减少艾滋病发 病 例 和抗逆转录 病药物抗药症状, 并改善艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染者 的生活质量。
To conclude, the Government of Colombia once again reiterates its decision to continue to take effective measures to monitor and assess the epidemic’s development, prevent its spread, promote early diagnosis, reduce the number of early onset AIDS cases and of resistance to antiretroviral medicine, and improve the quality of life of those living with HIV/AIDS.
ChemDiv和COARE在这个项目上开展的合作将会为那些目前还没有有效治 药 物 的 癌 症发 现 新 的疗法, 对 此 感 到非常兴奋。
I am very excited that the collaboration between ChemDiv and COARE on this
program will allow for discovery of new ways to
[...] treat a panel of cancers, for which there currently is no effective medicine.
其中包括第 54/5 号决议,题为“促进 以康复和重返社会为导向的战略, 对药 物 滥用 病 症 及 其 后果,增进个人、家 庭和社区的健康和社会福祉”;以及第 54/13 号决议,题为“实现注射吸毒者和 其他吸毒者艾滋病毒新感染发生率 ”。
These include resolutions 54/5, entitled “Promoting rehabilitation- and
[...] strategies in response to drug use disorders and their consequences that are directed at promoting health and social well-being among individuals, families and communities”, and resolution 54/13, entitled “Achieving zero new infections of [...]
HIV among injecting drug
users and other drug users”.
提倡健康饮食和运动、接种乙型肝炎疫苗、增加对过度暴晒危险的了 解,以对酒精饮料征税来减少消费量等均为可降低 症发 病 率 的措施。
Promoting healthier diets and exercise; vaccinating against hepatitis B; increasing awareness about the dangers of excessive sun
exposure, and taxing
[...] alcoholic beverages to reduce consumption are all measures that can reduce the incidence of cancer.
为了加强家庭教育和社区动员(世界卫生组织预计,通过家庭教育和社会动 员可确保发症发病率 、产妇死亡率和新生儿死亡率下降 30%),2006 年在“为 了一个健康活泼的孩子”的主题下,开展 对 未 来 母亲和子女的“全国宣传活 动”。
In order to strengthen the education of the
family and
[...] mobilisation of the community, which according to the WHO estimates may reduce the ratio of complications and maternal and neonatal deaths with 30%, in 2006 the National Communication Campaign [...]
was launched
on the future mothers and children under the title of “for a Handsome and Healthy Child”.
这名被拘留的老人当时 非常焦虑,他担心会因为没有治疗用 药 物 会 引起 发症。
The detainee was in a state of
extreme distress, fearing that he could
[...] suffer medical complications because he was not taking the drugs prescribed for him.
已 围绕下列假设做过研究:(a)
[...] 细胞和组织对低剂量辐射的适应性可使它 对 癌症 的发展更 具抵抗力(适应性反应);(b) 辐射对免疫系统的影响——免疫系统负责 [...]
识别并摧毁异常细胞——可影响癌症发展的可能性;以及(c) 辐射可产生变化, 从而对细胞
DNA 的稳定产生持久的、可传递的影响(基因组不稳定性),并且(或 者)激发从受损细胞向未受损的邻界细胞传送信号(旁观者效应);基因不稳定 和旁观者效应被认为是改变辐射相关癌症风险的可能因素。
There have been studies relating to the following hypotheses: (a) that adaptation of cells and tissues to low
doses of radiation might cause them to
[...] become more resistant to cancer development (adaptive [...]
response); (b) that the effects
of radiation on the immune systems, which recognize and destroy abnormal cells, could influence the likelihood of cancer development; and (c) that radiation can produce changes that create long-lasting and transmissible effects on the stability of cellular DNA (genomic instability) and/or trigger the transfer of signals from damaged cells to their undamaged neighbours (bystander effects); both genomic instability and bystander effects have been suggested as possible factors that modify radiation-associated cancer risk.
通过了解镰状细胞性贫血、所药物 和 生 活方式的相关知识,您可以减轻甚至不会 出现疼痛发作和其他发症。
By learning about
[...] sickle cell anemia, your medicines and lifestyle, you can decrease or even not have pain episodes and other complications.
例如,某项研 究需对两类 患者的健康和康复状况加以比较,一类为服用某 药 物 的 患者,另一类 为服用治疗同样症的不同药物的 患者。
For example, a research study may involve comparing the health and recovery of patients who receive one medication to those who receive another for the same condition.
但这种援对发展中国家并不是万 药 : 首 先,这种援 助没有保证;其次,由于资源有限,其它重要事项可能会变得更加紧迫;其三,这种援助 [...]
But such assistance is not a panacea for developing countries: it [...]
can never be guaranteed; resources are limited and other
priorities may be more pressing; and it is mainly available only for one-time investment costs, rather than for financing a recurrent deficit in operating budgets.
(g) 通过充分利用《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》的各项条款促进人人可 以获得药物( 这些条款规定了在此方面的灵活性) ,同时认识到知识产权保对开 发新药的重要性以及人们就对药品 价格的影响的关注
(g) To promote access to medicines for all, including through the use, to the full, of the provisions of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, which provide flexibility for that purpose, recognizing that the protection of
intellectual property is
[...] important for the development of new medicines as well as the concerns about its effects [...]
on prices
尽管无法治愈并具有潜在致命危险,各种类型的糖尿病都可以通过治疗来减少上述 发症 的 产 生,比如选择正确的生活方式、保持健康的体重及使用某 药 物。
Although incurable and potentially deadly, all types of diabetes can be manageable to minimize the complications mentioned above, through a combination of correct lifestyle choices, maintaining a healthy body weight and medication.
在 2012/13 年度期间,将集中在以下地区进行排雷活动:在确定对特派团行 动有重要影响的区域如直升机着陆场和观察哨所清理和销毁地雷和战争遗留爆 炸物;清理原有的地雷和战争遗留爆炸物;清理未爆 药 ; 对 已 确 定的高度优先 地区进行危险区探测;核实和清理巡逻和补给路线以及特派团确定的任何其他路 线;发生重 新布雷或跨边界事件之后协助进行调查;协调人道主义扫雷活动并 保证质量。
During the 2012/13 period, the focus of demining activities will be in the following areas: clearance and destruction of landmines and explosive remnants of war in areas identified as being of operational importance to the mission, including helicopter landing sites and observation posts; clearance of existing mines and explosive remnants of war; clearance of unexploded ordnance; hazardous area survey of identified high priority areas; verification and clearance of patrol and resupply routes, as well as any other routes as identified by the mission; assistance in investigations following re-mining or cross border incidents; and coordination and quality assurance of all humanitarian mine clearance.
一些疾病在不同年龄事都可能表现出初期症状,应尽早检测出这些疾 病并且给予专业治疗,从而使儿童获益,例如应尽早检测代谢疾病、 听力损失、髋关发育不 良、隐睾症、斜视、视力问题、青春 发育 问 题、肥胖、自闭症、注意力缺陷及多 症 , 对 于 有 生理残疾或心理 残疾的儿童进行检测及跟踪治疗,对于患有慢性疾病儿童进行跟踪治 疗。
Detection of health problems (with ab initio presentation at the different ages) which may benefit from early detection coordinated with specialist care by means of activities designed to ensure early detection of metabolopathies, hypoacusis, displasia of the hip joint, cryptorchidism, strabism, vision problems, puberal development problems, obesity, autism and attention deficiency and hyperactivity disorders, and also identification and monitoring of children with physical and psychological disabilities and chronic diseases
其中包 括认识一般人群中间非法药物使用的总体情况:药物使用 症 、 药 物 依 赖和问 题药物使用的程度;治疗需求所反映的药物使用造成的健康后果,以及关于药 物相发病率 (例如艾滋病毒和其他血液传播感染)和非法药物使用者的死亡 率的信息。
This includes understanding the
[...] extent of illicit drug use among the general population; the extent of drug use disorders, drug dependence and problem drug use; and the health consequences of drug use, [...]
as reflected in demand
for treatment and information on drug-related morbidity (e.g. HIV and other blood-borne infections) and mortality among illicit drug users.
关于所涵盖的事项,联合王国赞同条约范围包括所有常规武器,至少包括有 人或无人操控的武器;坦克;其他军事车辆;火炮系统;军用飞机和直升机;载 有武器或军事装备的水面和水下海军舰只;制导或非制导导弹和导弹系统;小武 器和轻武器;地雷和其他爆炸装置;供上述任何武器使用的 药 ; 对 上 述 任何武 器特别或专门设计的零件或部件; 发 展 、 制造或维护上述任何武器而特别和专 门设计和使用的技术和设备。
Regarding items to be covered, the United Kingdom agrees that the scope of the treaty should include all conventional weapons, including, at a minimum, manned or unmanned weapons; tanks; other military vehicles; artillery systems; military aircraft and helicopters; surface and submarine naval vessels armed or equipped for military use; missiles and missile systems, guided or unguided; small arms and light
weapons; mines and other
[...] explosive devices; munitions for use with any of the above; parts or components specially and exclusively designed for any of the above; and technology and equipment specially and exclusively designed and used to develop, manufacture [...]
or maintain any of the above.
8发 展中 国家,基础设施不足是个重要的问题,可能意味着即使是低价药品也被闲置或误用,并 导对药品有 抵抗力的病原体或病毒产生。
Even so the cost of drugs is a
[...] controversial political issue in developed countries, for governments and for patients not covered by effective state or insurance schemes.8 In developing countries, inadequacy of the infrastructure is an important problem, and may mean that even inexpensive medicines are not used, or that they may be misused and contribute to the emergence of drug resistant pathogens [...]
or a virus.




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